2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修4.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 Working the land 阅读理解(2018重庆模拟)The first potatoes were grown by the Incas of South America, more than 400 years ago. Their descendants(后代) in Ecuador and Chile continue to grow the vegetable as high as 14,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains. (Thats higher than any other food will grow.) Early Spanish and English explorers shipped potatoes to Europe, and they found their way to North America in the early 1600s.People eat potatoes in many waysbaked, mashed, and roasted, to name just three. However, in the United States most potatoes are eaten in the form of French fries. One fastfood chain alone sells more than $1 billion worth of fries each year. No wonder, then, that the pany pays particular attention to the way its fries are prepared.Before any fry makes it to the people who eat at these popular restaurants,it must pass many separate tests. Fail any one of these tests and the potato is rejected. To start with, only Russet Burbank potatoes are used. These Idaho potatoes have less water content than other kinds, which can have as much as 80 percent water. Once cut into “shoestrings” shapes,the potatoes are partly fried in a secret blend of oils, sprayed with liquid sugar to brown them, steam dried at high heat, then flash frozen for shipment to individual restaurants.Before shipping,every shoestring is measured. Forty percent of a batch must be between two and three inches long. Another 40 percent has to be over three inches. What about the 20 percent that are left in the batch? Well, a few short fries in a bag are okay,it seems.So,now that you realize the enormous size and value of the potato crop, you can understand why most people agree that this part of the food industry is no “small potatoes”【解题导语】本文介绍了土豆被引进美国的历史及炸薯条在美国食物产业中举足轻重的地位。1Potatoes in North America came directly from AChileBEuropeCEcuadorDthe Andes MountainsB解析:细节理解题。根据文中第一段最后一句可知,北美最早的土豆来自欧洲。故选B项。2Why does the pany pay special attention to the way the fries are prepared?ABecause selling fries is a big business.BBecause fries are not easy to prepare at all.CBecause Americans are particular about fries.DBecause the government has a strict rule for that.A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的One fastfood chain alone sells more than $1 billion worth of fries each year. No wonder, then, that the pany pays particular attention to the way its fries are prepared.可知,在美国,炸薯条是个很大的行业,所以会被特殊关注。故选A项。3In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to say Asmall potatoes cannot be used for friesBpotatoes are really important for AmericansCeating in America is the very first thingDfries are really important for food industryD解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的内容this part of the food industry is no “small potatoes”可知,在美国,炸薯条在食品产业中不是“小土豆”(无足轻重的东西),由此可推测,炸薯条在食品产业中占有重要的地位。故选D项。4What is the main idea of this passage?AThe average American eats 50 pounds of potatoes a year.BFrench fries are made from potatoes.CPotato is a key vegetable in America.DThe various terms for potatoes have a long history.C解析:主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,在美国,土豆可以有多种吃法,尤其是炸薯条,深受人们的欢迎,也因此带来了强大的商业利润,在食品产业中占有重要地位。因此,本文的主旨是,在美国土豆是很重要的蔬菜。故选C项。 七选五(2018山西八校第一次联考)Selfconfident people face their fears headon and they know that no matter what obstacles e their way,they have the ability to get past them.Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what?You can.1. Stay away from negativity.2 This is a tough one,but its time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence.Even a temporary break from Debbie Downer can make a huge difference and help you move toward more selfconfidence.Be positive.Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running,excited to begin your next project. 3. Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.Dont accept failure.Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.4. Make this your new mantra(真言)Succeeding in a difficult or unpleasant situation is a huge confidence booster(激励)5 Learn everything there is to know about your field,job,presentationwhatever is next on your“to conquer”list.If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up,your selfconfidence will rise very quickly.ABe prepared.BCreate a great list.CGet out of your fort zone.DStop focusing on the problems in your life.ETherefore,why would you want to stop trying?FHeres how you can learn to be confident of all you do.GEvaluate your inner circle,including friends and family.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了提高自信的一些方法。1F解析:根据空前的“Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what?You can.”及下文罗列的内容可知,此处需填一个承上启下的句子,故F项“这是你可以学会对你所做的所有事情感到自信的方法。”符合语境。2. G解析:根据小标题“Stay away from negativity.”以及G项中的“friends and family”与空后句子中的“those individuals”的对应关系可知,G项符合语境。3D解析:根据小标题“Be positive.”及空后的“Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.”可知,空处所填内容与其后面的内容之间存在转折关系,故D项“不要再关注你生活中的问题。”符合语境。4E解析:根据空前的“Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.”可知,空处所填内容与上文存在因果关系,故E项“因此,你为什么想要放弃努力呢?”符合语境。5A解析:根据最后一段中的内容尤其是“If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up.”可知,本段介绍的提高自信的方法是要做好准备,故A项符合语境。 语法填空Helping a person forget something is rarely easy, especially if the “something” is hurtful or negative. Use some simple techniques to distract from the issue and 1. (hope) with time going by, the person wont be able to remember 2. he is supposed to forget.Remove all the items that may bring back the memory. Any small objects can jog his memory, so carefully replace any photos, diaries or any other 3. (person) objects or presents with new items.Change the subject whenever your friend brings it up. Dont do this in 4. obvious way because this is annoying, but do it without his awareness of your 5. (intend). Tell some 6. (amuse) stories or talk about important and happy events in your friends life such as a new nephew or a work promotion.Occupy him with 7. (activity) and appointments. Keeping him too busy 8. (think) about the past helps him see a positive light. Create a full schedule and introduce new things and experiences, such as a cooking class, which require concentration.Be patient and allow time to get over things. It will be often a long time 9. your friend fully removes that memory, so dont be 10. (disappoint) if it doesnt happen immediately.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了帮助他人忘掉不快乐的记忆的四条建议。1hopefully解析:考查副词。空处修饰后面的整个句子,故用副词形式。2what解析:考查宾语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作动词forget的宾语,故用what引导该宾语从句,表示随着时间流逝,这个人就不会记得他应当忘记的事情了。3personal解析:考查形容词。空处修饰名词objects,故用形容词形式。句意:任何小物件都能唤起记忆,所以小心地用新物品替换任何照片、日记或其他个人的物品或礼物。4an解析:考查冠词。不要以一种明显的方式做这件事,因为这很烦人。该处表示“一种明显的方式”,表示泛指,故用不定冠词;obvious的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。5intention解析:考查名词。根据空前的形容词性物主代词your可知,该处用名词形式。句意:不要以明显的方式来做这件事情,因为这很烦人,但要在他(朋友)没有意识到你的意图的情况下做这件事情。6amusing解析:考查形容词。根据空后的名词stories可知,空处修饰该名词,故用形容词形式amusing。句意:讲一些有趣的故事,或者谈谈你朋友的生活中重要和快乐的事情,比如刚出生的侄子或者工作晋升。7activities解析:考查名词复数。根据该句中的“and appointments”可知,空处与此并列,应用名词的复数形式。句意:使他忙于活动和约会。8to think解析:考查固定搭配。too.to.为固定搭配,意为“太而不能”。句意:让他忙得无法想起往事,这有助于让他看到积极之光。9before解析:考查连词。句意:通常很长的一段时间之后,你的朋友才会完全忘掉这段记忆,所以如果他没有马上忘掉这段记忆,你不要失望。It will be一段时间before.表示“多久之后才”,故用连词before。10disappointed解析:考查形容词。空处所在句为祈使句,系动词be后接形容词,且修饰人,故用disappointed。 短文改错(2018山师大附中模拟)Jinan is facing seriously traffic problems. Too much cars travel on the roads. This heavy traffic causes delays and the plenty of air pollution. Besides Jinan, many cities in China have traffic problems and Beijing is the worse one. One of the reason why there is so much traffic is because only a small number of people use public transportation.In my opinion, one way to solve the traffic problems was to encourage people to make use public transportation systems. For example, people can take buses instead of drive cars. Meanwhile, the government should take measures to make them more reliable and convenient to travel by bus.答案:Jinan is facing traffic problems. Too cars travel on the roads. This heavy traffic causes delays and plenty of air pollution. Besides Jinan, many cities in China have traffic problems and Beijing is the one. One of the why there is so much traffic is only a small number of people use public transportation.In my opinion, one way to solve the traffic problems to encourage people to make use public transportation systems. For example, people can take buses instead of cars. Meanwhile, the government should take measures to make more reliable and convenient to travel by bus.

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