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.必修 5 Unit 3 Life in the future未来的生活晨读记忆An Air CrashI was a previoustypist in a post office. Because I couldnt tolerate typing any more postage bills or postcodes on a typewriter every day, I resigned. With a greedy motivation of making big money, I took up working as a business representative for the G.E Ecology Company, which produced goods by recycling useful materials from our dustbins. My new job left me good impressions in many aspects except that the working timetable was full of traveling by jets.Once, when speeding up, our jet was swallowed by a thunderstorm, which destroyed our GPS receiver and made us lose sight of the directions. A constantly flashing light showed that our jet was in danger. A steward instantly asked us to put on masks and fasten the safety belts, and then pressed a button to switch on the escaping capsule. It slid sideways out of the opening at once and landed in a desert area safely. Lacking food and tablets, we were nervous and uncertain at first. But we all kept optimistic and made good adjustment to the situation. We swept up the surrounding mud to make our settlement and were back on our feet soon. Finally, guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some local citizens came by carriages and saved us.飞机失事我以前是一家邮局的打字员,因为忍受够了每天在打字机上打邮资账单或邮政编码,我辞了职。带着想挣大钱的贪婪动机,我开始给一家叫 G.E 生态公司的企业当商务代表,这家公司通过回收我们垃圾箱里的有用材料生产商品。我的新工作在多方面都给了我很好的印象,除了一点:乘飞机旅行挤满了我的工作时间表。有一次,我们的喷气飞机在加速时被一场雷暴吞没,不仅损坏了 GPS 信号接收器,还使我们看不见方向。一盏持续闪亮的灯说明我们的飞机正处在危险中。一名乘务员立刻让我们戴上面罩、系牢安全带,接着按下一枚按钮 打开逃生仓电源,逃生仓马上侧着滑出出口,安全降落在一片荒凉的地区。因为缺少食品和药品,我们一开始都又紧张又心里没底,但是我们都保持乐观,做好调整适应这一新境况。我们打扫干净周围的泥土,安顿下来,很快就恢复过来。最后,在我们坠机烟雾的指引下,一些当地的居民搭乘马车到来,我们都获救了。I.单词盘点1._(n.) 方面;层面2._(n.) 印象;感想;印记_(vt.) 使印象深刻;铭记 _(adj.) 给人印象深刻的3._(adj.) 时常发生的;连续不断的 _(adv.) 不断地4._(n.) 喷气式飞机 5._(adj.) 在前的;早先的 6._ (adj.) 不确切的;无把握的 _(adj.) 确切的;确定的.7._(n.) 指导;向导;导游(vt.)指引;指导8._(n.) 药片 9._(n.) 太空舱;胶囊10. _(n.) 乘务员;服务员 _(n.) 女乘务员11._(n.) (出入的)通路;开口;开端 12. _(adv.) 往(向、从)一侧;侧着;侧面朝前13._(n.) 周围的事物;环境 _(adj.) 周围的14._(vt.) 容忍;忍受 15._(vt.&vi.) 缺乏;没有(n.)缺乏;短缺的东西 16. _(n.) 调整;调节 _(vt.) (改变以)适应,调整,校正17._(n.) 面具;面罩;伪装18._ (n.) 运输工具;四轮马车;客车 19._(vt新闻 20. _(vt. ) 系牢;扎牢21. _(n.) 腰带;皮带 22._ (vt.) 使闪光;使闪现 23._(n.) 开关;转换(vt.) 转换24._(n.) 时间表;时刻表 25._(adj.) 乐观(主义)的_(adj.) 悲观(主义)的26._(n.) 泥(浆) 27._(n.) 沙漠;荒原28._(n.) 公民;居民;市民 29._(n.) 打字员 _(n.) 打字机_(vt.) 打字30._(n.) 邮资31._(n.) 邮政编码 32. _(n.) 纽扣;按钮33. _(n.) 瞬间;片刻 (adj.)立即的;立刻的34 ._(n.) 接受者;接收器;电话听筒 35._(n.) 垃圾箱36._(n.) 生态;生态学37._(adj.) 贪婪的;贪吃的;贪心的38._(vt.) 吞下;咽下39._(n.) 材料;原料40._(vt.) 回收利用;再利用41._(n.) 货物42._(n.) 代表;典型人物(adj.) 典型的;有代表性的43._(n.) 定居;解决44._(n.) 动机II.短语回顾1.拿起;接受;开始;继续 _2.(困境后)恢复;完全复原 _3.看不见 _4.打扫;横扫 _ 5.(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进 _6.加速 _7.对感到乐观 _8.向四面八方 _9.与相似 _10.带某人参观 _III.句式扫描.1.Which problem do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years?(教材 P17)你认为在未来的一千年里人们将克服什么困难?2.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.(教材 P18)开始的时候,新环境让我难以忍受。3.Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.(教材 P18)由于缺乏新鲜空气,我头疼。4. However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.(教材 P18)可是, 当我们 到达一个看上去像大市场的地方时,由于太 多车子朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。5.Arriving at a strange-looking house,he showed me into a large,bright clean room.(教材 P18)到了一幢看上去很奇怪的房子里,他把我带到一个明亮而洁净的大房间。6.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast sleep.(教材 P18)由于我感到精疲力尽,爬上床很快就睡着了。7.Well, now there is a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.(教材 P22)那么,现在有一种装置,能利用生态学来处理掉废弃物。IV.小试牛刀.单词填空1.The fathers satisfied look suggested that he was _(satisfy)with his sons result.2.As I walked by the town,I was_(constant)reminded of my childhood.3.He made a deep_(impress) on me with his honesty.4.Id like to bring up my children in healthy_(surround)5.Schools are under_(press) to raise test scores.6.The company made an_(adjust) in my salary because I worked for many extra hours.7.Her parents gave her so much money that shes got no_(motivate) to get a job.8.The_(recycle) water is used to water plants.9.He is_(greed) for wealth.10.The machine will start_(instant) after you press the button.短语填空speed up,take up,slide into,be optimistic about,sweep up,be back on ones feet,lose sight of1.Dont leave her alone to_the house after the party.2.Donny has completely_after being treated carefully in hospital for a week.3.Many countries are faced with the problem about how to_economic development.4.I watched the plane go higher and higher until I_it.5.He_the room when no one was looking.6.Nowadays more and more people have started to_boxing as a regular hobby and sport.7. I_ the future of our company.单句填词1.The instant I_at the platform the train began to move.(arrive)2.For lack_experience,he lost the job.3.I suddenly_sight of an old friend who seemed to be in a low mood at that time.(catch)4._of working in the office, he decided to find a different job for a change.(tire)5._in the film, we decided to see it in the cinema.(interest)6._poor, he couldnt afford a computer.(be )7.He comes home late every evening, _his wife very angry.(make)8._English every day, youll learn it well step by step.(listen) 9.The man entered the room_around in a curious way.(look)10.Not_how to use the software, he decided to turn to the teacher the next day.(know)IV. 单句改错1.Youll find this map of great valuable in helping you to get round London. 2. Five pounds of apples doesnt cost two dollar.3. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of those hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.4. The Emperor opened his eyes widely but still saw nothing.5. Mother promised she will buy me a bike.6. The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons.7. Among them were a soldier who was wounded in the stomach.8. Its important for parents and children learn how to get through to each other. 9. Since you have seen both fighters, who you think will win?10.She is so interesting in the film that she has seen it again and again.English or Chinglish?占便宜Take Advantage ofOne time while traveling in the south of China I happened to notice the following sign in my hotel room :You are very invited to take advantage of the chambermaid , What they really want to say , Im sure , is Please feel free to ask our staff for help . 一次我中国一南部旅游的时候,偶然注意到在我酒店房间里有这样的牌子:“You are very invited to take advantage of the chambermaid(欢迎您占女服务员的便宜 ).”我知道他们真正想说的是:“Please feel free to ask our staff for help(欢迎使用房间服务)。”摘自 Kirk Kenny笑死我的英文书参考答案I.单词盘点1.aspect 2.impression;impress;impressive 3.constant;constantly 4.jet 5.previous 6.uncertain;certain 7.guide 8.tablet 9.capsule 10.steward;stewardess 11.opening 12.sideways 13.surroundings;surrounding 14.tolerate 15.lack 16.adjustment;adjust 17.mask 18.carriage 19.press 20.fasten 21.belt 22.flash 23.switch 24.timetable 25.optimistic;pessimistic 26.mud 27.desert 28.citizen 29.typist; typewriter;type 30.postage 31.postcode 32.button 33.instant 34.receiver 35.dustbin 36.ecology 37.greedy 38.swallow 39.material 40.recycle 41.goods 42.representative 43.settlement 44.motivationII.短语回顾1.take up 2.be back on ones feet 3.lose sight of 4.sweep up 5.slide into 6.speed up 7.be optimistic about 8.in all directions 9.be similar to 10.show sb.aroundIV.小试牛刀.单词填空1.satisfied2.constantly3.impression 4.surroundings 5.pressure6.adjustment 7.motivation 8.recycled .9.greedy 10.instantly.短语填空1.sweep up2.been back on his feet3.speed up4.lost sight of5.slid into6.take up 7.am optimistic about.单句填词1.arrived 2.of 3.caught 4.tired 5.interested 6.Being 7.making 或 which made 8.Listening to 9.looking 10.knowing.单句改错1.valuable 改为 value 2.doesnt 改为 dont 3.those 改为 which 4.widely 改为 wide 5.will 改为 would 6.第二个 was 改为 were 7. were 改为 was 8.learn 前面加 to 9.who 后面加 do 10.interesting 改为 interested

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