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.Unit 2 Working the land .完形填空(2017广东四校联考) 导 学 号 42492381I made a name for myself when I was about 26.It never means anything_1.D_to me, but of course I cant say I am free from vanity (虚荣)When a signing event was organized for my book at its_2.B_sale or when I was invited to deliver a speech at a meeting, I would be_3.A_and cheerful, especially if there were lots of participants._4.C_, I have never been controlled by such_5.C_, for I have my own idea of it.To me,a(n)_6.B_remains popular only for three seconds.This morning somebody_7.A_me on the way and said, “Ah, thats Zhu Deyong!” I was glad to be_8.B_by a stranger and enjoyed myself, “_9.D_, I am famous!” But such enjoyments_10.C_only three seconds.He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?” No_11.C_of me any longer.Shall I_12.A_my life cherishing those three seconds? Is it necessary to make efforts to_13.B_such threesecond enjoyments? No, I dont want to.As life is_14.D_and only comes around once, it is of great value to the person himself, but of no value to others.For most people, ones name remains_15.D_only for three generations:ones_ 16.B_generation, the second (your son may say “Ah, its my dad.”) and the third (your grandson may still_17.A_, “Ah, its my grandpa.”) If a member of the fourth generation is asked about you, he might be_18.C_, “Who is it?” If he is shown a picture of you, he might give it a glance, put it aside and_19.A_forget it.It amounts to nothing more than a_20.D_with an unknown name.文章大意:著名漫画家朱德庸通过自己的经历向我们介绍了自己对名声的态度。1A.impressive Breasonable Cappropriate Dimportant解析:根据下文的 but of course I cant say I am free from vanity 表转折可知,前一分句表示这对作者并不重要。故选 important,意为“重要的” 。impressive 意为“使人印象深刻的” ;reasonable 意为“合理的” ;appropriate 意为“恰当的,合适的” 。2A.unique Bfirst Cbest Dfinal.解析:此处指新书发布会,故选 first,意为“首先的;第一次的” 。3A.happy Bupset Chesitant Dnervous解析:由设空后 and 连接的 cheerful(高兴的)及 especially if there were lots of participants 可知,设空处应选与 cheerful 具有相同感情色彩的词。故选 happy。upset意为“不安的” ;hesitant 意为“迟疑的” ;nervous 意为“紧张的” 。在把握语篇、依托语境的基础上,运用词汇复现技巧能更快地找出正确答案。词汇复现是指某一词汇以原词、词形变化、同义词/近义词、反义词、上下义词等形式重复出现在语篇之中,使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,意义统一完整。比如本题可以利用 and 后的同义词复现确定答案。4A.Likewise BTherefore CHowever DMeanwhile解析:根据上文可知,作者在新书签售会及应邀在会议上作演讲时,都会很开心,再根据设空后的 I have never been controlled 可知, “感到兴奋”和“不被支配”之间是转折关系,故选 However。likewise 意为“同样地” ;therefore 意为“因此” ;meanwhile 意为“与此同时” 。5A.discouragements Bembarrassments Cexcitements Ddisappointments解析:根据文章第二段可知,作者在新书签售会及应邀演讲时非常高兴,再结合空前的such 可知,此处即指上文中的“开心” ,四个选项中只有 excitement(兴奋)可以描述 happy和 cheerful。discouragement 意为“泄气” ;embarrassment 意为“窘迫” ;disappointment 意为“失望” 。故选 C 项。6A.speech Bname Cbook Devent解析:根据文章第一段 I made a name for myself when I was 26.可知选 B 项。7A.saw Bhit Cpatted Dintroduced解析:今天早上某人在街上“看见”我。故选 saw。8A.spotted Brecognized Cnoticed Dliked解析:由该空前“Ah,thats Zhu Deyong!”可知,我被这位陌生人“认出”来了。9A.Totally BAbove all CFinally DAfter all解析:“毕竟,我还是位名人。 ”after all 意为“毕竟,到底”符合句意。above all意为“最重要的是” ;finally 意为“最后” 。.10A.maintained Bstayed Clasted Dremained解析:有人认出了作者,再根据下文 He passed by and turned to the person walking with him.可知那个陌生人接着转向别人,作者的喜悦只持续了 3 秒钟。last 在此作动词,意为“持续” ,故选 C 项。maintain 意为“维持;保持” ;stay 意为“保持原状,维持” ;remain 意为“仍然是;保持不变” 。11A.mind Bidea Cthought Dmemory解析:根据上文的 He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?”可知,陌生人认出作者后,便从作者身旁过去,和友人商量午饭该吃什么。也就是说,对作者不再关心,所以选 thought,意为“关心;思索” 。mind 意为“思想” ;idea 意为“主意;想法” ;memory 意为“记忆力” 。12A.waste Bspare Cdevote Dafford解析:句意为:我应该浪费我的人生去珍爱那三秒钟吗?waste 意为“浪费” ;spare 意为“腾出” ;devote 意为“致力,献身” ;afford 意为“买得起” 。13A.reach Bacquire Coffer Dhonor解析:句意为:有必要去努力得到这三秒钟的欣喜吗?故选 acquire,意为“得到;获得” 。reach 意为“到达;抵达” ;offer 意为“主动提供” ;honor 意为“尊重;给荣誉”。14A.easy Bordinary Ctough Dshort解析:人生短暂,并且只有一次,故选 short。easy 意为“容易的” ;ordinary 意为“普通的” ;tough 意为“艰苦的;艰难的” 。15A.welcome Bpersonal Crespectable Dknown解析:对于大部分人来说,一个人的名字只能为三代人所知:自己这一代、第二代和第三代。故选 known,意为“已知的” 。16A.past Bown Cfuture Dnew解析:根据下文的 the second(your son may say“Ah,its my dad.”)and the third(your grandson.)可知,这里指的是“自己这一代” 。故选 own,意为“自己的” 。17A.remember Bmemorize .Cremind Dbelieve解析:根据空后的 Ah,its my grandpa.可知,你的孙子可能还会记得你的名字。故选 remember。memorize 意为“记住” ,强调过程;remind 意为“提醒,使想起” ;believe意为“相信” 。18A.annoyed Binterested Cpuzzled Dfrightened解析:根据空后的问句 Who is it?可知,第四代人可能已经不记得你了,因此他会很困惑(puzzled),故选 C 项。annoyed 意为“恼怒的” ;interested 意为“感兴趣的” ;frightened 意为“害怕的” 。19A.quickly BseldomCdeliberately Dotherwise解析:对于一个不认识的人的照片,他会扫一眼,放到一边,很快(quickly)便会忘记。故选 A 项。seldom 意为“很少” ;deliberately 意为“故意地” ;otherwise 意为“否则;要不然” 。20A.friend Bwriter Cgrandpa Dstranger解析:根据空后的 an unknown name 可知,此处指陌生人。故选 stranger。.阅读理解(2016山东省威海两校高三质量检测) 导 学 号 42492382Studies show farmland in Africa is often lacking in important nutrients.But researchers say a combination of farming methods may help.Researchers wonder how to increase production without necessarily clearing more land to grow additional crops.American researchers say that can happen with greater use of an agricultural system called perenniation.It mixes food crops with trees and perennial plantsthose that return year after year.Soil scientist John Reganold says, “One of the major problems is that the soils are fairly poor in most of the regions.So how do you grow food on poor soils? There have to be food production systems that can build the soil and improve the field.”Mr.Reganold says poor soil may have resulted from years of weathering that washed away many nutrients.He says some farmers may have done more harm than good.“They have been actually using farming practices where theyre not putting in organic matter.Theyre not putting in fertilizers.They cant afford those things.And it just runs the soil down.So theyre worsening the situation.”The scientist says the word perenniation defines three systems that are already used in Africa.The oldest of the three is called evergreen agriculture.This is where farmers plant trees with their crops.Farmers in Africa have been doing this for sixty years, but it seems to be growing in popularity.The method is gaining widespread use in countries such as Niger, Burkina Faso, Malawi and Zambia.The trees are planted among maize (玉米), millet or sorghum crops.They not only add nitrogen (氮) to the soil through their roots, but also through their leaves when they fall off and break down.At other times of the year, the trees can protect plants from strong sunlight.John Reganold says he knows of one woman who has had great success with perenniation.“Shes a grandmother in her fifties.Her name is Rhoda Mangyana and she started using this system about twenty years ago.And her yields initially were about a ton of maize.Now with a good year she gets four tons per hectare, four times what she was getting.”文章大意:在非洲,土地有限、地力贫瘠。如何有效地改善土地状况,提高农作物产量呢?本文介绍了一种能有效提高土地的肥力,促进生产的耕作方式。1The purpose of the passage is to_B_.Atell people how to increase productionBintroduce an agricultural system in AfricaCintroduce the oldest farming method in AfricaDtell us how to prevent soil from being poor解析:写作意图题。 由文章第一段及第二段第二句话可知,本文主要针对非洲土地营养成分不足、产量低这一问题,向我们介绍了一种新的农业系统。2What does the underlined word “weathering” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?_A_ABeing exposed to wind and rain.BGrowing different crops.CBeing polluted severely.DBeing ploughed improperly.解析:词义猜测题。分析画线词所在句可知,多年的风雨侵蚀,导致了土地中的营养大.量流失。C 项文中未提及,B、D 两项不符合句意,可排除。3According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG?_D_APerenniation mixes food crops with trees and perennial plants.BPoor soil is the main problem in increasing food production.CFarmers may be more to blame for the present situation.DAmerican researchers first invented perenniation.解析:细节理解题。 由文章第六段第一句以及最后一句可知,这种系统早已经在非洲使用,所以这种系统并不是美国研究人员最先发明的。4Why does John Reganold mention Rhoda Mangyana?_C_ATo show the method is very popular in Africa.BBecause she is an expert at farming production.CTo prove the farming method is effective.DBecause she produced more grains than anyone else in the country.解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可知,John Reganold 提到 Rhoda Mang yana是为了证明这种种植方式是有效果的。.语法填空 导 学 号 42492383阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2016河南省八市重点中学 5 月质检)Over the past few years, organic products have increasingly found their way into consumers shopping baskets.But what makes them choose organic over highly processed products?There are reasons _1.for_ being organic and reasons against being organic.It is not _2.necessarily_(necessary) an eitheror decision.Rather, the decision _3.to_consume_(consume) organic food or not is dependent on the economic, educational and social circumstances of the consumer.According to many researchers, there is a connection between organic food and the _4.protection_(protect) of the environment.Many consumers _5.who/that_ know about this connection take it as a motivation to go organic.To reduce their carbon footprint, many even rely only on local organic _6.products_(product)_7.However_, not every consumer actually knows and cares about the connection between the environment and organic food.That is,some consumers choose not to be organic because_8.they_ prefer sticking with their old .habits.To them, one reason not to go organic is that organic food differs from the food they are used to.For some, organic food tastes different _9.compared_(compare) with the food they normally consume.And as organic products generally dont use preservatives(防腐剂), they are _10.easier_(easy) to go bad.Consumers who choose not to go organic therefore feel organic food doesnt bring them any benefits.文章大意:随着人们的收入水平和生活质量的不断提高,越来越多的人开始关注以无公害、绿色、有机为标志的高端农产品,有机食品无论对环境还是健康来说都有益处。1命题立意:考查介词。解析:reason 的后置定语常常使用介词 for 引导的介词短语,例如 the reason for his being late 他迟到的原因。故填 for。2命题立意:考查副词。解析:根据句意以及语法应该用副词形式 necessarily。故填 necessarily。3命题立意:考查非谓语动词。解析:decision 的后置定语涉及动作意义时常常用不定式形式,且此处表示主动意义,故应该用不定式的主动形式。故填 to consume。4命题立意:考查词形转换。解析:此处带有后置定语 of the environment,定语是修饰名词的,所以此处应该使用 protect 的名词形式 protection。故填 protection。5命题立意:考查定语从句。解析:此处指前面的 many consumers,在后面的句子中作 know 的主语,故应该用表示人的关系代词 who/that 来引导定语从句。故填 who/that。6命题立意:考查名词。解析:根据句意,此处表示很多人只吃当地产的有机产品,为复数意义,故应该用可数名词 product 的复数形式 products。故填 products。7命题立意:考查连词。解析:根据上下文可知,此处与上文所述的相反的事实,即有的人不吃有机食物,故应该用表示转折意义的副词。故填 However。8命题立意:考查代词。解析:根据上下文,此处指的是前半句提到的 some consumers,在句中作主语,故应该用人称代词 they 来指代。故填 they。9命题立意:考查非谓语动词。解析:逻辑主语 organic food 与 compare 之间为被动关系,故应该用过去分词作比较状语。故填 compared。.10命题立意:考查形容词。解析:根据上下文句意,此处表示“(与那些非有机食品相比)更容易变质” ,表示比较意义,故应该用 easy 的比较级 easier。故填 easier。.短文改错 导 学 号 42492384假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。(2016东北三省四市二模)Dear Mum,This afternoon, our teacher asked us list what our parents had done for us.I write down a lot of good sides.Time passes quickly,isnt it? It is three years when I became a high school student.Looking back on the progresses that I have made so far, I really appreciate for your support.I know that without your properly guidance,I would not have done so well.However, what still makes me puzzling is how to make my dream to go to the top university come true.Please continue to lend I a hand.I really need your help.Kate答案:Dear Mum,This afternoon, our teacher asked us list what our parents had done for tous.I down a lot of good sides.writewroteTime passes quickly, it? It is three years I became a high isntdoesnt when sinceschool student.Looking back on the that I have made so far, I really progressesprogressappreciate for your support.I know that without your guidance,I properlyproperwould not have done so well.However, what still makes me is how to make my dream to go to puzzlingpuzzled the atop university come true.Please continue to lend a hand.I really need your Imehelp.Kate文章大意:本文是一封书信。Kate 按照老师的要求,给妈妈写了一封信,表达自己的感激之情。1命题立意:考查不定式作宾语补足语。解析:list 前加 toask sb.to do sth.请某人干某事。2. 命题立意:考查动词的时态。解析:writewrote根据上文语意,此处应该为发生在过去的动作。3. 命题立意:考查反意问句。解析:isntdoesnt本句的谓语动词是实义动词 passes,故反意问句中用助动词doesnt。4. 命题立意:考查时间状语从句。解析:whensinceIt is一段时间since.为固定结构。5. 命题立意:考查名词。解析:progressesprogressprogress 为抽象名词,不可数。6. 命题立意:考查动词。解析:去掉 forappreciate 为及物动词,可直接接宾语,不需要介词。7. 命题立意:考查形容词和副词。解析:properlyproper此处应用形容词来修饰名词 guidance。8. 命题立意:考查分词作宾语补足语。解析:puzzlingpuzzled此处应用过去分词来补充说明“me”自身的感受。9. 命题立意:考查冠词。解析:thea此处应用不定冠词表示泛指,意为“一所” ,而非特指。10命题立意:考查代词。解析:Ime此处应用人称代词的宾格 me 来作 lend 的宾语。

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