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2020版高二英语上学期期中联考试题 第卷(共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18.答案是B。1. On which day will the woman return to work?A. Wednesday. B. Friday. C. Next Wednesday.2. What time is it now?A. About 6:00 p.m. B. About 5:40 p.m. C. About 5:20 p.m.3. What does Mr. Black look like?A. He has black hair. B. He is short.C. He wears glasses.4. What does the woman dislike about her photo?A. Her eyes. B. Her hair. C. Her dress.5. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a restaurant.B. At the womans house.C. At a garden.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What kind of sport does the woman want to learn?A. Volleyball. B. Tennis. C. Basketball.7. When will the woman probably take the course?A. On Sundays. B. On Fridays. C. On Mondays.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the woman doing?A. Preparing for a party. B. Visiting a doctor. C. Enjoying some music.9. What does the man mean in the end?A. His brother is busy on Saturday.B. His brother has got a bad cold again.C. His brother is too young to play at the party.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers talking about?A. When they will move into the apartment.B. How they will decorate the apartment.C. What the apartment is like.11. What does the woman say about the apartment?A. It is large. B. It is far from the ocean. C. It must be cool in summer.12. What is the mans attitude towards the apartment?A. He is fond of it. B. He is uninterested in it. C. He is curious about it.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How was the weather last weekend?A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.14. What does the woman like to do on Sunday?A. Do some reading. B. Enjoy concerts. C. Go to the cinema.15. What time does the man usually get up on Sunday?A. At about 6 oclock.B. At about 7 oclock.C. At about 10 oclock.16. What do we know about the man?A. He dislikes spending much time cooking. B. He doesnt care what he eats. C. He isnt good at cooking.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why did the speaker decide to start a new magazine?A. To bee famous. B. To start a different one.C. To get more money.18. In what respect is the magazine different from a local newspaper?A. What it looks like. B. What it contains. C. Where one can buy it.19. Where can people get the information about film reviews?A. In the first part.B. In the second part.C. In the third part.20. What can people find in the second half of the magazine?A. Advice on local business development.B. Reviews of local artists works.C. Articles about local people.第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)ASummer CampsMake your summer magical with a one-of-a-kind summer camp experience!Half-day, week-long camps are held from 9 am-12 pm or 1 pm-4pm.Daily snacks will be provided and even bee part of the hands-on fun!Session 1-Ocean motion(暴动)Set sail for fun and adventure on the deep blue sea! Campers explore uncharted land at The Magic House and discover something fishy as they e into the exciting world of sea creatures.June 6-10June 13-17June 20-24Session 2-Super kids Explore EarthCampers bee superheroes to the earth as they learn about the environment and discover how to use their super powers to protect it! During this action-packed week, campers will explore the earth from the sky to the sea and participate in fun, earth-friendly activities such as turning trash into treasure.June 27-July 1July 11-15July 18-22Session 3-Once Upon A TimeAt this unique fairy tale-themed camp, campers have a magical, make-believe adventure through the pages of some of their favorite storybooks. Campers experience giant-sized fun as they use their imaginations to travel to places found only in fairy tales. July 25-29August 1-5August 8-12(am sessions only)All campers must be registered in advance.21. What does the underlined word “one-of-a-kind” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Unique B. Long C. Official D. Moving22. What is the main purpose of Session 2? A. To encourage reading. B. To inspire imagination.C. To raise environmental awareness. D. To develop the spirit of adventure.23. What do campers probably do during Session 3?A. Learn about animals B. Travel the country.C. Search for treasure. D. Read fairy stories. B I was lucky enough to have a chance to study in the United States as an international student from the Ukraine when I was fourteen years old. I went to a wonderful school, West Catholic High School, for my freshman year.I remember my first day at that school as if it were yesterday. I was very nervous, and I could feel my heartbeat on the tips of my toes. My main fear was that I would not be able to express myself due to the language barrier. I was trying to have as little munication as I possibly could. And I almost succeeded, until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class.And the moment the word “international” flew out of my mouth, I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another. I remember some of the questions were “Where is the Ukraine? Is it a kingdom?” “Do you have McDonalds? Does it taste the same?” and “Say something in your language.” It turned out to be the opposite of less munication, but it was so much fun.During the first three months, I certainly experienced a bit of cultural shock. I think Americans are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. They always smile and say, “Hi, how are you?”One day, I noticed the students looking at me suspiciously. Finally , my classmate came up to my locker and whispered, “Is that true that you are a princess(公主)and that you came to study here so that nobody would recognize you?” At one point, I even had an image of myself wearing a gown and waving at the crowd. What ? People do have a wild imagination!During my study abroad experience, I saw a totally new world, experienced great culture, met a lot of incredible(不可思议的)people and improved my language. This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages. That is one of the reasons why I speak five different languages today.24. On the first day of school, the author was afraid that_.A. she would be too shy to talk with others.B. she would not be able to do well in her studiesC. she could not municate with others well D. she would have difficulty learning a new language. 25. When the authors classmates knew she was an international student, they _ A. made fun of herB. prepared a special gift for herC. showed interest in her countrys culture D. were eager to make friends with her26. What does the underlined word “suspiciously” in Para.5 probably mean?A. Fearfully B. Excitedly C. Angrily D. Doubtfully27. What can we learn from the text?A. The author decided to settle in the USA.B. The author got lots of benefits through studying abroad C. The author always imagined herself as a princess.D. The author didnt want to make herself known. CWhat do you usually do to fort your friends when they are feeling sad or depressed ? You probably pat them on the back or shoulder, or maybe you give them a big , warm hug .We used to think that knowing when and how to fort others was an ability that only humans have . But scientists have discovered that apes(猩猩)have this ability, too, according to a study published in the Journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .Two researchers from Emory University in Atlanta , US , went to an Ape Protection Centre in Congo to study bonobos(倭黑猩猩), which are closely related to humans .The researchers analyzed the bonobos reactions after more than 370 cases of stressful situations , such as fights and losing temper , and found that some bonobos rushed to hug those that were screaming after being attacked , just like humans would have done .However , researchers noted that not all bonobos were capable of forting others. In the protection centre , many bonobos are orphans whose mothers were killed by hunters . They were found to be more anxious in times of tension and to have greater difficulty controlling their own emotions , making them worse at reaching out to help friends in need .“ Orphans, who have not had the benefit of a mother helping them handling their emotions , are much worse at forting others, ” Professor Frans de Waal, one of the researchers, told The Telegraph. “ Bonobos with moms were able to curb their negative emotional reactions more quickly. Therefore , they pay more attention to others. ”This pattern mirrors the way that human children have been found to react. Those who seem more capable of handling their own emotions for example, the ones who can calm themselves down more quickly after upsetting experiences are usually better at expressing their concerns for others.28. The 4th paragraph is mainly developed by _ .A. following time order B. making parisons C. giving examples D. presenting causes and effects29. The underlined word “ curb ” in the 5th paragraph probably means “_ ” .A. expressB. controlC.hide D. observe30. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?A. Orphan bonobos never give a hand to friend. B. There were 370 bonobos involved in the research .C. The ability to fort others is unique to human beings .D. Moms play a significant role in handling kids emotions 31. Whats the main purpose of this passage ?A. To provide better protection for Apes. B. To uncover the mystery of Apes.C. To inform readers of a new study D. To pare human behaviors with Apes. DZheng He was one of Chinas most famous explorers. Towards the end of the fourteenth century, his fleet (舰队) sailed to countries far away.Zheng He had over 300 ships, some of which were over 150 meters long, and could carry up to 1,000 people. Besides, the ships carried gold, silver, silk, china and other treasures to give as gifts to the rulers of other countries. Some ships even had earth on board so that the sailors could grow their crops for food.On Zheng Hes first voyage, he set sail across the Indian Ocean. His fleet travelled many days far away from land. One day, they were hit by a storm. All the sailors thought the fleet was going to sink. Then a strange light appeared and after that, the storm passed. The strange light was probably electricity from the thunderstorm (雷雨), but the sailors in Zheng Hes fleet believed it was a sign of protection from the gods. With the belief, they were happy to follow Zheng He wherever he led them.Zheng He pleted seven famous voyages between 1405 and 1433. He visited many countries in Asia and Africa. He brought back many gifts from the countries he visited, such as medicines, pearls (珍珠) and strange animals. The most famous of them were a giraffe and a zebra.In 28 years of travelling, Zheng He had managed to share the glory of China with many different countries. When he died in 1435, the stories of his travels made him one of Chinas most famous sailors.32. Some ships carried earth on board so that the sailors could _.A. use it as a gift B. use it for exchangeC. grow their own crops for food D. plant trees for shade 33. The sailors were happy to follow Zheng He because of _.A. a strange light B. a heavy stormC. the electricity from the thunderstorm D. the belief in gods protecting them34.The most famous gifts Zheng He brought back were _.A. a monkey and a tiger B. medicines and pearlsC. gold and silver D. a giraffe and a zebra 35. The best title of the passage can be _.A. The Glory of China B. Zheng He and His VoyagesC. Zheng Hes Life D. Chinas Most Famous Explorer第三部分 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Like it or not, there will be difficult times in our lives. You might lose your job, fail in your exams or have an illness. 36 Here are some ways not to lose hope during difficult times.1. Have faith. 37 No matter how bad the situation is, things will turn out to be good in the end. Several years ago I failed to get my masters degree. It was a really bad experience. 38 It was of much better quality than my previous university. Experiences like this strengthen my belief that having faith is important during difficult times.2. Be around supportive people.Going through difficult times is hard, and going through them alone is even harder. You need a group of positive people who can support you. 39 If you dont, my suggestion is to start looking for one. Dont wait until you need it, because it will be too late by then. You need the munity before difficult times e.3. Help others.An additional benefit of being in a good munity is that it encourages you to think about other people. It pushes you to help others and, therefore, think about other people. 40 As a result, your situation wont look as bad as it would be otherwise. Often the situation looks worse than it really is because we give too much attention. Shifting(移开)some of your attention away will put the situation in a better view.A .Your munity helps a lot.B. Whatever it is, its important not to lose hope.C. However, I changed my attitude towards failure.D. In this way you shift your focus away from yourself.E. But I got a scholarship at an overseas university later.F. You must believe that things will work out well eventually.G. You should bee part of a munity that cares for one another.第四部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I was traveling to visit my sister who lives a few states away. It was a very long drive and I stopped at quite a few _41_ along the way. One stop was in a small town that looked just like countless others I had _42_ on my way, but it turned out to be very _43_.When I entered the gas station the two girls working at the register _44_ and said hello. They had a very friendly, weling energy and I smiled and _45_them back. Then I made my way to the restroom. I was _46_to see that there were positive messages all over the stalls (小隔间), like “ No matter what, dont give up”, “Smile”Because I wanted to _47_ them, I took a picture of the messages with the camera on my phone. So often bathroom stalls are filled with pretty _48_things,so this one really stood out! I guess its the last place I expected to find messages like these, and it was a wele _49_in the midst of a long trip.The messages were _50_in all different handwriting styles, sizes, and ink colors, probably a _51_of the diversity of the people who left them. There were _52_from all different states about road trips, adventures, support and encouragement. It was fun to read them and _53_made me smile.As I left, I said goodbye to the girls _54_the counter who had knowing (会意的) smiles on their faces. I left feeling a little _55_and inspired, with a smile of my own. Since then I have _56_passed some of these messages on to others,hoping they will _57_someone else as well.I guess this _58_taught me that you never know _59_messages of love are going to pop up. They might even be found in the most _60_places, like a bathroom stall.41. A. police stations B. railway stationsC. gas stationsD. subway stations42. A. builtB.chosenC. passed D. played43. A. frightening B. ordinaryC.disappointing D.different 44. A. smiledB. explainedC. shouted D. returned45. A. talkedB. greeted C. impressed D. fought46. A. alarmedB. surprisedC. sorryD. sad47. A. rememberB. testC. correctD. replace48. A. negativeB. instructiveC. puzzlingD. positive49. A. adventureB. signalC. beliefD. surprise 50. A. readB. copiedC. preserved D. written 51. A. memoryB. reflectionC. concernD. direction52. A. questions B. photosC. notesD. letters53. A. brieflyB. reallyC. hardlyD. simply54. A. outsideB. beforeC. behind D. within55. A. lighterB. heavierC. puzzledD. upset56. A. actuallyB. unhappilyC. pitifullyD. never57. A. shockB. annoyC.inspire D. recognize 58. A. accidentB. examinationC. conclusionD. experience 59. A. howB.whyC. whereD. when60. A. naturalB. unexpectedC. charmingD. ordinary第II卷(共50分)第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A social worker named Margaret Sangster saw a young boy in a poor area of a big city. He _61_(hit)by a car months ago. His legs were so badly broken _62_he couldnt walk. This boy was not even part of Margarets job and responsibility, but she took him to a doctor who operated _63_the boys legs. Two years _64_ (late) this young boy was pletely healed! He walked into the office of Margaret Sangster _65_ (thank) her for changing his life. Naturally she was so happy to see him finally walking and _66_ (live) a normal life.Years later, Margaret was telling this story to some other social workers. She asked them where they thought that boy was today as a young man. They each thought, and asked _67_ he was a teacher now? Or a doctor? Maybe even a social worker like Margaret. But Margaret, _68_ (try) to keep from crying, said: “This young man _69_ (be) now in prison for a terrible, evil crime! You see, I helped him walk again, _70_ there was no one there to teach him where to walk and how to live right!”第二节 单词拼写(每小题1分,共计5分)1. Potatoes turn green when they are e to light.2. The story has _(吸引)a lot of interest from the media.3. Youll get a false(印象) of the town if you only visit the university.4. She is someone you can really d_ on when time gets rough.5. He has collected a large number of coins of v_shapes and colors.第三节 单句改错(每小题1分,共计5分)1. To my sad, he didnt survive the fire.2. The puter system broke up suddenly while I was playing games.3. A dog ran into the road, caused Mr. Wang to stop his car suddenly.4. Lily was happy to talk to the salesgirls, so did they.5. Great changes have been taken place in our city, which encourages us a lot.第四节 写作(共计25分)假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Tom给你发了一封电子邮件,告诉你他将作为交流生到中国学习一年,但是他对于住在学生公寓还是寄宿在中国人家里,拿不定主意,想征求一下你的意见。请你给他写一封回信,包括以下内容: 1. 你的建议;2. 你的理由;3. 你的祝愿。注意:1. 词数:100左右;寄宿家庭 host family 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,Im pleased to learn that you are going to study in China for a year as an exchange student. _ _ _ _Yours, Li Hua xx高二上学期期中考试英语试题答案 xx.11 第I卷(100分)1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. C二阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)21-23 ACD 24-27 CCDB 28-31 BBDC 32-35 CDDB 36-40 B F E G D 三完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)41-45 CCDAB 46-50BAADD 51-55BCB

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