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2020版高一英语下学期期中试题第I卷I. Listening prehension(16分)Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.( )1.A.$24. B.$30. C.$34. D.$50.( )2.A. At a bus shop. B.On a plane. C.On a train. D.At a travel agency.( )3.A.The one-bedroom apartment. B.The tow-bedroom apartment. C.The three-bedroom apartment. D.The four-bedroom apartment.( )4.A.Her husband. B.Her friend. C.Her boss. D.Her doctor.( )5.A.She will soon move, too. B.She is pleased with their move. C.She feels a little disappointed. D.His bicycle was stolen.( )6.A.He was sick. B.He forgot about the meeting time. C.He had to fix his bicycle. D.His bicycle was stolen.( )7.A.The man can stay in her brothers apartment. B.Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel. C.Her brother can find an apartment for the man. D.The man should have booked a less expensive hotel.( )8.A.Shell have some chocolate cake. B.Shell have apple pie and ice cream. C.Shell take a look at the menu. D.Shell go without dessert.( )9.A.Thoughtful. B.Selfish. C.Generous. D.Careless.( )10.A.She spends more than she earns. B.She saves a lot each month. C.She has a tight budget. D.She spent more on clothing than on food.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one will be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.( )11. A.To buy a new house. B.To meet the manager. C.To park her car. D.To make an appointment( )12. A.The woman crashed her car. B.The woman quarreled with a stranger. C.The woman failed to get her car parked in time. D.The woman backed her car into the wrong place.( )13. A. Selfish. B.Clever C.Respectful. D.Considerate.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage( )14. A.They strongly believe in family rules. B.They are very likely to succeed in life. C.They tend to take responsibility for themselves. D.They are in the habit of obeying their parents.( )15. A.They grow up to be funny and charming. B.They often have a poor sense of direction. C.They get less attention from their parents. D.They tend to be smart and strong-willed.( )16. A.They usually dont follow family rules. B.They dont like to take chances in their lives. C.They are less likely to be successful in life. D.They tend to believe in their parents ideas.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A ( 10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Where is spring? It is everywhere ,not just in parks and school playground. Spring can also _17_(find) in the arts. The connection between spring ,poems and songs is ancient and deep.It is not difficult to see why. For thousands of years, the_18_(e)of spring has been a moment of hope for human beings.After the winter,_19_it seems that nature has died, the birds begin to grow and Earth are born again. This is not only_20_beautiful thing for people ,but also vital.We have depended _21_ the natural world for good for all human history,whether it has been captured,gathered or grown. So spring has been a natural time _22_(give)thanks and celebrate.Written ,spoken and sung words help us to do that. There is a long tradition of spring literature in English.One of the_23_(famous) examples is Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales, _24_(write) in the 14th century.The stories begin with a memorable picture of spring . Sprig poems often have a romantic theme . In Scottish poet Robert Burns1793 poem Oh Were My Love You Lilac(丁香花) ,he imagines his beloved is a lilac_25_he is a bird.He says he would shelter beneath(在.下面) her but cry when the lilac was torn(摧残) by strong winds! Spring has inspired so many different kinds of poems_26_its difficult to sum them up. The overall feeling,though,is one of anticipation(期待). Nature is reborn ,so perhaps we too can live new lives.Section B (10分)Directions: plete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. presented B. perfect C. reputation D. ideal E. sometimes F. regarded G. contribution H. suffering I. humour J. attend K. frequentlyBorn to the tallest couple in China, Yao Ming has a(n)_27_ gene( 基因 ) to play basketball. He started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager and later was selected by the Houston Rockets. His team spirit and sense of _28_ made him popular at home and abroad. And he is also_29_ as one of the best basketball players in the NBA.Along with honors, sports also bring Yao pain and injury. His_30_ in his feet and knees almost made him unable to _31_ xx Olympic Games. Yao , however, returned to play with the Chinese national team in time. Due to the _32_ performance of Yao and all other team members, China made the Olympic men s basketball quarter finals for the third time in history.With a growing_33_, Yao has _34_ been chosen by many sponsors( 赞助商), such as Reebok, Pepsi, Visa, Apple, McDonalds and so on. He was _35_an award by University of Houston in xx. The award is to honour Yao s_36_ to the developing relationship Asian and American cultures.III. Reading prehensionSection A (15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.City people usually think they are a lot smarter than country people. They often laugh at simple country life . But people do not laugh at _37_music. It is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today. Perhaps country music is so popular in the United States because it is about _38_but strong human feelings and events, love,sadness,good times, and bad times. It tells real-life stories and _39_ the way people really talk. As life bees more and more plicated (复杂的 ), It is good to hear music about ordinary people. Country music _40_two kinds of music . One is the traditional music of the people in the eastern United States. _41_is traditional cowboy music from the West. The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they _42_using electric guitars. At first city people _43_country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War II, thousands of _44_went to the Northeast and Midwest to _45_in the factories. They took their music with them . _46_from the rest of the country went to army camps in the South. They _47_to like country music . Slowly it became popular all over the country. Today country music is popular _48_in the United States and Canada-in small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among 49 and uneducated (未受教育) people. About 1,200 50 stations broadcast(播放) country music twenty-four hours a day . English stars sing it in British English, and people in other countries sing it in their languages. The music that started with cowboys and 51 Southerners is now popular all over the world.37. A. classicalB. popC. countryD. traditional38. A. strangeB. funnyC. popularD. simple39. A. looksB. feelsC. soundsD. forms40.A. learns fromB. es fromC. makes upD. leads to41. A. AnotherB. One moreC. OtherD. The other42. A. enjoyedB. practicedC. keptD. started43. A. foundB. decidedC. saidD. imagined44. A. NorthernersB. SouthernersC. EasternersD. westerners45. A. workB. singC. liveD. learn46. A. StudentsB. SoldiersC. FarmersD. Workers47. A. cameB. usedC. wantedD. expected48. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. elsewhereD. everywhere49.A. experiencedB. skilledC. educatedD. trained50. A. radioB. busC. railwayD. police51. A. poorB. richC. cleverD. foolishSection B (8分)Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.( A )BarkCover Price: $19.80 Price: $15.00You save: $4.80 (24%) Review: By Pat KaneI absolutely love Bark magazine! I love the “smiling” pages and the tips on every issue. I am a dog lover and have saved all of my dogs from either death row or from people who were going to put them down. Everyone should have a chance to live and Bark stresses that with its articles. This magazine is a MUST HAVE for any dog lover.Dog FancyCover Price: $54.00 Price: $14.99 You save: $39.01 (72%) Review: By Berner MomDont waste your money on this magazine. 60-70 percent of it are advertisements, and the articles offer little useful information. It might be suitable for children, but not adults who are serious about educating themselves about dogs.Dog WorldCover Price: $45.00 Price: $15.00You save: $30.00 (24%) Review: By DinahDog World has many very interesting and thought-provoking (令人思考的) articles for people involved in dog showing, breeding(饲养), performance events, etc. However,over half of the magazine is devoted to breeder ads, which is boring. Still, as a whole, good articles, but tons of ads.Modern DogCover Price: $19.80 Price: $15.00You save: $4.80 (24%) Review: By Pat KaneMy new favorite magazine! Beautiful photos, smart and amusing articles, fashion, art, interviews with famous people all with a dog focus!Cover models range from Paris Hilton and Tinkerbell to Virginia Madsen and her dogs. Thanks to Modern Dog I now know how to give a dog-friendly cocktail party and how to actually get my dog to e when shes called. Surely worth buying.52. Which of the following magazines saves the most money?A. Bark. B. Dog Fancy. C. Dog World. D. Modern Dog.53. Dog world is remended(推荐)for its _.A. wonderful articles B. fashionable cover C. low D. good paper quality54. According to the text, Modern Dog _.A. has lovely dog pictures on the cover B. is interesting but not helpfulC. has some photos but no articles D. has interviews with famous people55. The purpose of the text is to introduce _.A. some cheap magazines B. different magazines for different readersC. some magazines about dogs D. information on raising dogsKatie always felt there had to be something more to life than just partying, buying clothes and driving a cool car. She finally discovered what she was missing out on when she traveled halfway around the world to help poor kids.When she was 14, she discovered a club at school called Operation Smile, an organization that supports free operation for facially deformed (面部畸形的) kids in developing countries. At that time, she joined Operation Smile just to satisfy her schools munity service requirement.After working with Operation Smile for a while, she learned different countries have different deformities (畸形). The more she learned about what affects kids around the world, the more she wanted to go abroad with Operation Smile.At 15, she was chosen to go abroad. She was so happy even though she didnt realize what she was getting herself into. Before her trip, she attended a weekend mission training. Thats when she was told shed be going to the Philippines. Although she was excited, one night during training, she broke down in tears. She didnt know if she was prepared to see all these unfortunate kids. She was put to work three days after her arrival in the Philippines. Her first day was at the hospital, where she met those kids waiting for operation, and they were running around and happy, it seemed normal. Her job was to play with the kids before their operation to help them feel more at ease. She also went to nearby schools to hand out toothbrushes and teach students how to brush their teeth.When their operation was over, the kids were always overjoyed, but their parents were blown away. Sometimes they couldnt even recognize their kids because their appearances had improved so much. Theyd cry and hug the doctors and nurses and give them presents-they were so grateful.56. According to the passage, Operation Smile _.A. is a club popular with students B. is an organization founded by students C. offers operation for those unfortunate kids free of chargeD. helps those unfortunate kids learn how to smile57. Katie broke down in tears one night during training because _. A. she felt pity for those unfortunate kids B. she found it hard to deal with childrenC. she met a lot of difficulties D. she could hardly adapt to the new environment 58. Why did Katie play with those kids in hospital?A. To change their view of life. B. To learn more about them. C. To teach them how to brush their teeth. D. To make them feel fortable before the operation.59. What does the underlined phrase “blown away” in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Frightened. B. Surprised. C. Puzzled. D. Satisfied.Section C(8分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.ATry new thingsBA little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later onCMake three or four insteadDUnderstand your food betterECooking is a burden for many peopleF. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burdenTips for cooking on a tight scheduleFrom my experience,these are three main reasons people dont cook more often ability,money and time.ability is easily improved.money is a topic. lll save for another day.so today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen.here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:u Think ahead,the moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I;m already hungry and theres nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the ing week. When will you have time to cook ? Do you have the right materials already ?_60_.u Make your time worth it. When you do fine time to cook a meal. make the most of it to save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread ?_61_it takes around the same amount of time to make more of something.so save yourself the effort for a future meal.u _62_this may surprise you,but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation.it give you the chance to hit upon(偶然发现)new ideas and recipes that can work with your appetite and schedule.the more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule. Hopefully that give you a good start._63_And dont let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live !60. _ 61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 第II卷I. Phrases (10分)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given phrases feel sorry about, fall off, drown out, adapt to , let. down, bring back to life, result in , take measures , up to , care for 1. I _that. I will see to it personally.2.You must _ the norms of the society you live in.3.She turned up the radio to _ the noise from next door.4.The film would _ by an injection of new funds.5.She went out with the door unlocked although she knew clearly that it would_ theft.6.He had two appointments with me , but _ me _. 7.We are ready to help all African countries _ to reduce the risks of H5N1. 8.She never found true love as she never found a man _ her standards.9.Finally he was admitted to college but he took his sister with him and continued to _ her .10.Life is like a bicycle : you dont _ unless you stop peddling . II. Translation (13分3+3+3+4)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.1.他们解决这个复杂问题的尝试成功了。(attempt) 2.老师不能容忍他的学生一而再地犯同一个错误。(tolerate)3.谁也不知道他从监狱中释放的真正原因。(release)4. 他们俩一见钟情,我们对此感到非常震惊。(shock)III. Guided Writing (10分)Directions: Write an English position in 100-120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 本周你班班会的主题是“我的兴趣爱好”。请写一篇文章,介绍你的兴趣爱好。内容包括:1. 你为什么会有这个兴趣爱好?2. 用事实或个人经历来说明你从这个爱好中所得到的益处。

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