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智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福 TPO8独立写作范文精讲摘要: 托福写作包含2部分内容:托福综合写作和托福独立写作,之前我们已经为大家介绍了托福TPO综合写作满分范文的相关内容,下面我们就接着为大家介绍托福独立写作部分内容,希望小编整理的这些内容对大家会有一定的帮助。托福 TPO8独立写作范文精讲:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television advertising directed towards young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Sample:Coincident with most peoples notion is my heartfelt belief that television advertising directed toward young children should not be allowed. Since the advent of television, advertising has permeated every corner and every minute of our life. It is not uncommon to observe the large amounts of television advertising aiming at innocent young children. My reasons for opposing advertising directed toward young children are as follows.In the first place, advertising may waste money and cause emotional torture of parents when they fail to fulfill their childrens unreasonable demands. However, nowadays, regardless of what childrens true need, most of advertising are promoting a large number of products that is useless or unsuitable to children. For example, when a family is having a pleasant dinner together on Christmas Eve, a cartoon figure - lion king would appear on screen and hold a tub of popcorn to attract childrens attention. It is a typical advertising strategy-host sale. By combining popular cartoon figures and products, advertising could draw childrens attention and achieve a better sale. However, it may cause some problems; first, some children may be easy to be drawn into the content in the advertising; second, if children are attracted by it and they insist on purchasing it while parents consider the products as a piece of meaningless junk, cry and screams could drive their parents crazy.Therefore, advertising could cause problems not only for children to understand but also may bother and upset their parents.Furthermore, advertising could mislead children for major goal of most of advertisings is to make profits whereas children between age two to five lack ability of understanding and judgment.Children are easily influenced by outside world, and admittedly television advertising play a negative role in this aspect for they tend to exaggerate the advantage of their products. For example, my two-year old younger brother is attracted to Transformer, Spiderman and Superman models. In his mind, these toys are magic, fantastic and powerful as imparted by advertising. In fact, they are just normal toys; they cannot fly, climb mountains or save peoples life. Some two year old boys even are just babbling instead of speaking clearly, not to mention identifying misleading messages conveyed in the advertisings. Thus, these advertising has misled and distorted childrens vision toward reality.All in all, though there are some undeniable benefits of advertising for children; for example,advertising could open an amazing world of imagination and innovation for children by informing them what a fabulous Barbie or a magnificent castle is. However, these advantages could be ignored when its disadvantages are taken into consideration. It would mislead the children, distort their vision toward reality and even cause quarrels and financial burdens for parents.以上就是有关托福TPO 独立写作部分的范文内容,今天有关TPO独立写作的内容我们就先介绍到这里,如果大家更好的资料,也可以拿出来分享哦!最后,告诉大家一个好消息,大家可以通过扫描二维码!进入我们 21天托福免费体验班,无需交任何费用,就会享受到我们托福组老师的全天候指导哦!


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