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18. 生物 Biology plusCharles Darwin“the Theory of Evolution”进化论Classification 分类物竞天择,适者生存The strongest survivesAdaptation 适应性Natural selectionInherited 遗传的 (adj/v ) heredityGeneGeneticsClass 纲Order 目Family 科Genus 属Species 种Herbivorous 食草的 herbal tea herbivoreCarnivorous 食肉的 carn- 肉 carnivoreVegetarian 素食者Omnivorous 杂食者的 omni- 全/所有Omnivore 杂食动物Diet 素食Invertebrate 无脊椎动物 octopus 章鱼Vertebrate 脊椎动物 fish-Mammal 哺乳类*give birth live young *breathe through lung*warm-blooded (endotherm) Cetaceans 鲸目动物Whale 鲸/dolphin 海豚/ porpoise 鼠海豚Breeding method/mate 繁殖方法Thermoregulation 温度调节Inhabited 有人居住的 habitatUltrasound 超声波Echolocation system 回声定位系统Echo / location Release/ emitReceiveSound pollution 声音污染DisorientationRodent 啮齿动物Beaver 海狸Squirrel 松鼠Marmot MoleRat/mouse Constant growing 不断生长的 / Incisors 门牙Gnaw 磨Arboreal 生活在树上的Burrow underground Reproductive ability 繁殖能力Marsupial 有袋动物Pouch 袋子Kangaroo/ wallaby Bounce Koala Opossum 负鼠Primate 灵长类Orangutan 红毛猩猩Gorilla 大猩猩Chimpanzee 黑猩猩Intelligence 智慧Social animal 群居动物solitary animal 独居动物megafauna 大型哺乳动物Elephant Infrasound 次声波Spectrum 波普Low frequency 低频Bat 蝙蝠Nocturnal 夜间活动的Owl 猫头鹰Diurnal 日间的Cell membrane 细胞膜Membranous wingMembrane 膜-Reptiles 爬行动物(类)*lay egg*breathe through lung*cold-blooded / hibernation snakeVenom 毒液 eject/ injectFang 尖牙Secrete 分泌 secretion Scale 鳞片 friction Venomous snake 毒蛇-cobra 眼镜蛇/ viper 响尾蛇Non-venomous snake -boa/ pythonSuffocate the prey 使猎物窒息Strangle Lizard 蜥蜴Komodo dragon Carrion 腐肉Bony plates 骨板Chameleon 变色龙Pigment 色素Melanin 黑色素Camouflage 伪装Blend in with Gecko 壁虎Regeneration 再生*不是爬行类*Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus 暴龙 T-Rex Stegosaurus 剑龙Pterodactyl 翼手龙Diplodocus 梁龙Hypothesis 假设Scenario 方案Asteroid impact 小行星撞击Extinct / extinctionVolcanic eruption -Avian 鸟类的*lay egg*breathe through lung*warm-bloodedAvian flu 禽流感Special sense 空间感知Migrate 迁移Migratory birds 候鸟3 Dimensional spaceBeak/ bill 鸟嘴 喙A flock of vulture 一群秃鹰Claw 爪子Macaw 金刚鹦鹉Hawk 鹰;咳嗽;捕捉Keen sight 敏锐眼睛Parrot 鹦鹉Feather/ plumage Hollows in bones Air sac 气囊 adjust elevation-Amphibian 两栖动物*lay eggs*breathe through lung and absorb oxygen through skin*cold-bloodedSemi-aquatic 半水性的Frog 青蛙Frogspawn 蛙卵Salamander 蝾螈Metamorphosis 变形,变态Toad 蟾蜍Malformation 畸形Malform 使畸形Newt 蝾螈Tadpole 蝌蚪Cannibalism 同类相食InsectsLarva 幼虫Arachnid 蛛形纲动物Cocoon 茧Pupae 蛹Maggot 蛆Termite 白蚁Colony 蚁穴Moth 蛾Caterpillar 毛虫Antennae 触须;天线Tentacle 触手Fertilization 受精Camouflage 伪装 n/vPraying mantis 螳螂Pest 害虫A swarm of ant 一群蚂蚁Ladybug 瓢虫Parasite 寄生虫Parasitic 寄生的Tapeworm 绦虫Belly worm 蛔虫Aquatic 水生的(水生动物)Plankton 浮游动物Mollusk 软体动物Octopus Squids 鱿鱼Coelenterate 腔肠动物Coral reef 珊瑚礁Chowder 海鲜杂烩浓汤Jellyfish Calcareous 石灰质的Anatomy 解剖学Skeleton 19 Botany 植物学 PlusAquatic plants Lotus Water lily 睡莲,荷花Lipid 脂质Fig tree 无花果Parasitic plants Fungus 真菌Vascular 血管的Platelet 血小板Stem 茎,干Trunk 树干Bark 树皮Twig 小枝Branch 树枝Spore 孢子Shoot/sprout 发芽Mimosa 含羞草Cactus 仙人掌Triplet 三胞胎Quadruplet 四胞胎Fern 蕨类植物Succulent 多汁的Vascular plants 导管植物Green pigment 叶绿素Chlorophyll 叶绿素Chloroplast 叶绿体Weedy invasion 杂草侵略Phototropism 向光性Geotropism 向地性Autotrophy 自养型生物Bud 花蕾Nectar 花蜜Ovule 胚珠Petal 花瓣Pistil 雌蕊Stamen 雄蕊Ovary (植)子房;(解剖)卵巢Cross-pollination 异花授粉Crossbreed 杂交Angiosperm 被子植物Conifer 针叶树Sequoia 红杉Gymnosperm 裸子植物Perennial 多年生的;常年的Wither 枯萎,凋谢Orchid 兰花Auxin 植物激素Malfunction 发生故障(v) ;故障(n )Necrosis 坏死的Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Glucose 葡萄糖Microbiology and AnatomyBiogenesis 生物起源A hypothetical organic phenomenon 有机现象理论Inorganic 无机的Active site 活性部位Enzyme 酶Antibody 抗体Catalyst 催化剂Catalysis 催化作用Adrenal gland 肾上腺Adrenaline 肾上腺Hormone 激素Adsorb (absorb) 吸附Air sac 气囊Protein Melanin 黑色素Albinism 白化病Albumen 蛋白Water-soluble 可溶于水的Solubility 溶解度Fat-soluble 可溶于油脂的Amniotic sac 羊膜囊Amniotic fluid 羊水Clone 克隆,无性繁殖Pox 痘Amorphous 无定形的AsynochowiseAnthropoid 类人猿Ape 猿Antibiotic 抗生素Vaccine 疫苗Antigen 抗原Virus Artery 动脉Vein 静脉Vascular 血管的Vessel 血管Ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸 (维生素 C)Ascorbic 抗坏血病的,维生素 C 的Scurvy 坏血病Asexual 无性生殖的Mate 交配Auditory 听觉的Autonomous nerve system 自治神经系统Basal metabolism 基础代谢Bile ( gal) 胆汁Biofeedback 生物反馈BiosphereBony fish 多骨鱼Arthritis 关节炎Cartilage 软骨Teleostean 硬骨鱼类Canine 犬科Feline 猫科动物Capillary 毛细管Leopard 美洲豹Puma 彪马Remit 缓和Remission 缓解Cardiac muscle 心肌Cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病Snoring 打鼾Apartheid 种族隔离Hypertension 高血压Hypotension 低血压Carotene 胡萝卜素Cellulose 纤维素Catabolism 分解代谢Cell wall 细胞壁Cytoplasm 细胞质Cerebellum 小脑Cerebrum 大脑Chloroform 三氯甲烷Cholesterol 胆固醇Chromatin 染色质Coprophagous 吃粪的Cornea 角膜Iris 虹膜Coronary artery 冠状动脉Sclerotic 硬化的;巩膜的Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)Ribonucleic acid (RDA)Inflammation 发炎Coronary 冠状的Sclerosis 硬化(症)Estrogen 雌性激素Acrogens 顶生植物(如苔藓)Preliminary Atherosclerotic 动脉粥样硬化块(者)的Cramp 痉挛Dermis 皮肤;真皮Diaphragm 隔膜Dopamine 多巴胺Folic acid 叶酸Fraternal twin 异卵双生Identical twin 同卵双生Egg Sperm 精子Genetic code 遗传密码Genetics 遗传学Germ 胚芽Cocrose Heredity 遗传性Hibernation 冬眠Hibernate Dormancy 休眠Dormant 休眠的Dormant volcanoActive volcanoExtinct volcanoHymen 处女膜Virgin 处女座Virgo 处女座Immune systemIncubation 卵化Infant 婴儿Insectivore 食虫动物Vertebrate 脊椎动物InvertebrateSpine 脊椎Spinal cords 脊髓In vitro fertilization 体外受精In vivo fertilization 体内受精Text-tube baby 试管婴儿Optical system Auditory system 听觉系统Contact lenses 隐形眼镜Large/small intestine 大/小肠


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