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智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福TPO17 独立写作题目及范文摘要: 托福TPO17独立写作题目及范文!在托福写作练习过程中,同学们都会把TPO材料中的作文题目作为首选。下面小编就为同学们介绍托福TPO17独立写作题目及范文之广告的作用,同学们可以参考范文进行练习。托福 TPO17独立写作题目及范文。在 托福写作 练习过程中,同学们都会把TPO材料中的作文题目作为首选。下面小编就为同学们介绍托福TPO17独立写作题目及范文之广告的作用,同学们可以参考范文进行练习。托福独立写作题目及范文:广告的作用Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Most advertisements make products seem much better then they really are.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分类: 独立写作话题: 广告、影视、媒体、交流托福TPO17 独立写作范文: Advertising is one of the most useful ways for enterprise to convince their customers of the products. In fact, advertisements should be honest that it contains real information of the product. Meanwhile nowadays advertisement appears to be more misleading and make products better from the appearance.Advertisement seems to make us hard to tell the reality from the fantasy. There is a specific example. When targeted to the young children, enterprises tend to use fantasy themes and characters from fantasy movies to help show off their product. Since young children tend not to tell the reality to the fantasy, they will be misled and believe that the product appearing in the advertisement is worth buying. But in fact, the quality of the product will disappoint its buyers.Moreover, nowadays manufacturers tend to ask celebrities to advertise their products. This will also be misleading, too. The celebrities who advertise the product may not use the product at all and he knows nothing about the product. But the audiences tend to believe him since they think the celebrity is always responsible for what he said in a public situation. The celebrity makes this product worth buying, but in fact, it is not as good as the thing appears on the television.Sometimes manufacturers just do not ask any celebrities to help them with advertising. What they do is just to find someone acting as the users of the product. This will be even more misleading since they better convince the audience that the product is of great use, since the audience tends to believe people who have something in common with themselves. On the contrary, the product is not usually so valuable that the audience is cheated by merchants.Under these circumstances, advertisements seem misleading and make people feel better about the product. Although there is possibility that some advertisements are worth believing, at most time advertisement seems to guide us to a wrong direction.以上内容就是小编为同学们介绍的托福TPO17独立写作题目及范文。备考写作,范文是同学们不不可少的,大家可以通过对范文的参考来提升自己的写作能力。祝同学们考试顺利!相关推荐提高TOEFL听力辨音能力的方法 托福写作满分范文欣赏托福写作技巧及范文相关字搜索: 托福阅读考试

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