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2019届高考英语模拟试题(二)(含解析)本试题卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共14页。时量120分钟,满分150分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A 915 B918 C9 l5答案是C(C)1What does the man like to do best? AP1ay basketball BRead books C Write short stories(B)2Where does the conversation probably take place? AAt home BIn a hotel CIn a restaurant(A)3 What season is it now? ASpring BAutumn CWinter(C)4How many adults are there in the mans group? A 2 B5 C3第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 (B)6Where does the man want to go in spring?ATo Switzerland BTo Italy CTo South America(C)7How long is the mans holiday?AFor one week B For two weeks CFor three weeks听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。(C)8 Which of the following is a major theme of the movie? A Time is valuable BLove is everywhere CEveryone deserves to be loved(C)9What do we know about the song Wild Thing? AIt is a sad song BIt is a great rock-and-roll song CIt is the last song of the movie听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。(B)10 What did the two speakers do yesterday afternoon? A They played football BThey watched a football match C They had a hiking match(A)11How did the woman get hurt yesterday afternoon? AShe felt off her bike BShe was hit by the football CShe was beaten by someone(A)12What time did the match begin yesterday afternoon? AAt 3:00 P m BAt 3:10 Pm CAt 3:20 P m听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。(B)13 What does the woman mention about the carpet? AIts size BIts colors C Its quality (A)14How does the man feel about the kitchen? A Quite small B Very nice CToo messy (C)15What does the man see at last? AThe garden BThe bedrooms CThe bathroom(B)16What can we learn from the conversation? A There are three bedrooms in the apartment B The man wants to rent the apartment with his friend CThere are some secondhand shops near the apartment昕第10段材料,回答第17至20题。(C)17What will the temperature be at the bottom of the Grand Canyon four hours later? A26 B4l C 43(A)18What is the most important thing to bring when hiking? AEnough water BSome medicine Cfortable clothes(B)19What is the most mon cause of death in the Grand Canyon? AHeat exhaustion BFalling into it CGetting bitten by snakes(C)20How many people will go hiking together? AThree BFour CFive第二部分阅读理解(共两节。满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分, 阅读下列短文,从每题所绐的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Here is Bookednets selection of the strangest events worldwide Elephant polo(象球) The title is self-explanatory, but elephant polo is more interesting than the traditional alternative played on horsesElephants make the game slower,and, because of this the field isonly three-quarters the length of a standard polo fieldThe elephants carry two people and areguided by mahouts(看象人)The player hits the ball and tells the mahout which way to go. TheKings Cup Elephant Polo Tournament is the sixth largest event in the Thai calendar. Volcan de Lodo El Totumo If you are in Colombia at the end of March,you should make Cartagena part of your journeyherebetween December and March every year,is the opportunity to get dirty, Bathing in mud from the Volcan de Lodo El Totumo can best be described as a primitive experience. The volcano is diminutive(微小的),looking more like a little hill rising about 10 to 15m from the ground. If you climb a wooden staircase to reach the very top, you will discover a pit(大坑)of gray mud. It is believed that the mud has a curing effect,purifying your skin La TomatinaIt is possibly the most famous and most specific food fight in the world. If you think tomatoes are only for salads,you are on a wrong trackJust a visit to Valencia,or more precisely,a small Spanish village named Bunol in August can totally change your perception . There,on the last Wednesday of August every yeartrucks dump 120 tons of tomatoes in the streets of the town, and tomato juice and pulp(果肉)flow from there.Balloon FiestaHave you ever been taken to the skies in a hot-air balloon? The annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in America gives you the chance to enjoy a birds eye view of the city and countrysideSince 1972, perfect October weather,blue skies and wind patterns have bined to allow balloonists to control and retrace their route thanks to the direction of the winds. This is the only place in the world to enjoy a mass rise of balloons floating in the blue skies each October.(B)21Where can visitors experience bathing in mud in February? A In Thailand BIn Colombia, CIn Spain D In America【解析】细节理解题。由第二部分第一句可知。(D)22 Visitors to Bunol in August can_. Aattend the annual balloon fiesta B watch volcanoes erupting in person Ctake part in the game of elephant polo Dwitness the most specific food fight in the world【解析】细节理解题。由第三部分内容特别是第一句可知。(D)23We can learn from the passage that_.A mahouts decide which way to go and hit the ballB the Kings Cup Elephant Polo Tournament is held each OctoberC the tomato fight is intended to purify peoples skin with tomato juice.Dthe annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta has been held for 45 years.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四部分Sinecl972一句可知D项正确,其他三个答案均不符合文章内容。(D)24Which of the following groups of people are likely to be interested in this passage? AStudents who like biology BThose who like eating fruit CScientists who are doing research on volcanos D People who are curious about very strange events.【解析】主旨大意题。根据开篇第一句话可知本文介绍的是the strangest events wor1dwide,因此就是对此话题感兴趣的人将对本文感兴趣。BDear Windows Internet ExplorerOur relationship has been strained(紧张的)for a long timeOf course. its not all your fault, and nor is it a11 mineOur intermediary is also to blame;my hated Gate-way PC. which runs far too slowly. But that does not get you off the hook You see,Windows Internet ExplorerI can no longer deal with your ridiculous loading time.Sure,at one time I found it attractive-even-sexy for my browser to take ages to log in or load aweb pageBut not any more My life is fuller than it was, and I dont have time for you to semi-load and then stopAlsoas much as I loved it when we got together, your refusal to log me into some of my necessary accountssuch as email and MySpacehas bee a problem. It was unfair of you, and I should not have submitted to your cruelty and mistreatment.A third reason for my leaving you may seem mean:you are simply far too sickly. You are constantly contracting new virusesand your immune system is terribleI dont have the time or the money to care for you any more. It may seem unfair,but you will have to survive on your own. I cannot keep curing yougoing through and finding all your corrupted(损坏的)files,cleansing our intermediarys system because you have given it some virus,bug or spyware. It takes far too much time and energy,which I do not haveWindows Internet Explorer,you did wonderful things for me that,at the time,no other could doBut,my deartimes have changed,and while you have,too,you have not changed enough. I am 16 now,nearly a grown woman,and I cannot tolerate your childish ways As much as I once cared about you,I fear that the time has e for us to part. Your former friend, Kirsty(A)25What is the intermediaryaccording to the passage?A The puter B The network speedC A virus D An account【解析】词义猜测题。结合文中两处出现的intermediary所在的语境可知它所指的就是作者的电脑(C)26Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the author doesnt use WmdowsInternet Explorer? AIts immune system is really bad BThe author cannot log into her accounts C It cannot find corrupted files automatically D It takes the author too much time to open a web page【解析】细节理解题,A、B、D三个选项均在文中作为作者不愿继续使用Windows Internet Explorer的理由提及而C项与文章内容不符。(C)27 What is the authors attitude towards the subject of this letter? ACautious BSkeptical CCritical DContradictory【解析】观点态度题。从文中作者表述的口气可以明显地看出批评指责的态度,因此选择critical(B)28What kind of letter is this reading material? A A thank-you letter B A break-up letter CA warning letter D A consultation letter【解析】主旨大意题。由全文的介绍及最后一句As much as I once cared about youI fear that the time has e for us to part可知属于分手信C She has been teased,stared at in the street,and called“the worlds ugliest woman” bycyber bullies(网络地痞)Lizzie Velasquez of Austin,Texas,was born without adipose tissue(肌肉组织)meaning that she has no body fat,and,despite eating up to 60 small meals a day,remains a delicate 27 kilosThe rare condition is thought to affect just two other people worldwide. Miss Velasquez has now written a second book about her struggle to be accepted,and hopes it will help others in a similar positionIn Be BeautifulBe You the college student shares advice on being uniquehow to make and keep good friends,and how to deal with bullying and othernegativityWhen asked how she deals with being constantly stared at in the street, Miss Velasquezsays,“I always go up to these people and introduce myself,or give them my card and say,Hi,Im Lizzie-maybe you should stop staring and start learning” Miss Velasquez says when cyber bullies first started attacking her online it was hard. Eventually she realized that the people mocking her online were just cowards hiding behind a puter screen “Lizzie was born four weeks prematurelyDoctors told us they had no idea if she would survive”Miss Velasquezs mother Rita says“They told us she would never be able to walk,talkor have a norma1 life”Rita Velasquez has two other daughters,and both of them are of averageheight and weight. When Lizzie was four,doctors discovered she had gone blind in one eye. Miss Velasquezs case has fascinated doctors all over the world,and she is part of a geneticstudy run by Professor Abhimanyu GargProfessor Garg and his team now believe Miss Velasquez may have a form of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome(NPS),which causes accelerated aging and fat loss from the face and body People with NPS often have prematurely aged faces and pointy(尖的) noses(A)29What can we learn about Miss Velasquez? AShe is a college student BHer siblings have the same condition as her CHer appetite is smaller than that of healthy people- DShe has published two novels popular with students 【解析】细节理解题。由文中In Be BeautifulBe You,the college student shares advice on beingunique可知主人公是一位大学生。(B)30Which of the following is a characteristic of NPS? AInability to walk BA prematurely aged face CBlindness DA flat nose【解析】细节理解题。由文章最后一句可知。 。(A)31Which of the following words can replace the underlined word“mocking”? A teasing Bcopying C loving D hating【解析】词义猜测题。由文章第一句可以得到提示。DThe results of an admittedly small but telling new study suggest that Medicare and other insures could be spending billions of dollars on screening(拍片检查)smokers for lung cancer that would be better spent on helping them quit and keeping others from starting The new study indicated that screening more often supported smokers beliefs that they could safely continue to smokeMost participants remained smoker because they believed screening could catch cancer early before it would threaten their lives. “They pared how hard it was to quit smoking with how easy it was to be screened,”said Steven B. Zeliadt, the lead author of the study. They engaged in magical thinking that now theresthis wonderful painless external test that can save lives. He and seven colleagues conducted the study of 37 current smokers who were offered lungcancer screening at Department of Veteran Affairs. After being screened and told the results. they were interviewed about their smoking-relatedhealth beliefs. For about half of those in whom cancer was not found. Screening lowered theirmotivation for quitting. the team reported in July in JAMA Internal Medicine. The participantsfocused only on lung cancer, ignoring other potential harm of smoking. the researchers wrote.A national study published four years ago found that annual CT screening for lung cancer three years in a row could reduce deaths among heavy smokers by about 20 percent.In an interview, Dr. Russell P. Harris, a preventive medicine specialist at the UNC-Chapel Hill. noted that screening is being believed by people as an alternative to stopping smoking. But stopping smoking would have huge benefits for the individual and society. Furthermore, smokingcauses many other cancers.Dr. Harris agreed that rather than screening money is better spent on smoking prevention.He suggested providing free stop-smoking aids. sponsoring anti-smoking advertising and raisingtaxes on tobacco products and the age at which people are allowed to buy them.(C)32. What does the new study suggest?AScreening technology remains to be advanced and more effective.BScreening can find cancer in patients and give them timely treatment.CHelping people quit smoking is better than screening them for cancer.DAdmitting smoking before screening can help one to stop smoking.【解析】细节理解题。第一段谈到一项新研究的发现:医疗和其他保险机构花大量的钱给烟民拍X光检查肺癌,但其实这笔钱用来帮助他们戒烟会效果更好。 (B)33. What effect can screening have on most smokers?A. They will be scared by the result and quit smoking.B. They will believe screening can catch cancer early and not quit.C. They will lose hope and go on smoking.D. They will know screening costs less than smoking. 【解析】细节理解题。第二段说,大部分参与拍片的病人都会觉得,拍X光能够及时找出癌症。(A)34 What does the underlined word“they”(in Paragraph 5)refer to? A. The smokers screened in the study.B. Steven Zeliadt and his colleagues.C. Dr. Harris and his patients.D. The patients smoking-related health beliefs【解析】词义猜测题。从上下文的语境来看,这个代词指代前面提到的斯蒂文进行疾病扫描的那些烟民。(D)35Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage? AThe Effect of Screening for Cancer Patients BScreening Alone Doesnt Do the Work CScreening Has a Say in Cancer Detecting DScreening May Not Push Smokers to Quit【解析】主旨大意题。全文介绍对烟民进行肺癌疾病扫描带来的负面影响,认为烟民看到自己拍片不严重时就会继续抽烟。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分满分l0分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Exam anxiety is something that almost every person experiences during his or her student life. 36 C Howeverif students spend all their time feeling anxious, a lot of valuable time would be wasted In this petitive world;exams cause a tot of nervousness to students. For some. exam anxiety encourages them to work harderwhile for others it may be the root for poor performance.leading to failure in exams and lack of confidence37 A They will have a low opinion ofthemselves even if they have prepared well.One of the most important methods of avoiding exam anxiety is 38 E Studying regularly for a few hours helps increase the confidence of studentsIf students are not able to handle anxiety. they can talk to their teachers and friends to relax themselves 39 G Creating a peaceful a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere at home can be equally helpful. 40 D Students tend to avoid sleep or they dont have meals due to anxiety. but it isharmful to their study and health. Its better that students should plan their time reasonably andtake proper breaks between studyingAIn factsome students ale anxious by natureBto municate with othersCLittle anxiety helps one concentrateD、 To sleep and eat well is equally importantEto prepare well in advance FFairing to handle it may result in poor academic performanceG Parents also avoid putting pressure on their kids to do well 36【解析】该空后面有However并在其后说明了成天焦虑的弊端故空前应该是阐述有关焦虑的优点,答索为C。37【解析】该空后有人称代词they,可知该空应该是与A和G有关,再根据上下文可知此处的they指代学生而非父母,故选A。38.【解析】该空并非填一完整句,可知答案非B即E,再根据紧跟在该空后的补充说明的内容,答案为E。提前做好准备则意味着要坚持每天数小时的学习。39.【解析】根据该空后面内容的一线索词at home”可知该空是针对家长而言的,故选G.。40.【解析】该空为所在自然段的主题句,承接上文表明避免考试焦虑的另一途径。再结合后面所述的内容有关考生的饮食和睡眠.故选D.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My medical team had said my brain could no longer send the signals for walking because those nerves in my spinal cord(脊髓)had been destroyedThough 41 unintentionally. my doctors did take something very important away from me:hope. Thena friend of mine 42 me to try to help myselfI was angry. I said,“They re four ofleading neurologistsThey all said Id never get any 43 .” “They could have all been wrong.” “They said theres 44 I can do! Im not 45 any effort into trying to walk and then bemiserable when I 46 .” “Trying is never failure” I was encouraged by himThat day I tried walking 47 I said to myself.“Why not?”When I 48 I have a Frankenstein-style gait(步态)I get embarrassed, so I explain. I met a girlwho said,“Stop 49 yourself . Walk proudly!”Shes 50 one of the many whove taught methat if I open my heart to acceptance,the world is filled with 51 teams. One morning my husband Bob said there was a huge present for me in our driveway. It was a 300-pound cycle for 52 The seats were side by sideHe could pedal(踩踏板)while I 53 byhim and enjoyed the outdoors againLast week he repeated. “Theres a huge present in our driveway”He 54 me outside. It was a one-woman Dynamo Power Bike. “Sweetheart, youknow I cant ride a bike by myself”I 55 He laughed sweetly. “I know. And you cant walkeither. Then why does the pedometer(计步器)I bought you have 74 miles on it?” Recently,hundreds of miles later,after 56 hours of efforts. for the first time in fiveyears,I went out back,put my cane(拐杖) 57 and started walking .I 58 42 yards. And so,I have made a(n) 59 silent resolution-a declaration that I am praying others willsay to themselves as well “Yes,I can”Christopher Reeve once said,“When we have 60 ,we discover powerswithin ourselves we may have never known”(B)41Aregularly Bsurely Cnow and then Dsometimes【解析】语境中的的态度。“肯定不是有意,但”。(A)42Aurged Bpersuaded Cpermitted Dexpected【解析】根据后文的语句与态度,可知是朋友“建议、敦促”我。不强调“已说服”排除B。(C)43Awiser Bstronger Cbetter Dluckier【解析】语境,呼应前文,“我不会好起来”。(D)44Awhat Bmuch Creason Dnothing【解析】同43。(A)45Aputting Bturning Cgiving Dcasting【解析】付出努力去做某事。(A)46Afail Btry Cwalk Dcry【解析】我不想在我跌倒的时候被他人可怜。(D)47Ain the long run Bat best Cat no time Don my own【解析】前后文都说明作者“开始自己尝试走路”。(B)48Arace Bwalk Ccrawl Dstand up【解析】同47。(B)49Ahelping Bexcusing Cbeing Dfinding【解析】由前文的为自己辩解到后文的walk proudly都可以判断,不可以给自己找借口。(C)50Astill Byet Cjust Deven【解析】根据全句,很多人都鼓励我,而她只是其中一个。(A)51Asupport Bdiscouragement Cdepression Doptimism【解析】只要自己勇敢面对,周围的人都会支持自己。(B)52 Afree Btwo Call Dreference【解析】双人自行车。(C)53Awaited Bwalked Csat D1aughedaited 【解析】去坐在他的旁边。(A)54Aled Bwaited for Cpointed D1ooked for【解析】我行动不方便,他“带领”我去看双人自行车。

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