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Unit11.F International trade is only the exchange of goods between nations.2. T Countries trade with each other partly because of cost advantages.3. T Trade means countries can provide a wider variety of products for their consumers4. T International trade can greatly expand the market, which enables the suppliers to take advantage of economies of scale.5.T Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade.Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade6. T Still in some cases, political reasons can outweigh economic considerations between countries.7. T When we provide shipping insurance service for foreigners, it can be seen as an example of invisible trade.8.F Trade surplus means that a countrys imports exceed its exports.9. T Tariff and quotas are the examples of trade barriers.10. T A duty levied on a specific shipment can be an import, a protective and a compound duty at the same time.1. _ is the reason why international trade first began. a. Uneven distribution of resources c. Economic benefit b. Pattern of demand d. Comparative advantage 2. If one country concentrates on the production of the goods in which it has a comparative advantage, and produces more than it can use, then it will sell the left to other countries. This reason for international trade is called _. a. economies of scale c. specialization b. variety of style d. patterns of demand3. The production cost will decrease if the goods are produced on a large scale. This is called _. a. economies of scale c. specialization b. variety of style d. patterns of demand4. The followings are the special problems for international trade except for _. a. using foreign languages and foreign currency c. having risks b. under foreign laws, customs and regulations d. numerous cultural differences5. _ refers to an exchange of services, labor or other non-physical goods between countries. a. Invisible trade c. International trade b. Visible trade d. Balance of trade6. Invisible trade consists of the following items except for _. a. transport services across national borders c. insurance services across national borders b. foreign tourist expenses d. product exchange across national borders 7. _ is the difference between the value of the goods and services that a country exports and the value of the goods and services that it imports. a. Trade balance c. Trade deficit b. Trade surplus d. Trade barrier8. Each country has to earn _ to pay for imports. a. money c. cash b. foreign exchange d. currency 9. _ is collected according to physical quantity. a. Revenue tariff c. Specific duty b. Protection tariff d. Alternative duty 10. Which is not the example of trade barriers? _ a. Tariffs c. Import duties b. Quotas d. Income tax1. 国际贸易 international trade2. 比较优势 comparative advantage3. 规模经济 economies of scale4. 经济增长 economic growth5. 外汇 foreign currency6. 有形贸易 visible trade7. 无形贸易 invisible trade8. 贸易差额 balance of trade9. 贸易顺差 trade surplus10. 贸易逆差 trade deficit11. 贸易壁垒 trade barrier12. 非关税壁垒.non-tariff barrier13. 财政关税 revenue tariff14. 保护关税 revenue tariff15. 进口关税 import duty16. 出口关税 export duty17. 从量税 specific duty18. 从价税 Ad valorem duty19. 进口许可证 import license20. 配额 quota翻译1. International trade, also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade, is the exchange of goods and services between countries.国际贸易, 又称世界贸易、 对外贸易或海外贸易, 是国与国之间商品和服务的交换交换。2. Trade may occur because of economies of scale, that is, the cost advantages of large-scale production.贸易可能源于规模经济, 即大规模生产带来的成本优势。 3. Visible trade refers to exports and imports of goods, while invisible trade refers to an exchange of services, labor or other non-physical goods between countries.有形贸易即产品的进出口, 而无形贸易则指服务和资产的交换。4. If a country s exports exceed its imports, it has a trade surplus and the trade balance issaid to be positive. If imports exceed exports, the country has a trade deficit and its tradebalance is said to be negative.如果出口大于进口, 即为贸易顺差, 称为出超; 如果进口大于出口, 则为贸易逆差, 称为入超。 5. A tariff is a tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually coincides with the area of a country.关税即当货物跨越关境边界时征收的税, 关境通常就是国境。6. A quota is a limitation in value or in physical terms, imposed on import and export of certain goods for a certain period of time.配额是对某一商品在某一特定时期的进出口加以价值或数量上的限定。 7. 各种形式的贸易壁垒主要来源于政府干预(government intervention)。Various forms of trade barriers are largely derived from government intervention.8. 近年来中国经济迅速增长, 贸易结构也相应改变很大。Chinas economic growth has been tremendous in recent years and its trade structure has correspondingly undergone considerable transformation. 9. 当前国际贸易中最大的困难是非关税壁垒, 如进口配额、 出口管制等。The major difficulties in international trade today are the non-tariff barriers like quota sdttl and export controls.10. 大多数贸易协定是多边协定, 而非双边协定。Most trade agreements today are multilateral rather than bilateral.Unit2T1.A term for defining one particular grade of quality in one country may have quite a different meaning in another country. T2.In the case of sale by buyers sample or sale by sellers sample, the quality of the commodities should be strictly the same as what of the sample. Otherwise, it should be stipulated in the contract clearly. F3.The grades of the same product are always the same in different countries. F4.In international trade, only the Metric System is allowed to indicate the quantity of goods. T5.Different ways of measurement such as by weight, by length, by area, by volume and by capacity may be used for different products. F6.In reality, the quantity of goods shipped must be exactly the same with that stipulated in the contract. T7.Packing should be designed according to the need of the cargo. F8.Generally speaking, more packing is required for containerized consignments. T9.Marking of goods can facilitate loading, unloading, transit, storage, inspection and help avoid wrong shipment. T10.Nos.1- 150 in the shipping mark means that there are 150 packages of goods and this package is the first one. 1. The sample made by the seller according to the buyers, and then sent to and confirmed by the buyer is called d. counter sample 2. _ are usually sold by trade mark or brand name? a. Manufactured goods with steady quality 3. The methods commonly used to express the quality include the followings except for _. a. sale by sample b. sale by materials c. sale by description d. sale by trade mark or brand name 4. In international trade, the goods that are demanded on special shape or the characteristics of color and taste should be sold _. a. by sample b. by specification c. by grade d. by name of origin 5. Quality standard of FAQ is usually used in the trade of _. a. agricultural products b. wood c. aquatic products d. manufactured goods 6. If there is a quality tolerance clause in a contract, within the range of the tolerance, the buyer_. a. must accept the goods b. can refuse the goods c. can demand the price to be adjusted 7. Quality latitude can be stipulated in the contract in the following ways except for_. a. to stipulate a certain scope b. to stipulate more or less clause c. to stipulate “max” or “min” d. to stipulate a tolerance8. A company exports 50 tons of wheat, but the exporter delivers the extra 2 tons. If there is no other regulation on quantity in the L/C, then the importer should _. a. accept 52 tons b. refuse to take 52 tons c. accept extra 1 ton d. refuse to accept extra 2 tons 9. The more or less clause is normally used for _. a. bulk goods b. packed units c. individual items d. containerized goods 10. The followings are the typical examples of indicative marks except for _. a. Handle with care b. Inflammable c. Keep upright d. Keep in dry place1. 商品描述 description of commodity 2. 对等样品 counter sample3. 复样 duplicate sample4. 参考样品 original sample / reference sample5. 凭规格买卖 sale by specifications6. 良好平均品质 FAQ 7. 上好适销品质 GMQ8. 品牌 brand 9. 商标 trade mark10. 品质公差 quality tolerance 11. 品质机动幅度 quality latitude12. 数量 quantity13. 计量单位 unit of measurement14. 公吨 metric ton15. 溢短装条款 more or less clause16. 包装 packing17. 纸箱 carton18. 装运标志/唛头 shipping mark 19. 指示性标志 indicative marks20. 警告性标志 warning marks1. In order to take the initiative, the seller may reproduce the buyers sample, and send it back to the buyer as a type sample. After the buyer confirms this sample, sale by buyers sample is changed into sale by the sellers counter sample. 为了采取主动,卖方可根据买方样品加工出类似样品交买方确认。买方确认后,凭买方样品买卖变为凭卖方对等样品买卖。 2. FAQ means a quantity of a product that is offered not on a particular quality specification but on the basis that is equal to the average quality of the current group or recent shipment. 良好平均品质是指不按特定商品规格,而以近期的一批货物或装船货物的平均品质为基础提供的一批货物。 3. Tolerance means the permissible range within which the quality supplied by the seller may be either superior or inferior to the quality stipulated in the contract. 公差指卖方交货品质优于或劣于合同规定质量的许可范围。 4. It is very difficult to measure accurately some agricultural and mineral products like corn, wheat, coal, etc., then a “more or less clause”, also called “plus or minus clause”, may be used to allow some tolerance in the quantity. 有时难以保证装运商品的数量与合同规定完全相符,因此会使用溢短装条款或称增减条款以允许数量差额。 5. Unless there is a stipulation that the quantity of the goods must not be exceeded or reduced, or the goods are to be calculated by number of package, 5% more or less of the goods in quantity should be accepted. 如果未规定商品质量不能增加或者减少,则可有 5%的增减幅度。 6. Packing should be designed according to the need of the cargo. Bulk cargoes require little packing. General merchandises require adequate packing of various types. 包装应按货物的需要来设计。散装货几乎不用包装,大路货需要不同类型的合适包装。7. 我方对产品质量很满意,想知道它们是怎么包装的。 We appreciate the quality of your products but would like to know how they are packed. 8. 豆子是以散装或尼龙袋供应的。 The beans are supplied in bulk or in gunny bags. 9. 我方采用纸箱而非木箱,因为纸箱同样适用于海上运输,但成本更少,重量更轻。 We have now adopted carton packing instead of wooden cases as the former is just as seaworthy as the latter while the cost is less and the weight lighter. 10. 每罐装 330 毫升零度可口可乐,每 24 罐装一纸箱。 Pack the Coco Cola Zero in tins of 330ml each, 24 tins to a carton.Unit3T1.A unit price consists of four parts: currency unit, unit price figure, measuring unitand price terms.F2. Both money of account and money of payment must be stipulated in the contract clearly.T3. The fluctuations of exchange rates may influence the interests of tradersT.4. Generally, the price of a foreign exchange is expressed in another currency.T5. Generally speaking, the exporter likes to use hard currency as payment currency.T6. Commission refers to service fees, while discount is a certain percent of price reduction.F7. Commission and discount must be stipulated in the price clause in a contract.T8. According to whether the price includes commission or not, the price can be divided into net price and commission-included price.T9. Discount is usually used as a means of promoting and expanding sales.T10. “USD200.00 per M/T CIFC2% London”means that the seller will receive 200.00US dollars for per metric ton.1. Total cost of exporting includes _. a. production cost c. production cost and all charge before exporting b. sales price d. production cost, all charge and taxes before exporting 2. Which one is the best expression of unit price in international trade?_ a. CIF LONDON US$1010/MT b. USD1,010.00/MT c. CIF LONDON USD1,010.00/MT d. CIF LONDON $1,010.00 3. The seller reduces the price by a certain percentage of the original price for the buyer, thats to say, the seller does proper favor in price for the buyer. The favor is called_. a. commission b. discount c. advance payment d. deposit 4. While choosing the money for the payment in international trade, one should _. a. choose hard money b. choose soft money c. choose soft money for export and hard money for import d. choose hard money for export and soft money when import 5. In international trade, the method of calculating plain commission is _. a. net price multiplied by commission rate b. commission-included price multiplied by commission rate c. net price divided by(one minus commission rate) d. commission-included price divided by(one minus commission rate) 6. In international trade, the commission is usually collected by _. a. the exporter b. the importer c. the insurance company d. the intermediary7. Which one is the price including commission? _ a. FOBS b. FOBT c. FOBST d. FOBC 8. Which one of the following quotation is improper? _ a. FOB QINGDAO USD10.00/PC b. CIF LIVERPOOL GBP125.00/MT c. FOB SHANGHAI $15.25/PC d. FOB JINAN USD2.00/KG 9. The followings are included in CFR and CPT prices expect for _. a. production cost b. freight c. insurance premium d. profit 10. If the unit price clause is stipulated as“USD 200.00 per metric ton CIF London less 3% discount”, the seller will receive _ US dollars for one metric ton. a. 200.00 b. 194.00 c. 206.00 d. 196.001. 单价 unit price2. 总值 total amount3. 欧元 EUR/Euro4. 英镑 GBP5. 价格术语 price term6. 计价货币 money/currency of account7. 支付货币 money/currency of payment8. 本币 home currency 9. 硬(通) 货币 hard currency10. 软(通) 货币 soft currency11. 汇率 exchange rate12. 外汇保值条款 exchange proviso clause 13. 中间商 intermediary14. 明佣 plain commission 15. 现金折扣 cash discount 16. 数量折扣 quantity discount1. A unit price consists of four parts: currency unit, unit price figure, measuring unit and price terms.单价由四部分组成: 计价货币、 单位价格金额、 计量单位和价格术语。大连理工大学出 版社2. In ISO 4217 Currency Code List, the currency code is composed of the countrys two character Internet country code plus an extra character to denote the currency unit.在国际标准化组织 4217 货币代码表中, 货币代码由国家网络代码的两个字母和代表计价单位的另一个字母组成。 3. Total amount equals to the unit price multiplied by the quantity of the goods. It is often shown in the contract not only in Arabic numbers but also in English words.总值等于单价乘以商品的数量。 合同中的总值不止用阿拉伯数字表示, 还用英大连理工大学出 版社文字表示。4. Theoretically, use of hard currency as payment currency is more favorable to the exporter, while the importer prefers to pay in soft currency.理论上来说, 以硬通货币作为支付货币对出口商来说更有利, 而进口商更愿意用软货币。 5. Foreign exchange rate is the price relationship between the currencies of two countries or the price of one currency in terms of the other.汇率就是两国货币间的价格关系或一种货币相对于另一种货币的价格。大连理工大学出 版社6. Plain commission is often represented by a capital letter “C” followed a percentage of commission rate, which is inserted into the price term, for example,“USD200.00 per M/TCIFC2% London.明佣通常用大写字母“ C” 加上佣金的百分率, 嵌入价格术语中来表示, 如“CIF伦敦价每公吨 200 美元含 2%佣金。 ” 7. 该报盘以我方最终确认为准。The offer is subject to our final confirmation.8. 你方如果不把价格降到市场价格水平就没有希望做成买卖。It will be hopeless to get the business if you dont bring your price into line with the world market. 9. 请报最优惠的 CIF 伦敦价, 包括 3%佣金在内。10. Wed like to have your most favorable CIF London price, including 3% commission.10. 价格是上海工厂交货价每公吨 300 英镑。The price is GBP 300 per metric ton EXW Shanghai.Unit4( F ) 1. All international business transactions are done under Incoterms 2010. ( T ) 2. Trade terms can be called price terms because they stand for the price component. ( T ) 3. EXW in Incoterms 2010 is the trade term under which the obligations and costs borne by and risks of the seller are minimum.( F ) 4. Under FCA in Incoterms 2010, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer at the time the buyer accepts the goods. ( T ) 5. Generally speaking, under FOB in Incoterms 2010, it is the sellers responsibility to apply for the export license and pay the export duty. ( F ) 6. Under FOB San Francisco, San Francisco is the port of destination. ( F ) 7. DAT and DAP require the seller to clear the goods for export. ( T ) 8. The buyer has more responsibilities, costs and risks when using FOB than using CIF. ( T ) 9. Under CPT Tokyo, Tokyo is the place of delivery.( T ) 10. The DDP should not be used if the seller is unable to obtain import license directly or indirectly. 1. The trade terms define the responsibilities and expenses of _. a. both the seller and the buyer c. both the shipper and carrier b. both the consignee and the consignor d. both the seller and the operator 2. _ means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. a. CPT c. DAT b. DDP d. DAP 3. Under _, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are alongside the ship, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards. a. DAT c. FOB b. FAS d. CIF 4. _ means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered, and he must contract for transport and insurance. a. FAS c. CFR b. FOB d. CIF 5. In such circumstances where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal, _ should be used. a. FCA c. CPT b. FOB d. DAT 6. The buyer should note that under _ the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. a. EXW c. CIP b. FOB d. DDP 7. _ may be used for any mode or modes of transport. a. FCA CPT DAP c. FCA FAS CIF b. FCA FOB EXW d. FCA CFR DAT 8. _ can only be used for waterway transport. a. CIF CIP DAT c. CPT CIF FOB b. CFR CPT DAP d. CIF CFR FOB 9. Under _, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination. a. CFR CIF DAT c. CPT CIP FCA b. FCA FAS FOB d. DAT DAP DDP 10. _ requires the seller to clear the goods for export and import, where applicable. a. EXW c. DAP b. DDP d. CPT1. Trade terms, also called price terms or delivery terms, are an important part of a unit price in international trade, standing for specific responsibilities and obligations of both the buyer and the seller. 贸易术语,又称价格术语或交货术语,是国际贸易中单价条款的重要组成部分, 代表买卖双方各自特定的责任和义务。 2. FCA requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.FCA 要求卖方在需要时办理出口清关手续。3. Under CPT, the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination. CPT 下,卖方必须订立运输合同,自付费用将货物运至指定的目的地。 4. Under CIP, the seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. CIP 下,卖方还必须订立保险合同以防买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险。 5. When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination. 在 CPT, CIP, CFR 或 CIF 适用的情形下,卖方的交货义务在将货物交付承运人, 而非货物到达指定目的地时,即告完全履行。 6. 卖方必须支付在需要办理海关手续时,货物出口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他 费用。The seller must pay, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon export. 7. CFR 适用于海洋运输和内河沿运,而 CPT 则适于任何运输方式。 CFR is only applied to sea and inland waterway transport while CPT may be used for any mode of transport.8. 卖方必须按照销售合同提供货物和商业发票。 The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale. 9. 自卖方交货之时起,买方必须承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。 The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time the goods have been delivered. 10. FOB 是指卖方在指定的装运港,将货物交至买方指定的船只上,或者指(中间 销售商)设法获取按该种交付方式交付的货物。 FOB means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment or procures the goods already so delivered.Unit5T1. Sea transport is the most important mode of transport in international trade now.T2. The freight of liners is relatively fixed, while the freight of tramps is mainly determined by the m

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