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1CHAPTER THREE 常用语法点教学时数:8 学时课题名称:常用语法点特别说明:本课程全部选用原版经贸类文章,旨在培养学生独立阅读理解翻译经贸类英语报刊文章的能力,因而有相当的阅读难度。在正式开始阅读之前,有必要加强学生的商务英语语法基础。本部分按照常见语法现象,共分为十个专题。教学目标:通过本部分学习,要求学生熟悉并掌握常见的各种语法现象,为下一部分学习打下基础。教学内容:常用语法点重点难点:各专题常见语法现象易犯的错误教学方法:课堂讲授、例句分析一、 名词与主谓一致(一)名词单复数1、不规则名词的单复数形式1)单复数相同的名词主要有:species, means, fish, deer, sheep, Chinese, Japanese, series,barracks,aircraft,swine2)以-sis 结尾的名词通常为单数,复数应为 ses:crisiscrises analysisanalyses basis-bases3)以-um 结尾的名词通常为单数,其复数形式应将-um 改为-a:bacteriumbacteria datumdata medium-media4)以-o 结尾的词多数加 es,但也有例外:A词末为两个元音字母的词:bamboos, radios, studios, zoos, cuckoosB某些外来词:photos, solos, piano, kilos, 5)以-f 或-fe 结尾的词,多数变 f 为 v 再加 es,但也有例外:roofs, cliffs, proofs, hoofs, chiefs, gulfs, beliefs6)其他不规则名词的单复数形式主要有:phenomenonphenomena oxoxen mousemice criterioncriteria goosegeese formula-formulae7)不可数名词没有复数变化,注意: A不可数名词的修饰语主要有:Little, a little, few, a few, a great deal of, a great amount of, muchB不可数名词作主语时,谓语形式为单数。C常用的不可数名词有:2Advice, baggage, luggage, equipment, furniture, information, news, progress, weather, experience, money, rain, damage, work, food8)部分以 ics 结尾表示学科的名词,只用作单数。这些词主要有:acoustics, economics, electronics, ethics, mathematics, statistics, mechanics9)有些名词形式上是复数(意义上是单数) ,表示成双的东西,注意加量词,这些词主要有:scissors, glasses, trousers, shoes, shorts, spectacles10)有些名词,其复数形式可以表示特别的意思:minutes 记录 papers 文件,证件 authorities 当局 greens 青菜 looks 外貌 times 时代 manners 礼貌 grounds 围院 ruins 废墟 damages 赔偿费 brains 头脑 imports 进口货物 troops 军队2、名词的格1)复合名词作为一个整体的词组,其所有格在最后一个词尾加sEg: the editor-in-chiefs office; my brother-in laws friend; a cat & dogs life2)注意名词所有格的省略是指省略s 后的名词,保留sEg: In spite of his appearance, his movements were as spirited as a young mans. (not “young man ”)3、名词用作形容词作定语,使用原形。Eg: To take space in the bedroom, she put away her winter clothes in the upstairs bedroom.(not “winters”)Eg: She is going to the to buy some shoes. (选 A)A. shoe store B. shoes store C. shoes store D. shoes store4、名词的性阳性: 阴性: God 神 Goddess 女神Emperor 皇帝 Empress 女皇帝King 国王 Queen 女王Prince 王子 Princess 公主Actor 演员 Actress 女演员Waiter 饭馆服务员 Waitress 饭馆女服务员Master 男主人(对仆人而言) Mistress 女主人(对仆人而言)3Host 男主人(对客人而言) Hostess 女主人(对客人而言)Heir 继承人 Heiress 女继承人Shepherd 牧羊人 Shepherdess 牧羊女Widower 鳏夫 Widow 寡妇Lad 少年 Lass 少女Hero 英雄 Heroine 女英雄Nephew 侄儿 Niece 侄女Bridegroom 新郎 Bride 新娘Lion 狮子 Lioness 母狮子Tiger 老虎 Tigress 雌老虎Bull 公牛 Cow 母牛Horse 马 Mare 母马Cock 公鸡 Hen 母鸡(二)主谓一致1、不定代词作主语或修饰语时,谓语动词常是单数Eg: The father writes in his will that every son and daughter has a share of his property. 2、主语不受其定语及状语修饰语的影响Eg: The president, along with his wife and daughter, is returning from a brief vacation at Sun Valley in order to attend a press conference this afternoon. (本句中 along with 引导状语)类似的短语还有: as well as, besides, except, in addition to, no less than, rather than, together with3、带有量词的主谓一致1)句中主语的数取决于介词后面的数Eg: Nearly half of the ancient meteor crater have been found in central and eastern Canada.2)The number of +可数名词,谓语动词为单数A number of +可数名词,谓语动词为复数The amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词为单数A large amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词为单数Eg: A large of people come from all parts of the country to see exhibition. A. number B. amount C. deal D. lot (answer is A)43)More than +单数名词,谓语动词为单数+复数名词,谓语动词为复数Eg: More than one person was involved in this case.Eg: More than one hundred men and women are working in this working shop.Eg: Many a man like is meaningless without a purpose.A. think B. have thought C. thinks D. thinking (answer is C)4、由 or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also 连接两个主语时,谓语与最近的主语取得一致,即就近原则。Eg: On most America farms, one or two principal products are raised for a cash crop. (not “is”)5、在 one of + n 的结构中,名词后的定语从句中的谓语动词要用复数形式。Eg: She is one of the girls who play in the band.但 one of 结构前有 the only 修饰时,从句中的谓语动词要用单数。Eg: She is the only one of the girls who plays in the band.6、非谓语动词,主语从句作主语时,谓语从句用单数。Eg: Setting fires to public buildings is highly dangerous and punishable.Eg: What happened in New York was a reaction from city workers who had been laid off from their jobs.7、表示时间、金钱、距离的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Eg: A thousand miles no longer means much to us today for modern jets can easily get us over this long distance within a matter of a few hours. (not “mean”)(三)常用的前缀与后缀1、名词后缀后缀 例词-er thinker harvester pain-killer eye-opener-or actor sailor transistor semi-conductor-ist Marxist scientist detist Buddhist-ee employee trainee referee trustee-ess hostess actress waitress lioness-ian magician musician technician physician5-ese Chinese Japanese Portuguese Pekinese-ant inhabitant contestant lubricant dependant-ism socialism racism heroism optimism-ness illness happiness greatness coldness-(a)tion dictation preparation exception repetition-ment movement agrument judgment government-ion expansion discussion revision decision-ing building feeling painting wedding-ship leadership friendship scholarship hardship-hood childhood falsehood likelihood motherhood-age shortage marriage leakage shrinkage-ure failure pressure pleasure seizure-dom freedom kingdom martyrdom officialdom-ty loyalty curelty safety penalty-ity activity reality humidity possibility-y modesty difficulty discovery inquiry-th truth warmth health length-al refusal denial approval arrival-ance acceptance allowance assistance reliance-ence dependence confidence difference reference-ful mouthful handful plateful boxful2、动词、数词后缀后缀 例词动词 -ize realize modernize mechanize normalize-en widen hasten strengthen lengthen-ify simplify beautify amplify diversify数词 -teen fourteen fifteen-ty forty fifty -th ninth twelfth3、形容词后缀后缀 例词-ful cheerful useful grateful faithful-less careless homeless fearless motherless-ish childish reddish selfish Swedish-ive active collective decisive destructive-ous courageous famous continuous erroneous-able acceptable agreeable applicable comfortable-ible contemptible sensible responsible permissible6-ic realistic poetic historic energetic-ant ignorant significant defiant observant-ly friendly leisurely lively daily-al critical accidental continual exceptional-y rainy handy thirsty dirty-ent different dependent consistent obedient-ary imaginary revolutionary honorary secondary-some troublesome burdensome lonesome tiresome-like childlike womanlike warlike manlike-en golden wooden earthen woolen-ed landed moneyed cultured talented-an European Indian American Canadian4、副词后缀后缀 例词-ly really happily simply terribly-ward onward backward eastward homeward-wise likewise clockwise otherwise lengthwise5、反义词前缀前缀 意思 例词un- 不或做相反的动作 unhappy untrue uncomfortabledis- 不或做相反的动作 dislike dishonest(y) disagree(ment)in 不 informal inaccurate(cy) inconvenient(ce)im- 不 immoral impolite impossibleir- 不 irregular irresistible irresponsibleil- 不 illegal illogical illegitimateNon- 不 Non-existent Non-conductor Non-interferencede- 不 decode decentralize demobilize6、其他前缀前缀 意思 例词re- 重新 retell redesign rewritemis- 错误地 misspell misinform misunderstandco- 共同 co-exist co-operate co-editorcounter-反 counteract counter-attackcounter-revolutionaryanti- 反(对) ,防 anti-tank anti-fascistanti-clockwise7pro- 亲 pro-French pro-British pro-Common Marketover- 过于 overdo over-estimateover-simplifyunder- 不够 underfeed under-estimateunderpayex- 前 ex-husband ex-presidentex-servicemanpre- 预先,之前的prefabricatepre- liberationpre-schoolpost- 在之后的 post-war post- election post-graduatefore- 预先,前 foretell foreleg forefrontself- 自动的,自我的self-starterself-serviceself-correctingsuper- 超级,上层 superman supermarket superstructuresub- 下面的 subway subdivide subconsciousinter- 之间的,互相internationalinteract inter-continentaltrans- 跨越,移 transatlantictransplant trans-Siberianultra- 外,极 ultra-violetultra-left ultra-conservativesemi- 半 semi-cicle semi-final semi-conductorvice- 副 vice-premiervice-chairmanvice-presidentuni- 单 unicycle unisex unilateralbi- 双 bicycle bimonthly bilingualtri- 三 tricycle triangle tripartitemulti- 多 multi-racialmulti-nationalmultilateralauto- 自 automation autonomous autobiographyneo- 新 neo-nazi neo-classicismneo-colonialism8二、 代词(一)人称代词人称代词所指代的名词在性、数、格方面保持一致。1、格的一致Eg: In the early morning the first thing that both my brother and I was to go out to see the pony. (not “my brother and me”)2、数的一致Eg: In early large city there are lonely men who seldom leave their own homes, usually they are bachelors. (not “it is”)Eg: Because it uses energy only for motion, the snake has the ability to live longer without food than human beings. (not “they use”)Eg: If anyone happened to call while I am out of the office please have him leave a message for me.(not “them”)Eg: The members of the childrens orchestra were told that when one was asked to play more softly, he should not play loudly. (not “you”)3、物主代词指代要一致Eg: In its own way, mathematics can be as creative and exciting as 9poetry. (not “their”)Eg: Anyone in this university, who is interested in modern drama or modern poetry, can write down his name on the piece pf paper below. (not “their names”)(二)指示代词:this, that, these, those1that 主要用于代替单数或不可数名词,而 those 则用来代替可数复数名词。Eg: These machines are better than we turned out last year. (answer is C)A. that B. which C. those D. theseEg: Their production cost is only 0.1 percent that of the imported diamond tools.2such 也是一个指示代词,在句子中可以用作定语、主语、表语。Eg: I dont like such weather.Eg: Such was my immediate impression.Eg: His illness was not such as to cause anxiety.(三)不定代词 all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no 以及由 some, any, no, every 构成的合成词,其中 every 和 no 只可作定语1every 每一个,只可作定语词组:every little while 每隔一会儿 every other day 每隔一天 every three days 每隔两天every fourth week 每隔三周 every ten miles 每十英里 every now and then不时2Little, few, many, much 都是表示数量的词很多,许多 有一些,有几个 没多少,很少用于可数名词 many a few few用于不可数名词 much a little little但要注意:1)quite a few 表示“相当多”Eg: There were quite a few old comrades there.2)many, much 主要用于疑问句和否定句,肯定句中多用 a lot (of)之类短语,但 many, much 常可用于肯定句的句首3 another(另外一个)与 the other(另外那个)10泛指 Eg: Please give another example to illustrate your point.特指 Eg: Other people may not think that way.(四)相互代词 one another 和 each otherEg: We are all willing to learn from each other.Eg: For years the two sisters looked after one another.相互代词在必要时可以加s,表示所有关系。Eg: We should point out each others shortcomings.三、 形容词、副词与比较结构(一)形容词1、系动词及部分行为动词转化的系动词,后面应接形容词作表语,切勿用副词。常见的这类动词有:look, become, seem, taste, feel, remain, fall, sound, smell appear, turn, grow, get, stay.Eg: Having spent his last penny for the cheese, he was determined to eat it all, even though it tasted bitter to him. (not “tasted bitterly”)Eg: Without doubt the old man felt sad, having lost all his hard-earned money in just a single card game. (not “felt sadly”)2、表语形容词有些形容词只可用作表语,切勿用作定语。常见的有:asleep, awake, alone, alive, alike, afraid, ashamed, well, aware, content, unable.Eg: The sleeping baby might be dreaming a beautiful dream for there was a smile on her face.(not “asleep”)113、形容词、副词比较级和最高级变化规则1)单音节词和少数双音节词情况 加法 举例一般情况 直接加词尾 small smaller smallest以 e 结尾的词 加-r, -st large larger largest以“辅音+y”结尾的词 变 y 为 i,再加词尾 busy busier busiest以一个辅音字母结尾的词 双写该字母,再加词尾 big bigger biggest2)特殊的比较级和最高级原级 比较级 最高级good, well better bestbad, ill worse worstmany, much more mostlittle less lestfar farther farthestold older, elder oldest, eldest注意:Afurther 主要是“进一步”的意思Eg: Dont make any changes till further notice.B “elder”和“eldest”主要用来表示兄弟姊妹之间的长幼关系Eg: She is the eldest of the three sisters.4、名词化的形容词:“the+形容词”表示一类人或物Eg: Theyre going to build a school for the deaf and the blind.(二)比较结构1、同级比较:肯定形式用 asas,否定形式用 not as(so)as,应注意:1)避免连接词误用。Eg: Waiting for a plane to take off an airplane can often take as long as the trip itself. (not “so”)3)当同级比较的形容词跟单数可数名词连用时,要注意不定冠词的位置。Eg: Exercising is as good a way as any to lose unwanted weight. (not “as a good way as”)3)在表示同级比较的 asas ;not soas 句型中,可和 just, almost, twice, three times 等词连用,这些词应放在此结构的前面。Eg: Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dog? ( Answer is B)“No, I would gladly pay for him.” A. as much twice B. twice as much C. much twice D. twice so much124)在 as as ; not soas 结构中前一个 as, so 是副词,后一个 as 是连词,若连接的一方是代词,需用主格形式。Eg: Barbara is as tall as she, although she is not nearly old.5)asas 结构中避免使用 asthanEg: The gorilla, while not as curious as the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem. (not “than”)6)副词的同级比较应避免与形容词形式的误用。Eg: In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he work as fast as possible. (not “as fastly as”)Eg: As quietly as possible he unfastened the door and went out into the frosty December night. (not “As quiet as”)2、程度不等的比较1)程度不等的比较句,连词用 than,不用 asEg: The French seem far more interested in reading about Africa than about their nearest neighbors. (not “as”)2)为连词,其后所跟的实际上是一个省略的比较句。Eg: Because George I faster than me, he was able to leave to the cafeteria sooner. (not “are”)3) than 引起的从句成分与主句要保持一致。Eg: It usually takes much less time to fly one country to another than to travel by train. (not “travelling”)4)使用比较级时,注意形式上的变化,避免双重比较。Eg: There is no much freer city than New York, one can do as he please there. (not “more freer”)5)比较级也可用于下面结构,the +比较级+ of +比较的范围,应注意:A比较的范围只限两者B切勿用最高级C必须有冠词Eg: He is the clever of the two boys.6)注意比较的逻辑性,即比较的对象要一致。Eg: Everyone agrees with the music critics judgement that Beethovens later symphonies were more highly refined than Mozarts. (not “Mozart”)7)注意比较的排斥性,即比较对象的前后两者不能互相包容。Eg: That kind of flower requires more frequent watering and tender care than any other in the garden. (not “any”)138)关于比较句中的替代问题A用助动词代替句中的有关动词Eg: John spends as much time watching TV as he does writing.B用代词代替句中有关的名词,这些代词有 that, those, one, onesEg: Anderson has never been out of the United States, yet his accent is very similar to that of an Englishman.Eg: The novel is as interesting as the ones we have read.9)有些形容词,由于本身的原因,不用比较级,也不能被其他程度副词,如very 等修饰。常见的有:absolute, eternal, perfect, unique, infinite, ultimate, primaryEg: Whether you agree or not, this was the perfect arrangement for him and Paul under the circumstances. (not “most perfect”)10)和 to 连用表示比较意义的形容词:有些形容词,本身已是比较级的形式,后面不能用 than 应用 to。此类词有:prior, senior, junior, superior, inferior, preferableEg: The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who regard him as superior to other musicians. (not “as superior to”)3、最高级的用法1)用以表示三者以上的比较Eg: The most famous observation tower in the located at the World Trade Center in New York. (not “The more famous”)2)最高级比较应有一个范围,这个范围通常由所引起的前置短语或其他地点状语表示。Eg: Of all brands, which do you think is the most durable?3)在最高级复数名词结构中,要避免最高级用比较级,或复数名词用成单数。Eg: On the day he was to give speech, Paul was suffering from one of the worst colds he had ever had. (not “the worse colds”)4)在作表语的形容词最高级前,若不是和别人比较,常常不加 theEg: Vegetables are best when they are fresh.4、形容词的比较级还可用在某些固定句型中1)more and more 越来越Eg: Our country is getting stronger and stronger.2)the morethe more 越是就越Eg: Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels.3)all the more因而更加Eg: As a result, the rich became all the richer.144)more or less 大体上,或多或少Eg: The question is more or less settled.5)more (less) than 不止,不到Eg: The lightest weighs less than 50 kilograms.He is more than a friend to me.

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