商务英语 BEC初级口语(超详细讲义)

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1BEC 初级口语电子讲义第一课时BEC Preliminary 介绍 BP Introduction BEC 初级介绍()Why take BEC exams?* strong growth* rigorous quality control* wide suitability* wide business context* value for study and business career* international recognition for work and study() BP Content BP 包含的内容 BP 考试主要是考学生的语言能力,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。试卷所设计的语言文字基本上都与商务有关。另外,还考学生的英语语法、结构等内容。BP 考试分笔试和口试两大部分。笔试包括阅读、写作和听力。听说读写听力:电话、面谈、问路、讨论等阅读:来往函电、表格、会议记录(memorandum)、广告(advertisement)、 通知(announcement)、日程安排(business schedule)、电话留言、简历(resume/CV)、商业文章、信息转换、产品目录(product catalog)写作:写短文、商务信函(查询信、复查询信、抱怨信、图表描述)口语:日常会话(daily conversation)、简单陈述(mainly presentation)、讨论问题() Papers 试卷. Preliminary Vantage AdvancedReading 1 hr 1 hrWriting1 hr 30 mins 45 mins 1 hr 10 minsListening 40 mins 40 mins 40 minsSpeaking( 2 candidates) 12 mins 14 mins 16 mins 2() Grades 评分等级* one overall grade* each skill counts for 25%* candidates also receive profile of performance* Preliminary: two pass grades, namely, pass with merit and pass* Vantage and Advance: three pass grades() Introduction to BP Preparation Resource* vocabulary * textbook Pass Cambridge BEC PreliminaryFurther Ahead (a communication skills course for Business English)* mock exam papers: 9 sets 学习方法 Learning MethodsWhat is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等。How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语?1. 掌握一定的商务英语词汇、短语和句型。(1) 词汇方面commercial e.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials. prospecte.g. He called on some prospects but failed to make a sale.makee.g. These products are of Chinese make.The factory manufactured five makes of tractors.(2) 短语方面soft selling hard sellingSome sales people adopt a direct hard sell approach, while others use a more indirect soft sell approach.have a bad yearThe corporation is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to dismiss a few office staff.3break into/penetrate the marketThere is chance that well manage to break into the UK market.(3) 句型方面I am writing to you concerningI cant agree more.You can always reach me at the numberWe would very much appreciate it if you couldI noted with interest your advertisement forThats exactly what I think.You are wanted on the phone.As requested, we enclose for your attention2. 熟悉世界贸易组织。3. 熟悉国际商务英语有关行业的基本术语及其内涵意义。4. 学习国际商务常识,略知相关专业知识。 (一个中心,四个基本点)一个中心:国际贸易知识。四个基本点:国际经济、国际金融、营销策略、国际商法。 国际经济:4C 规律(Competition, Contradiction, Coordination, Cooperation)等。国际金融:外汇、国际收支、货币的一般知识。营销策略:市场调研、营销组合、目标市场、战略营销等。国际商法:合同、WTO 协定文本(基本常识) 、知识产权等。5. 密切了解国际商务最新动态。第二课时 Introducing yourself & Introducing some elseE.g. 1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Im so happy to be here today.Id like to introduce myself.My name is Jennifer.I come from Kaohsiung.Ive been living in Taipei for three years.I am a student.I like outdoor life.4Im interested in sports, especially mountain-climbing.I like making friends with people from all over the world.I hope well become good friends.Thank you, everybody!E.g.2Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.This is Michael Wang.Youve all heard about him.Hes a good friend of mine.Youll have a chance to chat with him.Lets make him feel at home.Here he is.Michael Wang. Big wheelLets give him a big hand. PresentationIntroducing yourselfGreeting Introduction ResponseHelloGood morning/afternoonHow do you do?Let me introduce myself. My names_My names_Im_Pleased to meet you.Im_Nice to meet you.Mines_Nice to meet you.Im_Introducing someone elseRequest for introduction Introduction ResponseCould you introduce me to_?I havent met_I dont know anyone here. Youll have to introduce me.Of course. Let me introduce you to_Im sorry. This is_Of course. Ill introduce you to_, this is_Let me introduce you two. Nice to meet you.Very nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.5_, this is_ Business DialogueDialogue 1 Introducing an Acquaintance Mr. Lee: Well get Miss Lewis opinion on this, I think.Mr. Jones: Miss LewisIve heard that name. Oh yes! I heard she is one of the secrets of this companys success. Everyone was raving about what a great job shes done in motivating the (interrupted by Mr. Lee)Mr. Lee: Uh, Mike speak of the devil the famous Miss Lewis is standing right behind you. Mary, let me introduce our new Accounting Manager Mike Jones. Mike, this is Mary Lewis. Mr. Jones: So youre the famous Miss Lewis! So nice to meet you at last! Ive heard so much about you.Miss Lewis: All good, I hope. Its nice to meet you, too.Mr. Jones: Yes, I assure you, it was all good. What do you do in Human Resources?Miss Lewis: Im the General Manager of Human Resources. I took over from Jim when he stepped down a few years ago. And how long have you been in the Accounting Department?Mr. Jones: Just started, Im afraid. But I hope to see more of you in the future. It was so nice to finally meet you.Miss Lewis: Same here. Im looking forward to working with you.Dialogue 2 The Lunch Meeting Mr. Lee: You must be Miss King. Im Leo Lee. Wow, you look just as you described on the phone.Miss King: Yes, I am Miss King. But please call me Betty. Its great to meet you, Mr. Lee. Thanks for suggesting a lunch meeting. Ive got a hectic schedule, so this is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.Mr. Lee: Me, too, and its my pleasure. You must be wondering who my friend here is. Ive taken the liberty of inviting my assistant, Mr. Young. Hell be taking a few notes.Miss King: Great! Nice to meet you. Its always good to have someone to keep track of things when youre brainstorming.Mr. Young: Nice to meet you, too.Mr. Lee: Well, lets go through the buffet line and then we can get down to business. Introduction to BP Speakingformatconversation6presentationdiscussioncriteriapronunciationvocabulary & grammardiscourse managementinteractive communicationexaminerinterlocutorassessorCambridge examiner第三课时BP 口语第二讲 Greetings1.Whats up?Whats happening?Whats going on?Hows it going?Hows everything?Hows everything going with you?2.How are you doing?How are you getting along?How are things with you?How are you?How have you been?Hows life been treating you?与考官见面用语1. Glad to meet you here.2. How nice to see you.3. Fancy seeing you.4. How are you?5. Im glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.6. How do you do?7. Im glad to meet you.8. Im pleased to meet you.9. Im pleased to make your acquaintance.10. Its a pleasure to meet you.7考试结束语表达1 Thats very kind of you. Thank you.2 Thank you very much for giving me information.3 Well, thanks for talking to you and I wish you all the best in your future.4 Thank you, Sir/Madam.5 Nice to talking to you.6 Before you go, is there anything else youd like to tell me?7 I appreciate your talking with me. Goodbye.8 I enjoyed talking to you.9 It has been very helpful talking to you.10 Hope to see you again. ConversationPossible Questions Suggested Answers and Note1) Whats your registration number? My registration number is2) Whats your name?How do you spell your name?How do you spell your family name / surname / last name? My first name is. and my last name is. My given name is, but my friends always call me, my English name is. You can call me, if you like / wish. 可说自己的 nickname, 使人有亲切感3) Where are you from?Would you say its a good place to live in?(Why?)Do you like living in?Where would you like rather liveor?(Why?)Do you think it would be better to live inor? (Why?) Weather Transportation Environment HousingHouses are pricey in this area. Night life (exciting, dynamic) Local people Local government Job opportunities Resorts (skiing) Atmosphere 描述 hometown 的时候要有 selling points4) Do you come from a large family or a small family?Can you tell me a bit aboutin your family? Extended family Nuclear family 在谈及自己家庭的时候应该说一些额外信息(additional information ) only child single5) Do you work or are you a student in?What do you do? Major 可用做动词I majored in , and minored in8What do you study?Whats your major?What do you like most about your job?(Why?)What do you like most about your studies?(Why?) Ever since I was a child, I was interested in Interesting & challengingTraveling opportunityTraining (career development)Financial benefitsGood prospect, bright future第四课时BP 口语第三讲 Conversation注意:1 考试中不要说 “Pardon?”2 Never say “sorry” in examination!3 没听清可用以下说法I dont quite understand you. Would you explain it a little bit for me?I am not so sure what you are getting at. Would you express it in another way?Free TimeDo you have much free time?How do you spend your free time?What do you do in your free time?Whats your hobby?Why do you like?Is there any particular reason why you enjoy?When did you first take up / start(Why did you start then?) Particular reason Cultivate a hobby Its never too late to take a hobby. -Churchill Outdoor activities:Sports: tennis / golf / baseball / attend the gym / fitness center Work out=exercise Recharge the battery: Attend a training courseRead various books, for example Chat onlineWatch TV(passive viewer) TV=one-eyed monsterads (advertisement advert) Commercial Teleplay 9 Educational programs Amusement programs Music: classical / light/ pop / jazz / bluesfolk Fine arts Abstract painting / oil painting I am fond of traveling. Traveling is a good way of learning and a good way of communicating with other people. No, I dont have much free time, because so many wonderful courses are fixed. I prefer doing exercises, (most of time) Id like to attend the gym or go to the fitness centers. If time is enough, Ill read various kinds of books.Possible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and NoteTransportHow did you come here today?How did you travel to the test?Did you come here by bus?If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?)Which form of transport would you like to travel by?How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years time?How do you think you will travel to work 15 years from now? Bus / taxi / cab / private car / subway / tube underground / tram 注意从以下三点出发:time / safety / money light way / subway / airport It would be fast developing in 15 years time and will cover everywhere in Beijing. It will be really convenient.HotelsWhat kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on holiday?Do you stay in a hotel or an apartment you are on holiday? hotel/motel/villa/apartment/flat (BrE)/dorm city breaks, beach holidayssun-tanned / fast-tanned center camping 可以住 camp or tent Hitchhiking, hitchhiker (take a gap year) Domestic travel Sight seeing 10What kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?)Do you think companies should pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)Should people stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?) Hi-tech, Local Area Net, internet, database system, fax Well equipped conference room,sound-proof multi-function hall video-conferencing, tele-conferencing It depends (on the different circumstances).If you fix a deal which is worth $1000000, in that case, your company will pay for you to liveIf you go there for only 2$, its impossiblePossible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and NoteFuture PlanWhat would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?)What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan?What if you failed to find a job as a?What would you do if you couldnt find a job as a? go abroad, look for a job, hunt for a job, study further, post graduate knowledge preparation: attend training course psychological preparation: be matureimprove interpersonal skills It is not quite possible. 面试时问这种问题可以说:If you dont want me, there are several other companies waiting for me, actually Ive got several offers. 如果被问到:这个工作你能做么?AmE: Yes, definitely. It is a piece of cake.BrE: Im sure I can do it.TeamworkWhat kind of people do you most like working /studying with? (Why?)What do you think makes a good team?What is a good team? Honest and have good interpersonal skills Cooperation and friendly atmosphere Mutual trust11Do you think you work in a good team?(Why? / Why not?)考场策略:1放松心态,留下良好第一印象;2听清问题,避免答非所问;3回答以清晰,简洁,明了为佳。 Functional Sentences没听懂时1. Could you please rephrase the question/topic?2. Im not exactly sure what you mean.对内容不熟悉或完全没听说过时1. Im not exactly sure how to answer the question, but (perhaps)2. Thats a rather difficult question, but (maybe)3. Im sorry, but I dont know much about.联想到相关答案时1. However, it might be possible that2. Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience, I had3. Thats an interesting questionLet me see. Well, I suppose that第五课时BP 口语第四讲 Conversation (Warming up Ex.)1Exercise daily.Work out every day.Keep yourself in shape.Lets exercise.Lets burn a few calories.Lets give our bodies a workout.2.Image is everything.12Stay fit and look healthy.People judge you by your appearance.Your health is precious.You cant buy good health.Health is more important than wealth.3.Thin is in.Fats not where its at.You need to slim down.4.Lets walk down every street.Lets cover every inch of this city.Lets learn about this city inside out.5.Lets get rowdy.Lets whoop it up.Lets paint the town red.Lets go crazy.Lets raise hell.Lets wake the dead.6.I want to travel.I want to see the world.Im going to be a globe-trotter.Lets see the unseen.Lets do whats never been done before.Lets travel the world far and wide. Presentation1. What is important when choosing a business club to join in? Leisure FacilitiesThe leisure facilities may be the answer, I think. It can make us very happy and comfortable after all days work and sometimes we can enjoy our lives in the club. Type of EventsIf there are many types of events in the club, we will select it. Different types of events can 13provide us with many experiences that we have not gone through in daily basis. CostThe cost may be a very important factor. If the cost is too high, many guests would be scared away, and the cost should be reasonable according to the services on offer. Club MembersI think club members will be the only answer. If someone can meet the celebrities of different circles in the club, he will be happy to join in the club and he may have a chance to make friends with them. OrganizerA good organizer will be the winning point. If everything is arranged in order, the guests can easily find the person hes looking for and do whatever they please, the guests will be very satisfied. Connections with Government OfficialsIf its up to me, the factor of Connections with Government Officials is also very important. Strong Connections with Government Officials can be useful to build good relationships with the establishment, which will be very beneficial to the business2. What is important when choosing a business-training course? CostId like to see if our company could afford the expenses. Should the business training course costs too much, the company will have to reconsider the value and effect of the training course. Size of groupIf I were the decision maker, I would select a small group. Size of group will decide the quality of training to some extent. A small group will give the trainees more opportunities to develop themselves. Subjects coveredIf the training course covers a wide range of subjects, it will be more useful for the trainees in different aspects. The more subjects are covered, the more experience they will acquire. TrainersIf there are many excellent trainers handling this course, it surely will be interesting and attractive. Everybody wants to learn from excellent teachers. DurationA proper duration for a training course is very important. As long as the trainee is not disturbed during the course, and the timetable is reasonably arranged, the course can be regarded as a successful one.14 Relevance to my jobI will select a training course, which is related to my present job. My work demands fresh minds and new skills. It couldnt be better if I got some detailed guidance to my job from this course.3. What is important when choosing a center for a conference? FacilitiesA facility available is regarded as the hardware component of a conference center. It would be super if the facility were always in good shape, so our work wont be held up. AccommodationsAs a comprehensive building, a conference center should provide office facilities as well as daily necessities. Satisfactory food and bedrooms would make their stay a pleasurable recollection. LocationsTo select the right location is always important in doing business. For a conference center, company-intensive downtown area is not a bad choice. But theres also a trend to move towards the suburbs. SurroundingsEscaping the hustles and bustles of the city is a pursuit in vogue. Conference centers are catering to this desire too. Thats why so many of them are located in tranquil parks. NightlifeTo lead a colorful nightlife was originally a western lifestyle. Thanks to our open-up policy, we Chinese are learning how to relax after hard work in the daytime. So it would be considerate for the conference centers to organize some recreational events. TrafficIve seen the narrow streets surrounding a conference center jammed all day long, which is a negative example. I would choose a place to hold the meetings when people can come and go with ease. Presentation Discourse Management1. Opening SentenceWell, Id like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic2. Body (一般讲 2-3 个要点,根据语速和知识点调整)First,Second.15Third,3. Closing SentenceAnyway, thats why I think so.Thank you very much.Thank you for taking your time.Thank you for listening.第六课时BP 口语第五讲 Conversation (Warming up Ex.)1Im beat.Im bushed.I cant keep my eyes open.Ive had it.Im exhausted.Lets call it quits for today.2.Im only human.Im not a machine.There is only so much I can do in a day.3.I need a pick-me-up.I need something to perk me up.Lets get some coffee.4.Im slowing down.Im losing steam.Im tiring out.I need some stimulation.I need some more energy.How about some coffee?5.You look tired.You look sluggish.Did you have a sleepless night?16You look under the weather.You dont look yourself.You look out of sorts.6.You look worried.Is anything wrong?Whats on your mind?Whats troubling you?Whats bothering you?Whats eating you?You look tired.You look haggard.You look spent.You look pale.You look awful.You look wasted.You look sleepy.You look drowsy.You look sluggish.You look wiped out.You look burned out.You look worn-out. Presentation4. What is important when attending an interview? PunctualityIts a merit that we keep our appointment on time. For example, if the interview is due to start at ten oclock, a candidate should arrive five minutes earlier. In preparation, hed better pay a visit to the interview site on the day before if possible. By doing this, he could make sure of the shortest route and the approximate time to get there. MannerRemember that the interviewer is observing you even before you enter the room. So dont you forget to knock at the door first, no matter its a shut or open. Moreover, its widely accepted that eye contact is indispensable. Look straight into the eyes of the interviewer with politeness as well as self-confidence, and greet him with a smile at the same time.17 AppearanceSomeone who is particular about his appearance is welcome everywhere. With you hair neatly cut, your beard nicely shaved


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