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1英语 I(2)光盘答案19 单元in last this time sunny food burned up live over.C C B A C A A C B A C A C A C / AC A B A C A C C A / B C C B A20 单元dont idea 6 time nice no more going 3 seeBBCCC ACCAA CAABB / CBAAB CCBCA / CBABA21 单元wrote met set music pop keen next set for studentBCACA AABBA ACCAA / CCAAC BABAC / ABABC22 单元do go play go a do play play with playCCACB ABBCB CBCCB / BCCCC CABAC / ABAAC23 单元walking begin her black with wine been huge too laterBCBCB CCBAA BBACB / CABCB CCCCB / BCBAC25 单元rather not far Both neither near either of less betterBBBCC CAACA ACBAA / CBABA BABAC / BABCB26 单元After going went During to made by take before spite ABCCA BBACB ABCAB / BABAC BBABA / BABCB27 单元18 came no up siblings 4 2 only great missedBCCAC BABAB BCAAA / CBCCA BCCCA / BCCBA 228 单元just yet already Have yet yet busy chosen already freeCBBAA BAACC ACCAB / ACBAB CBAAC / BCCAB29 单元please Next long Can take walk fine shower choice note CCBBB CAACA AACCC / BBAAA AABAC / BAABC31 单元ABABB ABCAA / CACBC CCABC CAAAB BCACA AAACA / CBACA32 单元notice stuff off van laptop damage window door police roundABCBA CBCCB ABBCC / CACCA CBACA / BCABB33 元order plenty 20 7 come salad cheeses so right forgetBBBCA CABBA BCBCA / CBACA CABBB / ACBBB34 单元sure 14 look who must on with not right awfulCACBB BABAC CBBCA / CBACA ACBBA / BCBAB35 单元far learn with complete fat humour five nice shy onesBAACC BABAB AAAAA / ABCCB CBAAA / CBABA324 单元一、 语法与功能TASK 1:选择填空。Id rather have a glass of coffee.Although he is over 70 years old, he still works very hard.Everything is ready now for the party.A: Can you help me with my homework?B: Nobody else can. You have to do it yourself.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: Youre welcome. But could you give it back to me tomorrow?A: Whose book is this? B: Its mine.Can you help me clear up my desk?Come here quickly. The meeting will begin in five minutes. Did she take part in the meeting? Did you enjoy yourself when you stayed in Beijing.Did you happen to come across my old school tie?Dont let anyone in. The doctor is operating on the patient now.Has it stopped raining, Mike? We have to do some shopping today.Have you got any books on Chinese painting? I want to borrow one. Have you visited Xian? _ Yes. I have been there many times.He has made a lot of money since he started his own restaurant business.He is a good friend of ours.He is going to visit the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.He likes playing football very much.His mother as well as his father is busy with work.I dont like coloured clothes. I like white ones. If youre going to come, please let me know in advance.Is it difficult to learn to do Tai Chi? June 1st is Childrens Day.Last Saturday I met an old English friend of mine.Last Sunday I went to Mr Smiths birthday party,and some other friends were there ,too.Lets go to the Great Wall by bus, shall we?Mary found the keys to her bedroom at last. Money isnt everything.My father is three years older than my mother.My parent work very hard in the farm. They always get up early in the morning.My uncle has lived in this city since 1980.Our classroom is bigger than theirs.Peggy is picking up her granddaughter at six pm.She goes jogging every morning.She has lived in America for many years. She hopes to go back to China next year.She went to town last week.The child is named after his father.The day after tomorrow will be my birthday.The meeting has lasted for five hours. No one knows when it will end. This bridge is made of iron.4This cake is really nice. Id like to have more of it.This jacket is not big enough for me. I need a bigger one.This red bicycle is his, and that blue one is Tomes Three books are interesting, but the rest are not very good.We are having a chess competition tonight.We worked all day, but we didnt finish it.Wheres todays newspaper?When he woke up, he heard the sound of knocking at the door.Why didnt you go to see the film yesterday evening?Xiao Wang will be a university student nest year.Youre driving too fast, slow down.TASK 2:选词填空。A 篇: A: Well, what have you done today? Have you done ?B: Yes. I have been very busy.everything all, made, loaded, in, of, for, for, met, had.B 篇:In this romantic comedy, Lucy Simms is a beautiful 30-year-old career woman, whohas, enough, her, of, husband, as, funny, at, at, will.C 篇:Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across, back, play, on, about, in, had, offered, up, after.D 篇:The party went very well and they all had a good time. Nearly all the peoplecame, because, also, in, played, drank, with, everyone, talking, anyone.E 篇:Football, or soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. It is played by, in, biggest, for, The, for, other, are, over, on.F 篇:Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.Xiaoyan: Yes, I .am. How, before, No, a lot, like, have, before, but, Lets.二、 阅读TASK 1:选词填空。1、He is not strong enough to play football. weak.2、The part of the story is so funny that its hard to forget it. memorable.3、The pop group came to the party and played their new songs to the guests. live.4、He was never late for work. brilliant.5、The party is very successful. Everyone had a good time. enjoyable.1、A kind of light shoes people usually wear in summer. sandal.2、A piece of paper which has some information written on it. leaflet3、Teacher who teaches at a university. tutor4、Special shoes people wear when they go jogging. trainer 5、A kind of machine people use to print out from the computer. Printer1、Mary takes care of the boys when their mother is away. look after52、The room is a mess. You need to put things in order. clear up3、There is something wrong with his car. It doesnt move. break down4、She comes to the meeting quite late. turn up5、I met an old friend of mine in a supermarket. It was really a surprise. come across1、He nearly finished his homework. almost 2、We havent got any news from him for a long time. for ages3、There is a lot of fish in the river. plenty of4、He went to visit his uncle sometimes. occasionally5、Youd better book your ticket 2 weeks before the concert. in advanceTASK 2:阅读理解A 篇: Xianyan: Oh hi,Jane! How are you?.Xianyan: No, he didnt. I remember now why he couldnt come. He went to visit his parents in the country.问题:1. Xiaoyan was at the party.2. Marys friends played live music at the party.3. Xiaoyan enjoyed herself at the party.4. Xiaoyan got to know some of Marys friends at the party.5. Tom went to the countryside to visit his parents.B 篇:Dear all:This message is just to confirm the details for the next few days.See you all,Mary问题:1. Theyll load the van after Dave has picked it up.2. Theyll stay in a hotel for one night.3. Theyll get to the hotel before 6 pm.4. Theyll stay at the hotel on Friday night.5. Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they arrive before 7.C 篇: A Bad DaySarah got up late. but it wasnt in her pocket.问题:1. Sarah went to work by train that day.2. Sarah bought a lottery ticket on her way to the station.3. Sarah arrived at work after 9 oclock.4. Sarah didnt have lunch break that day.5. Sarah couldnt find her lottery ticket.D 篇:Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.Tim: Lets go to Francos.问题:1. Xiaoyan has just played tennis.2. Xiaoyan played table tennis a lot in China.3. Xiaoyan has never played tennis in China.4. Xiaoyan wants to have a fruit juice.5. They will probably go to Francos to have a meal.6E 篇:Xiaoyan: Well, what have you done today? Have you done everything?Mary: . That was nice.问题: 1. On Marys list are things to do.2. I have collected the brochures. “collect” means to pick up.3. I have loaded the van. “ load the van ” means to put things into the van.4. Mary and Polly each had a cup of tea.5. In the last sentence “ That was nice” “that” refers to the tea.G 篇:Xiaoyan: Which film do you think we should go to?Xiaoyan: OK then. Pass the magazine and Ill call the cinema while you do that.问题: 1. Life without Steve is a film that can make people laugh.2. Both of them havent had dinner yet.3. Polly would like to eat after the film.4. The restaurant Polly talks about is not far from the cinema.5. Xiaoyan will check the details about the film.TASK 3:阅读理解A 篇: Ted worked in a factory in a big town.He saw on it, “ For oil to cook fish (7days) $ 3.50.”问题: 1. During his holidays one summer, Ted went to the seaside to fish in the sea.2. Ted gave the fish to the hotel for nothing.3. When Ted got his bill, he felt surprised.4. Which of the following is true? ( There were fewer fish in the river than in the sea.)5.In the first paragraph , the word “polluted” means dirty.B 篇:People have strange ideas about food, for example.问题: 1. After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true?( American didnt eat tomatoes before the 18th century.)2. The passage tells us that Jefferson was a president of the USA.3. Jefferson learned that tomatoes were good to eat when he was in Paris.4. From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were people of his own country.5. The tomato is known today as a vegetable rich in nutrition and vitamins. C 篇:Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.问题: 1. Helen got very sick when she was old .( wrong)2. The teacher taught Helen how to see and hear. (wrong)3. Helen had got higher education. ( right )4. Helen was a beautiful, bright and brave person.( doesnt say )5.“ She found a way to see and hear” means that she was not blind and deaf. ( wrong )D 篇:Hi, there! Im Crystal Collins. stop at once if you feel any pain in your neck, head or any part of your body.问题: 1. Crystal Collins most probably is a teacher.72. The students most probably are people who want to be healthier.3. Crystal Collins most probably says this before the exercise starts.4. Which of the following is not true?( You dont need to do warming-up exercise if you dont like to.)5.“ Take it nice and easy” means “ Dont exercise too much”.E 篇: I go to the barker every month. He never said, “I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now”问题: 1. The writer has his hair cut every month. ( right )2. They got to know each other only a few months ago. ( wrong)3. Every year the barker goes to some cities or villages in France. (right)4. The barker is not very old , but he has tried many strange foodand drinks. ( wrong)5. The barker lived in France when he was young. ( doesnt say)三、翻译TASK 1:汉译英B These shoes arent big enough.(不够大) The trainers are not big enough(不够大).C A: Where is Jane? B: He is over there. He is in blue jeans.(穿蓝色牛仔裤的)D The jacket is too long for him.(对他来说太长了)The jeans are too large for me.(对我来说太大了)H A: Shall we go swimming this afternoon? B: Thats a good idea.(好主意)A: Did you see Sandy? Is she at the party too? B: Thats her. Shes wearing a long black silk dress.(黑色的长裙)K A:We have plenty of time before the film. We could/can have something to eat.(可以吃点儿东西) after the film or go to a pub. B: Sounds great.M A: What sports do you do, Jack? B: I go jogging every morning.(每天早晨慢跑) I play golf with some friends on Sundays. N Have you been to (你去过没去过)the Great Wall?Q A: What would you like to drink?(请问您要点什么喝的?)B: A bottle of sparkling mineral water for me, please.S Although it is very good,(虽然书很好) the book is too expensive.A: Whose jumper is this? B: Oh, thats hers.(是她的)T A: Henry, Id like you to meet Dorothy. Shes Marys daughter. (她是玛丽的女儿)B: How do you do?W A: Im looking forward to meeting you in London.(我盼望着在伦敦见到你)B: So am I.A: Lets have a glass of beer. B: Id rather have a glass of wine.(我倒愿意来一杯葡萄酒)A: Shall we go to the theatre? B: Id prefer to go to the cinema.(我想看电影)A: Would you like to order now? B: Salad for me ,please.。(我要份沙拉)A: What shall we do this evening? B: Lets go out for a meal.(我们出去吃顿饭吧)Ive never played tennis before.(我以前从未打过网球)Im visiting my friends (我要去看望在澳大利亚的朋友们)in Australia this year. Ill call you when I arrive in Beijing/ after I arrive in Beijing/ when I get to Beijing/ 8after I get to Beijing.(我到了北京以后)Y At least twice a week ( 一周两次 )I do Tai Chi.Because it was late(因为天晚了), they did not go to the film.You should come and see(应该什么时候来看场比赛)a match some timeZ A: Im sorry you couldnt come to the party. B: Yes, it was a shame.(真可惜)Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports (最危险的体育活动) in the world.Which is the best football team (最好的足球队) in the world.TASK 2:英译汉Because it was late, they did not go to the film.因为时间晚了,所以他们没有去看电影。Could I have a glass of white wine, please? 请给我来杯白葡萄酒,好吗?Im a bit lonely because Davids away on business.我有点寂寞,因为大卫出差了。I didnt have breakfast this morning. 今天早上我没有吃早饭。I play cards occasionally when it is raining.下雨天我偶尔玩扑克牌。I started playing football when I was ten.我十岁开始踢足球。I would love to come to a football match.我真想去看场足球赛。Mary began playing the violin then she was only six.玛丽六岁时就开始拉小提琴了。She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday.她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。She got on well with the violin.她拉小提琴进步很大。Shes never been to Hong Kong. 她从没去过香港。The flat was in a bit of mess. 房子有点乱。This photograph makes her look very young.这照片使她看起来很年轻。This T-shirt is mine and that ones yours.这件 T 恤衫是我的,那件是你的。What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样?30 单元Task 1_doing some shopping- How about_ her mother_ she was-. neither nor_ of these books are- which_ see the film this- why dont we_the end of the next week By_was she dancing with? who_ will be good for you. Either of the books_you sent this letter- CanA: _is at the door?B:It must whoA:Have you sent the fax to the travel agent?B:Yes ,I have .A friend of mine is meeting me on Friday .A house in Beijing- canAll the members of his family came home for Christmas.Be careful!Dont cut yourself with the knife.Do you want to add some milk to your tea?Dont worry about it!- either orEach student will be- withGet up! Mary.Tom has already called you three times this mor.Have you ever seen a tiger ?9He didnt get up until 10 oclock this morning .He got his leg _ while- broken He has _ gone out.- justHe looks tired,- must have hadHe told us that- the next dayHe went on with his work in spite of the difficulties.Her mother told her not to go off without telling her.His grandfather is very- neither norI used to play football when I was young.I dont know- howI have worked in this university since 1980.Ill go and see you while Im in England.I think you need to speed up a bit-were going to be late.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the Summer Palace.If you_ mistake, you- make a, wontIt was really hard to bring up five children on her own.Just wait for a moment! Ill get the car started .Mary spent the whole- roundMay I ask for a photo of your hometown?My parents have never been to the Great Wall.Richard works really hard ,and so do you.Ten years have passed- sinceThe film was so boring that I fell asleep in the cinema.There _ a lot of trees- used to beWe built the house ourselves .Nobody helped us.We need to have our TV set repaired before this weekend.We _ in the same house- used to liveWe want to learn some- so whatYou can see McDonalds almost everywhere in the word .You should turn off your mobile phone when the plane takes off .You _ the exam in- will passYou may leave your bag anywhereTask2 选择正确的词语填空1、Dear Vicky, I am 13 years old.experience in go me both like from into about should2、When I was a child, I lived in Sicily.for so used to so from to everybody only but still3、Close to the centre of Paris and builtin both and away with takes for pool with doubles4.I live about 35 miles from London.by what to though any of living old wants for5.David ard xiaoyan arrived at the airport in.In checked went because for to wait hadnt where at must6.Last week Judy Summers a colleague of Xiaoyans.to place with already carries bride who took until on10Reading Task 1阅读并选择正确的答案1、The restaurant will be very busy on Saturday.-reserve2、There is snow at the airport in Harbin.-delay3、 ”I am going to make my babys photo - enlarge4、This map is too difficult to follow. -simplify5、 ”I need to change these dollars to euros.” - convert1.The airplanes leave the ground every ten minutes. take off2.The new policy has been very successful in stopping smoking. work out3.The little boy wants to see his Christmas present as soon as possible. _look forward to4.The job in Shanghai sounds interesting. I will send my CV to them. apply for5.My mum has been working very hard to look after us until we grow up. _bring up1.The twins look like their mother. take after2.When Tom was in a restaurant someone tried to take his jacket. _walk off with3.After the examination you must give your answer papers to the examiner _hand in4.It is great to get some news from you. _hear from5.There is too much sport on TV these days. I am not interested in it. be bored with1.Sam is shy and doesnt have many friends. _unsociable2.Be careful she is always in a bad mood in the morning. _irritable3.Judy has a very small room near the hospital. _tiny4.John is not hopeful about his exam results. He didnt study very hard. _pessimistic5.He worked very long hours every day. _workaholic1.He is a man who never eats meat. _vegetarian2.After their marriage they went to Dalian for a special holiday. _honeymoon3.If it doesnt rain soon this whole area will become a dry and dead place. _desert4.She was the most popular person at the conference. _participant5.Showers and toilets are basic things a hotel should have. _facilityReading Taks 21、 Steve: Where have you been, Xiaoyan? B C B A A2、 When I first knew Mike B A B B C3、My grandfather was a completely different B C C A C4、Polly : Frarco, who do you take.Mary : .weve got the samehis mother her mother shy optimistic both have very dark hair5Ivydale Guesthouse.B A A B C6.From:S. T. Griffin C B B C AReading Taks 31、Because of the fast pace of American A C C B A2、Dreams may be more important than sleep A B B A C3、Not long ago I was invited out to dinner C C B A C4 There was ice on the roadyour helpWrong / wrong / right / right / wrong115 If one receives an.by what others do. C C A B B6 Does it master if you dontyour other meals. B B A C BWriting Taks 1 汉译英B 不可能是他 it cant be himC 曾经工作特别努力 used to work very hard从上星期五 since last FridayD 到晚上才能来 cant come until this eveningF 非常耐心的 very patientG 该理发了 have your hair cutJ 尽管下雨 In spite of the rainK 可能去 He might have gone / Could have goneL 离巴黎市中心最远 the farthest / furthest离曼彻斯特 30 英里远 30 miles fromM 明天下雨 it rains tomorrowN 你应该去问问 John You should ask John / You should ask John about itR 如果我是你 If I were you如果我把餐厅

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