九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit6(P41) 1. 发明 (v.)_(n.) 发明家_由某人发明_电话什么时候被发明?_ 这项发明是由这个发明家发明的_2. 邀请(v.) _ (n.) _被邀请做某事_(P42)1.有灯的鞋子. 2.靠电力驱动. 3.改变鞋子的样式. 4.我知道许多改变世界的小发明. 5.你能帮我想出一种发明? 6.乐意效劳. 7.愉快(n.) (adj.)人 物 对某人满意 乐意去干某事 8.如此棒的一项发明(2种). 9.在我们的日常生活中. 10.你似乎很有道理. 11.seem的三种用法. 12.在那时,它没有被广泛的使用. 13.被用来做某事(2种). 14.被热情招待 热情的服务 (P43)1.一个偶然的发明. 2.偶然的(adj.) 意外(n.) 3.偶然. 4.被首次饮用. 第一个做某事的人 5.据说. 6.第一个发现茶将其作为一种饮料的人. 据说一个叫神农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶将其作为一种饮料的人 7.煮饮用水. 8.在户外的篝火上. 9.落到水里. 10.停留在那儿一段时间._ 11.散发出一股香味. 保持伫立/坐着(的状态) . 12.世界上最受喜爱的饮料之一被发明了. 13.几千年以后(用于过去时). 14.这本书描述了怎样种茶以及制作茶. 15.人们相信 16.被带到韩国. 17.茶没有出现知道1660年. 18.从中国到西方国家的茶贸易发生在十九世纪. 19.茶的普及. 20.传播到 21.毫无疑问. (P44)1.以低/高价. 2.(被)卖完 .3.卖得好. 4.从偷 5.建议某人(不要)做某事 被建议不要做某事 6.把翻译成 被翻译成 7.突然(短语) (adv.) 8.一个安全的地方. 9.安全(adj.) (n.) (adv.) 10.地震突然发生,但是幸运的是村民被带到一个安全的地方. 11.被告诉不要做某事. 12.破坏规则 反义短语 遵守规则 13.音乐 音乐家(n.) 音乐的(adj.). 14.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词eat ring break tell bring steal sell say drink fall take taste believe spread mention invent use remain appear drop trade (P45)1.错误地 ,犯错. 很抱歉我错拿了你的笔_2.不够薄. 3.盐 .咸的. 4.使顾客开心. 5.最后. 6.的历史. 7.一个叫George的厨师. 8. 他烹饪了他们很长时间直到变脆. 9.你知道薯条是错误的被发明的吗? (P46)1.你知道篮球是什么时候被发明的吗? 2.历史上第一次篮球比赛. 3. 一个名叫的加拿大医生. 4.被要求想出一个游戏. 想出 5.在硬地板上. 6.把分成 被分成 7.同时. 8.阻止某人做某事(3种). 9.篮球的普及. 10.梦想着做某事(2种). 11.不仅而且. 不仅我,而且她也喜欢弹钢琴 她不仅喜欢英语而且还很擅长英语 她不仅意识到了环保的重要性,而且还想采取行动帮忙拯救地球。 12.包括(prep) (v.). 13.越来越多的外国运动员._ 14.钦佩某人. 15.鼓励某人做某事. 被鼓励做某事 16.实现他们的梦想. 这些明星鼓励他们去实现他们的梦想 17.一个专业的篮球运动员. 18.打篮球玩 19.跑步锻炼_ 20.参加奥运会 21. 出生于 22. 上大学 23.齐心协力 24.在同队/班 (P48)1.决定去干某事 2. 很难说谁是第一个想出这个办法的 3.发明私人电脑. 4.把带回某地. 九上英语Unit6参考答案(P41)1. 发明 (v.)invent (n.) invention 发明家inventor由某人发明be invented by sb. 电话什么时候被发明?When was the telephone invented? 这项发明是由这个发明家发明的The invention was invented by the inventor. 2. 邀请(v.) invite (n.) invitation被邀请做某事 be invited to do sth (P42)1.有灯的鞋子.shoes with lights 2.靠电力驱动. run on electricity 3.改变鞋子的样式. change the style of the shoes 4.我知道许多改变世界的小发明.I know many small inventions that changed the world 5.你能帮我想出一种发明?Can you help me think of an invention?6.乐意效劳.with pleasure=Its my pleasure 7.愉快(n.) pleasure (adj.)人 pleased 物 pleasant 对某人满意be pleased with sb乐意去干某事be pleased/willing/glad/happy to do sth 8.如此棒的一项发明(2种). such a great invention=so great an invention 9.在我们的日常生活中. in our daily lives 10.你似乎很有道理.You do seem to have a point 11.seem的三种用法.It seems that+从句 / seem to do sth / seem (like)+adj 12.在那时,它没有被广泛的使用.At that time,it wasnt used widely 13.被用来做某事(2种). be used to do sth=be used for doing sth14. 被热情招待be warmly served热情的服务warm service(P43)1.一个偶然的发明. an accidental invention 2.偶然的(adj.) accidental 意外(n.) accident 3.偶然.by accident 4.被首次饮用. be first drunk 第一个做某事的人the first to do sth 5.据说. It is said that 6.第一个发现茶将其作为一种饮料的人.the first to discover tea as a drink 据说一个叫神农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶将其作为一种饮料的人It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink 7.煮饮用水.boil drinking water 8.在户外的篝火上.over an open fire 9.落到水里.fall into the water 10.停留在那儿一段时间.remain there for some time 保持伫立/坐着(的状态)remain standing/seated11.散发出一股香味.produce a nice smell12.世界上最受喜爱的饮料之一被发明了.one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented13.几千年以后(用于过去时).a few thousand years later 14.这本书描述了怎样种茶以及制作茶.The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea 15.人们认为It is believed that=people believe that16.被带到韩国.be brought to Korea 17.茶直到1660年才出现.Tea didnt appear until 1660 18.从中国到西方国家的茶贸易发生在十九世纪.The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century19.茶的普及.the popularity of tea 20.传播到spread to21.毫无疑问.without doubt(P44)1.以低/高价.at a low/high price 2.(被)卖完. be sold out 3.卖得好.sell well 4.从偷 stealfrom5.建议某人(不要)做某事 advise sb (not) to do sth被建议不要做某事.be advised (not) to do sth6.把翻译成translateinto被翻译成be translated into 7.突然(短语) all of a sudden=suddenly(adv.) 8.一个安全的地方.a safe place9.安全(adj.) safe (n.) safety (adv.)safely 10.地震突然发生,但是幸运的是村民被带到一个安全的地方.The earthquake happened all of a sudden, but luckily the villagers were brought to a safe place 11.被告诉不要做某事be told not to do sth 12.破坏规则 break the rules 反义短语 遵守规则follow the rules 13.音乐music 音乐家(n.)musician音乐的(adj.)musical.14.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词eat ate eaten ring rang rung break broke broken tell told told bring brought brought steal stole stolen sell sold sold say said said drink drank drunk fall fell fallen take took taken taste tasted tasted believe believed believed spread spread spread mention mentioned mentioned invent invented invented use used used remain remained remained appear appeared appeared drop dropped dropped trade traded traded (P45)1.错误地, by mistake 犯错.make mistakes 很抱歉我错拿了你的笔Im sorry I took your pen by mistake.2.不够薄.be not thin enough 3.盐salt.咸的.salty 4.使顾客开心.make the customer happy 5.最后. in the end 6.的历史.the history of7.一个叫George的厨师.a cook called George 8.他烹饪了他们很长时间直到变脆.He cooked them for a long time until they were crispy 9.你知道薯条是错误的被发明的吗?Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake(P46)1.你知道篮球是什么时候被发明的吗?Do you know when basketball was invented?2.历史上第一次篮球比赛.the first basketball game in history 3.一个名叫的加拿大医生. A Canadian doctor named/called4.被要求想出一个游戏.be asked to think of a game 想出think of=come up with5.在硬地板上.on a hard floor 6.把分成divide into 被分成be divided into7.同时.at the same time 8.阻止某人做某事(3种). stop sb from doing sth=keep sb from doing sth=prevent sb from doing sth 9.篮球的普及.The popularity of basketball 10.梦想着做某事(2种).dream of / about doing sth 11.不仅而且.not only but also不仅我,而且她也喜欢弹钢琴Not only I but also she likes playing the piano她不仅喜欢英语而且还很擅长英语She not only likes English but also is good at it她不仅意识到了环保的重要性,而且还想采取行动帮忙拯救地球,Not only did he realize the importance of protecting the environment,but he also wanted to do something to help save the earth.12.包括(prep) including (v.).include 13.越来越多的外国运动员.more and more foreign players 14.钦佩某人.look up to sb=admire sb15.鼓励某人做某事.encourage sb to do sth被鼓励做某事.be encouraged to do sth 16.实现他们的梦想.achieve their dream=make their dream come true 这些明星鼓励他们去实现他们的梦想These stars encourage them to achieve their dreams 17.一个专业的篮球运动员.a professional basketball player18.打篮球玩play basketball for fun19.跑步锻炼run for exercise20.参加奥运会take part in the Olympics21. 出生于be born in22. 上大学go to college 23.齐心协力work together24.同队/班on the same team/in the same class(P48)1.决定去干某事decide on sth=decide to do sth 2.很难说谁是第一个想出这个办法的.It is hard to tell who came up with the idea first 3.发明私人电脑 .invent personal computer 4.把带回某地.take sth back to sp

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