云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 9-10课堂达标演练.doc

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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 9-10课堂达标演练.doc_第1页
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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 9-10课堂达标演练.doc_第2页
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第一部分Grade 8Book 2Units 910.单项填空1How long have you learned English?I have learned it _B_ I came here.AbecauseBsinceCsoDas2It is a good idea to bring your _C_ because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.AradioBprinterCcamera Dbook3Can you help me _D_ those exercise books? I got a different number each time.AcarryBmove CwriteDcount4The Greens _D_ Beijing for a few years. They really enjoy living in China.Ahave been to Bhave come toChave gone to Dhave been in5Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu live in a house _B_ a lot of trees.Afrom Bamong Cthrough Dbetween.词形转换1Steve Jobs is a great American_inventor_. I admire him very much. (invent)2Sue is an outgoing lady. She is _mostly_ out on weekends. (most)3Our teachers often encourage us _to_hold_ on to our dreams. (hold)4I felt relaxed and _peaceful_ after two hours walk in the park. (peace)5Wow! So many kinds of _scarves/scarfs_ in the shop. They are all beautiful.(scarf)6The car must be returned to its _owner_.(own)7She could not give him a _true_ answer.(truth)8We must be _honest_ and faithful to the people.(honesty).词组翻译1Study hard, and youll surely _make_progress_.(取得进步)2Luckily, they got encouragement and help from many_social_groups_. (社会团体)3Did you use to _collect_stamps_?(集邮)4I believe it will be a _sweet_memory_ in my life. (甜蜜的回忆)5They had _yard_sale_ to raise money for charity. (庭院拍卖会)6My eightyyearold grandfather enjoys collecting different kinds of _tea_sets_.(茶具)7The little girl felt so sad to _part_with_ her parents.(与分开)8_On_the_other_hand_, my success is based on persistence, not luck.(另一方面)9Last night we went to the _amusement_park_.(游乐场)10It has beautiful beaches and warm weather _all_year_round_.(全年)11I want to buy a _bread_maker_ on the Internet.(面包机)12Maybe I can invite a few friends to play _board_games_.(棋类游戏)1We can invite our teacher to the party tonight._C_? Ill call him.AWhat for BSo whatCWhy not DPardon2I lost my notebook by accident. I have kept it for five years._B_.ACheer up BIts a shameCInteresting DGood luck


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