九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section A(3a-3c)学案人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section A(3a-3c)学案人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section A(3a-3c)学案人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit6 When was it invented? Section A(3a-3c)【学习目标】 1.掌握重点单词和短语:nearly, ruler, remain, smell, saint, national, trade, doubt, by accident, take place, without doubt, over the open fire等。学习重点:掌握本课单词、短语、句型。【自主学习案】学法指导:先在没有看单词表的情况下认真默读3a,遇到不认识或不能理解的单词试着通过阅读上下文来猜出其意思。然后完成3a中的任务。再认真拼读P3的单词和短语,掌握其发音和中文意思。Task 1. 首先我需要认真默读3a, 掌握文章的大概意思,然后回答完成3a中的任务。(配对在书上。)Task 2. 再次阅读3a,合上书后翻译下面的短语。1. by accident_ 2. over the open fire._3. take place _4. without doubt _ 5. fall into_ 6. 在19世纪_Task 3. 用我喜欢的方式大声朗读3a,做到能通顺流畅的读。【合作学习案】 Step 1. 和我的搭档一起核对3a答案,并且对照老师出示的正确答案相互纠错。 Step 2. 先独立完成活动3b, 然后组长带领组员们核对答案。Step 3. 先独立完成活动3c, 然后组长带领组员们核对答案。Step 4. 再次阅读3a, 组长带领组员对于每一个句子进行翻译和讲解,并能适当地拓展。大家都做好随堂笔记。组长根据自己的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。展示要求:全员积极参与互动。合理分配组员,全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观。面向全体,自然大方;发音清晰,声音洪亮,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼独具特色或知识点讲解通透易懂。Step 5. 知识梳理。1.remain (v.) 保持;剩余;残余remain意为“停留,留下”,相当于stay。“呆在那里”可以说remain / stay there,但“呆在家里”只能说stay (at) home。eg. She remains in the house all these days. 她这些天一直呆在那栋房子里。【横向辐射】remain作连系动词remain用作连系动词,意为“保持(某种状态),继续存在,仍旧是”,后面接形容词,名词,分词,不定式或介词短语。eg. She remained sitting when they came in他们进来时,她仍然坐着(没有站起来)。eg. Peter became a manager but John remained a worker. 彼得当上了经理,但约翰仍然是一个工人。eg. Whatever great progress you have made, you should remain modest. 无论你取得了多么大的进步,你都应一直保持谦虚。2. by accident偶然地;意外地eg. He made this mistake by accident.他犯这个错误纯属偶然3.not. until 意为“只到才eg. he didnt leave until I felt better.只到我感觉好点了,她才离开。【横向辐射】until的用法until常用作介词或连词,用来引导介词短语或从句在句子中作时间状语。1. 在肯定句中,until与延续性、持续性动词连用,表示“直到为止”。eg. I worked until late in the afternoon. 我一直干到下午很晚的时候。2. 在否定句中,until常与瞬间动词、短暂性动词连用,表示“直到才”。eg. The rain didnt stop until midnight. 雨直到半夜才停。【巩固训练案】1. 用单词drink, nation, with, taste, believe的正确形式填空。1. Its that tea was discovered by ShenLong.2. When was tea first?3. your help, I wont succeed.4. Tea has become the drink .People all over China drink it.5. The cake very delicious.2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1) 中国与西方国家的茶业贸易发生于19世纪。 The tea trade from China to countries in the century.(2) 毫无疑问,中国人最喜欢喝茶。 ,Chinese like drinking tea best.(3) 一些叶子掉进正在煮沸的饮用水中。Some leaves into the boiling water.(4) 巧克力是偶然发明的。Chocolate was invented .(5) 在6世纪和7世纪期间,茶被带到日本。Tea to Japan during the 6th and 7th .3.根据课文填空。Tea is the most popular drink in the world. But to our surprise, it was invented by . It brought to western world 1610, but it was discovered 3,000 years earlier. An Chinese legend says Shen Nong the tea when he was boiling drinking water in the open air. Some from a nearby bush fell into the water and there for some time. And a smell came from the water then. He the mixture and it was wonderful. And in this way, tea was invented.【总结反思】 这节课我学到的新知识有:_ _ _这节课我的不足之处是:

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