九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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Unit 12 语法篇_第十二单元重点单词和句型一、过去完成时的概念过去完成时表示在过去的某一时间或动作之前已经完成的动作,即表示“过去的过去”。二、过去完成时的构成过去完成时是由“助动词had+动词的过去分词”构成,had用于各种人称和数。如:She had arrived at the village before 8 oclock last night.她在昨晚8点之前就到达了这个村庄。三、过去完成时的句式过去完成时的否定句是在had后加not,一般疑问句是将had移至句首,其肯定回答为:Yes,主语+had,否定回答为:No,主语+hadnt。如:Her little brother hadnt gone into the bathroom by the time she got up.当她起床时,她弟弟还没有进入浴室。Had you started teaching when she got to the class?当她走进教室时,你开始讲课了吗?Yes,I had.是的,我开始讲了。(No,I hadnt.不,我还没有讲。)四、过去完成时的标志1.用于表示过去某一时刻前已经发生的动作或状态。常与by,before,after,until,when等引导的过去时间状语连用。如:They had collected over 1,000 stamps by the end of last month.到上个月底,他们已收集了1,000多张邮票。The bus had already left by the time I got outside.当我出去时,公共汽车已经开走了。提示:如果时间状语从句的动作发生在主句之前,则从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。如:My watch went well after Id had it repaired.我的手表修了以后,走得很准。2.过去完成时用于宾语从句中,表示从句的动作或状态发生在主句的谓语动作之前。如:He told me that he had heard of the good news.他告诉我,他已经听说了那个好消息。提示:有时过去完成时也用在其他从句中。如:What he had said made me angry.他说的话让我生气。(用于主语从句中)3.有时句子中没有明显的时间状语,动作发生的时间先后,需从上下文中去判断。如:She was very happy.Her whole family were pleased with her,too.She had just won the first place in the game.她非常高兴,她的全家人也为她高兴。她刚刚在比赛中获得第一名。五、过去完成时的持续用法表示过去某一时间之前发生的动作或存在的状态一直持续到过去某一时间,并有可能继续下去。常与由for或since引导的表示一段时间的短语或从句连用。如:He had worked in the factory since it opened in 1996.自从1996年工厂建成以,来他一直在那儿工作。Mr.Smith had taught in Europe for 15 years before he went to Australia.史密斯先生在去澳大利亚之前在欧洲从教了15年。六、过去完成时与一般过去时的区别1.过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某个动作之前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。它是个相对的时态,只有在与过去某一时间或某一动作相比较时才会用到它。而一般过去时则表示过去某一个时间发生了某事或在过去某一段时间内经常发生的事。如:They had already left when I arrived.我到达时他们已经走了。(在我“到达”这一过去动作之前,他们就已经“离开”了,因此用had left表示。)I saw him in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上看见他了。(“看见他”这一动作是在“昨天”这一过去的时间发生的)2.在过去某时之前的持续动作,表示某事持续到过去某时已有一段时间,则用过去完成时,并与for,since等词连用。如:He had been ill for a week when he was sent to the hospital.他被送到医院时已病了一周了。He said that he had worked in that factory since 1994.他说他从1994年以来就一直在那家工厂工作。3.在并列句或复合句中,几个(一般是两个)谓语动词的行为发生的顺序有明显的先后之分时,则先发生的行为用过去完成时。但若句中有before,after等连词,由于它已表明动作发生的先后,两个动作都可以用一般过去时。如:When I woke up,it had already stopped snowing.我醒来时雪已停了。I (had) heard the news before she told me她告诉我那个消息之前我已经听说了。After we finished our homework,we went swimming.做完作业后,我们去游泳了。4.两个或两个以上的动作,用and,then或but等连接,按照动作发生的顺序表达时,用一般过去时,表示过去发生的连续动作。如:The man got up,put on his cap and went away.那个人站了起来,戴上帽子走了。【拓展】动词think,hope,want,mean,intend,plan等可以用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法、愿望、打算或意图等。如:We had hoped to be able to come and see you我们本来希望能来看看你。They had wanted to help but could not get there in time.他们本来打算去帮忙,但没能及时赶到那里。七、过去完成时与现在完成时的区别过去完成时与already,ever,just,never,since+时间点,for+时间段等连用时,强调事件发生的先后顺序,不涉及现在的情况。而现在完成时强调的是“过去的动作或状态对现在造成的影响”。如:She has worked in Chongqing for over two years.她已经在重庆工作两年多了。(现在仍在那儿工作)She had worked in Chongqing for over two years before she moved to Shanghai.她在搬到上海之前已经在重庆工作两年多了。(“搬到上海”是过去,“在重庆工作”是发生在过去的过去)He has never seen such an interesting film before.他以前从未看过这么有趣的电影。(“看”尽管发生在过去,但涉及现在,即现在已经知道或了解了这部电影)He said he had never seen such an interesting film before.他说他以前从没看过这么有趣的电影。(“他说”发生在过去,“看过”是在“说”之前,是过去的1.Why were you late for school this morning? Because my alarm clock didnt off and I _.A. overslept B. completed C. changed D. missed2.Whats wrong with you?By the time I got to school, I realized I had _my English book at home.A. left B. forgotten C. took D. brought3.She said when she got to the cinema, the film _for 5 minutes.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on4.Why didnt you give the wallet to the man at once?Because he _before I realized it was his.A.had been disappeared B.has disappeared C.had disappeared D.has been disappeared5. -_ you ever _ late for school? -No, never.A. Have; be B. Would; been C. Have; been D. Did; been解析:1. A. 词语释义,overslept睡过头 complete完成 change 改变miss错过2.A. 词语释义, left,落下 forgotten忘记 took带走 brought带来3.D. 过去完成时,表示延续性动作 be on 4.C. 考查过去完成时5.C. 考查现在完成时基础演练.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.By the time I reached home, my mother _ (cook) supper already.2.Catherine _ (finish)the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.3.The train _ (leave)when I got to the station.4.The little girl _ (lie)in bed for almost a month since she _ (fall)sick.5.By the end of last year he _ (learn) 3,000 English words.6.It was the third time that the girl_ (invite)him.7.I _ (not find)the dog until last night.8.He told his mother that he _ (run)out of money to buy new clothes.9.He told me that he _ (write)a new book.10.I suddenly remembered that I _ (leave)the key in my classroom when I _ (get)home yesterday.按要求改写句子,每空一词。1.By the time she got up,her mother had gone to work.(对画线部分提问)_ _her mother_by the time she got up?2.When I got home,my mother had cooked dinner.(改为否定句)When I got home,my mother_ _dinner.3.The train had left when I got to the station.(改为一般疑问句)_the train _ when you got to the station?4.John had never seen the film before.(改为反意疑问句)John had never seen the film before, _ _?5.She had already finished her homework.(改为否定句)She_ _ her homework yet.6.Wang Yan has changed her job.I have changed,too.(合并为一个句子)Wang Yan has changed her job, _ _.7.My sister has already cooked supper.(改为否定句)My sister_cooked supper _.8.Mikes father died three months ago.(改为现在完成时)Mikes father has_ _for three months.9.I went to a movie with my friend yesterday.(改为否定句)I_ _to a movie with my friend yesterday.10.He played football on the playground after school yesterday afternoon.(对画线部分提问)_ _he_after school yesterday afternoon?答案:.1.had cooked 2.had finished 3.had left 4.had lain; fell 5.had learned/learnt 6.had invited 7.hadnt found 8.had run 9.had written 10.had left; got .21.What had; done 22.hadnt cooked 23.Had;left 24.had he 25.hadnt finished 26.so have 27.hasnt; yet 28.been dead 29.didnt go 30.What did; do巩固提高I.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He _ (teach) in our school since 1986.2.My father _ (work) in a factory for five years.But now he is a teacher.3.The old computer_ (break) down easily,so I had to restart it again and again.4.Mr.Zhang _ (teach)us English three years ago.5.Mr.Liu isnt here now. He_ (go)to Beijing.6.Our math teacher _ (teach) in our school for 20 years and he _ (come) here when he was 25 years old.7.Mr.Li likes Hong Kong very much.He _ (be) there three times.8.Last summer vacation,we _ (take) many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.9.I dont remember when and where I_ (buy) this umbrella.10.I began watching here an hour ago,but now nothing _ (happen) yet.II.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.我到那儿的时候,公共汽车已经离开。_the time I got there,the bus_already _.2.我到那儿时,比赛已进行了半个小时。The match_ _ _for half an hour when I got there.3.十分钟前她没有完成家庭作业。She_ _her homework ten minutes ago.4.我们已经看过这部电影了。 We_ _the movie.5.她已经离开她的家乡很多年了。She_ _ _ _her hometown for many years答案:11.has taught 12.has worked 13.broke 14.taught 15.has gone 16.has taught; came 17.has been 18.took19.bought 20.has happened.31.By;had;gone 32.had been on 33.didnt finish 34.have seen 35.has been away fromI.单项选择1.Mr.Black_his keys in the office,so he had to wait until his wife_home.A.has left;comes B.left;had comeC.had left;came D.had left;would come2.When I got to the station,the train_for 30 minutes.A.left B.had leftC.has been away D.had been away3.All the tickets_by the time I got to the cinema.A.sell out B.sold outC.have been sold out D.had been sold out4.She_in the north for five years before she came here.A.has lived B.had livedC.lived D.was going to live5. By the time I got to school, I realized I _ my backpack at home.A. leftB. has leftC. had left D. had forgotten6. Steve and Rosa have _ for ten years.A. got married B. married C. be married D. been married7. His car _ on the way, so he had to repair it.A. broke off B. broke down C. breaks off D. breaks down8. His cousin _ a foreigner last year.A. married with B. married C. was married D. got married9. Nancy said that she _ the magazine to be library already.A. has returned B. returned C. hadnt returned D. had returned10. The film _ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.A. began B. had begun C. was on D. had been on11. By the time I got to the shop, all the eggs _.A. had been bought B. had bought C. bought D. has been bought12. Youve never seen such a beautiful picture, _ _?A. do you B. arent you C. have you D. havent youII.完形填空 Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public? Are you afraid to make a speech? Li Jun, a middle school boy, felt shy when he was making a speech the other day. Li had thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of 1 classmates. I was wrong. It was very different and much 2 than talking to my classmates during playtime, Li said. I tried, but it was really difficult to speak. I felt like a mute (哑巴) and wanted to leave the classroom 3 Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same 4 : they can talk about their ideas freely 5 their best friends after class, but cant speak in public. According to Zhou Hong, a teacher from a university, the main reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writing instead of 6 . Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 7 , such as speech competitions, English corners and class discussions. Students can join in any one they want to. 8 he also gives some advice to students. During your free time you should 9 more. When youre speaking in public, take it easy. Just imagine youre talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly, Zhou said. That 10 a fine public speech and youll feel confident. 1. A. her B. my C. your D. his2. A. harder B. easier C. better D. later3. A. slowly B. quickly C. sadly D. happily4. A. answer B, subject C. problem D. question5. A. except B. beside C. from D. with6. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. singing7. A. mouths B. eyes C. minds D. hearts8. A. But B. So C. And D. Or9. A. play B. practice C. write D. watch10. A. reports B. keeps C. hears D. makes答案;I.CDDBCDBADD DCII. DABCD BACBD_I.单项选择 1. When I got up, my mother _ breakfast for me.A. have cooked B. had cooked C. has cooked D. has been cooking2. What bad luck! I _ my backpack at home.(xx浙江单元测试)A. forgot B. brought C. left D. took3. -When did you get up this morning?(xx浙江单元测试) -My alarm clock didnt _. I didnt wake up until 9 a.m.A. go off B. take off C. put off D. run off 4. Thanksgiving Day is a celebration that _ in many countries around the world.(xx浙江单元测试)A. happens B. is happening C. takes place D. Is taken place5. Because of the rain, the farmers stopped _ apples.(xx浙江单元测试)A. pick B. to pick C. picking D. picked6. The shoes are very beautiful. All the shoes in that shop _.(xx浙江单元测试)A. have sold out B. had been sold out C. has sold out D. has been selling7.Toms parents got married in 1978. They _ for nearly twenty years.A. married B. have married C. have been married D. have got married8. Many people believed the story, and fear spread _ the whole country.A. through B. across C. over D. against9. At last the police officers _ that the money was found.A. canceled B. announced C. fooled D. stared10. By the time I got to the cinema, the film _ for ten minutes.A. had begun B. had been on C. has started D. has been on11-_ were you late for school? - Because I overslept.A. What B. How C. When D. Why 12. Luckily, Toms dad came by and he gave me a _ in his car. So I got to school on time.A. ride B. lift C. drive D. offer13. Red is Mrs. Greens favorite color. So she often _ red clothes.A. puts on B. takes off C. wears D. tries on14.I think life is _ of unexpected things. You dont know what will happen next time.A. full B. fill C. filled D. empty15. Good luck _ you _ school tip.A. on; with B. on; to C. to; with D. to; onII.阅读理解 A To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. Its hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the channel takes only twenty minutes as long as youre not held up at the airport, but its an expensive way to travel. You can travel by hovercraft (气垫船)if you dont mind the noise and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise, you can go by boat, if you remember your sea-sickness pills. All these means of transport have their problems, and the weary(厌烦的)traveler often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. “Not possible, you say. Well, wait a minute. People are once again considering the idea of a channel tunnel or bridge.” This time, the great London Council(议会)is looking into the possibility of building a channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to by rail or by car on a bridge, yet a tunnel would provide a rail link only. Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain realizing the need for links with Europe as a result of joining EEC? Well, perhaps, the main reason, though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of Londons discussed dockland(船坞)。 A link from London to the continent would stimulate(刺激) trade and revitalize(使重新具有活力)the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. With a link over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England and be able to eat them in France while they are still warm!1. From the lines we can see that people crossed the Channel by _ in the past.A. air B. boat C. swimming D. A, B, or C2. The weary traveler thinks the best way to cross the Channel is _.A. by swimming B. in his own car C. by air D. by hovercraft3. A tunnel would cost_ a bridge.A. far less than B. as much as C. far more than D. as little as4. According to the passage, a link from London to the continent would be_.A. necessary for its trade B. important for its politicsC. useful for its industry D. helpful for its culture5. The main idea of the passage is_.A. how to develop the trade of London B. when to cross the ChannelC. how to get to Europe from London more convenientlyD. what to do in the developing of traveling B On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon. They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope ,and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight . It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand.After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the mens basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres ! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Polandheavily but safely. They had traveled 1,797 kilometers from London!1. Three men flew in balloon _.A. for nearly 1,800 kilometersB. to another cityC. to visit PolandD. less than a century ago2. The metal box was used for _.A. carrying the bags of sand B. keeping drinking-waterC. carrying ropes of the basketD. changing weight3. When the balloon went up higher, _.A. the temperature of the balloon began to fallB. They saw the sun go downC. They made a hole in the basket with their knivesD. They could see a black hole on the ground4. The balloon landed _.A. in London B. on the sea C. on a lake D. in a foreign country5. Which of the following is NOT true?_A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose.B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up.D. The three men had to land because they felt cold.III.词汇运用。(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. What a d_ thing! I dont know what to say.2. Have you put your camera in your b_? Dont forget anything.3. The little dog is still a_ after hitting by the running car.4. Dont s_ at others for a long time. It is impolite.5. He worked until 2 oclock this morning. So he o_.(B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The old building caught fire yesterday evening. Luckily, no one was _(burn).2.I greeted Pauls mother in a wrong way. That made me feel _(embarrassing).3.I am sure that this _(discover) is just like an earthquake to the scientific field.4.The old _(office) stood up slowly and looked at me in surprise.5.The hospital is only two _(block) from here. You can walk there.IV.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.He has been waiting for 3 hours, but his teacher didnt _(出现).2. The plane will _(起飞)in 20 minutes. we must be hurry up.3. I kept sleeping and when I _(醒来)it was already 10 oclock.4. When I was _(排队)at the bank, I saw something strange happening.5. When I _(正准备)lock the door, I found I couldnt find my key.V.根据短文内容,完成下列句子。 A few days ago, I ran into a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him and he said, “Excuse me, too. I wasnt even watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye. Later in the

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