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Lesson 23The Giant ().根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.敲_ 2.张开;扩展_3脖子_ 4.peek_5softly_ 6.selfish_短语1.拆除;击倒;撞倒_2伸出;伸开_3盛开;怒放_4自从;从起_5飞来飞去_6做决定_句型1.孩子们正四处跑并坐在树枝上。Children _ _ _ and _ in the branches of the trees.2当孩子们看到巨人时,他们如此害怕,以至于都跑开了。When the children saw the giant, they were _ scared _ they all _ _3但是一个小男孩没跑,因为他没看见巨人过来。But one little boy did not run _ he did not see the giant _. 词汇练习(A)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1How about _ (张开) out your arms for a rest?2What animal has the longest _ (脖子) in the world?3She _(敲)at the door, but nobody was in.4What a _ (自私的) old man Mr. Zhou is!5They made an important _ (决定) at the meeting. (B)用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。ever since, run away, break out, along with, knock down1The man went to the US. in 1956 and has lived there _2Yesterday he _ the old wall and wanted to build a new one.3_ the teacher came my dearest classmates.4That year, a war_ between the two countries.5Dont _, children. This snake doesnt bite people. 单项填空()1.Kate, do you hear someone _ nearby?Asing BsingsCto sing Dsinging()2. _ wonderful concert they are putting on in the City Square!AHow BWhatCWhat a DWhat an()3.What _ you _ at this time yesterday?I was watching TV.Ado; do Bdid; doCwere; do Dwere; doing()4.Mr. Green wants to _ the wall of the kitchen to make the hall bigger.Aknock at Bknock intoCknock down Dknock on()5.Why did the car hit the boy?Because the driver _ on the phone at that time.Atalk Bis talkingCwas talking Dhave talked()6.I left my keys in the room this morning. Now I have to get in _ the window.Its dangerous to do that.Ain Bto Cover Dthrough . 句型练习(A)连词成句。(将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用)1last, selfish, the, was, how, giant, winter_!2came, who, you, along, with, this morning _?3about, and, flying, were, singing, birds_.4the, branches, man, many, the, off, tree, cut_.5were, football, then, they, playing_?(B)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1这块石头太重了,我搬不动。This stone is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.2自从那时起,他一直过着幸福的生活。He_ _ a happy life _ _ then.3工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。She lost her job when the factory closed, _ _ hundreds of others.4“明天我要去爬山,”他自言自语道。“Ill go climbing tomorrow,” he _ _ _5这些孩子多么聪明啊!_ clever the children are!_ _ _ they are!. xx河南完形填空A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became _1_. He walked into a restaurant, where he found a _2_ at an empty table. The waiter took the pandas order. After he _3_ his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air. _4_ he turned around and walked toward the door. Naturally, the waiter was horrified(恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n) _5_. The panda said to him, “What do I look like to _6_?” The waiter answered, “Well, a giant panda, of course.”“Thats right, ” said the panda. “Look it up.” And he walked out. The waiter called the _7_. When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story, _8_ the pandas words “looking it up”. So the police officer _9_ a young man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书). The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer _10_ “panda” and there was the answer, “Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots (竹笋) and leaves.”()1.A.tired BangryCcrazy Dhungry()2.A.seat BnoteCwaiter Dnewspaper()3.A.ordered BfinishedCserved Dcooked()4.A.So BOnceCThen DAlso()5.A.talk BexcuseCquestion Dexplanation ()6.A.us BhimCyou Dthem()7.A.bosses BpoliceCneighbours Dcustomers()8.A.about BlikeCwithout Dincluding()9.A.sent BtookCdrove Dinvited()10.A.turned to Basked forClooked up Dcalled on. 阅读理解In the Tang Dynasty(唐朝), there was a famous poet whose name was Li Bai. When he was young, he didnt like studying.Once, he skipped(逃离) his class and went to play. Outside he saw an old woman, who was grinding(磨) an iron pestle. Li Bai was surprised, so he asked her, “What are you doing, Grandma?” The old woman answered, “Ill grind this iron pestle into a needle.”Li Bai wondered, “This pestle is so thick, and when can it be turned to a needle?” The old woman smiled, “My grandson, where there is a will, there is a way! The pestle is thick, but if I grind it every day, it can be changed into a needle in the end. Am I right?”Li Bai thought to himself, “What she said is right. Nothing in the world is difficult for me if I set mind to it. It is the same to the study. If I put my heart into it, cant I study well?”Li Bai understood the truth. From then on, he studied diligently(勤奋地). At last he became a famous poet, and left a good fame for more than one thousand years.()1.Li Bai was a famous poet in _Athe Qin Dynasty Bthe Han DynastyCthe Tang Dynasty Dthe Song Dynasty()2.Li Bai was surprised to see an old woman _Astudying very hard Bgrinding an iron pestleCwashing her clothes Ddancing and singing()3.Which is the best title of the passage?AThe Tang DynastyBA Famous PoetCA Great Old WomanDWhere There Is a Will, There Is a Way教师详解详析.单词: 1.knock2.spread3.neck4偷看;窥视5.轻轻地6.自私的短语: 1.knock down2.stretch out3break out in blossom4ever since5.fly about6make a decision句型: 1.were running about; sitting2so; that; ran away3because; coming.(A)1.spreading2.neck3.knocked 4selfish5.decision(B)1.ever since2.knocked down3Along with4.broke out5.run away.1.D2.C3.D4.C5C考查动词时态。句意:“为什么那辆车撞到了那个男孩?”“因为那时候司机正在打电话。”由问句中的did和答语中的at that time可知,应使用过去进行时。故选C。6D.(A)1.How selfish the giant was last winter2Who came along with you this morning3Birds were flying about and singing4The man cut many branches off the tree5Were they playing football then(B)1.so; that2.has lived; ever since3along with4.said to himself5How; What clever children.【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文, 文章主要讲述了一只逃出伦敦动物园的大熊猫在餐馆用餐的故事。1D 考查形容词辨析。根据空格后的“He walked into a restaurant”可知,当时大熊猫饿了。hungry意为“饥饿的”,符合语境。故选D。2A 考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“at an empty table. The waiter took the pandas order.”可知,大熊猫在一张空桌子旁边找了个座位。故选A。3B 考查动词辨析。前一句提到服务员让大熊猫点餐, 故此处可知他吃完了饭。finish意为“完成”,符合语境。故选B。4C 考查副词辨析。联系前后句内容可知,大熊猫掏出枪朝空中开了一枪, 然后朝饭店门口走去。then意为“然后”,符合语境。故选C。5D考查名词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,此处指饭店的服务员拦住了大熊猫,让他对所做的事情作出一个解释。explanation意为“解释”,符合语境。故选D。6C 考查代词辨析。根据前面的“The panda said to him”可知,大熊猫是在问服务员。 故选C。7B 考查名词辨析。根据本段最后一句中的“the police officer”可知,服务员报警了。故选B。8D 考查介词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,警察来后, 服务员跟他们汇报了这件事, 包括大熊猫说的话。including意为“包含,包括”,符合语境。故选D。9A 考查动词辨析。警官派了一个年轻人去找百科全书。故选A。10C 考查动词短语辨析。根据后面的“and there was the answer, Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋) and leaves. ”可知警官在查字典, look up意为“查找;查阅”。故选C。.1.C细节理解题。由文章第一段第一句话可知选C。2B3.D

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