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Unit 3 Is this your pencil【复习目标】1. 熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。2. 熟练掌握本单元的重难点。【学习过程】Step 1: 词汇听写Step 2: 重难点集训1.some的用法some作形容词时,可以修饰复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。如:There are some students in the classroom.教室里有一些学生。There is some milk in the glass.杯子里有一些牛奶。some作代词时,可单独使用,也可接of,作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式由其后的名词决定。如:Some of the money is mine.有一些钱是我的。学以致用.单项选择。( )1.Some _ are in the pencil box.Acomputers Bpen Cpicture Derasers( )2.An orange and _ cards are in the box.Aa Bsome Cone Dan( )3._ in the school library.AA teacher are BA teachers areCSome teachers is DSome teachers are.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4我们在那幅图画中能看见一些手表。We can see _ _ in the picture.5我有一些蓝色的盒子。I have _ blue _2. must的用法must是情态动词,意为“必须”,无时态和人称的变化,后接动词原形,表示义务或命令。 如:You must find your lost pen.你必须找到你丢失的钢笔。学以致用.单项选择。( )6.My English book is lost. I _ find it.Aam Bdo Ccan Dmust.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。7我们必须帮助他。We _ _ _8我必须用英语说吗?_ I _ it in English?3.thank的用法thank作动词,意为“感谢;谢谢”,常用结构:thank (sb.)for (doing) sth.,表示“感谢(某人)做了某事”。如:Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的来信。Thank you和Thanks常单独使用,作为表达谢意的礼貌用语。其常见答语:You are welcome./Thats all right./Thats OK./Dont mention it./Its a pleasure.学以致用单项选择。( )9.Thank you _ your computer.Aof Bto Cfor Dat( )10.Your pencil box is nice._.AYes BNo CThank you DIt isnt nice( )11.Thank you._.AYou,too BExcuse meCNice to meet you DYoure welcome( )12.Have a good day!_.AOK BThank youCGood morning DIm fine4.What about?的用法What about?意为“怎么样?好吗?”,about为介词,其后可接名词、代词或动词ing形式,常用于询问或打听消息,向对方提出建议,征询对方的看法或建议,与how about可互换使用。如:What about your uncle now?你的叔叔近来好吗?What about a cup of tea?喝一杯茶怎么样?What about the TV play?那个电视剧怎么样?I am from Beijing.What about you?我来自北京,你呢?学以致用.单项选择。( )13._ the black jacket?Its nice.AWhat BHow CWho DWhat about( )14.Im fine._?Im fine,too.AAre you Alan BIs this your bookCWhat about you DWho are you( )15.What about _ swimming?Ago Bgoes Cgoing Dto go.同义句转换,每空一词。16My schoolbag is blue. Is your schoolbag blue,too?My schoolbag is blue. _ _ yours?17This pen is Erics. How about that pencil?This pen is Erics. _ _ that pencil?Step 3: 实战演练1在线检测:请你在平台完成Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元检测,提交后自己看错题及解析。参考答案重难点集训1.some的用法学以致用.DBD. some watches 5some boxes2. must的用法学以致用.D. 7must help him8 Must say 3.thank的用法学以致用CCDB4.What about?的用法学以致用.DCC. 16What/How about 17What about

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