中考英语一轮复习 UVXYZ开头词汇(二)讲义.doc

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中考一轮复习 UVXYZ 开头词汇(二)(讲义)以字母 UVXYZ 开头的单词V 段VCDn. (缩略词)影碟、光盘(video compact disc)video /vd/n. 录像;(磁)带make a music videovillage /vld/n. 乡村;村庄城镇: 县: 城市: 省: 国家: /vld/n. 村民vegetable /vedtb()l/n. 蔬 菜 C, U green vegetables 绿色蔬菜fruit 水 果 C, UEat plenty of(新鲜的水果和蔬菜).vacation / veke()n/n. 假期;休假What did you do for summer vacation? 在度假 度假volleyball /vlbl/n. 排球打排球: violin /valn/n. 小提琴 拉小提琴 n. 小提琴手voice /vs/n. 嗓音,说话声;音质 a loud/sweet/weak voice 用的声音 the topones voice 扯着喉咙,放开嗓子(喊叫) ones voice 嗓子哑了vehicle /vihkl/n. 交通工具,车辆;手段,工具motor vehicles (cars, buses, trucks) 机动车辆victory /vkt()r/n. 胜利;成功 C, UOthers think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.反义词: value /vlju/n. 失 败 C, Uv. 尊重,珍视;估价,计算的价格We value the time we spendour family and friends in our everyday lives.n. 价值C, U;重要性,用处,益处U /vljubl/adj. 贵重的;有价值的;珍贵的有巨大价值:be valuable = Your advice will be valuable to me. = Your advice willto me.visit /vzt/v. 参观,游览;拜访,访问visit sb./sp.n. 游览,参观;拜访,访问 a visit to 参观/拜访/访问If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. bea visit to 参观/拜访/访问Theyre on an exchange visit to France. 他们到巴黎进行回访。 /vzt/n. 观光者;拜访者volunteer /,vlnt/n. 志愿者;义务工作者v. 义务做,自愿做;自告奋勇,自愿效劳 义务/自愿做某事Why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others?vary /veri/v. (彼此)相异,存在不同之处;多变,变化无常Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school. 各个学校的教学方法大不相同。various /veris/adj. 各种各样的 (= ) She took the job for various reasons. 她由于种种原因接受了这份工作。very /veri/adv. 很;非常X 段X-ray /eks re/n. X 射线;X 光 see a doctor and get an X-rayY 段you /ju/pron. 你;你们between you and me/between ourselves (=it is a secret) 你我私下说说,只限于咱俩之间几个人称代词作主语时,一般情况下,其顺序是单数: 复数: your /j/determiner 你的;你们的(形容词性物主代词)yours /jz/pron. 属于你(们)的(东西);与你(们)有关的(东西)(名词性物主代词) Yours faithfully/truly 您忠诚的/您真诚的(用于正式信函的结尾)Yours sincerely/Yours 你真挚的(用于不很正式的信函的结尾)yourself /jself/pron. (pl. )你自己玩得愉快oneself自学oneself/oneself自便;自用oneself to sth.独自oneselfyogurt /jgt/n. (=yoghurt) 酸乳酪,酸奶 C, Uyard /jd/n. 庭院;场所,围场;码(长度单位) a yard sale 庭院拍卖会in the yard 在院子里yesterday /jestde/adv. 在昨天I got up late yesterday morning.He arrived here . 他前天到这儿的。n. 昨天Yesterday was Friday.year /j/n. 年,年度,岁 年年,年复一年Its always the same, year after year. 一如既往,年年如此。 一年四季;一年到头Its cold and dry all the year round. “多年”,表时间段,常与完成时连用Weve been friends for years. “近年来”,表时间段,常与完成时连用Weve made great progress in recent years.一个十六岁的男孩 aboy = The boy is .十六岁的孩子们 I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. adj. 每年的They did quite well in the yearly exam.adv. 每年They take a trip yearly.年份、年代表达法具体年份:在 1949 年 (in nineteen forty-nine 或 in nineteen hundred and forty-nine)年代:在 20 世纪 40 年代 (in the nineteen forties 或 in the forties of twentieth century)yet /jet/adv. (用于否定句或疑问句) (现在)还;至此,迄今;已经辨析:already & yetalready 常用于完成时的 句中,意为“已经”。yet 常用于完成时的 句或 句中,在疑问句中表示“已经”,在否定句中表示“还”,通常放在句末。I havefinished reading the book. Have you finished your homework ? I havent received a letter from him . 尚未,仍未Have you found the book yet? 你已经找到这本书了吗?Not yet. 还没有。conj. 但是;然而Its a small car, yet its surprisingly spacious. 这辆汽车不大,然而却出奇地宽敞。yellow /jel/adj. 黄(色)的;黄皮肤的(冒犯说法)n. 黄色 穿着黄颜色的衣服young /j/adj. 年轻的;幼小的Young Pioneers n. 年轻人(总称);崽,仔,雏youth /ju/n. 青少年时期U;青春U;小青年,小伙子(贬义)C;青年人(总称)pl. the youth of today _ youth culture 年轻人的文化yeah /je/adv. 【口】是,是的 (=yes)yes /jes/adv. 【口】是,是的;可以;好的;什么Yes? 怎么了? 什么事? (= Whats up?)n. (pl. yesses/yeses) 赞成票,同意(赞成)者;赞成five yesses and three noes 五张赞成票和三张反对票adj. 赞成的a yes vote 一张赞成票Z 段zero /zr/n. & num. 零;零点,零位;零度作为名词时复数形式:zeros 或 zeroeszebra /zebr/n. 斑马复数形式: 或 zoo /zu/n. (pl. ) 动物园zipper /zp/n. (=zip) 拉链;拉锁 C与字母 UVXYZ 相关的谚语Virtue (美德) never grows old.If you do not exert yourself in youth, you will regret it in old age.It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred to rear ( 培 养 ) people. Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous. Zeal (热情) without knowledge is a fire without light.精讲精练一、单项选择()1. A father in the UK has _a wonderful idea to send his kids to school on time. He takes his sons to their school in a white tank (坦克).A. looked up toB. made upC. come up withD. shown up ()2. DavidTV, but now hebooks.A. used to watch; is used to readingB. used to watching; readsC. is used to watching; used to readD. is used to watch; is reading ()3. She says that shell have to close the shopbusiness improves.A. ifB. untilC. unlessD. because()4. John didnt stop looking for a jobhe got an offer from a German company.Lucky him. Its not easy for university graduates to get a good job now.A. untilB. sinceC. asD. if()5. Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon.youit?Not yet. Im doing it right now.A. Do; finishB. Had; finishedC. Will; finishD. Have; finished二、根据提示完成句子1. He(not come) yet. What do you think has happened to him?2. Youd better keep your _(声音) down when talking in the movie theater.3. You can see something _(不同寻常的) in the Science Museum.4. 除非有医生的证明,否则你必须参加体育测试。Youre required to takein the P. E. testyou have a doctors note.5. 有时候,直到珍贵的时刻成为回忆,你才会真正认识到它的价值所在。Sometimes, you wont know the true _ of a momentit becomes a memory.【参考答案】以字母 UVXYZ 开头的单词town, county, city, province, country villagerfresh fruit and vegetableson vacation, take/have a vacation play volleyballplay the violin, violinist in, at, of, losefailure withvaluable, be of great value, be of great value pay, onvisitorvolunteer to do sth. all kinds ofyou, he/she and I we, you and theyenjoy, teach, learn by, help, by the day before yesterdayyear after year, all (the) year round, for yearsin recent years, sixteen-year-old, sixteen years old, sixteen-year-olds, yearly in 1949, in the 1940s/1940s肯定,疑问,否定,already, yet, yet, not yetin yellow, 少先队员当代青年zebra, zebras zoos与字母 UVXYZ 相关的谚语1. 美德不会衰老。2. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。3. 十年树木,百年树人。4. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。5. 热情而无知,犹如无光之火。精讲精练一、单项选择15:CACAD二、根据提示完成句子1. hasnt come2. voice3. unusual4. part, unless5. value, until/till


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