七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina(第2课时)分层训练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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My names Gina第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a3c.用适当的代词填空1Whats _ name?Im Mary.2Whats the boys name?_ name is Jack.3This is my sister. _ name is Linda.4Is he Mike?Yes, _ is. 5Are _ Helen?No, Im not.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1I am _ (女士) Smith. 2Nice to _ (遇见) you.3_ (什么) is your name?Linda.4Is he Bill Brown?_ (不), he isnt.5_ (是) you Mary?Yes, I am.单项填空()1.Nice to meet you._AIm fineBIm OKCNice to meet you, tooDGood afternoon()2.Hello, whats_ name?Hi, _ name is Bob.Amy; my Byour; your Cyour; my Dyou; I()3._ is an English girl._ name is Kate.AShe; She BShe; HerCHer; She DHer; Her()4.Are you Jim?_AYes, Im BYes, I amCI am DIm()5.Hello!My name_ Wu Jun.Hello!I_ Alan.Ais; am Bam; isCis; is Dam; am.根据汉语意思完成句子1他叫什么名字?Whats _ _?2见到你很高兴!_ to _ you!3他的名字是托尼。_ name _ Tony.4“她是简吗?”“不,她不是。”Is _ Jane?No, she _5“你是杰克吗?”“是的,我是。”_ you Jack?Yes, I _.完形填空Im a _1_. My _2_ is Tom Green. _3_ is my family name. Whats _4_ in English?Its a jacket. It is _5_ jacket. It is very big. Its Size _6_. I like it very much. This is my new deskmate(同桌). _7_ name is Linda. She_8_ 8 years old. Were good _9_. I like to make friends(交朋友) with you, too. I have _10_ phone(电话). My phone number is 6543795.()1.A.girl BboyCcat Dteacher()2.A.family BEnglishCname Dlast()3.A.Green BTom GreenCTom DGreens()4.A.it BthisCyou Dthey()5.A.your BhisCher Dmy()6.A.S BMCL DN()7.A.Her BSheCIts DHis()8.A.am BisCare Dbe()9.A.students BboysCfriends Dbooks()10.A.an BaCthe D/.阅读理解AMary 09:45:10Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you!Im a girl. My name is Mary Green. My favorite(最喜爱的) color is red. My telephone number(电话号码) is 8733516.Jim 09:46:05Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you, too.Im a boy. My names Jim Hand. My favorite color is blue. And my telephone number is 894xx.()1.Mary likes(喜欢) _ best(最)Ared Bgreen Cblue Dblack()2.The girls last name is _AMary BGreen CRed DHand()3.The boys first name is _AJim BMary CHand DGreen()4.Jims telephone number is _A837xx B8733516C8943516 D894xx()5.The two kids(孩子) are online(在网上) _Ain the morning Bin the afternoonCin the evening Dat nightBHello, boys and girls.My name is Linda Miller. My first name is Linda. My last name is Miller. Nice to meet you! Look! This is my ruler. Its red. Hi, Im a boy. Im Jack. My family name is Green. Look! This is my clock. Its white and black. That is my pen. Its blue. Good morning! My name is Lucy King. Lucy is my first name. King is my last name. Nice to meet you! This is my jacket. Its yellow. ()6._ is a boy.ALinda BJackCLucy DMary()7.Whats Linda Millers family name?AMiller. BLinda.CGreen. DKing.()8.He is _. His clock is white and black.AJack GreenBJack KingCLinda MillerDLucy King()9.She is Lucy. What color is her jacket?AIts black and white.BIts yellow.CIts red.DIts blue.()10._ and _ are two girls.ALinda Miller; Jack GreenBLinda Miller; Lucy KingCLucy King; Jack GreenDLinda King; Lucy Miller.任务型阅读First name: TonyLast name: WhiteClass 3, Grade 7Tel.: 2870837(Home)3986160(School)根据卡片中的信息,完成下列各题。1Tony is a _. (boy/girl)2Whats Tonys last name?_3What class is Tony in?_4Whats Tonys telephone number at home?_5Whats Tonys telephone number at school?_.根据短文内容和提示,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文完整、通顺Hello! How 1._ you?2._ name is Tom. I 3._ an English boy(男孩). This 4._ my ruler. 5._ is red. That is Mikes ruler. 6._ ruler is red, 7._. That ruler is 8._(Alice). 9._ ruler isnt red. Its 10._(绿色的)详解详析课内基础自测.1.your2.His3.Her4.he5you.1.Ms.2.meet3.What4.No5Are课后巩固提升.15CCBBA.1.his name2.Nice; meet3.His; is4she; isnt5.Are; am.1.B由下文的“Tom Green” 可知,是一个小男孩在向大家介绍自己,故选B。2CTom Green是一个名字。family意为“家,家人”;English意为“英语”;name意为“名字”;last意为“最后”。由句意可排除A、B和D项。故选C。3A在英文名中,“姓”在后,“名”在前。4B根据is可判断主语用第三人称单数,排除C、D两项;it是人称代词,指代上文出现的单数名词形式。this 在此处指代a jacket,因为是第一次出现,故排除A项。5D考查形容词性物主代词。根据下文中“我很喜欢它”可知,是“我的”夹克衫。6C前一句用了“very big”,所以应是大号,故用L。7A考查形容词性物主代词。由“She _8_ 8 years old.”可知,新同桌Linda是一位女孩,故形容词性物主代词用her。8B考查系动词be。she是第三人称单数,be动词应用is。故选B。9C10.B.1.A由“My favorite color is red.”可知,Mary最喜欢红色。2B由“My name is Mary Green.”可知,Mary的姓氏是Green。3A由“My names Jim Hand.”可知,男孩名叫Jim。4D由“And my telephone number is 894xx.”可知,Jim的电话号码为894xx。5A由聊天记录的时间09:45:10, 09:46:05 可知是在上午。6B7.A8.A9.B10.B.1.boy2Tonys/His last name is White./White.3Tony/He is in Class 3./Class 3.4His telephone number at home is 2870837./2870837.5His telephone number at school is 3986160./3986160.1.are2.My3.am4.is5.It6His7.too8.Alices9.Her10green

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