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江西教师 2015 初中英语招考真题及答案解析一、单选题1.The method is ( C ) success and the students have made ( ) progress.A a,the B不填,the C a,不填 D 不填,不填2.The teachor divided the students into small groups ( D ) ability.A in terms of Bregardlcss of C due to D according to 3.What you said is not ( A )with what you do,which has a bad effect on our kids,Sorry,l will change my ways.A Consistent B controversial C confident D considerate4.Studying in Russia is quite different from that in China. It took him nearly half a year to ( D )the language problem and culturo shock.A Turn over B take over C go over D get over5.The mississippi River is the longest river in ( B ).A England B America C Canada D France6.If you dont like the red coat,take the blue one,Ok,but do you have ( A )size in blue?This one is a bit tight for me.A a bigger B the bigger C the big D abiggest7.Its said that hes looking for a new job,one ( B ) he can get more free timc.A when B where C that D which8.It was not until he came back ( C ) he knew the police were looking for him.A which B since C that D before9.Would you like tea or coffee?( C ),just a cup of water.A Either B Both C Ncither D Each10.Its $ 500,but that is my last offer,Ok,it is a ( B )A cost B deal C pleasure D price11.The defense works ( D ) long to keep the enemy away.A were built B has been built C had been built D was built 12.( C )the rain stop,the sun flower would be saved.A Can B Must C Should D Will13.The place is ( D )attractive both in spring and autumn for its pleasant climate.A partly B hopefully C merely Dequally14.They are good friends. ( D ) is no wonder that they know each other so well.A This B That C There D It 15.Patience is a good quality. Yes,that is ( A ) it takes to do anything well.A what B which C that D how16.I left my pen on the desk and now its gone. Who ( B ) it ?A tool B has taken C will tak D had taken 17.Hundreds of jobs ( C ) if the factory closes.A lose B are lost C will be D will lose 18.Hi,this way,please.Ok. I sometimes have no sense of ( A )when I arrive at the crossroad.A direction B position C situation D condintion19.The thing that ( A ) is not whether you fail or not,but thether you try ro not.20.Anyone ( B ) in the exam will be puni shed.A seen cheat B seen cheating C saw to cheat D saw cheating 完形填空A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm,when he scarched for everywhere but in vain. So be put a ( 21 ) on the gate of the farm. Whoever finds the gold watch will be ( 22 ) 100 dollars. Facing the ( 23 )of the handsome reward,people tried the their best to look for everywhere, ( 24 ),the grain was poled like a hill along with bales of ( 25 ),so if they wanted to find the gold watch,it would be like fishing for a needle in the ( 26 ).When the sun set,the gold watch was not found yet. They took pains but found ( 27 ) ,so they began ( 28 )the watch was too small,the barn was too large and the straw was too thick. It was getting ( 29 )that they were still unable to find it. So they ( 30 ) the temptation of 100 dollars one by one. But only a small boy in ( 31 ) clothes was still not discouraged but kept ( 32 ) it in the grain. He had nothing to eat throughout the day. In order to solve the family problem,he was ( 33 )to find the gold watch and let his parents,brothers and sisters have a full meal. He was ( 34 )in the straw to have a rest ( 35 ) he heard a strange “tick -tock”. He immediately held his breath and listen ( 36 ). It was quiet in the barn which “tick -tock” ( 37 ) clearly. The boy ( 38 )the sound, found thegold watch buried in the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars.Like the gold watch in the barn, ( 39 ) has existed around us and spread in vevry corner of life. Only we are calm and ( 40 ) look for itcan we find it/21.( A )A notice Bsignal C information D photograph22.( B )A reserved B rewarded C equipped D donated23.( B )A pressure B temptation C application D order 24.( C )A Moreover B Meanwhile C However D Furthermore 25.( A )A stiraw B rope C thread D grass26.( D )A hill B basin C bowl D ocean 27.( A )A nothing B anything C something D everything 28.( C )A finding B eriticizing C complaining D realizing29.( B )A dark B bright C turned up D gave up30.( D )A kept up B put up C turned up D gave up 31.( B )A luxurious B shabby C neat D new 32.( D )A looking over B looking through C looking into D looking for 33.( C )A glad Badle C eager D satisfied 34.( A )A lying B laying C digging D cutting 35.( C )A as B while C when D before 36.( B )A frequently B attentively C slowly D roughly37.( D )A looked B smell C felt D sounded 38.( D )A heard B recorded C imitated D followed39.( B )A failur B success C confidence D faith 40.( C )A occasionally B randomly C firmly D seeretly阅读理解ATo miss doughty 16 spetember 1962. sunday My dear,Well,here we are,but not here. You are in Pinceton,and me in Quoque,and anther brand new years is about to start for you. For me too.It is the beginning of a big year for you,in many respects your biggest fo far,by the time just came around you will be 18,and graduating from school. In the past week or so i have called you “kid”but subconseiously. I have been doing that because your kid days are over,or just about. I suspect that you are never a kid again.Most of nice things we associate with being a kid are okey while you are still a kid but you gain much more than you lose. You gain in appreciation of people,in understanding and apprec iation of yourself. You begin to see thewisdom in that quotation i have so often repeated to you to thine own self bu true,every year of this time,i have repeat that quotation to you and the time is not really too far distant when you will bu passing it on to your own kid. Its probably the best single piece of advice i can give you ,or you can give your abildronYou have done well and i am pleased with you,nor only for what you have done but for what you are. So good luck in your senior year,and always know that the old man,loves you very much.Alwys Dad41.After finish the passage we know ( C )A It is a public letter to students.B It is a poster from studentsunion.C It is a letter from a father to a daughter.D It is a dairy about growng up.42.Which of the following is true according to the passage? ( B )A doughty has been married.B Doughty is a high school student.C Doughty is still a child.D Donghty lives with the author now.43.What is the authorsattitude to doughty?( D )A Disappointed B Worried C Embarrassed D SatisfiedBThere are colleges that have four _ year graduation rates in the single digits. A 30% rate is not at all unusual,especially among regional public universitise.If you are applying to colleges probably your goal is to get a cllege degree. Some schools are much more successful at graduating students than others,if the majority of students at college dont graduate in four years,then they are spending mroe money for a goal that will evade them.When you are calculating the cost fo a college degree,you should tale graduation rates into account if most students take five of six years to graduate. You shouldnt budget for fuor years of tuition. If most students wont actually graduate,you shouldn t plan on an increased earning potential because of your college degree.Make sur you put graduation rates into context. There are often good reasons wya some schools have higber graduation rates than others. Professional in fields usch as engineering、mursing and education are more likely to take five years than many other fields in the humanities,sciences and social sciences.Many state universitise have large percentage of commuting students working students,adn students with familise. The demands on these students often make graduating in four yeare difficult.There school provide an important role by making college eccessible to all. At the same time,they will after admit students who are entirely unprepared for the demands of college acadamics.44.What can we know form the first paragraph? ( C )A four-year graduation rate is nor lover that 30%B Both getting into colleges and graduating form them are easy.C It is very hard to get a diploma in some public university in America.D It is common that 70% are not will to go to university. academic demands.45.Which of the following factors can influence graduating rates? ( B )A accommadation system.B The academic demands.C Charging system.D The studentsgoals46.In which column may you find the passage? ( A )A Schooling B Travel C SeienceD HistoryCHair loss can be destructive for the millions of men and women who experience it. Now scientists are reporting that a substance form honey bee hives might contain clues for developing a potential new therapy. They found that the material,call propolis,encouraged hair growth in mice. They found that the material,call propolis,encouraged hair growth in mice . The study appears in ACSjournal of agricultural and food chemistry. Ken Kobayash,and colleagues note that propolis is a resin-like material that honey bees use to seal small gaps in their hives not only does it work as a physical barrier,butit alos contains active compounds that fight fungal and bacterial invasions. Properties and used it to treat tumors,inflammation and wounds. More recently, research has sh stance promotes the growth of certain cells involved in hair growth though no one had yet tested whether that in turn would result in new looks. Kobayashis team wanted to find out.When the researchers tested propolis on mice that had been shaved or waxed,the mice that received the treatment regrew their fur faster than those that didnt. The scientists alos noticed that after after the topical application,the number of special cells involved in the process of growing hair increased. Although they tried the material on mice that could grow fur rather than balding mice,they tried the material onte that hair,loss conditions often result from abnormal inflammation propolis contain anti-inflammatory com pounds,so they expert it could help treat balding conditions.They add that forther testing is needed to see if the beehive material affects human hair follicles.47.the under lines sentece in the first paragraph means. ( B )A Hair loss cant be repaired.B Hair cut can bu harmful.C Ever one must experience hair loss.D Baldness can be ruinous for the victims.48.What may cause hair loss according to the passage ? ( A )A severe in flammation B Headache C Fungal D Cancer 49.Which of hte following is wrong about proplis? ( B )A t can battle fungal and becterial invasions.B It promotes the growth of all cells.C It can serve as a physical barrier.D It can treat tumors inflammation and wounds.50.Whats the main idea of the passage. ( C )A it is about a test on mice.B It is about a introduce ACSjournal.C It is about a report on a study of new fuction of propolis.D It is about a medicine that will be put into market soon.主观题一、书面表达(共 15分)在人生的道路上,每个人难免会有失败的经理,面对失败,该如何应付?【问题】请你以 Dont Be Afraid of Failure 为题从以上三个方面写一篇英语短文。字数:120 左右二、填空题(共 10分,每空 1分)1、以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和 文化意识 等问个方面共同构成的阴雨课程总目标,既体现了阴雨学习的工具性,也体现了其 人文性 。2、英语课程标准采用国际通用的分级方式,将阴雨课程目标按照 能力水平 设为九年,第 五 级为九年级结束时应达到的基本要求。3、阴雨课堂教学的基本课程从语言技巧的角度可以划分为听力教学、 口语教学 、阅读教学和 写作教学等四个部分。4、阴雨学习策略包括 认知策略 、调控策略、 交际策略 和资源策略等。5、评价应采用 形成性 评价和 终结性 评价相结合的方式,既关注过程又关注结果,使学生学习过程和学习结果的评价达到和谐统一。三、案例分析(共 10分)【教案材料】片段 1 片段 2 片段 31、T:What is the theme of Earth Day 2011S:A Billion Acts of Green2、Hpw to be green?学生独立思考后,小组合作,引出在环境保护方面的 do和 donot,随后班级交流,进行小组集体评价1、T:in this passage,it tells us three ways to be green.应到学生用 reuse、recycle 来替do、donot,以掌握本单元的语法 prefixex、suffixes2、学生各自思考后小组合作,引出更多prefixes、suffixes,探究规律3、班级交流、归类,对小组中突出表现的学生给予肯定。1、学生小组合作,运用本课堂的内容设计调查问卷:are you green?2、学生在班级中进行问卷调查,了解同学对环保的关注和日常行为的环保程度3、小组合作完成一个poster,班级展示,以小组为单位进行评价【问题】1、教学片段中的教师主要采用了何种教学方式组织课堂教学?(1 分)答:小组合作2、集合三个教学片段,谈谈这种教学方式具有哪些特点?(9 分)答:(1)恰当的实际开展合作学习。如:学习独立思考后,小组合作,引出在环境保护方面的 do和 donot,随后班级交流,进行小组集体评(2)小组合作在独立思考的基础上进行,如:学生各自思考后小组合作,引出跟多 prefixes、suffixes,探究规律。(3)小组合作后进行集体评价。如:小组合作完成一个 poster,班级展示,以小组为单位进行评价。四、教学设计(共 15分)(中英文均可)【阅读材料】根据人命教育出版社义务教育教科书类九年级 Unit5 are the shirts made of ?Section A 的 3a阅读材料。按要求进行相关的教学设计。The difficult search for America produets in she USIf you go to another country,what kind of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan,some beautiful clothes in France,or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy,you mightthink those products were made in those countries. However ,you could be wrong。Kang Jian a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and ancle is SanFrancisco. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in china.“I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin,but even though most of the toys were America,they were mere in China”Toys are not the only things made in China.“I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes ”he expkaubs “But I had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in American!”He realized that American can haredly avoid buying products made in China!“In fact,”he continues,“there were many othey things there made in China!”kang Jian thinks it is great that China is so good at making thes everyday things. However,he wishes that in the future China will alos get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.【问题】1、制定本节课的知识目标(3 分)(1)most ss can catch the main idea of the passage (2)Master the usage of those,they,it,ect.2、制定本节课的教学重难点(2 分)Key point:further improve their reading skills like skimming and scanning Difficult point:how to use itthosethey to replace some words3、设计一个阅读导入(pre-reading)环节(3 分)(1)Talk about their traveling experience and what they want to buy if they go abroad.(2)Read the title of the passage and predict what the passage will be about.4、设计一个读中(while-reading)活动的教学片段(7 分)(1)fast reading Task 1:listen to the tape,and jojn the number with the right main idea of each paragraph.Task 2:skim the passage,then join the correct part of sentences.(2)careful readingTask 1:read the text carefully and do the “True or False” exercise.Eg:He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in USATask 2:read para2,and answer some questions.Eg:What did kangjian realize?What is kangjiand wish?


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