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江西教师招聘考试真题2014 江西教师招聘考试初中英语真题及答案解析客观题(50 分)一、单选题 1-20 题,每题 0.5 分,共 10 分1、How do you feel it to get along with Miss King?_A_.Most of the students like herA.Friendly B.Easy C.Helpful D.Kind2、Have you ever been to Tibet?Yes .I have fantastic _D_of my trip there last summerA.time B.experience C.days D.memories3、Hello.Blue Sky company.Can I help you ?Hello,T his is Jack Smith .May I speak to the sales manger,please?Yes,this is _B_.A.I B.me C.she D.her4、As we all know,drinking too much_ A _our health.A.harm B.hurts C.injures D.destroys5、Why did you call me yesterday? I was out then.To tell you I _C_a souvenir for you .A.has bought B.had bought C,bought D.will buy 6、Could you help me move the table to the teachers office._A_.A.With pleasure B.My pleasure C.For pleasure D.At your pleasure7.We are going to the zoo by bus on Tuesday afternoon. Will you go with us _B_ meet us there?A.when B.or C.and D.then 8.Jack loves sports .He is often seen _D_basketball on the school.A.play B.playing C.plays D.to play9、Look! Here _ C_ the bus .A.is coming B.came C.comes D.will come 江西教师招聘考试真题10、The cake is delicious!Well,at least its _A_the one I ate last night.A.as good as B . as well as C.worse than D.as bad as 11、David has tried 3 times to repair the clock .He will try _D_ time after having a rest A.four B.fourth C.the fourth D.a fourth 12、If it _D_ possible ,I would have helped him ,but I was too busy.A.is B.was C.were D.had been 13、_B_ finish eating lunch last ought to wash the dishes.A.The person B.Whoever C. Anyone D. Who 14、What are you reading?A book_ A_ by MoYan.A.written B. is written C.was written D.has been written 15、The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities_C_ rising steading in the past ten years.A.was B.were C.has been D.have been16、Did you have any problems in your English study?Yes,_C_ a friend to practice speaking withA.find B.found C.finding D.to find17、Youd better make a markD_you have any questions while you are reading the passage.A.at which B.in where C.in the place D.where18、Is this the mobile phone that you want to_A?A.have repaired B.have it repaired C.have repaired it D.repaired19、All the donated money should be made full use _C the homeless people.A .OF helping B.to help C.of to help D.to helping20、Will you go to the concert next week?If you dont go_DA.so I wont B.so wont I C.neither do I D.neither will I完形填空 21-30 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分江西教师招聘考试真题I recently went to a charity party At the and of visit our hast told us that the parting Monday was his birthday he asked (21) as a gift to him, We would do something kind for someone else on that day, I thought that was a terrible birthday (22) The following Monday, I saw my neighbor a new mother, in the garden with her baby I went outside to say “hello” to her .During the talk , she told me ,not in a complaining (23) but just as a matter of fact, about the sleeplessness and challenges to get anything done with a baby followed by. I(24) the charity party hasts reguest and said,”Hey! Why dont (25)watch your take an hour to yourself.”She was so surprised that she almost crled.”Are you (27)? would you be able to do that?” Of course!” I said.” Id be happy to!” An hour later she came outside with a smile on her face. “I have (28) so much done!” she told me , and I told her that I had sung every kids song I knew and had a good time hanging out with the baby, too. And I was so happy to see her smiling like that.It was one of the best (29) . Ive ever given, and it has given me the desive to ask the same (30) all my friends this year. I know it will make me feel great to know my friends are out there sharing their wisdom and time with people who can really use it.21、A that B how C if D what22、A plan B idea C cake D party23、A life B way C taste D sound24、A asked B thought C remembered D reminded25、A I B you C we D they26、A or B but C and D since27、A serious B mysterious C humorous D Curious28、A got B made C took D let29、A presents B ideas C lessons D stories30、A for B about C as D from江西教师招聘考试真题阅读理解 31-45 题,每题 2 分,共 30 分AAmong the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction .Hundreds of title are published every year and are read by all kind of people .Furthermore , some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories .It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature ,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago . These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society , a theme which is still often found in modern stories .Most of the classics of science fiction , however , have been within the last hundred years . Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells , to mention just two well- known authors ,have been translated into many languages . Modern science fiction writers dont write about men from Mars or space adventures stories . They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind ;or in imagining future worlds which are reflection of the world which we live in now . Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones .In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances . Those who are sufficiently clearsighted to see the way we are going , however , may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology .31. Which of the following statements cant prove that science fiction is very popular today ?A Hundreds of titles are published every year B All kinds of people love it C some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories D science fiction can be found in books written hundreds of years ago32. In the past ,science fiction was probably concerned with _.A men from Mars or space adventures stories B predicting the results of technical developments on society C predicting the human mind D imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the modern world33.According to the passage ,we know that_.A science fiction is a fairly new development in literature B the history of science fiction is less than a hundred years C the science fiction usually has obviously political undertones 江西教师招聘考试真题D modern science fiction usually has obviously political undertones34.The under lined word “overtakes ”in the last paragraph means _ A takes the place of B is more meaningful than C develops more quickly than D develops more slowly than35.The best title of the passage may probably be _.A Science Fiction B The Popularity of Science Fiction C The Origin of Science Fiction D The Popularity of Science FictionBThe California region boasts a wide variety of climates and geographical features, rivaling any other area of comparable dimensions , Nearly all but the eastern edge California Native Americans lived where environmental conditions were favorable making food relatively accessible California tribes as the Chumash ,Yurok and Pomo. The Maidu and Pomo principally ate acorns ,which have a higher calorie rating than wheat . They pounded the hard nuts with stones and washed out the bitter taste with water. The Pomo crafted what were arguably the finest baskets in all of indigenous America. They made baskets as small as a thimble and as bid as a yard in width. They made watertight baskets .for Cooking acorn mush and seed gruel as well as for carrying and storing food They wore especially beautiful baskets for presents and as .offerings to forebrain. Some were bedecked with colorful bird feathers and shells,Their skill also was applied to trays、boats、headgear and baby carries such as a wickerwork cradleboard in which an infant spent his first Their mothers wore hats that resembled bowl shape basketsThe California natives lived in communities numbering up to 2000 with dwelling arrayed in groups A house consisted of a round frame covered with grass There was a sky light in the root and the beds were made a cook fire for seeds nuts fish and other foods More than 100 languages flourished in California before European contact most are gone today.36. What does the California region take pride in _.A Baskets and houses B California and geographical C Handicraft and colorful languages D California tribes and their cultures37.What is the Pomo good at?A Making baskets B hunting for found C Taking Care of babies D Making presents 38 How many of California trikes are mentioned in the passage? A tow B three C four D five39From the passage We know that their houses?A round and strong B very dark C made of only grass D built in groups 40Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A There are over 100 languages in California now 江西教师招聘考试真题B There were nearly 2000 houses in a community C The Pomo mainly fed on acorns as well as the Maidu D All California native Americans lived in environmental places C( 红色标记是答案 )The willful blindness in hockey toward concussions (头部撞击) has dropped. Hockey Canada has followed the lead of USA Hockey in preventing bodychecking (身体拦截) below age 13. 41.A bad head injury of Sidney Crosby, the hockeys greatest star, opened the eyes of hockey people everywhere. This countrys children have been facing similar danger at early ages, and Hockey Canada had to deal with a deep worry in the minds of Canadians to make the rule change. The liking for bodychecking from an early age is part of what makes Canadian hockey what it is.The change in rules should be taken as a chance to draw special attention to skill development in an environment free of danger. 42. It may also control the loss of thousands of young players who dont enjoy that environmentFor years, many Canadian hockey parents and coaches have insisted that bodychecking at early ages is necessary to ensure that players can do it safely at older ages. 43.True or not, there may be a safer way to teach hitting than to make younger players pay a price for it in head injuries. When USA Hockey changed its rules for the 2011-2012 season, it also created bodychecking-education programs that will be mandatory(强制的) for all coaches, including those teaching players in the pre-checking ages. And it began to encourage more touch - without real bodychecking - from 9 t0 12. It also made the rules for 13 and up stricter. 44. The USA is trying to show that its possible to teach hockey protective skills without putting11 and 12-year-olds in greater danger. Its worth the try.Hockey Canada has taken serious steps to do away with hits on the head. 45. However, its hard to change a sports culture so connected with who we are as a country. Too often, bodychecking has been used to try to separate a player 江西教师招聘考试真题from his head rather than from the ball. Children were paying a price for this countrys love of the game.There are always changes in Canadas game, and the change in the bodychecking age sends the clearest message yet to coaches and parents that player safety is paramount(至上的) in the game.A True or not , there may be a safer way to teacher hitting than to make younger pay for it in head injuries.B However , its hard to change a sports culture so connected with who we are as a country.C A bad head injury of Sidney Crosby , the hockeys greatest star ,opened the eyes of hockey people everywhere .D It may also control the loss of thousands of young players who dont enjoy that environment E The USA is trying to show that its possible to teach hockey protective skills without putting 11 and 12-year-olds in greater主观题(50 分)一、写作题(15 分)1、古诗悯农:锄禾日耽误,汗滴禾下土;谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。2、名誉警句:成与勤俭,败于奢侈。3、习近平主席发出了“光盘行动”指示请结合以上材料可适度发挥以“No wasting food”为题,写一篇 120 个单词左右的作文。二、简答题(10 分)1、 在英语教学过程中,教师可以通过哪些手段来创设情景。(6 分)2、 创设教学情景时应注意哪些问题。(4 分)三、案例分析(10 分)1、这位教师在教学过程中运用了哪些教学方法?这些教学方法分别体现在哪个或哪些步骤中?(3 分)2、在实际教学中这些教学方法有什么优点。(3 分)江西教师招聘考试真题3、对该教师这部分教学过程的设计予以评论。(4 分)四、教案设计(15 分)要求:设计要体现英语课程标准的基本理念;遵循语言教学的规律,符合教育对象的认识特点和心理特征;结构完整,条理清晰(中英文即可)八年级下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?3a.Read this article about a theme pard . Circle the places ,things , and activities you think are interesting .Underline the one you think boring .Have you ever been to an amusement park?Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and many other famous characters. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. But have you ever been to Disneyland? In fact, there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world. Disneyland is an amusement park, but we can also call it a theme park. It has all the normal attractions that you can find at an amusement park, but it also has a theme. The theme, of course, is Disney movies and Disney characters. For example, you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland,the theme of the roller coaster is Disney characters. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster. You can also watch Disney movies, eat in Disney restaurants, and buy Disney gifts. And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time! Have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise? These are huge boats that also have the Disney theme. You can take a ride on the boat for several days, and you can sleep and eat on board. There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland. You can shop, go to Disney parties, and eat dinner with Mickey Mouse! The boats take different routes, but they all end up in the same place. That is Dizneys own island.It is just so much fun in Disneyland. 1、确定这节课的具体教学目标。(3 分)2、确定这节课的教学重点和难点。(2 分)3、设计这节课的几个教学步骤(至少三个),并写出各教学步骤的主要内容和设计意图。(6 分)4、设计这节课对学生的评价方法。(2 分)5、写出这节课的板书设计。(2 分)


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