2019版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all教案 (新版)牛津版总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all 总课时7第1课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标1. To identify the different kinds people who need help;2. To talk about the general information about the people who need help;3. To willing to help others.教学重点To talk about the ways to help people in need.教学难点To talk about the ways to help people in need.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step 1 Lead-inFree talkT: My cousin is a policeman. He was busy taking some courses last month. Do you know why he trained so hard? Oh, he wanted to be a volunteer. Now, he is proud to be a volunteer to help others. Look, what do they do in their free time? They help the disabled or blind people visit parks, clean up the environment, give the elderly checkups, repair the household appliances and show the ways. Is it meaningful to be a volunteer? Will you support them? Step 2 PracticeT: I know you all want to be volunteers. Here is a chance for you. Read this poster, and see if you are suitable for a volunteer. OK, you have free time and you are ready to help others, and are you good at English? Lets have a test. Please take on this challengepass three levels to show that you are good at English listening, speaking, reading and writing.1. Listen and answer(1) What is Hobo doing? (2) Will Eddie support Hobo? Why?(3) How does Hobo want Eddie to help?2. Read and act 3. Complete and discussWhat do you think of Eddie?T: You have passed three levels and I know you are suitable to be volunteers. Congratulations!Welcome to the unitStep 1 Presentation1. Watch and learn T: Now, lets watch a video to find out the people who need help. 2. Match and discuss(1) Match the words with their meanings. (2) Pair work.Step 2 Practice1. Part AT: Here are some pictures of the people who need help. Write the correct words under the pictures. Then put a tick in the boxes if you have ever helped these people.2. Part BT: Listen to Amy and Daniels conversation and find out how to help homeless people.T: Lets think of some other ways to help people who need help.(1) How to help blind people?(2) How to help poor people?(3) How to help disabled people?(4) How to help deaf people?(5) How to help elderly people?3. Make up new conversationsT: Work in pairs and discuss the people in Part A. You can use the conversation in Part B as a model. 4. Enjoy a video and make a proposalT: Lets watch a video and see how kindness keeps the world afloat. Then well complete a proposal letter.Step 3 ConclusionT: Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” Helping others is helping ourselves. 总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all总课时7第2课时课 题Reading(1)课型New教学目标1. To learn to predict the main idea from the title, pictures and caption; 2. To learn to use such reading strategies as skimming, scanning and inferring pronoun reference in reading the text; 3. To have a clear picture of the text structure; 4. To realize the importance of joining public welfare activities and help others. 教学重点How are the ideas in the text organized? 教学难点How are the ideas in the text organized? 教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step 1 Pre-reading1. Watch and answer What world games is the video about? 2. Read the title and make a prediction Ask the question: When you read the title Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games, what do you want to know? 3. Make a prediction from the pictures and caption Let the students look at the three pictures on Pages 80 and 81 and try to find the answers to the two questions: (1) When and where did the Special Olympics World Games take place?(2) What did the volunteer (he/she) do for the Special Olympics World Games? Ask a follow-up question: Where did you get the answer?/What led you to make such a guessing? Step 2 While-reading1. Fast reading (1) Who volunteered for the Special Olympics World Games? (2) Which Special Olympics World Games did he/she volunteer for? T: Where did you get the answers? 2. Skimming (Locate and underline) T: Please look through the text quickly and find out which part of the text answers the remaining questions we predicted at the beginning. Meanwhile underline the new words which make it difficult for you to read on. 3. Scanning (1) Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions. (2) Read Paragraph 3 and answer the questions. (3) Make a summary Paragraph 2 is about Paragraph 3 is about Where do we meet Liu Ming first? In Paragraph 1, we know Liu Ming volunteered for the xx Special Olympics World Games. We met him a second time in Paragraph 4. (4) Read Paragraph 4 and answer the questions. (5) Read Paragraphs 1 & 5 and answer the questions. 4. Third reading Read the whole passage again and think about this question: What do you think of Liu Ming? Why? Step 3 Post-reading1. Read, fill and share T: Read and fill in the blanks. T: Read and share what youve learned from the passage: the Special Olympics World Games;the xx Special Olympics World Games; Liu Ming, the volunteer; Li Hai, a special athlete. 2. Think about the title T: Can we change the title into “Liu Ming volunteered for the xx Special Olympics Games”? Why or Why not? 3. Draw a picture of the text structure T: Which Paragraph is the most important in the text? Why? How are the ideas in the text organized? Try to draw a clear picture of the text structure in your mind. 总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all总课时7第3课时课 题Reading(2)课型New教学目标1. To have a better understanding of the report;2. To learn to use the language points correctly and retell the story in their own words; 3. To learn to help those with intellectual disabilities in their daily lives.教学重点To learn to use the language points correctly.教学难点To retell the story in students own words.教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step 1 Lead-in1. Review what the students have learnt and present the topic T: Weve read the report Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games. What did you know from the passage?T: Yes. Weve known what the Special Olympics is for and what the volunteers did in xx Special Olympics World Games. We also got to know two boys, Li Hai and Liu Ming. 2. Fill in the blanksStep 2 Language points 1. It is + adjective + (for sb.) to do sth.2. expect3. similar to4. give up5. It is + adjective + of sb. to do sth.6. be born with/not . but . 7. Give sb. a chance to do sth.8. Structure of the articleT: Read the whole passage and discuss:(1) how the ideas are organized; (2) which paragraph is about the main idea of the report.Step 3 Practice 1. Repeat after the tape 2. Retell the report 3. Complete the story 4 Watch and discuss T: Watch a video and discuss with your partner about the following three questions. (1) What do Special Olympics mean to you? (2) How are people with intellectual disabilities treated/viewed in your neighborhood? (3) What will you do to make a difference to those disabled around you? 5. Make a summaryT: The Special Olympics youth movement is a powerful force, creating communities of acceptance, dignity and joy for people with intellectual disabilities all around the world. Now Its your turn to make a difference every day. Thank you. 总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all总课时7第5课时课 题Integrated skills课型New教学目标1. To get a general understanding about a volunteer project;2. To complete the notes with the information obtained from listening material;3. To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily lives.教学重点1. To learn about a volunteer project.2. To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily lives.教学难点1. To learn about a volunteer project.2. To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily lives.教学准备Computer, Pictures Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask: A Working in a mountain areaStep 1 Lead-in 1. Play a videoT: Here is a map of China. Do you know where Guizhou is? Its in the south-west of China. And what about Xinjiang? It is in the north-west of China.2. Have a talkT: After watching the video, we know that children in mountain areas live a hard life. Lets work together to take care of those children and their dreams. Step 2 Listening 1. Part A1Look through the questions and options carefully before listening. (1) Help the students look through the questions and options. (2) Play the tape of Part A1 and check the answers. 2. Part A2T: Peter wants to know about Judys volunteer life. He has prepared the following questions. Can you predict what Judy will say? T: Try to predict some missing words before listening.T: Check the answers together.Step 3 Reading and writing 1. Complete a diary entry2. Pair work T: Work in pairs and talk about Judys experience at the village school. You can use the dialogue on the screen as a model.3. Discussion(1) What good qualities should a volunteer teacher have?(2) As a middle school student, what can you do to help the children in mountain areas?B Speak up: How can we help people in our daily lives?Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talkT: Have you ever helped anyone in need in your daily life? How did you help him/her?2. How to help people in needT: Peter wants to write about helping people in need. So he is searching the Internet. Lets look at what he has found.T: How can we help people in need?Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen and answerT: The Class 1, Grade 8 students are discussing this topic. Lets listen to them and answer: How can we help homeless people? How can we help the elderly?2. Listen and readT: Please read after the tape. Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.Step 3 Practice 1. Make up a new dialogue2. Complete a passageStep 4 SummaryWhat we have learned today:T: We were born with the ability to change someones life. Dont shine to be seen. Shine so that others can see the way. 总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all总课时7第6课时课 题Study skills课型New教学目标1. To know four types of text structure;2. To distinguish the ways of organizing the ideas in English writing;3. To learn how to use the right way to organize the ideas according to the type of writing.教学重点To learn how to organize the ideas in different ways according to the type of writing.教学难点To learn how to organize the ideas in different ways according to the type of writing.教学准备Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step 1 Lead-in1. Enjoy a short video Play a short video about Hong Kong Disneyland. Let the students guess where it is.2. Analysis a short article (1) Show a short article about Hong Kong Disneyland. Ask the students to read it quickly and give a title to the article. (2) Analysis the three parts of the article. And ask the students to pay attention to the adverbs.Step 2 Presentation1. Time order (1) Let the students pay attention to the adverbs in order to let them say out “time order” by themselves. (2) Let the students think about when we can use time order to organize our ideas. And then tell them when we write about an experience or an event, we often use this method. (3) Give more examples about time order.2. Space order (1) Show a picture of a room. Give a topic “My bedroom” to the students. Ask the students if they can write a short passage about it using time order. Then let the students say their ideas about how to write “My bedroom”. At last give an example about space order. (2) Let the students know we use space order when we describe a place or an object. (3) Let the students know we can use spatial organization transitional words to provide readers with a better visual image.3. Have a conclusion We can organize our ideas in different ways according to the type of writing. Let the students list some other methods of organizing the ideas.4. Lets compare 5. Arrange the sentences into a passage Present six sentences on PPT. Let the students arrange them into a passage. Then present two passages. Get the students know they can choose the suitable method to organize their ideas.Step 3 Practice1. What method is it?Present four short articles. Let the students say what method each article is used. And then, let the students analyze the reasons.2. Choose the best way for each topic Let the students do the exercise on their English book. Give six topics and ask the students to choose a suitable way to organize their ideas.Step 4 ConclusionHave a conclusion with the students. Let the students say the main ideas of todays lesson. 八年级下册英语教案 Date:总 课 题8B Unit6 Sunshine for all总课时7第7课时课 题Task& Self-assessment课型New教学目标1. To organize the ideas before writing; 2. To write a letter to ask for help.教学重点To develop the students writing ability.教学难点To develop the students writing ability.教学准备Computer, Pictures ,Preview the words and the text.教学方法Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备 注Pretask: Whiletask:Posttask:Step 1 Lead-in1. Show the learning aims T: Today we will learn Task. Lets have a look at the learning aims.2. Look and discussT: There are many people who need our help around us. Look at the pictures and discuss: Who needs help? What kind of help do they need? How can we help? T: When someone is in trouble, we should give him/her a helping hand. We can write a letter asking for more peoples help. Step 2 Pre-writing1. Learn about Peters plan2. Read and learn the structureMain body: (1) Introduce the information about the people or group in need clearly. State the trouble in detail. Dont forget to tell the readers what kind of help they need. Practice: 81-year-old Mr Sun needs help. Please Choose the best one. (2) Call on the readers to give a helping hand. Practice: Write down how to help Mr Sun. Ending: In this part we should express thanks sincerely. Practice: Express your thanks in different ways.Step 3 While-writing1. Watch and discussT: Work in groups of three and discuss your letter from three parts. These five questions can help you.3. Write the first draftStep 4 Post- writing1. ReviseStep 5 Summary1. SummaryT: So far, we have had a better understanding about how to write a letter to ask for help. Lets review what we have learnt in this period.2. Topic distillationT: There are many people who need help around us. The more we give our love, the better our world will be. 教学反思

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