七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground讲义 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground讲义 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground讲义 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground讲义 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Topic2.1. 重点单词词组1、make cards 制作卡片play cards打牌2、play+球类 play football/soccer踢足球 play basketball/pingpong打篮球/乒乓球3、talk on the telephone 通过电话聊天4、 5、in the teachersoffice在教师办公室6、do some cleaning/shopping打扫/购物7、on the shelf/shelves在架子上8、9、on time 准时,按时10、some money(不可数)一些钱11、show sb around带领某人参观12、have a soccer/basketball game举行一场足球/篮球比赛13、over there在那边14、15、16、17、at the back of在的后面18、draw pictures画画19、in Picture1 在图120、love/like doing sth喜欢做21、talk to sb同某人谈话22、on the Great Wall在长城上23、24、one day有一天25、look happy/young看起来很快乐/年轻2. 辨析1、look for 与find look for(强调找的过程) find寻找,找到(强调找的结果)eg.He is looking for his new book,but he cant find it.2、borrow与keep borrow sth from从借 keep sth+一段时间借(保存) eg.We can borrow some books from the school library.How long can I keep the workbook?About two weeks.You can keep the storybook for three weeks.3、one与it one可作基数词,指“一”,也可作代词,指代上文提到的一类事物中的“一个”。it 作代词用,指代上文提到的那个事物。eg. Tom has a nice watch. I want to have one like his. 4、few 和a few few几乎没有.后加名词复数.表示“否定”含义.eg. Alice is new here. So she has few friends. Few students have lunch at school. They all have lunch at home. a few“一些”.后加名词复数,表示“肯定”含义 A few boys are running on the playground now.5、listen 与 listen to Listen!The girl is singing in the classroom. They are listening to music in the room. We should listen to the teachers carefully in class.6、talk,say,tell,ask 和speaktalk to/with sb. 与某人交谈 talk about sth./ sb.谈论关于某事/人say“说”,后面必须加说的具体内容He says he is a doctor.tell“告诉”:tell sb.(about) sth.告诉某人(关于)某事 tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事tell“讲,说”tell a story/lie讲故事/说谎ask“问”:ask sb. to do sth.叫某人去做某事speak“说话,讲话”:speak to sb.和某人说话 Speak+语言说某种语言7、too与also 共同点:都表示“也”,用于肯定句 不同点:too 用于句末,且用逗句隔开 also放在be/助动词/情击动词后 实义动词前eg. He is in Class One. I am in Class One,too. Mary also likes oranges. Bob Can also swim well. They are also from England.3. 句型和习惯用语1、表示建议句型Would you like to do sth.?你想要做吗?肯定回答:Yes,Id love/like to.That sounds good.Good idea.That would be very nice.否定回答:Id love to,butIm sorry,but2、请求对方许可的句型3、向别人借东西的用语(1)Excuse me,may/can/could I borrow?(2)Excuse me,do you have?(3)How long can I keep it/them?(4)You must return it/ them on time.4、失物招领的相关用语(1)Can/May I help you?我能帮助你吗? What can I do for you?(2)Im looking for 我在寻找(3)Please call the Lost and Found请打电话给失物招领处4. 语法1、名词所有格(1)有生命的东西在其名词后加“s”,以“s”结尾的词直接加Kates bookthe teachers officethe students desks(2)多人共有的东西在最后一个人后面加s,分别拥有的东西在各人后加s.Tom and mikes bike.(共同拥有) Toms and Mikes bikes.(分别拥有)(3)双重所有格;在所属的名词有冠词、代词、数词等时,常用“of+名词性物主代词”.some books of my fathers 我爸爸的一些书a friend of hers她的一位朋友some photos of his他的一些照片名词性物主代词:mine yours his hers its ours theirs形容性物主代词:my your his her its our their2、现在进行时(1)含义:表示正在发生或进行的动作(2)结构:主+be doing(sth.)(3)使用场合:句中有now,listen,look,its+时间 Wheres ?eg. I am making cards now. Listen!Ann is singing in the room. Look!The students are doing some cleaning in the lab. Its 8:30. They are having an English class. Wheres Jane?She is reading books in the library.3、动词现在分词构成方法(1)一般情况直接在词尾加ing,washwashing,(2)以e结尾,去e加ing.taketaking.(3)在重读闭音节中,以一个元音字母加一个辅音字结尾的词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ing.runrunningbeginbeginninggetgettingputputtingsitsittingcutcutting(切)shopshoppingstopstopping swimswimming(4)现在进行时的一般疑问句,直接把be动词提到句首,否定句直接在be动词后加not.

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