2019版中考英语专题复习 24 完形填空当堂达标题.doc

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2019版中考英语专题复习 24 完形填空当堂达标题完形填空。(A)It took Peter quite a while to find a place for his car and in the end he had to 1 it in a small street, a few steps from the dentists. As he got out, he 2 his watch. He 3 meet the dentist at five and he still had half an hour. He 4 into the square and sat down in a chair to_5 the setting sun.As he sat there, he watched the children playing. He was 6 to see a red car like his own come out of the street 7 he had parked. The 8 moved fast and soon disappeared. Peter felt in his pocket for his 9 , but they were not there. “My car!” he shouted in a 10 voice, which made several people look at him. He got up and 11 out of the square, then down the small street. His car was not to be seenbut then he found it was behind a large one, with the keys 12 his car.By the time he reached the dentists, it was after five. “A very 13 thing happened to me,” he said to the dentist to explain why he was 14 . “Its quite 15 , sir,” said the dentist. “In fact I have only just gotten here.”( )1. A. putB. leaveC. driveD. give( )2. A. noticed B. watched C. looked at D. saw( )3. A. would B. should C. could D. might( )4. A. crossed B. walked C. went D. came( )5. A. wait for B. see C. enjoy D. have( )6. A. surprised B. unhappy C. angry D. worried( )7. A. there B. which C. whereD. that( )8. A. children B. car C. sun D. watch( )9. A. money B. keys C. glasses D. passport( )10. A. loud B. large C. soft D. low( )11. A. escaped B. drove C. ran D. walked( )12. A. in B. on C. at D. to( )13. A. amazing B. strange C. wonderful D. exciting( )14. A. on time B. in time C. early D. late( )15. A. very good B. right C. correct D. all right(B)Mrs. Hunt is about forty years old now. Shes very 1 and would not do anything. Her husband 2 some work for her, but she refused and always 3 her friends who have no work. Her husband is a head of an office and is busy all the time. He has to do some 4 at home. Sometimes hes sent to other cities on business. And when he 5 , all their rooms are in a fearful mess (凌乱不堪). He often tells his wife to 6 the rooms, but she spends much time in chattering (聊天 )and doesnt 7 him. She usually tells her husband what she hears and sees 8 when hes busy with his work. Hes angry with her and 9 , “Shut up (闭嘴)!” One afternoon, the woman was chattering with her friends in a park while it began to 10 . She hurried home but her clothes were wet through. She felt 11 that evening. She went to bed without 12 and the next morning she felt even worse, she had to go to a hospital. The doctor looked her over and said “ 13 your mouth, madam.”“Thanks a lot, Doctor.” said the woman. The doctor was 14 and asked, “For what?” “My husband always 15 me shut my mouth at home!” answered Mrs. Hunt.( )1. A. ableB. politeC. lazyD. clever( )2. A. found B. looked for C. gave D. lent( )3. A. laughs at B. plays withC. writes to D. talks with( )4. A. washing B. housework C. cooking D. cleaning( )5. A. leaves B. goes outC. comes back D. sleeps( )6. A. tidy B. sell C. break D. build( )7. A. see B. look at C. hear D. listen to( )8. A. at home B inside C. outside D. at school( )9. A. calls B speaks C. lets D. shouts( )10. A. rain B snow C. blow D. be cold( )11. A. well B. fine C. unwell D. sorry( )12. A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast D. dinner( )13. A. Shut B. Open C. Show D. Take care of( )14. A. interested B. worried C. surprised D. sad( )15. A. makes B. asks C. tells D. wishes参考答案:(A)1. B【解析】Peter在街上寻找停车的地方,最后将其停在了离牙医诊所不远的一条小街道上。因为是车,故不可用put (摆放);drive (驾驶);give (给,送)三个词。2. C【解析】由下一句可知他是在看手表。3. A【解析】此处用would表示过去的将来。4. B【解析】此处与上文对照,停好车只有走路了,选B更合适。5. C【解析】因为和医生会面还有半小时的时间,故他走到广场去享受(enjoy)明媚的阳光。容易混淆的是B项,只有“看日出或看日落”,故排除。6. A【解析】因为看到了一辆红色的小汽车很像自己的车,Peter自然感到很吃惊(surprised)。7. C【解析】关联词在定语从句中作状语时应用关系副词。8. B【解析】此处指上文提到的a red car。9. B【解析】怀疑被人开走的车是自己的,因而Peter摸摸自己的车钥匙(keys)是否在口袋里。10. A【解析】车像自己的,而钥匙又不在口袋里了,Peter认为车被盗了,当然会大声(1oud)惊叫起来。11. C【解析】要去追车他自然是跑(run)了。12. A【解析】前句说“在一辆大车后面找到了车”,看来钥匙没有丢,应在车上。13. B【解析】这样的一次经历自然是非常奇怪了。14. D【解析】因为迟到,Peter向医生道歉。15. D【解析】 在交际英语中,对别人道歉可用“Its all right.”作答。(B)1. C【解析】由后面的and would not do anything可知Mrs. Hunt很懒。2. A【解析】由后文but she refused可知她丈夫给她找了工作。注意find指“找到”,表结果;look for指“寻找”,表示动作。3. D【解析】根据下文but she spends much time in chattering (她大多数时间都在唠叨)可知,D项talk with sb. (与交谈)正确。laugh at sb.“嘲笑某人”;write to sb.“给某人写信”;play with sb.“和.玩耍,不合语境。4. B【解析】do some housework是常用搭配,意为“干家务”,包括其他几项的内容。5. C【解析】前面说“他丈夫出差”,此处应是“当他回到家时”,只有C comes back表示“回来”之意。6. A【解析】由上文知,她丈夫让她整理房间,只有tidy表示“使整洁,整理,收拾”之意。7. D【解析】由but一词可知,她花大量时间聊天,不听她丈夫的话。应用listen to sb.听的话,强调动作。hear“听见”强调结果,不合语境。8. C【解析】由语境知,她常在丈夫忙着工作时告诉他一些她在外面听到的和看到的事。9. D【解析】面对她的唠叨,她丈夫当然会生气地喊“闭嘴”!四项中只有shouts表示“喊”的意思。10. A【解析】由her clothes were wet through.(她浑身湿透了。)知,当然是下雨。11. C【解析】由下文the next morning she felt even worse.知,当晚她感觉不舒服。其他意义不符。12. A【解析】由that evening知,她没吃晚饭(supper)。13. B【解析】医生看病要检查身体,当然是让她张开(open)嘴。其他几项均不合句意。14. C【解析】由For what?可知不知道她要感谢他什么,所以感到惊讶。15. A【解析】这里要表达“让我闭嘴”,即“让某人做某事”,显然排除C、D项;B项后接动词不定式,即ask sb. to do sth.,因此只有A合适。


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