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2019版中考英语一轮复习9上Unit(1)一、单词A.易错单词: lead主角 leader领导 head 头B.1. western n.西部电影,西部小说 adj 西部的,西方的I like movies , but I dont like Westerns .2. industry 工业,产业 the heavy industryHe began to enter the film i .3. all-time空前的 He is one of Hollywoods a greatest directors.4. actress actor waitress hostess The names are on the list.(女演员) 5. dancer danced dancingIts hard for the for six hours, though they like .6. lead role Parents in the growth of children.(扮演重要角色)Hepburn played a young princess. (扮演主角)7.mark n.分数 v.标志 The places you have visited in red.(mark)That event the beginning of her successful career .Each student wants to get good .8. lifetime during/in ones lifetimeEdison over 1000 inventions during his lifetime.(invent)Yuan Longping research into hybrid rice during his lifetime.(do)9.final adj. finally adv.We f got to the basketball f .She took her f appearance in the film .We will have our f exams tomorrow.10. peacefully peace love peace peacefulHepburn passed away in her sleep on a night.(peace).The problems between different countries should be dealt with .11.park n. car park v. parked parkingI couldnt find a place my car ,though the cinema had a big car .No Parking.12. row n. 排 He sits in the front/ back/ first row .What row are you the classroom. (介词)v. rows rowed rowing row a boat /go rowing13. mistake n.错误 make a mistake v.误认为 mistook mistaken mistake.torHe his twin brother often. The police the man (介) a thief. (mistake) you make, your parents will be.(错误越少越高兴)14. kung fu He is a Chinese kung fu superstar .He attended a course on Chinese kung fu .15. DVD buy a lot of DVDs 16 . cancel 取消 cancelling cancelledcontrol controlling controlledThis Saturdays talk on films (cancel) already .Because of the rain the sports meeting (cancel) tomorrow.17 neither Neither of them singing .( like )A: Would you like to see the film this Friday or this Saturday ?B: is OK .Ill be free next week .A:I dont like horror films .B: I dont like, ./ I ./ Me, .neithernor既不.也不Neither he nor I going abroad next year .(be )Neither Tom nor his parents abroad before .18. stupid adj. 作定语和表语 stupider/est more/ most stupida stupid mistake / question / idea / jokeI was stupid enough to believe him.It was stupid of you to insist on your wrong idea.19. consider动词,“认为,考虑”。常用结构有:(1) consideras + n. “把看作/ 认为”,被动be considered as, “被认为/看作”。At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。The brave young man is considered as a hero.consideras + n.+for sth/doing sthHe was considered as a hero for saving the child from water.(2) considerto be + adj./ n.“把看作/ 认为”This award is considered to be /as a great honor.Everyone considers him to be suitable for the special job. (3) consider sth / doing sth. “考虑 (做)某事”。Youd better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。 We are considering (choose) him as our monitor , because he is far (help) . Zhang Lili (被认为) the most beautiful teachers .二、重点短语和句型P92-931. in your dreams (口语) 你做梦,你妄想-Ill be a manager/superstar before 30. In your dreams.You will be a famous director . 你妄想成为一名著名的导演。2. Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?(1)be suitable for适合;be suitable for sb/ sth/ doing sth. 适合某人/ 某物/ 做某事This place is not suitable for students to visit.be suitable to do sth. “适合做某事”The weather is suitable to go hiking./for hiking.He is the most suitable person to be our monitor.(2)enter vt. 参加;进;加入 enter the theatre = go/come into the theatren. entrance “进入,入口处;登场,出场” the entrance to+名词 的入口处The entrance to the hall is on your right.P93-971. When she died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.loss n. 丧失,损失,丢失 the loss of sth. 某物的丢失the loss of sb 某人的逝世The loss of his money worried him.-What do you do with the loss of the library book?Ill pay for it.lose v. ( lost, lost) 丢失,错过,失败 lost adj. 迷路的,丢失的例如: get lost, a lost sheep/ lose ones confidence / balanceI lost my new bike yesterday.many wild animals are in danger because of their living areas . the of their living areas .All the people in the plane MH370 their lives in the accident .If he the book, he must pay for it .=If the book , he must pay for it . .(lose )2. Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers attention. =The writer was attracted by Hepburns beauty and charm.sth. catch ones attention. 吸引或引起某人的注意 Her sweet voice caught others attention. 她甜美的声音引起了人们的注意。 bring sb to the attention of sb / sth 使。引起了。的注意This brought him to the attention of the whole school .charm (u.n) charming , charmless adj.Someone of great charm has an attractive quality.a woman of great charm = an attractive womanattractive adj. more / most attractive3. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel.(1) insist vt.坚持,坚持认为 insist that + 宾语从句。宾语从句部分指的是说话人的建议,要求或事实。I insist he is correct. A, that B, on C, on that D, whichinsist on/upon sth. / doing sth. 坚持(做)某事;insist 后不能接动词不定式insist on ones ideas / opinionsShe insisted on carrying on research although she was ill.He insisted on me his pictures. 他坚持要把他的照片给我看。(2)be based upon 意为“以为基础”,句中based upon 是过去分词短语作后置定语。The novel is based upon what has happened in the past ten years.He is reading a book based on a real story.What did you see at the cinema ? The film by Zhao Wei.(direct) The film upon a true story. (base) I like the film because it upon a true story .4. Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday.play the lead role in意为“在中扮演主角;在中起主要作用”。play the lead role in the Hollywood film Roman Holidayplay the lead role of 扮演主角 play the lead role of a young princessHe played the lead role in the football game/ in the TV playThe actor played the lead role of a king in the film.5. Hepburn made her final appearance in the film Alwaysappearance disappearance (n.) vi. appear , disappear 无被动He at the party last night .A. was appeared B, appeared C, has appeared D, is appearedmake ones first / final appearance in sthThe player made his first appearance in the World Cup.The plane appeared / disappeared behind a cloud.6. Hepburns achievements went beyond the film industry.beyond介词,意为“超过”,表示范围、限度超出。go/ be beyond超过,胜过 Her success was beyond what she had thought. His achievements what he expected.(超出)This job goes/is beyond my ability.The article goes/is beyond my understanding.The views are beyond words.go beyond everything 超越一切 7. On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep.pass away去世,相当于die,是一种比较委婉的说法。Mr. Wang has passed away, but he lives in our hearts forever.常用短语: pass by路过P98-1001. I felt very hot though I only had a T-shirt on.have sth. on不用进行时have sth. on = wear sth. = be in sth. 穿着。,戴着。(表示状态)put on (强调动作) dress sb. / sb. be dressed 给。穿衣She had a red jacket on.People laughed at the emperor(皇帝) because he had nothing on.I felt so hot though I / / a-shirt . (穿) Its cold, please more clothes. (穿) He is old enough to himself . (穿) Why he like that? (穿)2. Some people mistook her for a real princess.mistake n. 错误,过失 make a mistakevt. 把弄错了 mistook mistaken 主动mistake A for B 被动A be mistaken for B 把A错看成B,把A错认为B Dont make the same mistake again.The police mistook the man for a thief.She is often mistaken for her twin sister. 她常被误认为她的孪生姐姐。by mistake错误地;由于差错 He got on another bus by mistake.他错上了另一辆公交车。P101-1031. What is on at the local cinemas?be on在上影,在放映 The film has been on for half an hour.(1) be on 与show (vi.) Sth be on . / Sth showPerhaps a new film will / / at that cinema this week.Here is some information about the films showing at the local cinema.Sth be on 某物开着(电源)The lights are all on in the classroombegin/start 短动词 be on 状态 The meeting has been on for 2 hours. (2) show vt. 展出;演出;放映;出示;引领;带领,其主语通常是人。常用短语有:show a film show sb sth/show sth to sb show sb aroundThey are showing a film at the cinema.Please show me your pictures. You (show) the new house soon .Will you please your school? (领你参观)The cinema is showing Tales of Old Beijing注意:The film called Love Ship is on / is showing (vi.) at the cinema.= The film called Love Ship is being shown (vt.) at the cinema.= The cinema is showing (vt.) the film Love Ship.2. bring dinosaurs alive on the screen alive/ living adjalive 可以用作表语与定语 the greatest man alive(后置定语)/ bring dinosaurs alive(后置定语)on the screen keep alive/ stay alive (作表语)living作表语与定语 living animals/things(前置定语) He is still living. 3. The film is suitable for all ages. 这部电影老少皆宜。Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?be suitable for sb./doing sth 适合某人/做某事be not suitable for children儿童不宜be not suitable for drinking不适合饮用4. It is about a woman who falls in love with a manfall in love with sb爱上某人,不可以和一段时间连用。It is natural that he falls in love with such a beautiful girl.(1)fall实意动词 和介词或副词搭配,表示“落下,跌落”例如: I fell back in my chair. 短语:fall behind fall down fall off fall over(2)系动词,与形容词连用,表示进入某种状态。fall asleep入睡(进入睡眠状态) fall ill病倒了5. What do you think about horror films? = How do you like horror films ?What do you think about? = How do you like?意为“你觉得怎么样?”,用来询问意见,看法,后可接名词,代词或动名词。What do you think of our new teacher? = How do you like our new teacher?6.This Saturdays talk on films has been cancelled.cancel vt. 取消,终止 cancelled (双写) cancel sth / sth be cancelledAll flights because of bad weather yesterday .Dont forget to cancel the newspaper.7. A: I dont like horror films B: Neither do I. = Nor do I.neither adv. 也不(否定替代) 放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用倒装。此时也可用nor替换neitherA:I cant understand any words in the text. B: Neither can I. = Nor can I. 肯定替代用so 例如:Times have changed and so have I.上下文是同一人或事物不倒装 -Its cold today. So it is.-The English like fish and chips. So they do.8. They seem to be full of mysteries, but in fact , they are quite stupid. stupid adj. 作定语和表语 stupider/est more/ most stupida stupid mistake / question / idea / jokeI was stupid enough to believe him.It was stupid of you to insist on your wrong idea.9. It isnt at all an enjoyable language.enjoyable形容词,意为“愉快的,快乐的”,其动词形式为enjoy, 意为“喜欢,享受”。Waterskiing is very enjoyable.I enjoyed the trip a lot.P104-1051. Jackie Chen is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films, but also his efforts in charity work.consider动词,“认为,考虑”。常用结构有:(1) consideras + n. “把看作/ 认为”,被动be considered as, “被认为/看作”。At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。The brave young man is considered as a hero.consideras + n.+for sth/doing sthHe was considered as a hero for saving the child from water.(2) considerto be + adj./ n.“把看作/ 认为”This award is considered to be /as a great honor.Everyone considers him to be suitable for the special job.(3) consider + that从句/疑问词+不定式We consider that the music is well worth listening to.我们这首音乐很值得一听。We consider (that) you are right.We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。(4) consider sth / doing sth. “考虑 (做)某事”。Youd better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。2. act action acting actor actress activeact (1) n. 行为,行动;一幕(戏剧,歌剧等)an act of kindness 好心行为 a play in five acts 一出五幕剧(2)vi. 行为,举止;扮演,表演 act strangely act in nearly 100 filmsShe is acting the role of Juliet. action n. 行动,活动,行为,运转 take action action filmsHer quick action saved the childs life.join humor and exciting action togetheracting n. 表演,演技 acting career like actingactor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员active adj. more/most active take an active part in1. Gong Li is a very famous _. Just as Jackie Chen is a world-famous _.2. She is not a new face for TV screen. She has done a lot of _ while she was in college.3. The girls life was saved because the doctors _ so quickly.4. A man of _ is not content just to talk. (讲求行动的人不以空谈为满足。)5. Andy Lau _ very well in the movie Shaolin Temple.6. Although he is nearly 80, he is still very _.三、语法复习1. Using although/though(1)although/though作连词时,意为“尽管,虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句,一般位于句首。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but, and, so等连用,但可以与yet, still等连用。Although it was expensive, we still decided to buy it.Though we only stayed there for a few days, we had a good time. Although he lives alone, yet he is happy. = He lives alone, but he is happy. 他虽然单独生活,但很愉快。My car is very old, but I dont want to buy a new one. 虽然我的汽车很旧,但我不想买一辆新的。(2)though 可用于even though结构,although则不能。Even though I fail, Ill keep on trying. 我纵然失败,仍会继续尝试下去。2. sothat / such that用法(1) sothat引导结果状语从句sothat句型中的so是副词,常用来修饰形容词或副词,常用句型为:主语+谓语动词+so +adv./adj.+that从句He is young she cant look after herself.The boy ran fast I couldnt catch him.(2) such that作“如此以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。与sothat意思相同,但用法不同。如:sothat这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词,而such后边要用名词(这个名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带)。 1) sucha(an)adj.单数可数名词thatHe is a clever boy everybody likes him.2) suchadj.不可数名词+ that He has made great progress the teachers are pleased with him3)suchadj.复数名词+that They are interesting novels I want to read them once again.注意:如果名词前由many, much, few, little等表示“多,少 ”的词所修饰的话,用so而不用such,其中要注意little这个词当它表示数量少时才可以和其它三个有同样的用法。例如: so many/few documentaries so much/little dialoguelittle小的 例如: such a little sheep/ such little sheepHe had many falls that he was black and blue all over.他摔了很多跤,以致于全身上下青一块,紫一块的。He had little education that he was not suitable for doing this job.他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.街上有那么多人观看大火,以致于消防队员无法接近大楼。 3. so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;此时可与in order that换。I spend more time learning English every day so that(in order that) I can make greater progress this year. 为了今年取得更大进步,我每天用了更多的时间学英语eg. A so , B such , C such a/an many books , much milk, little hair, few friends bad weather , great beautyHe wore thin clothes that he caught a cold.He wore few clothes that he caught a cold .They are little children that they eat little food .This is important meeting that I must attend it .= This is important a meeting that I must attend it .= The meeting is important that I must attend it . The math problem is for me = the math problem isnt for me .= the math problem is that we cant . (这道数学题太难了,我们算不出来)表目的: He began to study computer at 60 he can keep up with times. he can keep up with times. keep up with times. keep up with times. (have) a better future, we should work hard. (work) hard, and youll have a better future. (work) hard can bring you success. I like acting , Id rather be a director. (尽管)三语篇复习A. Reading 练习Huaxia Cinema is s the film Roman Holiday that Audrey Hepburn a in. She is one of Hollywoods all-time greatest a , she won the Oscar for Best Actress f the role in the film Roman Holiday, she had four Oscar nominations . Her a went beyond the film industry , she spent her last few years working c with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different c , she won many awards because of her e in charity work. When she died in 1993,the world felt sad about the l of a great b ,a great actress ,a great humanitarian.B. Task练习 .请根据以下提示写一篇80-100字的短文。提示: Neil喜欢动作片,Yinhe Cinema在放映Jackie Chan演的十二生肖,这是一部老少皆宜的动作片,Neil喜欢成龙的电影,他的电影特别,因为 ,成龙是中国的功夫明星,但他的成就远远超过了这个,自从1988年成立成龙慈善基金以来,他他被许多人认为是一个超级明星,不仅因为而且Neil likes action films ,they are very exciting. Yinhe Cinema is showing the film that Jackie Chan acted in .This is a film that is suitable for all ages ,Neil likes Jackie Chans films ,his films are special because they successfully join humor and exciting action together .he is a Chinese kung fu superstar ,but his achievements are far more than that .in 1988, he set up the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation, he has spent many years doing charity work ,he has helped many people all over the world .He is considered by many people as a superstar ,not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work .四、重点词组和句子。1. 你做梦,你妄想。in your dreams2. 你知道我是谁吗?Do you know who I am .3. 我太好了,以至于我应当在好莱坞。Im so good that I should be in Hollywood instead .4. 你认为谁将适合进入影视圈。Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry .5. 他是如此一个好的讲故事的人,以至于他能写出一个好的剧本。He is a good storyteller that he can write exciting scripts6. 尽管我喜欢表演,但我宁愿做一个导演。Though I like acting , Id rather be a director .7. 在1929年5月4日,on 4 May 19298.梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员。dream of being a successful Ballet dancer 8. 当在法国演出的时候。while acting in France9. 她的美貌和魅力吸引了作家的注意。Her beauty and charm caught the writers attention .10. 法国作家坚持认为她是演主角的最佳女孩。The French writer insisted that she was the perfect girl to play the lead role.11. 源于他小说的一个剧本。a play based upon the novel12. 那件事标志着他成功生涯的开始。That event marked the beginning of her successful career.13. 电影获得了大的成功,她很快世界出名。The film was a big success and she soon became world-famous.14. 她最后一次在电影上露面。She made her final appearance in the film .15. 她发现她得癌症了。She discovered that she had cancer.16. 她在睡梦中安详地离去。She passed away peacefully in her sleep.17. 我离开很早是避免交通高峰期。I left early to avoid the rush hour.18. 找一个地方去停我的汽车。find a space to park my car19. 我的座位在角落的最后一排。My seat was in the last row in the corner.20. 尽管电影已经开始15分钟,人们仍然涌进来。People kept coming in , though the film had been on for 15 minutes.21. 一些人在大声谈话,尽管已经让他们保持安静。Some people were speaking loudly though they were told to keep quiet.22. 她表演得如此的好,以至于一些人把她误认为是一个真正的公主。She acted so well that some people mistook her for a real princess.23. 她是一个很棒的演员,以至于她将永远被人们记住。She is such a great actress that she will be remembered by people.24. 把中国功夫介绍给你的朋友。introduce Chinese kung fu to your friends25. 上一个关于中国功夫的课程。attend a course on Chinese kung fu26. 把栩栩如生的恐龙带到屏幕上。bring dinosaurs alive on the screen27. 爱上某人 fall in love with sb.28. 星期二有优惠 There is a special offer on Tuesday.29. 这个周六关于电影的讲座已经被取消。This Saturdays talk on films has been cancelled.30. 我也不喜欢.他们好像充满了谜团,但事实上他们相当的蠢。Neither do I .They seem to be full of mysteries , but in fact ,they are quite stupid.31. 他的其他成功的影片包括His other successful films include .32. 那些影片使他甚至更出名。The films made him even more popular.33. 到目前为止,他已经演了100多部电影,获得了


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