七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school(第1课时)Section A(1a-2e)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school(第1课时)Section A(1a-2e)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school(第1课时)Section A(1a-2e)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school(第1课时)Section A(1a-2e)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 3How do you get to school?第1课时Section A(1a2e)1火车n_train_2公共汽车n_bus_3地铁n_subway_4骑v旅程n_ride_5自行车n_bike_6六十num_sixty_7七十num_seventy_8八十num_eighty_9九十num_ninety_10一百num_hundred_11分钟n_minute_12远;远的adv& adj_far_13千米;公里n_kilometer_14新的;刚出现的adj_new_15每一;每个adj_every_16(表示方式)乘(交通工具)prep_by_17到达_get_to_18乘地铁_take_the_subway_19骑自行车_ride_a_bike/by_bike_20每天_every_day_重点词汇1hundred num一百(1)表示“几百”时,直接在前加相应的数字即可,hundred要用单数形式。如:There are three hundred students in our school.我们学校有三百名学生。(2)hundreds of 成百上千的,表示概数。此时,hundred后须加“s”,且后要加介词of,不能与数词连用。如:The restaurant receives hundreds of customers every day.这家饭店每天接待数以百计的顾客。【注意】整十的表达:10 ten;20 twenty; 30 thirty; 40 forty; 50 fifty; 60 sixty; 70 seventy; 80 eighty; 90 ninety。类似用法的单词还有:thousand, million, billion等。2by prep(表示方式)乘(交通工具)by后直接跟“交通工具”。如:by train/bike/bus/subway/car 乘火车/骑自行车/乘公交车/乘地铁/乘汽车。注意:此时的交通工具名词要用单数。【拓展】take the train/bus/subway/car乘火车/公共汽车/地铁/汽车;ride a(ones) bike骑自行车。重点句型1How do you get to school?你怎样去上学?how是疑问副词,意为“如何,怎样,以何种方式,用什么手段”。本句中how引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问交通方式。其回答方式主要有以下两种:(1)主语take(s)/ride(s)限定词表示交通工具的名词to地点;(2)主语go(es)/get(s) to地点by表示交通工具的名词或on/in限定词表示交通工具的名词。如:I usually take the car to school.I usually goes to school by car.I usually goes to school in the car.我经常坐小汽车上学。2How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?how far意为“多远”,该句型常用来询问距离或路程的远近,其答语为:Itsmeters/miles/kilometers (away)意为“有米/英里/千米(远)”。3How long does it take you to get to school?你到达学校要用多少时间?(1)how long意为“多久,多长时间”,用以询问某个动作所持续的时间长短或物体的长度。(2)take在此意为“花费”,常用于句型It takes sb.some time to do sth.中,意为“花费某人多长时间做某事”,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语。如:It takes me thirty minutes to do my homework every day.做家庭作业每天要花费我30分钟的时间。.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1It usually takes me fifteen _minutes_(分钟) to walk to school.2Can your sister ride a _bike_(自行车)?Yes, she can.3Its about five _kilometers_(千米) from our school to your home.4My mother wants to buy me a _new_(新的) bike on my birthday.5Do you go to school _every_(每一) day, Tom?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1彼得通常开车去上班。Peter usually _drives_ _to_ work.2到汽车站走路需要约半小时。It _takes_ about half an hour _walk_to the bus stop.3我们骑自行车去上学。We go to school _by_ _bike_4你每天什么时候到学校?When do you _get_ _to_ school every day?5丽萨住的地方离她爷爷奶奶家有多远?_How_ _far_ does Lisa live from her grandparents home?.单项选择。(D)1._ does your mother go home every day?By bike.AWhat BWhenCWhere DHow(A)2.How long does it take you to get there?_AAbout 20 minutes BAbout 20 metersCAbout 20 feet DOnly 20 meters(C)3._ is it from your home to the radio station?Its about eight kilometers.AHow many BHow longCHow far DHow much(D)4.My aunt goes to work _ bus.Aon BinCwith Dby(A)5.Have a good day at school, Peter._AThank you BIm sorryCYes, sure DI dont think so.补全对话,有两项多余。A:Good morning, Bill.How did you get to school today?B:_1_A:Do you usually get to school by car?B:_2_ I usually ride my bike to school.A:_3_B:Because I got up late.My father took me to school.A:_4_B:About ten minutes.A:How far do you live from school?B:_5_ It usually takes me twenty minutes to get to school by bike.AYes, I do.BHow long did it take?CNo, I dont.DI usually take the bus.EAbout five miles.FI took a car.GWhy didnt you get to school by bike today?1_F_2._C_3._G_4_B_5._E_.完形填空。I have a good friend.His name is Nick.He is a middle school student.He usually _1_ at 5:30 every day.Then he has _2_ quick breakfast and _3_ to school at six.He usually goes to school by bus.First he _4_ to the bus stop.Then the bus takes _5_ to school.It usually takes him forty minutes _6_ to school.My home is about two miles from school.I usually leave for school at about 6:30.I usually get to school _7_It takes me about twenty _8_But sometimes I got there by bike.It takes me only ten minutes.There are different _9_ to get to school.But I like _10_ best.(A)1.A.gets up Bget upCgot up Dgets(B)2.A.the BaCan D/(C)3.A.go BgoingCgoes Dwent(C)4.A.walk Bon footCwalks Don feet(D)5.A.he BhisChimself Dhim(A)6.A.to get BgetCgets Dgetting(C)7.A.take a car Bride a bikeCon foot Dtake the subway(C)8.A.hour BminuteCminutes Dhours(A)9.A.ways BwayCthe way Dthe ways(C)10.A.walked BwalksCwalking Dwalk

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