2019版八年级英语下学期期中试题(实验班) 人教新目标版.doc

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2019版八年级英语下学期期中试题(实验班) 人教新目标版一)听力部分 (25分) I听句于,选择正确的常语 (每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍)( ) 1A. At nigh B No, I do not.C. its very interesting.( ) 2A. Never. B.It s not healthy C. My mother made it( ) 3.A.Yes, there will B No, it isn”t C. Yes, I can( ) 4A. About pollution B. In the morniIng.C. To Japan( ) 5A. Less than two hundred B, Study at homeC. A cookII. 听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍)( ) 6. What did Lily do last Sunday?A.She went to summer camp B. She went to the mountains. C. She studied for the test.( ) 7. Who is the tallest in the class A. Linda B. Alice. C. Mary( ) 8. Why does Helen think people will be more relaxed in the future A. Because they will have little work to do B. Because they will have longer vacations C. Because robots will help with housework.( ) 9 .What will Jim do? A. Do his homework B. Make the milk shake. C.Buy some honey( ) 10. When is Bob s birthday party? A.On Wednesday evening. B.On Friday evenin C. On Saturday afternoon.III.听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分听两遍)( ) 11 .How did Tom go to the beach last Saturday? A.By bus B. On foot C. By bike,( ) 12. What didn t Tom do on the beach? A. He didn t go fishing B. He didnt watch a volley ball game C. He didn t swim in the sea( ) 13. When did Tom go back home last Saturday A. In the morning. B In the aftemoon. C. In the evening( ) 14. How was the weather last Saturday afternoon A. Sunny. B Windy. C. Rainy.( ) 15. Where did Tom eat dinner last Saturday? A. At home B. In a restaurant. C. On the beachIV.听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共10分)(听两遍)( )16 .Where is Sam from? A. France B America C. Canada( )17 .How old is Sam? A.10 B.11 C.12( )18.Who is shorter? A Sam B. Tim C. Tom( )19 .What do Sam and his brother often do after class? A. Play the guitar, B Play football C. Use the internet( )20. What class is Sam in? A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three 二)笔试部分(95分)V.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)( )21.-Whats _the matter with the boy? -He has_fever.A.a;a B./;/ C.the;a D.the;/( )22.There was no_in the old house.So I could see nothing.A.wind B.light C.wood D.cloud( )23.Look!A_man is crossing the street.Lets go and help him.A.healthy B.tall C.blind D.strong( )24.Sam was so careless that he cut_on the broken glass.A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself( )25.His mother wont allow him_TV if he doesnt finish his homework.A.watching B.watch C.to watch D.watches( )26.My father was drinking tea in the living room_my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen.A.if B.while C.until D.unless( )27.-I have some trouble_math.Could you help me? -No problem.A.learning B.learned C.learn D.to learn ( )28.My alarm didnt_this morning,so I was late for school.A.go off B.get off C.get on D.run off( )29.What_you_at this time yesterday?A.did;do B.are;doing C.were;doing D.do;do( )-30.Could you please pass me the dictionary?-_.A. Yes,please B.No,thanks C.Of course D.No,IcantVI完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Once upon a time ,there was a very old man called Yu Gong.There were two 31_near his house.They 32_ so high and big that it 33 _a long time to walk to the other side.Yu Gong told his family that they should all help him 34 _the mountains.Yu Gong and his family began to move some of the earth and stones 35_the sea.One day,a man saw Yu Gong and his children when they were working on moving the mountains.He told Yu Gong that he could never do it 36_he was old and weak.As soon as the man finished talking,Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.His family would live and grow,but the mountains could not get 37_.So Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day and year after year. 38_,a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to 39_the mountains away.This 40 _reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.( )31.A.rivers B.shops C.mountains Dstones( )32.A.were B.are C.was D.is( )33.A.spent B.cost C.took D.takes( )34.A.move B.moves C.to move D.moving( )35.A.to B.in C.at D.with( )36.A.so B.although C.because D.but( )37.A.bigger B.stronger C.smaller D.older( )38.A.Receently B.Finally C.Unluckily D.At the end( )39.A.bring B.take C.carry D.pick( )40.A.letter B.movie C.play D.storyVII阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) A A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he cant find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),he cries (大叫), “I can see a jar (罐子)and there is some water in it.” He tries (试图) to get the water, but he cant. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can notdrink. “What can I do? I want to drink.”He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (石头)in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow.So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.( )41. What is the crow looking for? A. A jar B. Water C. Food D. Meat( )42. Why doesnt he drink right now(马上)? A. He isnt very thirsty. B. No water in the jar. C. He doesnt want to drink it. D. The water isnt high.( )43. Whats the English meaning (意思) for “drop”? A. put into B. taketo C. carryto D. puton( )44. Why does he pick up the stone? A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar. C. He wants to make his break strong. D. He is playing a game( )45. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)? A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones B There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesnt want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I cant do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.( )46. An old tiger lives _. A. in the zoo B. in the garden C. in the forest D. on the farm( )47. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A. Two tigers and two monkeys. B. Two tigers and one monkey. C. One tiger and two monkeys. D. One tiger and one monkey.( )48. Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food?Because _. A. they are afraid of him B. only they can look for some food C. they are his friends D. they like to do so( )49. The monkey _. A. goes to get something to eat B. gets to the bridge with the tiger C. knows there is another tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water( )50. Which of the following is right? A. The tiger is very clever. B. The monkey eats the tiger. C. The tiger eats another tiger. D. The tiger jumps into the water.班级 姓名 考场 考号 密封线 COne day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York.“Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?”“It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York”Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one.“There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”( )51. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time? A. America B. China C. Japan D. New York( )52. -Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”? -Because his overcoat was too_ A. new B. long C. short D. old( )53.-Why did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”? -Because at that time he was not_ A. happy B. boringC. famous D. satisfied ( )54.After_, Einstein and his friend met again. A. three days B. some months Cseveral hours D.several years( )55.From this article we can find Einstein is a_person. A. rich B. poor C. famous D. simpleVIII.任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area .Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table .Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily again the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3: 00 am. When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken window and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors to help dean up the neighborhood together .AIthough the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.56.57题完成句子;58题回答问题;59题找出并写下全文的主题句;60题将文中划线句子译成汉语.56.When the news on TV was reported,strong winds _outside.57.Ben_when the heavy rain finally started.58.What was the neighborhood like after the storm?_.59._.60._.IX.词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) Last week, 61.I_(argue) with my best friend,Linda.She wanted to 62._(抄袭)my English homework 63.b_I didnt agree.In my 64.o_,it was not good 65._her study.But she didnt 66._(理解) me.Then I told her that I could help 67._(she) with her English instead of 68._(lend) her my homework.Finally,Linda realized that she was 69.w_,she said she wouldnt do that 70. a_.X.基础写作(包括A.B两部分,共计25分)A)连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)71.have, does,Ben, a, toothache_?72.people, help, to, I, would like, homeless_.73.please, for, could, the dog, a walk,you,take_?74.what, doing, you, were, at that time_?75.reading, he, in the libyary, was, the rainstorm, when, came_.B)书面表达(计20分)假如你是David,下面是一张做家务的情况表。请根据所给的信息写一篇短文,谈谈你和家人所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法,要求内容完整,语句通顺,80字左右。八年级普通班英语答案听力部分一.1-5 BAACB 6-10 ABCBB 11-15 CBCC 16-20 BBABA 笔试部分一.1-5 CBCDC 6-10 BAACC二.1-5 CACAA 6-10 CABBD三.1-5 BDABA 6-10 CDAB 11-15 DDCDD四.1. were blowing 2. was helping his mom make dinner 3. The neighborhood was in a mess. Fallen trees, broken window and rubbish were everywhere. 4. AIthough the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. 5.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样.五.1.argued 2.copy 3.but 4.opinion 5.for 6.understand 7.her 8.lending 9.wrong 10.again六.A) 1.Does Ben have a toothache? 2.I would like to help homeless people. 3.Could you please take the dog for a walk? 4.What were you doing at that time? 5.He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came. B)例文Im David. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I.My father does the dishes on weekends. He sweeps the floor on Wednesdays. My mother cooks meals everyday. She washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays. As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays. I take out the rubbish everyday. I sweep the floor on weekends.I think its necessary for us students to do chores. Doing chores can help to develop our independency, and we can learn to take care of ourselves.

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