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Unit3Languageinuse基础知识回顾.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空discover,reach,find,amazing,careful1.We reached the top of the mountain at 8:00 yesterday.2.Please drive as carefully as possible at any time.3.What amazing news it is to learn the French star will come to Shanghai!4.Scientists have discovered a lot more about our solar system.5.They looked for their pet everywhere,but they didnt find it.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.他们刚刚在火星着陆了。Theyhavejustlandedon Mars.2.星期六是按土星的名字命名的。Saturdayisnamedafterthe planet Saturn.3.他们已经把信息发回地球了。They have alreadysentmessagesbackto the earth.4.我们在山里发现了很多其他动物。We havefoundmanyotheranimals in the mountains.5.地球上的人类还没有到过太阳系的其他行星。No man on the earthhasreachedother planets in solar system.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.No onehas been(be) to Mars yet.2.So far,modern scientistshave discovered(discover) 100 million such galaxies.3.Its time for class,but Tomhasnt appeared(not appear) yet.4.Im not sure whatto do(do) next.5.We should believe nothing isimpossible(possible) in the world.综合能力提升.单项填空(D)1.All of us find necessary to take exercise every day.A.thisB.thatC.themD.it(B)2.Have you finished doing the work?Not.A.already;yetB.yet;yetC.already;alreadyD.yet;already(C)3.Peopleabout whether there are aliens on the other planets since many years ago.A.are arguingB.argueC.have arguedD.argued(D)4.Sam,youlate again this morning.Why?Sorry,MrGreen.I missed the school bus.A.gotB.wokeC.reachedD.arrived(B)5.It took people three months to build this great building.A.two hundredsB.hundreds ofC.hundred ofD.twohundred of(A)6.In orderfor the meeting,I set up three alarms to wake me up.A.not to be lateB.not being lateC.to be lateD.being late(C)7.Have you ever seen a TV showRome?Yes,but I fell asleep when I saw it.A.is calledB.was calledC.calledD.is calling(A)8.I went to bookshops and libraries looking for information and found.A.noneB.bothC.oneD.neither(B)9.The man livedon the island for a long time,but he never feels.A.alone;aloneB.alone;lonelyC.lonely;lonelyD.lonely;alone(A)10.Lisa,can you help me with the physics problem?A.No problem!B.Thanks all the same.C.Im sorry to hear that.D.Pleasedo it on your own.补全对话A:Hello,what are you looking at?B:1.AI am planning to travel,so they sent me these to cheer me up.A:Thats nice.Look,this postcard is from Beijing.2.EB:Yeah,Im sure it is.But Li Wei says its tiring to travel around the city.A:3.CB:Letssee.Thats from Peter.He went to London last summer and went inside Buckingham Palace,where the Queen of England lives.A:Oh,it would be fantastic.B:And this is a postcard of Bali Island.Paul was there last week.He says its very peaceful.A:4.FB:Um.this one.Its from Disneyland.Its so exciting.Id really love to go.A:5.BMaybe it could be a graduation(毕业) present for you next year.B:Yes.You are right.Ill try.A.Just some postcards from my friends.B.Why not talk about it with your parents?C.Wheres this one from?D.How did he go there?E.Thats a very interesting place to visit.F.Ofall,which postcard do you like best?G.Who is he?.任务型阅读Spacewoman Wang Yaping made historyshe is Chinas first teacher in space.Wang Yaping taught Chinese primary and middle school students on the earth physics problems in the zero-gravity environment(失重环境).She prepared for the lecture for a long time.Wang,born in January 1980,is from East Chinas Shandong Province.She was a pilot in the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force(空军) with experience of 1,600 hours of flying.The worlds first teacher in space was Christa McAuliffe,a middle school teacher from the United States,but the Space Shuttle Challenger(挑战者号) disintegrated(崩裂) after 73 seconds into flight on January 28,1986.McAuliffe and other six members died.“Wangs lecture was a pleasant surprise,” said Zhang Xiaoguang,an astronaut in the three members of Shenzhou-spaceship.“She does well in whatever she does.Sometimes wed like to give her a helping hand,but she just would not take the hand in help,” said NieHaisheng.Like many young Chinese people,Wang likes photography,music and basketball.Shesaid,“We are all students in facing the universe.We are looking forward to joining our young friends to learn and explore the mystical(神秘的) and beautiful universe.”1.Who did Wang Yaping teach on the earth physics problems in space?(不超过10个词)Chinese primary and middle school students.2.Who was Christa McAuliffe?(不超过15个词)She was the worlds first teacher in space from the United States.3.What does Wang Yaping like?(不超过5个词)Photography,music and basketball.


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