2019春九年级英语下册 题型专项训练 阅读理解 第二组 课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019春九年级英语下册 题型专项训练 阅读理解 第二组 课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019春九年级英语下册 题型专项训练 阅读理解 第二组 课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019春九年级英语下册 题型专项训练 阅读理解 第二组 课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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第二组AMost animals on land are known to us,but many living things underwater are not.Now lets get to know some of them.Sea cucumberSea cucumbers are strange animals living at the bottom of the sea.They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up.When summer comes,they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat.And when it is autumn,they move to shallow(浅的) water and get their food.PikeThe pike is a kind of freshwater fish.They are good swimmers and like swimming near boats,waiting to be fed.They have sharp teeth to catch fishes.When they are young,they live in groups.However,when they grow up,they prefer to live alone.CuttlefishA cuttlefish can swim quite fast,so it is also called rocket(火箭) fish.It has eight arms and two feelers on its head,just around its mouth.It ejects ink(喷墨) when it is in danger.Its meat is delicious,and it is often the first choice for many people.OctopusAn octopus has long arms,with which to catch food and protect itself.When it is sleeping,one or two of its arms are still on duty,keeping moving.Once it feels something dangerous,it can wake up at once to take action.(A)1.Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summer because they.A.are afraid of high temperatureB.want to get strong and fatC.are afraid of their enemyD.want to live alone(B)2.According to the passage,likes to swim near boats.A.the sea cucumberB.the pikeC.the cuttlefishD.the octopus(D)3.What happens if a cuttlefish meets its enemy?A.It rushes at the enemy at once.B.It cuts off one of its arms.C.It bites with its sharp teeth.D.It ejects ink to the enemy.(B)4.Theof an octopus can help protect it when in danger.A.colourB.armsC.soundD.smellBStudents at a primary school in Fuzhou,East Chinas Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits.But some parents are strongly against the idea.They cant see the advantages of students doing such chores(杂事).They think that the school should provide students with a proper education,not the chance to be school cleaners.In fact,parents,schools and society play an equally(同等地)important role in developing the character of students.It is good for schools to give students such tasks,because few of the students will do them at home.Their parents want them to do homework only.In recent years,some parents will make mountains out of molehills when students are asked to do some chores in schools.Some complain about the teachers if their kids get hurt in schools;some even challenge the schools teaching methods and management.As a result,many primary schools,especially those in big cities,do not let students join in outdoor activities during breaks,fearing that they might get hurt.This is bad for the development of students best qualities.What the primary school in Fuzhou is doing is worth praising.Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students minds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamwork.Also,it can make students in-school experiences more meaningful.(D)5.A primary school in Fuzhou required the students to.A.do homework onlyB.finish homework at schoolC.clean the playgroundD.clean the school toilets(A)6.Some parents think that the school should provide students with.A.a proper educationB.a chance to be cleanersC.a chance to be teachersD.more housework(C)7.The underlined phrase “make mountains out of molehills” means “”.A.愚公移山B.山穷水尽C.小题大做D.眉飞色舞(D)8.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Students shouldnt do any chores in school.B.Parents require students to do some chores in school.C.Some parents think doing some chores is harmful to students.D.Doing some chores can develop students good qualities.CGlobal English ClubEnglish training in four skills:listening,speaking,reading,and writing.4-month(800 yuan),6-month(1,400 yuan) and one year(2,500 yuan) courses.Choice of morning or evening classes,3 hours per day,Mon.-Fri.All native teachers from Canada and the USA.Tel:8872806Add:306 Xinhua RoadBody-Building ClubAll facilities(设备) supplied.On the top floor of Sunny Hotel.Every evening from 6:00 to 9:00,Mon.-Sun.Drinks and fruits ready for you during breaks.Tel:6353188Add:369 Dunhuang RoadPiano ClubOne-to-one training on Sat.& Sun.,from 2:00 p.m.to 5:00 p.m.(150 yuan per hour)Experienced teachers.Pianos supplied(设备) for free.Convenient transportations.Tel:8756038Add:808 Park Road(A)9.In English training class you will haveteachers.A.CanadianB.FrenchC.ChineseD.Italian(B)10.If you want to improve your English,you will.A.dial 6353188B.have classes either in the morning or in the eveningC.go to 808 Park RoadD.have classes both in the morning and in the evening(C)11.How much do you need to pay for one-to-one piano training every time?A.300 yuan.B.150 yuan.C.450 yuan.D.800 yuan.(B)12.If Jim is exercising in the Body-Building Club,where can you find him?A.808 Park Road.B.On the highest floor of Sunny Hotel.C.696 Dunhuang Road.D.306 Xinhua Road.DA cobbler(鞋匠) spent his time singing from morning till night.He was poor but happy.However,his neighbour,a banker who had lots of wealth,sang little and slept less.When he fell into a doze(打盹) at day-break,the cobbler woke him up with his songs.Finally,he sent for his neighbour and said to him,“How much a year do you earn,my neighbour?” The cobbler laughed and said,“I havent thought in that way,living as I do from one day to another to reach the end of the year;each day brings its meal.” “Well then! How much a day do you earn,my friend?” “Sometimes more;sometimes less.But our earnings were very acceptable.”The banker,laughing at his poor neighbour,said,“In the future I shall give you all you want.Take the hundred crowns(克朗),keep them carefully,and make use of them in time of need.” The cobbler fancied(想象) he had all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past centuries for the use of mankind.He accepted the money happily.Returning home,he buried his money.So did his happiness at the same time.No more singing,he lost his voice.The moment he had that money was the source of so much sadness.All day long,his eyes looked at the direction of his treasure.At last the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbour.He said,“Give back my sleep and my voice,and take away your hundred crowns.”In the eyes of most people,they will be happy with much money.However,its not the truth.Money means something,but it doesnt mean everything,and it may take away your happiness sometimes.(B)13.Why couldnt the banker fall asleep when he dozed at day-break?A.Because of his wealth.B.Because of the cobblers songs.C.Because of some wild cats.D.Because of thieves.(C)14.The cobbler becameafter he got the money from the banker.A.happierB.kindC.worriedD.helpful(B)15.How did the cobbler deal with the crowns from the banker finally?A.He threw them away.B.He returned them to the banker.C.He gave them to the poor.D.He lent them to others.(C)16.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The cobbler couldnt have a good sleep after getting the money.B.The banker had an unhappy life before giving money to the cobbler.C.The cobbler lived a happy life after getting the money.D.The banker gave his money to the cobbler.(C)17.What is the best title for the text?A.Money means everythingB.Money can make everyone happyC.Money cant buy happinessD.Money can be taken awayEIsland University has a competition for middle school students.Read about the competition on the website.School CompetitionStudents! Here is your chance to help the physically disabled.Think out a robot or a machine to help them live better.Therell be three prizes.The winning schools will each get $ 15,000.Read the information below:What do you have to do?Try to know problems faced by the physically disabled in Hong Kong.Write a 200-word article on the difficulties these people have to suffer each day.Try to know modern inventions that can help the physically disabled.Then think out a robot or a machine that will improve the lives of the physically disabled.Draw your invention.You can make as many drawings as you like to show your invention.You can even make a small model of your invention.Write a short description of your invention.Who can join?All middle school students in Hong Kong.So,come on! Take part in the competition,and get the chance!18.What do the students need to invent in the competition?(不超过5个词)A robot or a machine.19.Why is the school competition held?(不超过10个词)To help the physically disabled.20.Who can join the competition?(不超过10个词)All middle school students in Hong Kong.


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