2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习十 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业练习十一、重点单词1特别喜爱的(人或事物) (adj.&n.) _ 2.学科;科目 (n.) _ 3.科学 (n.)_ 4体育 (n.)_ 5.音乐 (n.)_ 6.数学 (n.)_ 7语文 (n.)_ 8.地理(学) (n.)_ 9.历史 (n.)_ 10为什么 (adv.)_ 11.因为 (conj.)_ 12.星期一 (n.)_ 13星期五 (n.)_ 14.星期六 (n.)_ 15.空闲的 (adj.)_ 16妙极的 (adj.)_ 17.星期二 (n.) _ 18.星期三 (n.)_ 19星期四 (n.)_ 20.星期日 (n.)_ 21.有用的 (adj.)_ 22完成;做好 (v.)_ 23.课 (n.)_ 24.小时 (n.)_二、重点短语1最喜欢的学科 _ 2.做游戏_ 3第二天 _ 4.在周一_ 5无疑;肯定 _ 6.上数学课_ 7从到 _ 8.体育老师_ 9完成做某事_三、重点句子1你最喜欢的学科是什么?_ 2他为什么喜欢体育?_ 3你今天过得如何?_ 4谁是你的音乐老师?_ 5你的地理课是什么时候?_ 6因为它有趣。_ 7我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育课和历史课。I like Monday, _I have PE. _ history.8的确如此。Thats _9星期五我非常忙。I am very _ Friday. 10我的课程在1点50结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美术课。My classes _ at 1:50,but _I have an art lesson _11咱们星期六见吧!Lets_! 12那对你来说合适吗?Is that _ you?四、单项选择( )1.English is _ useful subject, and I study English for _ hour every day.Aa, aBan, anCan, aDa, an( )2.When do you have dinner?_5:00.AIn BAt COn DFor( )3.In China,students always go to school _Monday_Friday.Afrom,to Bin,toCto,from Dfor,on( )4.We have science _Friday afternoon. Its difficult _interesting.Aon,of Bon,butCin,and Din,but( )5.Whats your favorite_?Music.Amonth BdayCfruit Dsubject( )6.Mrs. Black is _ English teacher. We all like _ class very much.Amy, her Bour, herCour, his Dmy, his( )7.You look really _ in that black Tshirt, John.Thank you.Ashort Bfat Ccool Dold( )8.Saturday is the_day of a week.Alast Bsecond Cthird Dfirst( )9This morning we have_classes, and the_class is Chinese.Afirst,three Bthree,firstCthird,first Dthree,one( )10.Lets play basketball after we_the classes.Asee Blove Cfind Dfinish( )11.Are you_this afternoon?No,I must go to a party.Abusy Blong Cfree Dshort( )12.Lets_volleyball this afternoon.Sorry,I want_my uncle.Ato play, to meet Bto play,meetingCplay,to meet Dplay,meet( )13._he like math?Because its difficult.AWhy does BWhy dontCWhy do DWhy doesnt( )14.How is your day,Lily?_AMe,too. BThanks.CGreat. DIts Saturday.( )15.Do they have a good day?_. They are all happy.AIts Saturday BSee youCOK DThats for sure五、完形填空Hi, Im John. Im 13 years old and Im in Class Two.My good friend is Sam.Hes my _1_,too. We have the same classes _2_Monday to Friday.For me, I like science.I think its _3_But Sam doesnt like _4_ .His favorite subject is math. _5_ thinks it is interesting.Of all the subjects,we really like PE., _6_we like playing ball games.Its great fun to do sports! _7_ do we have PE.then? Only on Wednesday and Friday.So we like these _8_ days. In my_9_ time,I like watching TV and playing basketball.Sam doesnt like watching TV.He thinks its boring and not healthy.Hesright.On Sunday,Sam always _10_me to do sports.I think hes really a good friend.( )1.A.teacher Bstudent Cclassmate Dso( )2.A.with Bin Cfrom Don( )3.A.last Buseful Cdifficult Dboring( )4.A.science BEnglish Cmath DP.E.( )5.A.She BHe CI DYou( )6.A.but Bor Cso Dbecause( )7.A.When BWhat CWhere DWhy( )8.A.five Btwo Cthree Dfour( )9.A.cool Bgreat Cbusy Dfree( )10.A.thinks Basks Clooks Dfinds六、阅读理解Maria is 12 years old.She is a student in No.16 Middle School. School starts at eight thirty,so she usually gets up at seven.She eats breakfast at seven thirty.After breakfast she goes to school with her brother.She likes history best, because she thinks its very interesting and she really likes her teacher, Mr. Brown.Maria likes playing sports.After school she often plays pingpong with her friends.She can also play the violin.And she can play it well.Maria likes going to the movies.Her favorite movies are comedies and thrillers (惊险片). She doesnt like documentaries (纪录片) because she thinks theyre boring.( )1.What time does Maria usually get up?AAt 8:00. BAt 7:00.CAt 7:30. DAt 8:30.( )2.Who does Maria go to school with?AHer sister. BHer brother.CHer cousin. DHer friends.( )3.Why does Maria like history?ABecause its very exciting.BBecause she thinks its boring.CBecause its very interesting and she likes her history teacher.DBecause she likes her teacher,Mr. Green.( )4.What does Maria often do after school?AShe often plays pingpong.BShe often plays basketball.CShe often plays soccer.DShe often plays volleyball.( )5.What are Marias favorite movies?AComedies. BThrillers.CComedies and thrillers. DBeijing Opera.七、词汇运用 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He thinks art is _ (interest)2My father is _ (real) busy today.3Im from China, so I speak _ (China)4I dont like math, but it is _ (use)5My birthday is on the _ (four) day of January.八、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1下课后你通常做什么?What do you usually do _ _?2你们什么时候上历史课?When do you _ _?3我们都知道布朗夫人是个很有意思的人。We all know Ms. Brown is _ _4我喜欢的一天是周六。My _ _ is Saturday.5我们想在你家举办聚会,你看合适吗?We want to have a party in your house. Is that _ _you?九、任务型阅读.Jim and his brother Tom dont go to school in the morning. They go to school after lunch.They have math at one fifteen. (1)Jim likes science because its interesting. But Tom doesnt like science.Jim and Tom have PE. after science.They like PE. because its fun.(2)Toms favorite subject is art. He likes drawing. But Jim likes music best.And he plays the piano (3) _(好)1将(1)处翻译成汉语。_。2对(2)处句子的画线部分提问。_?3根据汉语提示补全(3)处的单词。_4根据短文内容及汉语提示,完成句子。Jim and Tom are brothers, and they are also _ (同班同学)5Do Jim and Tom go to school in the morning?_,_.十、书面表达. 请根据以下提示内容,以“My good friend” 为题写一篇短文。要求:60词左右。提示:1.姓名:王浩2年龄:14岁3最喜欢的科目:科学原因:轻松、有趣4最喜欢的日子:星期三原因:星期三下午上科学课5科学老师:Mr. Li原因:有趣、他喜欢学生,学生也喜欢他参考答案一、重点单词1 favorite 2 subject 3 science 4 PE. 5 music 6 math 7 Chinese 8 geography 9 history 10 why 11 because 12 Monday 13 Friday 14 Saturday 15 free 16 cool 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Sunday 21 useful 22 finish 23 lesson 24 hour二、重点短语1 favorite subject 2 play games 3 the next day 4 on Monday 5 for sure 6 have a math lesson 7 from.to. 8 PE. teacher 9 finish doing sth.三、重点句子1 Whats your favorite subject? 2 Why does he like PE.?3 Hows your day? 4 Whos your music teacher? 5 When is your geography class? 6 Because its interesting. 7 because ,and 8 for sure 9 busy on 10 finish 11 after that 12 for two hours四、单项选择1-5 DBACB 6-10 BCABD 11-15 CCBCD五、完形填空1-5 CCBAB 6-10 DABDB六、阅读理解1-5 BBCAC七、词汇运用1 interesting 2 really 3 Chinese 4 useful 5 fourth八、完成句子1 after class2. have history3. great fun4. favorite day 5. OK with 九、任务型阅读1. 吉姆喜欢科学因为它有趣。2. Whats Toms favorite subject?3. well4. classmates5. No,they dont.九、书面表达I have a good friend. His name is Wang Hao. He is 14 years old. His favorite subject is science because its relaxing and interesting. His favorite day is Wednesday because he has science on Wednesday afternoon.His science teacher is Mr. Li. He is fun.He likes his students and the students like him,too.

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