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Module3LifenowandthenUnit1Theysometimesworkharder.基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.Although she waswealthy(富有的),she lived in an old house.2.There is adouble(双的) “s” in the word “necessary”.3.Speak up!The old woman is kind ofdeaf(聋的).4.My father spends all hisspare(空余的) time reading books.5.When thefear(恐惧) comes,it means we may meet something dangerous.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空fear,deal with,seldom,double,suppose1.Itseldomrains in such a time in winter.2.He spoke of hisfear(s)for the future of his countrys culture.3.The health authorities(卫生部门) now know howto deal withthe disease.4.What makes yousupposethat Im against it?5.The number of managers mustdoubleto 100 within three years.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Mary doesnt play aswell(good) as her sister.2.The situation was muchworse(bad) than they had expected.3.I used todrive(drive) to work,but now I ride a bike.4.Compared with the past,people today arehealthier(healthy) and live longer.5.He wasdeaf(deaf) to my requests for help.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.现在对生病的担心比以前少了。There islessfearofgettingill than before.2.你闲暇时做什么?What do you doinyoursparetime?3.吉姆过去常去校图书馆借书。Jimusedtogoto the school library to borrow books.4.人们和五十年前一样努力工作吗?Do people workashardasthey did fifty years ago?5.请大点声说。我们在后面听不到你说话。Pleasespeakup.We cant hear you at the back.综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.There is something wrong with his ears.He is.A.blindB.deafC.unableD.sour(D)2.Do you know the famous basketball player Kobe has said goodbye to the NBA?Yes.Im afraid I willsee him on screen.A.sometimesB.oftenC.alwaysD.seldom(C)3.The number of TFBOYS fansabout 11 million and a number of themteenagers.A.are;areB.are;isC.is;areD.is;is(D)4.I think English is asas maths.I agree with you.A.more interestingB.most interestingC.the most interestingD.interesting(A)5.it rains tomorrowhow shall we go to the park?A.SupposeB.AgreeC.BelieveD.Wonder(C)6.Its believed that playing computer games too much doesharm than good.A.manyB.muchC.moreD.most(B)7.Im sorry,Miss Green.I left my maths book at home.It doesnt matter.Please rememberit here tomorrow.A.bringingB.to bringC.takingD.to take(A)8.It took me almost a whole day toso many emails.A.deal withB.cut inC.cheer forD.run out(D)9.What do you usually have for breakfast?I used todumplings,but these days Im used tobread and milk.A.eat;haveB.eating;havingC.eating;haveD.eat;having(A)10.Look!Its raining heavily!take a raincoat with you?Well,Ill take one right now.A.Why notB.Why dontC.Would you mindD.Would you like.补全对话A:Hi!Dave.I havent seen you for a long time.Did you go anywhere interesting?B:Yes,I did.1.BA:What did you do there?B:We enjoyed the beautiful sights in the mountain and ate many kinds of wild vegetables that were offered by the villagers there.A:Sounds fantastic.2.DB:We sent some books to the students there.In fact,I felt a little sad when I came into their classroom.A:3.EB:The students there studied in poor learning conditions.4.AA:Can you tell me what you are going to do?B:We are going to provide the students with new desks and chairs.A:5.CI am willing to join you.A.Many of us have promised to give more help to them.B.My friends and I went to a village this vacation.C.Being a volunteer is really great.D.What else did you do?E.Why did you have that kind of feeling?F.How often did you do it?G.Thank you very much.阅读理解In my life I have travelled to many beautiful places.Most of them in my mind are blurry,but I have never forgotten one place.It is my home towns Greenwater Lake.Actually,Greenwater Lake is Greenwater River.Some companies made a dam(坝) on the river,so the dam tops river seems like a lake.The water is very clean and smooth,and there are hundreds of islands in the lake.There are some islands that have thousands of birds,and some islands with a lot of bamboos,pines,and with many kinds of plants I dont know the names.The flowers are white,red,pink and purple everywhere.There are beautiful smells and beautiful sights.I lived in my home town from the time I was ten years old to the time I was eighteen years old.In those eight years,every summer I swam in the Greenwater Lake.I liked swimming in the rain,and I floated on the water listening to the rain.It was like beautiful music.Right now every year there are thousands of tourists who travel to Greenwater Lake.I am very happy that people like the lake,but Im afraid that people will pollute the lake because Greenwater Lake in my heart is very important.I hope Greenwater Lake will be beautiful forever and ever!(D)1.The underlined word “blurry” means“”.A.impressedB.clearC.importantD.forgettable(A)2.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.The writer has lived in the Greenwater Lake for ten years.B.In fact the Greenwater Lake isnt a lake.C.The writer enjoyed listening to the sound of the rain.D.There are many colourful flowers everywhere.(C)3.Which sight of Greenwater Lake isnt mentioned in the passage?A.There are many kinds of unknown plants.B.There are a lot of beautiful islands.C.You can see many pandas eating the bamboos.D.Its beautiful sights attract many visitors.(B)4.Whats the third paragraphs main idea?A.The writer enjoyed his childhood.B.The lake brought the writer a wonderful time.C.The lake is a beautiful place.D.The lakes weather is humid(潮湿的) in summer.(D)5.What does the writer worry about the Green-water Lake?A.The birds will reduce.B.More companies will come here.C.He wont visit it freely.D.The visitors will pollute it.

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