2019版中考英语专题复习 29 任务型阅读检测题.doc

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2019版中考英语专题复习 29 任务型阅读检测题任务型阅读。(A)Do you know tall people lead happier lives than shorter people?According to a new study which found that most unhappy men are almost an inch shorter than average.Researchers found that shorter people were more dissatisfied (不满意的) with their lot in life. The study interviewed more than 450,000 adults about how they viewed their life.The volunteers were asked to place themselves somewhere on a “life ladder” and asked about their emotions. According to the findings,people who were taller were also more likely to be _ about their life and were more likely to judge themselves as happy. They were also less likely to feel a range of negative emotions,including sadness and physical pain,although they were more likely to experience stress and anger,and if they were women,to worry.Men who reported that their lives were the “worst possible”were in general more than eight tenths of an inch,or 2 cm,shorter than the average height.Women who viewed themselves as “on the bottom step” on the life ladder were shorter than the average woman by half an inch,or 1.3 cm.1题完成句子;2题简略回答问题;3题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1Researchers found that shorter people were more dissatisfied with their lot _2How many adults did the researchers interview about how they viewed their life?_3_4_5_(B)Many people believe that yellowing and wetness are the greatest enemy of stamps. In fact,stamps are afraid of not only wetness,but also light and dirty things. People protect their stamps in several different ways.To protect stamps,we should never touch the stamps with our hands. This avoids moving dirty things onto them. Stamp tweezers (镊子) should be used in all conditions.Stamps are printed things. The color will slowly disappear if the stamps are put in the light for a long time. So we should not put stamps in the light for long. Direct sunlight must be avoided as well.Wetness is an important problem for stamps. Some collectors will put stamps in separate plastic (塑料) bags. However,it is possible that some stamps have taken in some water from the air before they are put into the plastic bags. Stamps become yellow easily and rapidly after they take in wet air. To protect the stamps, some people also put the stamps into a special room which has a machine to keep the air cool and dry. However,not many people can afford that.To keep stamps,stamp collectors usually put them under plastic covers. It is a common and simple way. This helps because the plastic cover keeps the stamps off the wet air. It also stops the fingers from touching the stamps.Some collectors prefer to store stamps inside a plastic box with desiccants (干燥剂)However,we should take care not to let the stamps touch the desiccants. On top of that,dont take your stamps out on a wet day.1题完成句子;23题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1One way to protect stamps is that we should never touch them _.2What will disappear if we put the stamps in the light for long?_3When do stamps become yellow easily and rapidly?_4_5_(C)Learning a language is like learning how to play the piano or how to drive a car. You have to practice a lot before you are very skillful. Do you think it is enough to learn from teachers or from books if you want to be a pianist? No, only _lots of practicing can we play the piano successfully. Its also true of driving a car. You just need one day to learn the traffic rules, but itll take you years to become an excellent driver.When we learn English, it is necessary for us to remember many English words and to have a thorough understanding of grammar rule. 学会使用我们学过的东西对我们来说是非常重要的。There are probably many words which you have an idea of, but when you use them in your daily life, you cannot use properly. For example, “a piece of cake” is not only a piece of cake but also means a thing that is very e _. “A big mouth” doesnt mean “open your mouth wide”, but refers to a person who t _too much or spreads secrets around. 根据短文内容完成下面的任务:1. 在画线处填写一个恰当的介词。2. 把画线的处译成汉语。 3. 把画线的处译成英语。 4. 根据首字母提示,分别在画线的和处填写单词。e _t _5. 单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出与所给句子画线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项:Shes blue today.A. kindB. happyC. angryD. unhappy(D)I often hear people talking about their hobbies. Perhaps hobbies are useful to act as a conversation aid.(A) When you are chatting with someone you dont know so well, sometimes you wonder what could be a topic. Maybe you want to keep the conversation going, you want to get to know the person better, it is just that your talk is through, then hobbies can be an excellent way to continue chatting. Also you may find that you share similar hobbies or the other person is suddenly really interested in your hobby. You might also discover the hobbies of the other person and these could excite your interests too. (B) talking about hobbies, to keep your conversation going, is, either way, a good way.However, I find younger persons and students especially often do not have any hobbies.(C) 当然学生忙于学习,是他们的职责。 Doing hobbies is something that they might not have time for. But more than this I find young persons and students simply dont know what hobbies are, and more than this, dont know the purpose or benefit of doing hobbies. The benefit of doing hobbies is that you can learn application, and this can actually help you to study better at school. At schools, teachers used to encourage all students to have many hobbies to help build their character. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。1. 将(A)处画线部分的句子译成汉语。 2. 将(B)处画线部分的词或短语正确排序,使它构成一个意思完整的句子。 3. 将(C)处画线部分的句子译成英语。 4. Which statement is the best summary of Paragraph 1?A. People often talk about their hobbies.B. Talking about hobbies can be a good way to continue chatting.C. You can share similar hobbies with others.D. The other person who you are talking to is sure to be interested in your hobby.5. According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is RIGHT?A. Most people often do not have any hobbies.B. Students actually know what hobbies are.C. Students dont know the purpose of doing hobbies.D. Teachers dont think that hobbies can help students build their character.参考答案:(A)1in life【解析】根据第二段第一句“Researchers found that shorter people were more dissatisfied with their lot in life.研究人员发现,身材较矮的人对自己的生活状况更为不满意。”可知答案。2The study interviewed more than 450,000 adults./450,000 adults.【解析】根据第二段第二句“The study interviewed more than 450,000 adults about how they viewed their life.该研究对45万成年人对生活的态度进行了调查。”可知答案。3positive【解析】根据下文“They were also less likely to feel a range of negative emotions”以及本句“people who were taller were also more likely to be _ about their life”可知答案填negative的反义词positive。4Do you know tall people lead happier lives than shorter people?【解析】分析整篇文章,主要讲述了高个子的人比矮个子的人生活更加幸福。5根据一项新的研究发现,最不开心的男人几乎都比平均身高矮一英寸。【解析】according to根据;an inch shorter than average比平均身高矮一寸。(B)1with our hands【解析】根据第二段首句To protect stamps,we should never touch the stamps with our hands.为了保护邮票,我们决不要用手接触邮票。可知答案。2. The color/ Color.【解析】根据第三段第2句The color will slowly disappear if the stamps are put in the light for a long time.可知答案。3After they take in wet air.【解析】根据第四段第4句Stamps become yellow easily and rapidly after they take in wet air.可知答案。4People protect their stamps in several different ways.【解析】综合分析短文内容可知,本文主要介绍了人们保护邮票的几种不同方法。5为了保存邮票,集邮者(们)通常把它们(邮票)放在塑料封面下(边)。(C)1. by【解析】by表示“通过 (方法或手段)”的意思。2. 你只需要一天的时间就可以学会交通规则,但是你需要花费几年时间才能成为一名好司机。【解析】注意使用句型It takes sb. some time to do sth. 即:“做某事花费某人多少时间”。3. It is very important for us to use what we learned.【解析】注意使用句型 It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.其中it是形式主语,动词不定式to do sth. 是真正的主语。4. easy;talks【解析】easy在此表示“容易的;轻松的”; talk在此表示“说话;谈话”。5. D【解析】blue在此句表示“不高兴的”的意思。(D)1. 当你和一个不是很熟的人聊天时,有时你很想知道什么可能是个好话题。【解析】此处you dont know so well是个省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰someone;句后的what could be a topic是个宾语从句,作wonder的宾语。2. Either way, talking about hobbies is a good way to keep your conversation going.【解析】根据上下文和语法规则,将(B)处画线部分的词、短语排序, 构成了上面意思完整的句子。3. Of course students are busy studying. It is their duty. 【解析】此处的be busy doing是个固定结构。4. B【解析】段意理解题。理解第一段文字,可以看出,此段重点描述的是谈论爱好是保持谈话继续的好方法。5. C【解析】综合判断题。在第二段中,第一句只提到年轻人尤其是学生没有爱好,与A句不符;由第四句知B句是错误的;由第五句知C是正确的;由最后一句知D是错误的。

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