2019届中考英语复习 第二篇 中考语法专项 第24课 代词与连词课后练习.doc

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2019届中考英语复习 第二篇 中考语法专项 第24课 代词与连词课后练习.doc_第1页
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2019届中考英语复习 第二篇 中考语法专项 第24课 代词与连词课后练习.doc_第3页
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课后练习24 代词与连词温馨提示:为满足部分老师批改时的评估需要,本课时的题量已按满分100分来设置,请需要的老师自行规划。代词一、用all, both, either, any, neither或none填空1. When shall we meet again next time?_ day is all right.2. I didnt know which book was better, so I took them_ .3. Which magazine can I take?Oh, you can take_ of them. Ill keep none.4. We were all asleep a moment ago._ of us heard the sound.5. We have red and yellow T-shirts. Which color do you like?Im afraid_ . I think blue will be OK.6. I have lived in New York and London, but I dont like_ city. I like Sydney.二、用something, anything, nothing或everything填空1. How is Helen in the new school?She is doing very well. There is_ to worry about.2. As volunteers, they should do_ to help the children in trouble.3. Hows it going?Dont worry._ is OK.4. Can you see_ in the box?No, nothing.三、语法填空(xx宁波市鄞州区九校联考模拟)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。Tom was a shy student and he never answered questions in class. He was 1_ of making mistakes, and he never finished his homework because he didnt want 2_ (make) any mistakes. Nothing changed until Mary, a teacher, came to our class.One morning, Tom was 3_ (ask) to answer some questions. After 4_ while, he was in tears because he made a mistake. 5_ (sudden), Mary took out a box filled with erasers from the desk.“Look, Tom,” she said, standing beside 6(he). “I have something to show you.” She took out the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.“See these 7_ , Tom?” she continued. “Do you know why these erasers become smaller and smaller? Thats because we make mistakes. 8_ we can erase the mistakes and try again. Thats what you must learn.”Tom looked at Mary and smiled. He 9_(change) a lot since then. He knew that everyone might make mistakes. He should learn 10_them and try again.连词一、用适当的连词(词组)填空1. He cant do both_ he doesnt have enough money.2. The child has studied English for two years_ he went to middle school.3. Write clearly_ your teacher can understand you correctly.4. Would you like to go shopping with us?Id love to,_ I have to help my father do some housework.5. Nobody knows_ she would like to see us.6. Nobody knows_ he will come to join us or not.7. Jessi is reading in the study_ her sister Carol is watching TV in the living room.8._ I live near the sea, I dont like swimming.9. I wont go to her party_ she invites me.10. My brother didnt go to bed_ my mother came back home last night.11. Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen?Id love to,_ you dont want to go alone.12. Write down the phone number,_ youll forget it.二、阅读理解(xx临海模拟)Are you interested in science? How do you think scientists usually make new discoveries? The world produces millions of tons of plastic waste every year. What do you think the best way to deal with plastic pollution is? Why?Caterpillars(毛毛虫) are often used as food for fishing. However, they are now set to join the war on plastic wastes.Federical Bertocchini is a scientist with the Spanish National Research Council. When shes not working in her lab, Bertocchini keeps bees. One day, when she looked at her beehives(蜂箱), she found lots of caterpillars called waxworms(蜡虫). These insects are often used to feed fish. In the wild, however, they live in beehives, feeding on the wax that bees use to build their houses. Bertocchini picked out the caterpillars and put them in a plastic bag. Surprisingly, when she returned to the bag after cleaning out the hives, she found it full of holes. The worms had eaten their way out.Bertocchini doesnt study plastic. However, you cant keep a good scientist away from an interesting question: Were the waxworms digesting(消化) the plastic?Bertocchini got in touch with Paolo Bombeli and Christopher Howe at the University of Cambridge. According to their paper, some chemicals within the insects can really break down plastic.Other scientists have also discovered plastic-eating species(物种). In xx, for example, a Japanese team found a bacterium(细菌). The bacterium has to spend more than six months eating a layer(层) of plastic bag. However, Bertocchini and her partners discovered that it took a waxworm about 12 hours to eat a layer of plastic bag.But the scientists reminded that it would be at least several years before they set free waxworms into the environment. They want to know if the insects are using the plastic as a food, or just they want to run away. If they just want to run away, they are going to get fed very soon. But if they are using it as a food energy, its a completely different game.“Its certainly not going to be the case that within six months weve solved the worlds plastic problem,” said Howe. “I wouldnt want people to think that within a few months, they can start throwing away plastic bags without worrying about it.”( )1. We can learn from the passage that Federical Bertocchini_.A. works full time as a bee-keeper B. is a scientist who is studying on beesC. found waxworms unusual abilities by accidentD. has long wanted to solve the worlds plastic problem( )2. Why do the caterpillars eat plastic wastes?A. Because they want to run way.B. Because they eat them as food.C. Because they just want to taste the smell of them.D. Scientists are still not sure about it.( )3. Which is right about a waxworm?A. It eats fish for food.B. It can eat all kinds of bacteria.C. It eats wax that bees no longer use.D. It eats plastic much more quickly than the bacterium.( )4. Scientist Howe thinks_.A. there is still a long way to solve the plastic problemB. waxworms can play no role in solving the plastic problemC. we can solve the worlds plastic problem within six monthsD. its not a good idea to set free waxworms into the environment参考答案代词一、1. Any 【解析】句意为“我们下次什么时候见面”“任何一天都行”,根据答语中的day是单数可数名词以及all right可确定答案为Any。2. both 【解析】句意为“我不知道哪本书更好,于是两本都拿了”。根据“which book was better”可推断出只有两本书,因此就能排除表示三者以上的词all。3. all 【解析】句意为“我可以拿哪一本杂志”“噢,你可以全部拿走。我一本都不留”,根据none可知为三者或三者以上,故答案为all。4. None 【解析】由句意“刚才我们都睡着了。没有一个人听到这声音”可知,只能用表示否定意义的代词neither和none。由前半句中的all可判断出是对三者或三者以上进行否定,这样就能排除neither。5. neither 6. either二、1. nothing 2. something 3. Everything4. anything 三、1. afraid 2. to make 3. asked 4. a 5. Suddenly 6. him 7. erasers 8. But 9. has changed 10. from连词一、1. because/as/since 2. since 3. so that 4. but5. if/whether 6. whether 7. while 8. Although9. unless 10. until11. if 【解析】由句意“如果你不想独自去的话,我愿意(和你一起)去”可知,用if。12. or二、13. CDD4. A 【解析】由文章最后一段第一句可知。

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