2018-2019学年九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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Unit 2 Great PeopleLesson 7: What Is the Meaning of Life?I. Learning aims:Master the new words: meaning, dialogue, successful, survey, neighbour II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Those are all really important questions and very difficult to answer.2) Im not sure how to answer them.3) My dad always says that we should be good to others.4) Lets write these questions down.Language Points:1. meaning【用法】作可数名词,意为“意思”,是动词mean的动名词形式起形容词作用。【举例】Can you tell me the meaning of this new word? 你能告诉我这个生词的意思吗?2. Those are all really important questions and very difficult to answer. 那些都是很重要的问题并且很难回答。【用法】句式“be + 形容词 + 不定式”意为“很做某事”。【举例】This kind of work is easy to complete. 这种工作很容易完成。3. Im not sure how to answer them. 我不能肯定如何回答它们。【用法】不定式可以与疑问词who, what, which, when, how, where 等连用,构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、表语、宾语和宾语补足语等。【举例】Where to buy this kind of computer is a problem. 到哪里去买这种计算机是一个问题。(作主语)I really dont know what to do. 我的确不知道该怎么办了。(作宾语)The question is how to get there. 问题是怎么到那里去。(作表语)Can you tell me which one to choose? 你能告诉我该选择哪一个吗?(作宾语补足语) 4. My dad always says that we should be good to others. 我父亲总说我们应该对别人好一些。【用法】句式be good to somebody 意为“对某人态度友好”。类似句式还有:be polite to, be friendly to, to kind to, be nice to, be rude to等。【举例】His classmates are all friendly to him. 他的同学们对他很友好。Lesson 8: A Universe of ThoughtI. Learning aims:Master the new words: universe, Albert Einstein, lifetime, solve, theory, relativity, Switzerland, pioneer, Nobel, Princeton, nuclear, weapon, conclusion, false II. Learning important and difficult points: 1)Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.2)For one of those articles, he received the Nobel Prize in 1921.3)The important thing is not to stop questioning.4)Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.Language Points:1. solve【用法】作及物动词,意为“解答、解决”,后加名词或代词作宾语。【举例】I dont think I can solve these problems. 我想我不能解决这些问题。2. Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦为他的相对来说最为出名。【用法】句式be famous for 意为“因而著名、出名”,后加表示物的名词、代词作介词for的宾语。【举例】Hangzhou is famous for tea and silk. 杭州因茶和丝绸而出名。【拓展】句式be famous as意为“作为而著名、出名”;后加表示人的名词、代词作介词as的宾语。【举例】Yang Liping is famous as a dancer. 杨丽萍作为舞蹈演员而出名。3. The important thing is not to stop questioning. 最重要的事情是不要放弃提问。【用法】这句话中的not to stop questioning 是动名词的否定形式,它由否定副词 not 加上动名词构成。在这句话中,动名词用在系词后作表语。【举例】He is worried about not going to the concert. 他担心的是不能参加音乐会。To us students, the first task is studying hard. 对我们学生来说,第一个任务就是努力学习。Lesson 9: Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”I. Learning aims:Master the new words: universe, Albert Einstein, lifetime, solve, theory, relativity, Switzerland, pioneer, Nobel, Princeton, nuclear, weapon, conclusion, false II. Learning important and difficult points: 1)Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.2)For one of those articles, he received the Nobel Prize in 1921.3)The important thing is not to stop questioning.4)Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.Language Points:1. produce【用法】作及物动词,意为“出产、生产”,是后加名词或代词作宾语。【举例】Our factory produces radios and televisions. 我们工厂生产收音机和电视机。【拓展】product是produce 的名词形式,意为“产品”。【举例】This kind of product sells well. Is that so? 这种产品很畅销。是这样吗?2. In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was as big as a peanut. 在梦中,他种了一种想花生一样大的水稻。【用法】句式asas表示程度相同,第一个as是副词,后加形容词或副词的原级。【举例】Jim is as honest as Billy. 吉姆和比利一样诚实。She works as carefully as her sister. 她和她姐姐工作一样认真。【拓展】句式not as (so) as 表示一方不如另一方。【举例】The weather in Beijing is not as (so) hot as that in Wuhan. 北京的天气不如武汉的天气热。I dont run as (so) fast as you. 我不如你跑得快。3. Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. 从那时起,他花费很多时间研究和开发新品种。【用法】表示“花费”,可用于两个句式中:spendon和spend(in) doing。【举例】Each person spent about 100 yuan on food every month. 在伙食上每人每月花100元左右。 He doesnt spend all his time (in) working. 他没有把全部精力用在工作上。【拓展】不能说spend money in buying something,要说spend money on something 或spend money to buy something。不能说spend time to do something,而要说spend time in doing something。在主动语态中,spend(in) doing中的介词in可以省略,在被动语态中则不能省略。【举例】Three hours was spent in doing the work. 做这项工作花了三个小时的时间。Lesson 10: Touch the WorldI. Learning aims:Master the new words: planetary, Helen Keller, writer, educator, blind, deaf, illness, ability, Anne Sullivan, progress, community, greatly II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88.2) Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl.3) Anne was filled with pride.4) She also learned to write and even speak.Language Points:1. blind【用法】作形容词,意为“失明的、瞎的、盲目的”,在句中作表语或定语。另,the blind表示“盲人”,是集体名词。【举例】Her uncle is blind in both eyes. 她叔叔双目失明。This is a very blind decision. 这是一个很盲目的决定。2. progress【用法】作不可数名词,意为“进步、进展”,短语make progress表示“取得进步”。【举例】Danny has made great progress recently. 丹尼近来取得了很大的进步。【用法】作不及物动词,意为“发展、前进”。【举例】The soldiers will progress on. 战士们要继续前进。3. Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88. 海伦凯勒,著名的作家和教育家,昨天去世了,享年88岁。【用法】句中的at the age of 意为“在岁时”,后加基数词的单数形式,用来表示年龄,可以与“when + 主语 + be + 年龄”替换。【举例】He began to learn the accordion at the age of four. = He began to learn the accordion when he was four years old.他四岁时开始学手风琴。【拓展】类似的短语还有“in ones + 基数词复数形式”,意思是“在多岁时”。【举例】Mr. Wang went to America in his thirties. 王先生在他30多岁时去了美国。4. Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl. 在得病之前,海伦是个聪明快乐的孩子。【用法】before her illness是介词短语,意为“在生病之前”,在句中作状语。我们可以用时间状语从句Before she was ill替换它。这种介词短语作状语的句式可用从句进行替换。【举例】She didnt come to school because of illness. = She didnt come to school because she was ill. 由于疾病,她没来上学。Nothing can live without air or water. = Nothing can live if there is no air or water. 没有空气和水什么都不能生存。【举例】It is too late. Please stop playing games. 时间很晚了。请不要玩游戏了。Lesson 11: To China, with LoveI. Learning aims:Master the new words: Norman Bethune, graduate, Toronto, remain, anti, decision, aid, worst, condition, operate, government, medical II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) With a lot of hard work, he found new ways to help people with T.B.a disease that damages the lungs.2) Norman Bethune is well known for helping the Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War.3) He once operated for sixty-nine hours straight without stopping.4) To remember him, the government set up Bethune Medical School and the Bethune International Hospital in Shijiazhuang.Language Points:1. With a lot of hard work, he found new ways to help people with T.B.a disease that damages the lungs. 经过很多艰苦的工作,他找到了帮助人们治疗伤害人肺部的肺结核的方法。【用法】句中的to help people with T.B.a disease that damages the lungs是动词不定式短语用在名词way后作定语。不定式有时起形容词作用修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语。不定式作定语时,它的位置在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。作式词lo foress!_ _me to do is to cheer. 【举例】Is there anyone to look after these children? 有人照看这些孩子吗?Are there many places to see in Washington? 在华盛顿有许多可看的地方吗?【拓展】如果不定式是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面应加上介词或副词。【举例】They have a lot of things to talk about. 他们有很多事情要谈。Are there many places to see in Washington? 在华盛顿有许多可看的地方吗?There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的。 2. He once operated for sixty-nine hours straight without stopping. 他曾经没有停下来而连续作了69个小时的手术。【用法】句中的without stopping 是介词短语作状语,修饰前面的动词operate。介词without后加名词、代词、动名词构成介词短语作状语后可作状语,意为“没有”。【举例】She went to school without having breakfast. 她没吃早饭就去上学了。3. To remember him, the government set up Bethune Medical School and the Bethune International Hospital in Shijiazhuang. 为了记住他,政府在石家庄建了白求恩医学院和白求恩国际医院。【用法】句中的to remember him是动词不定式短语用在句首作状语,表示目的。不定式作状语还可直接用在动词后。【举例】Emma came to see me yesterday morning. 埃玛昨天上午来看我了。To learn English well, she went to in England. 为了学好英语,她去了英国。Lesson 12: Guess My Hero!I. Learning aims:Master the new words: crossword, puzzle, based, whom, anybody, chemistry II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) I thought about it as I walked to and from school.2) It would be somebody who I like very much.3) I said that this person was the same age as them.4) I told them that you made it for me.Language Points:1. I thought about it as I walked to and from school. 当我上学和放学时我都在考虑它。【用法when, while, as 都可引导时间状语从句。这几个词都可以表示“当时候”,当它们引导的从句的谓语动词是延续性的,三个词可以互换。其中when的用法最广,既可以表示比从句早或晚的动作,也可以表示与从句同时进行的动作,可以指时间点,也可以指时间段;并且它可以与短暂性动词连用。as 表示与主句同时进行的动作,指时间点时可以与when互换。while 只指时间段,引导延续性动作;如表示与主句动作同时进行时,可与when, as 互换。【举例】When (As, While) he talked on, he got more and more excited.他越谈越激动。 (这句话中的主句和从句动词动作同时进行,表示时间段)He hurried home, looking behind as he went. 他赶紧回家,一边走一边往后看。 (主句和从句动作平行,表示时间段)While the child was playing with his toys, his parents were reading. 孩子在玩玩具,他的父母在看书。(表示时间段,主句和从句都是同时进行的表示延续的动作) 2. I told them that you made it for me. 我告诉他们这是你给我做的。【用法】某些及物动词后面可以加两个宾语,一个表示人,叫间接宾语;一个表示物,叫直接宾语,它们和在一起称作双宾语。双宾语在句子的位置有两种:主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语主语 + 及物动词 + 直接宾语 + 介词 to 或 for + 间接宾语如果把间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,间接宾语前就应该加介词to或for。这里加to 或for与动词有关,能够加to的动词有:give, show, send, bring, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return, write, throw, promise, refuse, sell, take, teach, call, wish等。能够加for的动词有:make, buy, do, get, play, order, sing, dance, cook, pay, build, fill, find, prepare, save, win等。【举例】He will make me a new kite. = He will make a new kite for me. 他要给我做一个新风筝。Grandpa often tells us stories. = Grandpa often tells stories to us. 爷爷经常给我们讲故事。


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