2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours(第1课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours(第1课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours(第1课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit3Onlinetours第一课时Comicstrip&Welcometotheunit基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.The cartoon is Jims favourite TV programme(节目).2.I think there is something wrong with my mouse(鼠标).3.She reached out her hands to the keyboard(键盘) and began to play.4.We can see words and pictures on the screen(屏幕).5.We can use computers for sending and receiving(接收) emails.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Do you often use the machineto wash(wash) clothes?2.The managerhasjustreceived(receive) a business letter from a company abroad.3.It is very convenient for youto chat(chat) with your friends online.4.The computer can be used for wordprocessing(process).5.This book is soboring(bore) that I will never want to read it again.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.虽然她们是双胞胎,但看起来不像彼此。Though they are twins,they dontlooklikeeachother.2.我同意你的看法。我们应该把这个小孩送到警察局。Iagreewithyou.Weshouldsendthe child to the police station.3.这个频道太无聊了,以至于没人喜欢看。This channel issoboringthatnobody likes to watch it.4.你每隔多久使用电脑上网找资料?Howoftendo you use your computertosearchforinformation on the Internet?5.他们经常用电脑来做什么?Whatdotheyusuallyuse computers for?综合能力提升.单项填空(C)1.What does she?She is a shy girl with short hair and brown eyes.A.lookB.likeC.look likeD.like look(B)2.Many people like tobirthday cardstheir friends.A.sending;toB.send;toC.sent;toD.send;for(A)3.Do you want to watch this video?No.I think its.Lets go to the movies.A.boringB.interestingC.excitingD.amazing(D)4.What a great thing to have a robot at home!Robots are really useful.One day they will help people doeverything.A.aboutB.nearlyC.neverD.almost(A)5.Whats the best gift you have ever?A.receivedB.to receiveC.receivingD.be received(B)6.did you get up so early?To catch the first bus.A.Why;forB.What;forC.Which;/D.What;/(C)7.do you play basketball?Usually twice a week.A.How soonB.How longC.How oftenD.How much(D)8.Have you read this book?Yes,Iit two months ago.A.is readingB.have readC.will readD.read.补全对话(Lisadoesntfeelwelltoday.Sheisatthedoctors.)D:Can I help you?L:1.DD:When did it start?L:2.GD:Let me have a look.3.BL:I played computer games all day.D:Mm.Thats it.L:Oh.4.FD:Nothing serious.Dont play computer games too much.L:OK.5.AThank you very much.A.Ill take your advice.B.What did you do yesterday?C.Sorry,I cant.D.I have a headache.E.Where did you go last week?F.Is it serious?G.Yesterday.完形填空Jane is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family.She goes to a good university.But her family are so busy that they can1find time to be with her.In fact,Jane is quite lonely.So she spends a lot of time on her QQ.She uses the2Linda on QQ and has made lots of friends.Last year Jane3a very special friend on QQ.His name was David and he lived in San Francisco.He and Jane were4interested in rock music.So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ.Of course,they wanted to know5about each other.David sent a picture of6.He was a tall,good-looking young man with a big,happy smile.7time went by,they became good friends.One day Janes father was going8a business trip to San Francisco.Jane asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a9for his birthday.But when David finally stood before her,she found that her10friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!(C)1.A.oftenB.alwaysC.hardlyD.usually(A)2.A.nameB.numberC.computerD.friend(B)3.A.metB.madeC.hadD.got(D)4.A.allB.noC.notD.both(A)5.A.moreB.lessC.largerD.fewer(B)6.A.herselfB.himselfC.yourselfD.myself(C)7.A.IfB.SoC.AsD.When(D)8.A.toB.forC.withD.on(A)9.A.surpriseB.giftC.partyD.call(B)10.A.goodB.specialC.strangeD.bright.阅读理解Nowadays,computers and the Internet are playing an important part in our life.Some people even say that they cant live without them.We usually need to set passwords(密码) when we use the computers.But not all the passwords are safe.How can you make your passwords safe?Experts have some tips for you.First,make your password out of capital letters(大写字母).It will be difficult for others to get into your account(账户).It only takes a hacker(黑客) ten minutes to work out a six-letter password made of small letters.But the same password in capital letters takes ten hours to work out.Second,add numbers or symbols(符号) to your password.It may be much safer.Sometimes such passwords are not easy to remember,but they are really safe.Third,never use personal information for passwords and use different passwords for different accounts.Experts say that a user should change his passwords about every 90 days.In that way,hackers wont guess your passwords.(B)1.If you set your password with six capital letters,a hacker may spendworking it out.A.ten minutesB.ten hoursC.one dayD.a week(D)2.You should change your passwords about.A.every 10 daysB.every monthC.every two monthsD.every three months(A)3.According to the passage,which of the following is not a safe password?A.921106.B.Liz387.C.LUCKY3.D.432ac%.(D)4.Whats the best title for the passage?A.Computers and the InternetB.Setting personal accountsC.Using capital lettersD.Making your passwords safe

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