2019中考英语二轮复习 专题复习 同义句转换练习.doc

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同义句转换专题复习【考点分析】同义句一般考察的是句型的转换,或近义词的转换。高频考点1.表结果so.that +句子= too (adj)todo= not (adj反义词) enough to doHe is so weak that he cant play football. = He is_ weak _play football. = He is not _ _ to play football.2. so that.=in order to do /in order that= so as to do=to do =for doingHe got up early so that he could catch the early bus.=He got up early to catch the early bus.=He got up early so as to catch the early bus.3. if not =unlessShe wont improve her handwriting if she doesnt have enough practice.=She wont improve her handwriting unless she has enough practice.4. did sth after/when=didnt do untilThey left the place after they were 8.=They didnt leave the place until they were 8.5. 四个花费人 + spend+ 钱/时 + (in)doing sth /on sth。It +takes + (人)+ 时间 + to do sth物 +cost + (人)+钱+ to do sth人 +pay +钱+ to sb/ for sth6. be held= take place举办7. 现在完成时中瞬间动词转换为延续性动词,如 :join - have been in became a lawyer- have been a lawyer-have worked as a lawyer8. used to do sth = often/usually did sth = did sth in the past 9.high=in height EG: It is 10 meters in height. (wide= in width ; long= in length)10. remove = take away 11 600 square meters in size = have/cover an area of 600 square meters12. you mustnt do sth = be not allowed to do = Dont do sth 13. be good at 擅长于 = do well in 【反义】 be poor at 拙劣于 = do badly in 14. care for =look after= take care of 关爱,照顾10. stopfrom = keepfrom = preventform 阻止某事发生11. set out = set off = start/leave12五个成功做某事do sth. successfully, succeed in doing sth.; be successful in sth. manage to do sth. ;be able to do sth.以及失败fail to do sth.(fail in a test)13. in my opinion = I think14. be responsible for =be in charge of = take charge of 对负责15. make an apology to sb. for doing=say sorry to sb. for sth 想某人道歉16. purchase sth. for money=buy sth. for money(注意和cost、spend的区别)17. be made up of= consist(s) of 由组成 18. prefer(red)A to B= like(d) A better than B 喜欢A胜过B prefer to do A rather than do B=prefer to doing A to doing B 宁愿做A事情而不做B事情 19. besides A= in addition to A =What more, 除A以外(还有) 20. do harm to= be bad for 对有害 21. improve a lot = make progress 在有进步22. run(be) out of= use up 用完23. consider doing = think aboutdoing 考虑 24. decide to do= make a decision to do25. escape from= run away from逃跑; 26. immediately= at once=right away=in no time 立即27be held= take place举办 28. when he was over sixty= in his sixties案例分析1. John always keeps calm and knows what he should do when in trouble. (保持句意基本不变) John always keeps calm and knows _ _ do when in trouble.【正确答案】what to 【题目解析】宾语从句改为简单句用疑问词+to do 2. My friend Peter looked after my pet dog while I was on holiday last month. (保持句意不变)My friend Peter_ _ my pet dog while I was on holiday last month.【正确答案】cared for【题目解析】同义词的转换,look after = care for 照顾,注意过去时态。3. Alice took up French in college in order to communicate with friends in Paris.(句意不变)Alice took up French in college _ _ she could communicate with friends in Paris.【正确答案】so that 【题目解析】表示“因此,所以”后接一个完整的句子,用 so that.4. Our English teacher likes black coffee better than green tea.(保持句意基本相同)Our English teacher_ black coffee _ green tea.【正确答案】prefers to【题目解析】考察同义句型比起。更喜欢。5. The speaker spoke loudly. All audience could hear him.(合并为一句)The speaker spoke loudly _ _all the audience could hear him.【正确答案】so that【题目解析】由题意可知是表示目的,后面接的又是句子所以是so that6. Toms cousin does a part-time job. He can get more working experience.(保持原句意思) Toms cousin does a part-time job to get more working experience.【正确答案】in order【题目解析】由前面两个简单句关系是表目的的,表目的的短语在这里用 in order to8. The cook was too busy to notice the overcooked soup. (保持句意不变)The cook was _ busy_ he didnt notice the overcooked soup.【正确答案】so that【题目解析】结果状语从句so+adj+that 从句9. Mr. Green was surprised that his son didnt tell anyone that he was staying out late. (保持句意基本不变) To Mr. Greens_, no one was_of his sons staying out late.【正确答案】 surprise; told.【题目解析】此题考查to ones +n.令某人的是,故surprised 变为名词surprise,后面由主动变为被动,tell变为told.10. Brush your teeth regularly, or you will get toothache sooner or later. (保持句意不变) You will get toothache sooner or later _ you _ your teeth regularly.【正确答案】unless brush【题目解析】根据题意“有规律地刷牙,否则你迟早会牙痛”,那么同义句改成“除非你有规律地刷牙,你迟早会牙疼”,正确答案为unless brush(unless也可记成if not)。11. The telephone rang and Jerry answered it immediately. (保持句意不变) The telephone rang and Jerry answered it _ _.【正确答案】at once【题目解析】根据题意“immediately”翻译为“立刻,马上”,考纲12. We need to design a program in order to make computers recognize our voice.(保持句意不变) We need to design a program _ _computers can recognize our voice.【正确答案】so that【题目解析】考察同义句的改写,需要把原句中的in order to换掉,很容易确定是so that13. They created a Childrens Fund to provide money for those who are ill. (保持句意不变) They_ _ a Childrens Fund to provide money for those who are ill.【正确答案】set up【题目解析】把create改成同意词组,可知这句话意思是建造一个儿童基金,所以是set up14. We cannot drink salt water. We cannot take a shower with it, either. (保持句意不变)We can_drink salt water_take a shower with it. 【正确答案】neither,nor【题目解析】我们不能喝盐水也不能用盐水洗澡,两者都不。常见的同义词组转换1. achieve an A for maths get an A for maths 数学得了一个A2. a kind of a type of a sort of一种;一类3. agree with sb. have the same idea / opinion with 同意某人的观点、意见4. all day the whole day一整天5. also as well too也6. amounts of a great amount of 大量(加不可数名词)7. answer reply to 回答8. apologize to sb. for sth. / doing sth.make an apology to sb. for sth. / doing sth.say sorry to sb for sth.因而向某人道歉9. arrive at/ in some place get to some placereach some place到达某地10. as well as togetherwith along with with 和一起11. at last in the end finally最后12. at once immediately in no time立刻,马上13. at present at the moment for the time being now此刻,目前14. be able to do sth. manage to do sth. can do有能力做某事;15. be unable to do fail to do未能做某事16. be active in play an active part in 积极参加17. be afraid of sth. / doing be frightened at sth.害怕18. be aged 30 be 30 years old30岁19. be bad for be harmful to do harm to对有害20. be busy with sth. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事21. be different from (not) be the same as与不同22. be fond of sth. / doing be keen on sth./ doing喜爱做某事;热衷于做某事23. be friendly to be kind to对友好24. be full of be filled with be crowded with充满了.挤满了25. be good at sth. / doing do well in sth./ doing擅长于做26. be interested in sth. / doingshow/ take/ have interest in sth. / doing对感兴趣的27. be located (in, at, on) lie (in, at, on)位于;坐落于28. be made up of consist of由组成29. be pleased with be satisfied with对感到满意30. be responsible for be in charge of take charge of对负责31. be surprised at be amazed at对感到惊讶32. be thankful to show thanks to 对感激33. belong to sb. be onesis the owner of属于某人;是某人的34. begin to do begin doingstart to do start doing开始做某事35. by oneself alone personally on ones own单独地独自地36. by bus / train on a bus / train take a bus/train to by car / taxi in a car / taxi drive to 乘公共汽车/ 火车乘小轿车/ 出租车37. besides in addition此外,另外强化练习1. Johnson had a chemistry lab of his own. The chemistry lab_ _ Johnson himself.2. They are too tired to walk farther.They are _tired that they _ walk farther.3. My elder sister left university at the age of thirty.(保持句意基本不变) My elder sister_in che university_ she was thirty.4. Kitty and her cousins are all keen on Korean love TV series(保持句意基本不变) Kitty and her cousins are all_ _Korean love TV series.5. Susie went to bed after the TV play was over.(保持句意基本不变) Susie _go to bed_the TV play was over.6. Chinese is more popular than Japanese (保持句意基本不变)Japanese is_ popular_Chinese.7. It took her whole life to write the world-famous play.保持句意基本不变) She_ her whole life_ the world-famous play.8. Last week she spent l,000 dollars altogether buying clothes online(保持句意基本不变) Last week she spent l, 000 dollars_ _ buying clothes online.9. You must be quick, if not, youll miss the early bus (保持句意基本不变)_ quick, _youIl miss the early bus.10. You should apologize to the old man for your rough words(保持句意基本不变)You should _ _ to the old man for your rough words.11. They crossed the road after the light turned green(保持旬意基本不变)They_ cross the road_ the light turned green.12. The mother chose some beautiful clothes for her daughter.(保持句意基本不变)The mothersome beautiful clothes for her daughter13,The boy can take only one of the two toys(保持句意基本不变) The boy can take_ this toy_ that one.14. The story happened in a small town on a rainy afternoon(保持句意基本不变)The story _ _ in a small town on a rainy afternoon.15.My brother joined the Party three years ago(保持句意基本不变) My brother_ _ a Party member for three+ years.16. It is good for Uncle Sam to stop smoking(保持句意基本不变) It is good for Uncle Sam to_ smoking.17. We will have no water to drink unless we learn to save water.(保持句意基本不变) We will have no water to drink_ we_ learn to save water.18. His fans went to the airport to say goodbye to him,(保持句意基本不变) His fans went to the airport to_ him_ .19. Tom is good at not only English but also Chinese(保持句意不变)Tom is good at_ English_ Chinese.参考答案1. belonged to 2.so cant 3.stayed until 4.fond of 5.didnt until 6.less than 7.spend on 8.in all 9.Be or 10.say sorry 11.didnt until 12.pick out 13.either or 14. took place 15.has been 16.give up 17.if dont 18.see off 19.both and

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