2020年六年级英语下册Unit1MayIspeaktoKitty导学案陕旅版 .doc

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2020年六年级英语下册Unit1MayIspeaktoKitty导学案陕旅版 本单元首先让学生根据自己生活经验来观察、认识移动电话在生活中的作用,从而引入怎样用英语打电话以及怎样合理使用手机的话题。单元的教学重点是电话用语,而难点在于怎样在话题讨论中锻炼学生的语用能力及与人沟通能力。Learning aims(知识目标)1.Cay say 、read、write: “mobile phone, make a phone call, go on the internet , send a message, read an ebook, send an e-mail”2.能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:- May I speak to? This is. /Sorry,.is out. This isspeaking. Can I take a message? Sure. Hello!Is that? Yes. This isspeaking. /Who is that? This isspeaking.I wont use it to go on the internet or read ebooks. Ill only use it to make phone calls and learn English.3.在情景中能准确熟练地使用句型操练句子. 情感目标1. 引导学生认识移动电话在生活中的作用,并懂得如何合理使用手机。2. 培养学生善于交流、思考的意识和能力,引导其树立积极、乐观的生活态度。3. 培养学生树立正确的学习态度,能律己明辨是非的基本能力。小学六英导学案年级六年级科目英语课题Unit1 May I speak to Kitty?(1)日期主备人 使用者黄娟娟班级六学生学习目标1. Can say、 read、write “mobile phone, make a phone call, go on the internet , send a message, read an ebook, send an e-mail”能灵活运用这些词语。2. 能听懂、读通、理解Lets talk 部分的对话内容。.能流畅的朗读对话,Hello, may I speak to ? Hello!Is that? 基本电话用语。学习重难点1. 能读准写会这些词语。2. 会运用Lets talk部分句型打电话。Hello!Is that? Yes, This isspeaking.学 生 自 主 学 习课堂同步导案v 【自主学习】(Self-learning )一、Learn new words 1.范读mobile phone, make a phone call, go on the internet , send a message短语。 2.Learn to say new phrase in the group. 组内充分读“mobile phone, make a phone call, go on the internet , send a message”并说说短语意思。(one by one)3.个别生教读新短语。师正音,C号生展示读新短语。4.Teaching difficult words: “mobile phone , send an email,5.英汉互译(理解词语,读会词语)mobile phone( ) make a phone call ( ) 拍照 ( ) 发电子邮件( )2、 Lets learn 1.Learn to say “Lets learn.” Listen to the tape. . Learn to say“Lets talk”a. Listen to the tape b.组长带领组员在组内充分的学习对话.(领读,分角色读) 2. 再次听录音,理解对话内容。3.重点操练:May I speak to? This is. /Sorry,.is out. This isspeaking. Can I take a message? Sure. Hello!Is that? Yes. This isspeaking. 合作探究(group-work) 1. 组内说说如何快速的记住这些词语。2.补充并理解句子:May I speak _Kitty? _ Could you please _Kitty to _me? _ 3. Practise Activities: 表演对话Practise Activities: 表演对话。Practise Activities: 用卡片操练词语。课堂检测(testing):1. 把单词补充完整Send a_ make a _call go_ _int_ _net2.句子加工。 message/ a/ can/I take_speaking/ is/ Liu Zhaoyang this_me/ bought/ she/a/ phone/mobile_ 小学六英导学案年级六年级科目英语课题Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?(2)日期主备人 使用者黄娟娟班级六学生学习目标1. 能听懂并理解Lets learn more部分的对话内容。能认读课文对话,并较为流利地模仿演读对话内容。2. 2.Learn to say“Lets play”.熟读Lets chant. 3. 能听懂并理解Read and discuss对话内容.学习重难点1. 学习功能句:I will use it to/ I wont use it to. Im afraid It takes Its bad/good for2. 准确回答;What do you think of Tommy? What should he do? 这两个问句。学 生 自 主 学 习课堂同步导案温故知新Try to doA: Hello! Is _Liu Zhaoyang_?B:Yes. This _Liu Zhaoyang_. _is that?A: This is Kitty.B:Where_you go this morning?A:I_ shopping with my mum. 【自主学习】(Self-learning )一、Lets learn more。1.生自主读Lets learn more。 (在组内相互教读难词难句) 2.学生展示读Lets learn more。3.Read again and tick or cross.二Learn to say”Let s play”1.学生组内读对话,做替换练习。 比赛展示替换对话。2.写写功能句。我可以找.接电话吗?_ 我是_. 你是谁?_3.组内自主学习Read and discuss对话,表演对话。4.Discuss: What do you think of Tommy? What should he do?合作探究(group-work)1、It _too much time and its bad_their eyes._Let me think_it._2.用功能句表演对话。Practise Activities: Say chant. :Would you like to go and play in the town?_ Could you e yo my house and sing a song?_ 课堂检测 1、自编对话。2、表演对话。 A:_i speak _ Li Shan? B:This is Li Shan speaking. Who is_?B:This is LiLy. _will you do tomorrow, Li Shan?1、 A:I will_(打网球) 小学六英导学案年级六年级科目 英语课题 Unit1 May I speak to Kitty? (3)日期主备人 使用者黄娟娟班级;六学生学习目标通过学习Part C,培养学生的听、说、读、写能力。学习重难点能准确巩固和灵活运用所学词语和功能句。学 生 自 主 学 习课堂同步导案 【自主学习】(Self-learning ) 1.译一译。 S_ _k to( ) ph_ _e c_ll( ) 互联网_ s_ _d ( ) e-m_ _l ( ) 2.引导学生操练句型: -May I speak to? -This is. /-Sorry,.is out. This isspeaking. Can I take a message? -Sure.- Hello!Is that? Yes. This isspeaking. 3.独立完成Order and act.读句子-了解内容-尝试排序-读通对话-表演对话4. Look and write. 引导学生读句子汇报答案。 合作探究(group-work) 学生组内完成Think and talk. 运用所给词语和句型做对话。 课堂检测1. 按要求写句子。当你想找某人接电话时,你应说:_在电话中介绍自己时应说:_在电话中询问对方是Kitty吗?_ 2. 完成练习册。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页


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