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2020年三年级英语下册Unit8TheRulerIsLongparta教案陕旅版1教学目标 1. 能听说读写词汇:long, short ,tall ,tree, grass, big, small.2. 掌握short的两个不同含义。2学情分析 本班学生活泼好动,大部分同学能在小组长的带领下主动完成学习任务,同学们喜欢生动形象的游戏活动,他们喜欢在玩中学,学中玩,体会学习英语的乐趣,积极主动的学习习惯以及精心设计的游戏活动,让学生在课堂上能有所收获。3重点难点 1. long , short ,tall ,tree, grass, big, small等的正确熟练使用。2.能用以上词汇描述所见物品。4教学过程 4.1 第一课时 教学过程:指说身体部位的游戏(边说边做动作)Eye-eyes nose-a nose mouth-a mouth face- a face ear-earshead- a head hand-hands arm-arms leg-legs foot-feetOK. Wonderful, Good Job You!问候T: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss Bai.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Me, too.Today we are going to learn Unit8 The Ruler Is Long. OK? Follow me, Unit 8-The ruler is long- Unit 8 The ruler is long-Yes, great. 板书题目Before class, I ll find a little teacher to lead us to review.找一位小老师带大家复习下面单词。Who want to have a try?一生带领其他学生复习,鼓励语言:hey, hey, great!1.新课导入:带领学生观察教室并且询问:What can you see in the picture?2.新课展示:(1)出示图片并询问T: What can you see in the picture? Whats this?Ss: ruler, pencilT:对比两幅图片你可以发现什么?T:The ruler is long. The pencil is short.然后领读单词long和short并造句领读单词2遍,升调2遍,降调1遍出示单词卡片,板书单词卡片拼写1遍,Spell it together. Ready go!出示ppt造句(2)出示图片并询问T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: elephant, catT:对比两幅图片你可以得出什么结论?T:The elephant is big. The cat is small.然后领读单词big和small并造句。领读单词2遍,升调2遍,降调1遍出示单词卡片,板书单词卡片拼写1遍,Spell it together. Ready go!出示ppt造句(3)出示图片并询问T:Whats this?Ss: Its a car/bike.T:What are these?Ss: They are cars/bikes.The cars are big. The bikes are small.(4)出示图片并询问T: What can you see in the picture?T: tree, grass对比两幅图片你可以得出什么结论?T: The tree is tall. The grass is short.然后领读单词并造句。领读单词2遍,升调2遍,降调1遍出示单词卡片,板书单词卡片拼写1遍,Spell it together. Ready go!出示ppt造句T: Who is he?Ss: He is Yao Ming/a boy.T: He is tall/short.(5)眼疾手快,看卡片读单词让一名学生快速的抽取卡片,其他学生抢读单词,小组加分(6)小组内练习读单词,并且带动作(7)上台表演(8)对着图片进行描述,小组比赛师示范1-2个,剩下的派一名学生当小老师,领读学习。例子:Yao Ming is tall.(拼写-领读2遍)is long.is short.is tall.is bigis small等句子的练习。3.巩固活动Practice Activities:(1).教师拿出所准备的抽奖箱,将所准备的物品卡片放在一个抽奖箱中,将形容词卡片放到另外一个抽奖箱中,选择一名学生从两个抽奖箱中各抽取一张卡片造句:The is / are(2).练习:将下列单词补充完整。、ta _ _ sh_ _ t b_ g sm_ _ r_ lerl_ _ g tr _ _ g_ ass选择填空,并画一画你漂亮的妈妈This is my mother. She is (tall/short).Her arms are (long/short). Her legs are (long/short). Her head is (big/small). Her hair is (long/short)Her mouth is (big/small). Her eyes are (big/small). She is beautiful. I love my mother.4、内容小结:一名学生谈学习所得?5、作业布置(1)、正确书写、识记今天所学的7个单词。(2)、课后继续和同伴进行“is long is short”“ is big. is small.” “is tall. is short”的句型练习。教学反思:练习:1.将下列单词补充完整。、ta _ _ sh_ _ t b_ g sm_ _ r_ ler l_ _ g tr _ _ g_ ass2.想一想,勾一勾你漂亮的妈妈This is my mother.She is (tall/short).Her arms are (long/short).Her legs are (long/short).Her head is (big/small).Her hair is (long/short). Her mouth is (big/small).Her eyes are (big/small).She is nice. I love(爱) my mother.画画区:小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页


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