2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 My day(第5课时)练习题 人教PEP版x.doc

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 My day(第5课时)练习题 人教PEP版x.doc_第1页
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Unit 1 My day第五课时一、看图填空。1. Iusually (上舞蹈课)on Saturday.2. Ioften(去买东西)on the weekend.3. I often (散步)every morning.4. I often (打扫我的房间)on Sunday.go have do play二、选择合适的动词填空。1. homework 2. dinner 3. classes 4. shopping 5. breakfast 6. sports三、英汉连线。1. go shopping with Mum A. 擦窗户2. take a dancing class B. 去散步 3. clean the window C. 上舞蹈课4. go for a walk D. 和妈妈去购物四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, I am Tim. Its Sunday today. Today I have many things to do.I get up at 6 oclock, and then I do morning exercises.After that I eat breakfast and do my homework. At 10:30, I play sports with my classmates.I eat lunch at 12:00.In the afternoon, I go to the park with my friends and I have a picnic there.In the evening, I watch TV. And I go to bed at 9:00.What a nice day!( ) 1.Its Saturday today.( ) 2.Tim gets up at 6 oclock every day.( ) 3.Tim does his homework before 10:30.( ) 4.Tim goes to the park with his parents and has a picnic there.( ) 5.Tim goes to bed at 9 oclock in the evening.答案:一、1. take a dancing class 2. go shopping 3. go for a walk 4. clean my room二、1. do 2. have 3. have 4. go 5. have 6. play.三、1D 2C 3A 4B 四、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页

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