2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版.doc

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版.doc_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版.doc_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Where did you go》(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教PEP版.doc_第3页
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Where did you go教学目标要求1 能够听懂录音,判断句子正误。2 能够听、说、读、写并在情景中运用句型:Where did you go ? 3. 能够在语境中理解新词组及单词fell off, Labor Day, mule, Turpan, could, till的意思,并能正确发音。4能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。5能够完成对同学周末计划的调查活动。教学重点1.能够听、说、读、写并在情景中运用句型:Where did you go ? 2.能够在语境中理解新词组及单词fell off, Labor Day, mule, Turpan, could, till的意思,并能正确发音。教学难点能够完成对同学周末计划的调查活动教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明Warm up时间9m1歌曲热身,为学习目标语做铺垫Lets sing.Hello, boys and girls! Now lets sing together.Last weekend I went to the zoo. What did you do last weekend?I saw a film and played ping-pong.What did you do last weekend?Last night I watched TV.What did you do last night?I stayed at home and read a book.What did you do last night?播放歌曲动画。2师生对话导入,为学习目标语做铺垫Free talk.Now lets begins our lesson. 1. Is everybody here? How are you today?(教师在听到学生说自己身体欠佳或状况不好的时候,可以回答:I am sorry to hear that. / Thats too bad. / What a pity! / Are you all right?)2. What did you do last weekend?(通过问题复习上单元内容,同时继续引入过去式的学习。)播放课件。3听录音,完成练习Listen and tick or cross.John is not at school today. What happened to John? Lets listen and tick or cross.(教师播放Lets try录音,学生完成题目,并校对答案。)播放课件。听录音,请学生判断对错。 Lets talk时间20m4导入本课话题Pair work.John is not at school today. Why? What happened to him? Amy is very worried about John. Now she is talking with John.教师请学生看图片,理解fell off my bike 的意思。What do you say to John?Thats too bad. / Im sorry to hear that. / What a pity! / Are you all right? .Im OK now.教师引导学生注意当听到别人不好的消息时,应该如何回答。让学生发散思维,运用多种不同的回答表示对别人的问候,同桌角色扮演对话。播放课件。5欣赏图片,回答问题John:Come and look at my photos from the Labor Day holiday.Lets enjoy Johns photos from the Labor Day holiday.Where did John go over his holiday?通过欣赏图片,学生猜出:(He went to Xinjiang.)通过播放图片让学生猜一猜John在五一假期所去的地方,进一步引入对话内容的学习。播放课件。6听音,提取有效信息,学习目标语Listen and answer.What did John do in Xinjiang? Lets listen.教师播放John与Amy对话录音。Did you get some information? (He rode a horse and saw lots of grapes.)教师请学生看图,呈现两个新的词组并读一读。播放课件。7学生发散思维,讨论问题Lets discuss.What else could John do Xinjiang?教师先让学生头脑风暴,然后小组之间进行讨论。鼓励学生进行自由表达。最后教师为学生提供更多的图片,让学生理解What else的含义。播放课件。8Listen, read and answer.Now lets listen again and read the passage. Then answer the question: Why couldnt John eat the grapes in Turpan? 然后教师出示刚才听力内容的文本,请学生再听一听,跟读,并在文中划出John做的事情。同时回答问题播放课件。9Watch and follow.看动画,感受对话情景,加深对内容细节的理解。Now, lets watch the cartoon.播放动画。10Listen, say and act.教师播放录音,学生逐句跟读课文,纠正发音和语音语调,最后分角色表演。Now lets listen again and read.Then act it out with your partner.播放课件,学生表演对话。Letspractice时间10m11看图对话,加深目标语的印象Pair work.A: Where did you go over your holiday?B: I went to _.A: What did you do there?B: I _.播放课件。Homework时间1m12Homework.1听教材会话录音熟读课文。2采访你的家人或老师的一次旅行经历。播放课件。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 10 页 共 10 页


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