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2019年牛津英语上海版二年级第一学期M2U3教案I. Teaching aims: 1. Learning the words: hair, head, face, body, leg, arm, foot, feet.2. Reviewing the words of five sences: mouth, eye, ear, nose.3. Introducing oneself with the sentence: My is . My s are .4. Showing good appearance to others.II. Key points: 1. Learning the words: hair, head, face, body, leg, arm, foot, feet.2. Reviewing the words of five sences: mouth, eye, ear, nose.3. Introducing oneself with the sentence: My is . My s are .III. Difficult points: Identify the using of is and are.IV. Teaching aids: puters, word cards, picture, photos of family members.V. Teaching procedures:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparationsWarming-up1. sing the song eye and ear and mouth and nose2. Ask and answerWhos she? Is that a boy? Is he tall? 用学过的相关的歌曲作为铺垫,为下面的学习做好准备。While-task procedures1. a game2. Learn: Im Giant. 3. Learn: head, hair, face, My is .4. My s are 5. say more about Giant: body, arm, hand, leg, foot(feet)6. Learn: I like Giant. I dont like Giant.Touching and sayingT: One, two, three, touch your knees.P: One, two, three, touch my knees.Eyes, nose, mouth, eyes, hands, arms, body .T: Today, Ill introduce you a friend. Hes tall and big. He lives in an old castle. Play the puter.G: Hello. Im Giant. Im big and tall.T: Lets say hello to him.P: Hello, Giant.T: Who can act Giant.Ask to change voice to read the sentence.1) G: Look, this is my head. My head is big. Head, head, this is my head. My head is big.Ask to say the word like this.P: My head is .2) T: Whats this?P: Hair.G: This is my hair. And my hair is short.Hair, hair, short hair, long hair, black hair. (make phrases)T: My hair is long and black. How about your?P: My hair is .3) G: Look at my face. Its round.Face, face, my face is round.Ask to make sentence.1) G: Whats on my face? What have I got?P: A big mouth and a big nose.P: My mouth is big and my nose is big.2)G: Ive got two big eyes.T: You can say My eyes are big. Ask to say more about oneself.G: And my ears are big. My eyes and my ears are big.Ask to repeat the sentence.T: Look at the Giant. Who can act him to describe more things.My body _ fat.My arms _ long.My hands _ big.My legs _ long.And my feet _ are.T: I like Giant. Do you like him. Maybe boys like him more. If you like him, please say I like Giant. If you dont, say I dont like Giant.游戏中复习学习过的单词,熟练朗读,为进一步学习铺垫。引入人物,通过模仿声音来学习单词和句型,调动起学生的兴趣。图片帮助提示,从头开始介绍,引入单词和句型,从单数开始学习。通过学生自己的实际情况来操练单词,尽可能多的表达自己。扩展词汇,熟练操练单数句型。利用学习过的五官单词来熟练操练句子。从单数自然过渡到复数,并适当的扩大句子的长度,逐步增加难度。对巨人进行表演,充分操练词汇量,扩展思维的空间,激发学生的潜力。通过表演来学习句型,说出自己的喜好。Post-task activities1. Act the Giant2. Introduce yourselfAct the Giant to say more about him.T: Can you say something about yourself.Im . Im and . My is . And my is . My s are . My s are and .再次朗读儿歌,巩固加深印象。提高学生的反映速度,巩固句型。AssignmentsHomeworkIntroduce one family member or friend to others.巩固知识。Board writing: Im Giant. My is . And my is .Im and . My s are . My s and s are .The second periodI. Teaching aims: 1. Review the words of our body.2. Describing yourself and others according to the apperance.3. Using the sentences to describing: Your is/are .II. Key points: 1. Review the words of our body.2. Describing yourself and others according to the apperance.III. Difficult points: Identify My is/are and your is/are .IV. Teaching aids: puters, word cards, picture, photos of family members.V. Teaching procedures:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparationsWarming-upAct the Giant.复习知识,为下面的学习做准备。While-task procedures1. point and say2. Your is/are .3. learn: My is not . Your is not 4. Learn: SupergirlT: Look. My nose is small. My hair is long and black.Ask pupils to say something about themselves.1) T: Giants nose is big. Your nose is big, too. Your mouth is small.Ask to say the sentence.P1: Your is .P2: Your is .2) T: My eyes are small. Look, your eyes are small, too.P1: Your s are .3) play a gameT: My mouth is small.P: Your mouth is small.T: My legs are long.P: Your legs are long.Pair work.1) T: Your hair is long. How about mine?P: Your hair is long, too.T: No, my hair is not very long.Ask to make sentence: My is not very .T: Your hands are small.P: Your hands are big.T: No, my hands are not very big.Make sentence with are.2)T: My nose is small. How about yours?P: My nose is big.T: No, your nose is not very big.Ask to say more about others.3)T: My eyes are big. Your eyes are P: My eyes are small.T: Yesterday, I introduce you Giant. Today, I will show you another friend. Shes Supergirl. Look at her. How is she?T: Im Supergirl. Im small and short.P: Youre Supergirl. Youre small and short.P: Your face is round. Your eyes are big and your hair is long.Ask to say more. T: Do you like Supergirl?P: Yes, I do.T: Supergirl, supergirl, I like you.通过介绍复习学习过的单词和句型作为铺垫。描述自己的朋友,改变人称,从而引入新的句型。从单数到复数,数量掌握句型。快速应答,帮助学生掌握句型,并能熟练的运用。从肯定过渡到否定的表达,帮助学生理解含义,并能直观的表述。改变人称进行操练,熟练掌握否定的表达。给出提示的方式来引发学生的思维空间。引入新的描述对象进行全面的表达,帮助学生能熟练的描述出别人的外形特征。Post-task activitiesDescribingChoose one friend to describe with:Youre . Youre and . your is . Your s are . I like you.整体操练,加强学生表达的完整性。AssignmentsHomeworkIntroduce one friend to your parents.巩固知识。Board writing: My is/are . Your is/are . Youre . Youre and . My is/are not very . Your is/are not . Your is . Your are I like you.The third periodI. Teaching aims: 1. Learning the word: lion, kite.2. Learning the pronuncitation of letters: Kk and Ll.3. Describing oneself and others with positive and negative sentences.4. Getting to know more about others with playing games.II. Key points: 1. Learning the word: lion, kite.2. Learning the pronuncitation of letters: Kk and Ll.3. Describing oneself and others with positive and negative sentences.III. Difficult points: Identify your and my.IV. Teaching aids: puters, word cards, picture, photos of family members.V. Teaching procedures:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparationsWarming-upsay the pronunciation of letters from a to l.对字母进行发音复习。While-task procedures1. letters pronunciation2. Introdution3. play a game1)T: Look at this. Its beautiful and colourful. What is it?P: Its a kite.K,/k/, kite, a red kite, a small kite.Ask to make phrases.2) T: Whats near the kite?P: Its a big lion.L, /l/, lion, a big lion, a yellow lion.Ask to repeat the tongue twister.1) T: Can you introduce yourself?P: Im .Im and My is .I can and . And my are . 2)T: Can you introduce your friend?Youre .Youre and .Your is . You can and . And your are .1) T: Who can act Giant.P: Im Giant now. T: Yes, youre Giant.P: Im big and tall.T: Youre big and tall.P: My hair is short.T: Your hair is short.P: And my eyes are big.T: Your eyes are big.T: Who can act Giant?Ask to practice.2) Supergirl.T: Im Supergirl.P: Youre Supergirl.T: I m .P: Youre .T: I can fly.P: You can fly.3) pair work to practice more.从图片上获得信息,掌握发音,并扩展词汇的输出量。句子来帮助字母的发音。对学习过的知识进行进一步巩固,熟练的掌握句型,为下面的学习做好充分的准备。在老师的辅助下朗读课文的同时明确游戏的目的和规则。角色转换,帮助学生进一步掌握正确的表达。学生自主训练。Post-task activities1. Listen and read2. work book Read the text book.More exercise通过录音,完善语音语调。巩固知识。AssignmentsHomeworkPlay the games with your friends or parents.进一步训练句型和单词。Board writing: P1: Im . P2: Youre . Im and . Youre and . My is . Your is . And my are . And your are . I can and . You can and .小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页


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