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2019年广州版小学英语六年级上册教材内容提要第一部分:句型、语法肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在I amWe/You/They areHe/She/It isI am notWe/You/They arent He/She/It isnt Am I ?Are we/you/they ?Is he/she/it?一般将来I will be (amgoing to be)We/You/They willbe (are going tobe)He/She/It will be (is going to Be)I wont be (am not going to be)We/You/They wont be (arent going to be)He/She/It wont be (isnt going to be) Will/Shall we/I?Am I going to be ?Will you/we/they/ he/she/it?Will you/we/they be?Are we/they/you going to be?Is he/she/it going to be?一般过去I/He/She/It wasWe/You/They wereI/He/She/It wasntWe/You/They werentWas I/he/she/it?Were we/you/they ?There be:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在There is/areThere isnt/arent.Is/Are there?一般将来There is/are going to beThere will beThere isnt/arent going to beThere wont beWill there be ?Are there going to?一般过去I wasWe/You/They wereHe/She/It wasI/He/She/It wasntWe/You/They werentWas/Were there?To do (行为动词以work为例)一般现在I/We/You/They workHe/She/It worksI/We/You/They dont workHe/She/It doesnt workDo I/you/we/theywork?Does he/she/itwork?现在进行时I am workingWe/You/They are workingHe/She/It is WorkingI am not working We/You/They arent workingHe/She/It isnt workingAm I working?Are you/we/they working?Is he/she/it working?一般将来I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work Im going to workWe/You/They are going to workHe/She/It is going to workI/We/You/He/She/It/They wont workIm not going to workWe/You/They arent going to workHe/She/It isnt going to workWill I/we/you/ they/he/she/it work?Am I going to work?Are you/we/they going to work?Is he/she going towork?一般过去I/We/You/They/He/She/It workedI/We/You/They/He/She/It didnt work Did I/we/you/they/he/she/it work?1 读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗? I. Who lives there. Who is singing in the room? Who was at home yesterday? II. What does he do? What is he doing? What did they do? When does he usually get up? When did she have dinner yesterday? Where is he now? Where are they planting trees? Where did they play football? How is your mother? How is he ing? How did they get there?Why does he go there? Why did she go there? III. Whose book is this? Whose parents are ing here? Which book is yours? Which presents did he give you?2. 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗? A. 一般情况下加-er, -est: long longer, longest; small smaller, smallest B. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est: big bigger, biggest; hot hotter, hottestC. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est: funny funnier, funniest, lucky luckier, luckiestD. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most: slowly more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most deliciousE. 不规则变化: good better, best; bad worse, worst (2) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗? A. This book is newer than that one. The English book is the newest of the three. Mike runs faster than John. Mike runs fastest in his class. B. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This tree is the oldest in the park. The girl is swimming better than the girl. Jim swims best in his group. C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs. The meeting is the most important. The old man walks more slowly the young man. Kate jumps highest in her class. D. Tim has more books than Jim. Tim has the most stamps in his class.3. 关于代词some-, any-, no-, every-: (1) some- 多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子: Someone will e here. Would you like something to eat. (2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句: Is there anything in the box? We dont want to see anyone of them? (3) no- 是事实的否定: There is nothing in the room. Nobody can do that.(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数: There is something in the bottle.Everyone likes it.表1:小学教材各话题板块涉及的主要内容话题板快主要涉及模块主要涉及单词主要涉及语法、功能等数字、数量、时间、日期B1M6 B3M5-6 B5M1基数、序数、星期、日期、月份、季节、年份、钟点的表达、计量单位等 名词复数; How many / How heavy / How long / What time / When 等引导的疑问句和回答等; 时间、星期、日期的询问与表达;购物B3M1 B4M4money, change, shop assistant, vendor 招呼与应答; 表达要买某种商品或询问是否有某种商品; 对商品的评论; 询问价格; 询问是否还需其他商品及应答; 找零人物:年龄、体貌衣着、性格、职业、爱好与特长、理想、生平B1M2 B2M3 B3M1-4 B4M1-2 B5M2 B8M3 B8M5表男女老少的类别名、身体部位名、服饰名、体质与外貌形容词、性格形容词、职业、表特长爱好的动词 描述体质外貌的各种句式:be +adj, has/have + n, with + n, in + n 的用法 表示爱好与特长的句式:like sth/doing sth, be good/bad at, do(es)well; 描述爱好与行为习惯等的一般现在时:He reads a lot. He watches TV very often等; 表示职业、愿望的句式:be + jobs; I want to be a when I grow up. I hope I can 叙述生平的句式:be born 学校生活:课程、作息、课外活动B4M3 B5M1 B6M1 B6M3科目名、作息动词、运动、娱乐动词 一般现在时的各种句式家庭生活:家庭成员及其职业与爱好、家务与休闲B2M1B3M6 B4M4 B5M1家庭成员名、职业名、爱好特长动词、娱乐形式名词及动词、家务动词、频度副词 一般现在时的各种句式; 询问与表达频度; 谈论对娱乐节目的爱好; 评论娱乐节目食品B4M4 B6M5食品名、三餐名、进食动词 三餐时间; 谈论饮食习惯; 对饮食的偏好与评论; 待客用语及应答生活习惯与健康B6M2 B6M5描述体质的形容词、描述身体感觉的形容词、生活习惯的动词、 描述身体感觉和状况 看病用语 情态动词should的用法 祈使句(电话)邀约与聚会B7M3-4 邀请与应答 电话用语 商量聚/约会时间、地点、交通方式等动物、植物B1M2B2M2 B5M2-3 B5M5 B6M4动植物名、动物行为方式动词、公园行为动词、描述动作的副词 描述动物外貌和习性的一般现在时 祈使句 规则的表达(can, need, must, mustnt)天气与季节B6M1 B6M6天气形容词、气象名词、季节性娱乐和体育活动动词 询问与描述天气 比较天气 谈论对季节的偏好节假日、旅行、城市、计划与建议B1M5 B5M4 B7M1-2 B7M6B7M3-4节假日名、交通方式名、国家与城市名、描述城市的形容词、休闲娱乐动词 询问计划和称述计划 各种提建议的句式 描述和比较城市 描述传统节日地点、方位与方向B2M4-6 B5M6 房间名、家具名、场所名、学校场室名、方位介词、描述场室的形容词 描述位置关系 问路和指路 描述场室变化:人的变化、地方的变化B6M3 B8M1动词的过去式 描述体貌性格、职业身份、行为习惯、能力、场所处室、天气等各种变化过去的事情B7M5 B8M2-4动词的过去式故事中的词组 讲述过去的事情 描述人物的生平 讲述故事表2:小学教材话题分配ModuleBook1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5Book 6Book 7Book 81GreetingsRelationshipsClothes/Shopping AgeRoutines And Dates Our LifePlansChanges2My BodyAnimalsPeopleActivities/Hobbies AbilitiesSeeing a DoctorCitiesDiaries3StationeryNationalitiesOccupationsSportsPlantsOur School and Our Classan InvitationFamous People4ColoursMy RoomPeople Who Help UsEntertainmentTravelWild AnimalsOn the telephoneStories and Fables5TransportMy HouseTimeFood and DrinkZoo AnimalsEating HabitsThe PastHopes and Fantasies6Numbers and ShapesMy SchoolDays Of The WeekShoppingDirectionsWeatherFestivals表2:小学教材动词分类日常作息:wake up get up get dressed wash the face brush the teeth have breakfast go to school go to work have lessons have lunch take a rest play sports take exercises go (back) home have dinner do homework have a bath go to bed sleep eat drink cook 娱乐休闲:have a party have a picnic do some reading do shopping go shopping go boating go swimming go sightseeing go fishing go traveling go on a river cruise go to the circus go to the flower show go to the cinema go to a football match watch a football match on TV e to tea see a film watch the birds listen to music / the radio watch TV climb the mountain play cards e-mail a friend write a lettervisit a friend / Beijing meet a friend 爱好与特长:sing draw paint play the piano / the guitar do well in make a ship model play cards play chess 体育运动: run swim skip rope swim play basketball play football play table tennis play tennis play badminton do weight-lifting 家务:water the flowers do gardening plant trees / flowers clean the house sweep the floor wash the dishes cook wash the car wash clothes feed the pet 学习:read listen speak write study learn practice hand in the homework borrow a book return a book catch up with teach mark the homework prepare the lessons tell a story 心理和情感活动:want love enjoy like dislike love prefer hope wish agree with think dream feel sad /happy /excited /bored worry 身体健康:take exercise see a doctor take the medicine go on a diethave a cold / fever / toothache / headache feel tired /hot /cold /ill /sickeat drink 感官动词:listen to hear look at see watch feel hot / cold /tired sound interesting / different / great look young / tall / beautiful /fresh /good 种植活动:grow / plant a tree grow / plant flowers water the flowers dig a hole fill in the earth pick up the fruit appear位置移动:leave leave for start for move bring take climb run walk swim jump fly sit down stand up throw at travel go e get to get out of get down fall fall over 与职业有关的动词:work put out fires clean up everything deliver letters catch criminals serve food and drinks help in a shop drive a taxi / an ambulance check your teeth help us to learn help sick people 与“说”有关的动词:say speak talk tell 与“看”有关的动作:look look at look for watch see 其它动词: last begin start end finish bite blow blow out buy call carry catch change check close open count cost cover crash cut decorate free change give grow / grow up help invite get wet kill keep look for make need put on put out show turn wait for run into crash into weigh have have a rest have a bath have a cold have a good time have been to have a look have fun have to take take a message take a rest take medicine take exercise take photos take a bustake me to the flower show take the third left Ill take it. play play puter games play cards play basketball play musical instruments play the piano 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 8 页 共 8 页


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