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2019年小学英语人教版五年级期中测试题说明:本试题满分100分,考试时间40分钟。题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分一.看图补全单词,每空一个字母。 (10分)1. He is f_ _ _ _ny. 2. She is sl . 3. She has c ly hair. 4. She is ly. 5. The book is th_ _ _ _ .二 看图判断对错。(10分)1. He has freckles. ( ) 2. She has straight hair.( )3. He is helpful.( ) 4. He is hardworking. ( )5. They are twins. ( )三看图,根据句子表述,写出图中人物的姓名。(10分)1. Tom is the tallest.2. Sallys hair is the longest.3. Bill is the shortest.4. Mary wears a cap in her head.5. Mike is the oldest. ( )( )( )( )( )四、看图,根据问题选出正确选项。(10分)( ) 1. Which ball is bigger? A. B. ( )2. Who is pretty?A. B. ( )3. Which is faster?A. B. ( )4. Which ruler is the longest?A. B. C. ( )5. Who dances best? A. B. 五单项选择。(18分)( )1._hairisblack. A.She B.her C.Her ( )2.Mybrothers hair is_thanmysisters. A. shorter B.taller C.slower( )3.Agoodstudentis_. A.lazy B.careless C.honest ( )4.Who is _, Tom or John? A. tall B. taller C. the tallest ( )5. A cat is _ than a dog. A. bigger B. smaller C. thicker ( )6. My book is _ in my class? A. new B. newer C.newest ( )7. The boy is my brother. _ name is Tom. A.Her B.He C. His ( )8. The biggest animal is the _ A. elephant B. dog C. Tiger( )9.Peterisgoodatmath,English, music and Chinese.Heis_ A. helpful B.careless C.smart 六请根据问句选出正确的回答。(10分)( )1.-What does he look like? - A. He is my friend. B. He is big. His hair is blond.( )2. - What is he good at? - A. He is good at English.B. He is my good friend.( )3. - What is he like? - A.He is friendly.B. He likes sports . ( )4. -Who is the quieter? - A. Lucy is quieter than me.B. I am the quietest.( )5. -Who sings best in your class? - A. Liu Fang sings better. B. Liu Fang sings best.七从方框中选择合适的单词填在句子中,每个单词只能用一次。(10分) better fastest helpful thick hardest 1.Binbin often helps me. He is .2.This book is very .3. He studies in his class.4. She swims in the class.5. She sings than her mum.八请为下面的句子选出对应的图片。(8分)( )1. He is lazy. He likes watching TV. He doesnt like homework. ( )2. They like talking. They are talkative. ( )3. They likes swimming. Betty swims slower than Jane. ( )4. Her hair is long. She cooks best. A.B. C. D.九阅读短文,判断正()误()(14分)My name is Sam. I am 12 years old. I run fast. I am friendly. I have two friends. They are Lily and Peter. Lily is only 11 years old. She is shy. She runs faster than me. Peter is 13 years old. He runs faster than Lily. He is popular in our class.Peter is taller than me. I am taller than Lily. ( )1. I am older than Peter.( )2. Lily is friendly. .( )3. Peter is shy.( )4. Lily is the oldest.( )5. Peter is popular in our class.6.Who is the tallest? 7. Who runs fastest? 答 案 一.看图补全单词,每空一个字母。 (10分)fuuny 2. slim 3. curly 4. ugly 5. Thin二看图判断对错。(10分)三看图,根据句子表述,写出图中人物的姓名。(10分)Bill Tom Mike Sally Mary四、看图,根据问题选出正确选项。(10分)BBACB五单项选择。(18分)CACBB CCAC六请根据问句选出正确的回答。(10分)BAAAB七从方框中选择合适的单词填在句子中,每个单词只能用一次。(10分)Helpful 2. thick 3. hardest 4. fastest 5.better 八请为下面的句子选出对应的图片。(8分)DBAC九阅读短文,判断正()误()(14分)Peter is the tallest.Peter runs fastest小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页


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