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2019年小升初专题6季节重点词汇:季节: season 季节 spring 春季 summer 夏季 autumn/ fall 秋季 winter 冬季天气:weather 天气 sunny 晴朗的 windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 snowy 有雪的气候:warm 暖和的 hot 炎热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的 dry干燥的 wet潮湿的自然现象:river 河 sea 海 rain 雨 snow 雪 cloud 云stream 小溪 sun 太阳 moon 月亮 star 星星 rainbow 彩虹 seed 种子 soil 土壤 sprout 嫩芽 plant 植物 vapour 蒸汽 wheat 小麦 sky 天空 grass 草 flower 花 forest 森林 mountain 大山 tree 树 活动:swim 游泳 fly kites 放风筝 skate 滑冰 make a snowman 堆雪人 plant trees 植树城市设施:path 小路 road 马路 building 建筑物 city 城市 house房子 village 村庄 bridge 桥重点句型:1 Whats your favorite season? / Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? My favorite season is spring. / I like spring best. 我最喜欢春季。2 Why do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春季? Because I can plant trees.3 Its windy and warm in spring. 春天多风温暖。4 Its sunny and hot in summer. 夏天晴朗炎热。5 Its windy and cool in autumn / fall. 秋天多风凉爽。6 Its windy and cold in winter. 冬天多风寒冷。7 Summer is good, but I like autumn best. 夏天很好,但是我最喜欢秋天。8 I can plant trees/ fly kites in spring. 春天我可以植树/ 放风筝。9 I can swim in summer. 夏天我可以游泳。10 I can skate and make a snowman in winter. 冬天我可以滑冰堆雪人。11 How do we save water? 我们怎样节约用水?12 We should not waste water. 我们不应该浪费水。13 Where does the rain e from? 雨是从哪里来的? (雨是怎样形成的?)14 It es from the clouds. 它是从云中来的。15 Its warm today 今天很暖和。16 This is the weather report. 这是天气预报。17 Whats the weather like in XIan? / Hows the weather in Xian? 西安天气怎样?18 Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. 下雨了,打开你的伞。19 Its windy. Hold on your hat. 刮风了,戴好你的帽子。20 Its sunny. Put on your sunglasses. 太阳出来了,戴上你的太阳镜。21 Its snowy. Put on your boots. 下雪了,穿上你的靴子。22 Its cloudy. Take your raincoat. 天阴了,带上你的雨衣。23 Is there a village over there ?那有村庄吗? Yes,there is. 是的,有。24 Is there a path here ? 这有一条小路吗?No, there isnt 不,没有25 There is a river near here. 这附近有一条河。26 Are there any pandas in the mountains? 这附近有熊猫吗?No, there arent. 不,没有。27 Is there a lake in the nature park? 自然公园里有湖吗?Yes, but its very far. 是的,但很远。28 Are there any bridges in your village? 你们村子里有桥吗?Yes, there are. 是的,有。29 There are many rivers and bridges in the village. 村子里有很多河和桥。30 There are many mountains near my village. 我们村附近有很多山。重点题型:一 翻译:1 季节 2 春天 3 冬天 4 晴朗的5 多风的 6 暖和的 7 寒冷的 8 天气9 小河 10 土壤 11 大山 12 大海13 多云的 14 炎热的 15 树 16 草17夏天我可以游泳。18这附近有一条河。19你们村子里有桥吗。20春天多风温暖。21冬天多风寒冷。22这是天气预报。23你最喜欢哪个季节?24你为什么喜欢春季?二 选择填空1 I like _ because I can plant trees.A: spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter2 Its very _ in summer.A: warm B: hot C: cool D: cold3 I can make a snowman in_.A: spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter4 _ there a river in your village?A: Are B: Do C: Is 5 Its rainy. You should take your _.A: hat B: bag C: umbrella6 When its winter in China, its _ in Australia.A: Spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter7 Which _ do you like better, summer or winter?A: month B: season C: week三 补全对话A: Which season do you like best?B: _. Because I can plant trees in spring.A: Is it very hot in spring?B:_.Its always very warm. _?A: My favorite season is summer.B: _?A: Because I can swim and eat ice-cream.B: _?A: Yes, I do. I like swimming very much. B: How about swimming this afternoon?A: That sounds interesting. 综合运用:Hans: Where do you e from?Lisa: I e from Greece.Hans: Whats the climate (气候) like in your country?Lisa: Its very pleasant (宜人).Hans: Whats the weather like in spring?Lisa: Its often windy in March. Its always warm in April and May, but it sometimes rains.Hans: Whats it like in summer?Lisa: Its always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.Hans: Is it cold or warm in autumn?Lisa: Its always warm in September and October. Its often very cold in November and it rains sometimes.Hans: Is it very cold in winter?Lisa: Its often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes. 判断正误:1. Lisa es from Greece. ( )2. Its always very cool in spring ( )3. It always rains in summer. ( ) 4. Its often warm in September and October. ( )5. The weather in Greece is very pleasant. ( )选择填空:1. Its _in March.A: sunny B: windy C: cloudy D: rainy2. The sun shines every day in _.A: spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter.3. It snows in _.A: spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter.4. Its very _ in December, January and February.A: warm B: hot C: cool D: winter 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页


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