2019年小升初英语专项基础训练 完形填空19.doc

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2019年小升初英语专项基础训练 完形填空19A On weekdays, Ann gets up at six thirty. She _1_ breakfast at seven, and _2_ she goes to school _3_ her bike. She gets to school at about seven thirty. She doesnt like _4_. Classes begin at eight oclock and lunch _5_ at twelve. _6_ are over at three thirty, and she _7_ home at five oclock. On Sundays, Ann doesnt get up _8_. She gets up at about eight oclock and _9_ breakfast for her family. Her father and mother like to _10_ tea in bed. (C)1. A) is B) are C) has D) have 【详解】have .v.吃. 注意主谓一致。 (D)2. A) after B) before C) that D) then 【详解】then 接着. (B)3. A) by B) on C) with D) for 【详解】on ones bike表示骑自行车,相当于by bike. (C)4. A) late B) be late C) to be late D) to late 【详解】动词不定式作宾语。 (A)5. A) is B) are C) has D) have 【详解】主语联系动词表语结构。 (B)6. A) Class B) Classes C) School D) Schools 【详解】class .n.课程. 通过be动词are判断主语为复数形式。 (D)7. A) gets to B) get to C) get D) gets 【详解】get home .ph.到家. (A)8. A) early B) late C) be early D) be late 【详解】结合上下文,在周末,Ann不会起很早。 (D)9. A) goes B) has C) eats D) makes 【详解】make.for. .ph.为做 (B)10. A) make B) drink C) making D) drinking 【详解】动词不定式一般式由“to+动词原形”构成。 B Rose _1_ a sister _2_ a brother. Her sisters name is Helen and her brothers name is Paul. Rose and Helen can _3_. Rose can sing and play _4_, but Helen _5_. Helen _6_ chess. But she _7_ play chess with Rose. She plays chess with Paul. Paul can also play _8_. They get on _9_ with each other(彼此相处融洽). They love their _10_. (A)1. A) has B) have C) is D) are 【详解】have .v.有. 注意主谓一致。 (D)2. A) or B) but C) so D) and 【详解】and .conj.和. (C)3. A) dances B) dancing C) dance D) to dance 【详解】情态动词后接动词原形。 (A)4. A) the guitar B) guitars C) guitar D) piano 【详解】乐器名词前要用定冠词the. (B)5. A) can B) cant C) do D) dont 【详解】but表示转折,所以应选cant. (C)6. A) to like B) liking C) likes D) like 【详解】表示经常,习惯性的动作用一般现在时;注意主谓一致。 (A)7. A) doesnt B) isnt C) do D) dont 【详解】注意主谓一致。 (A)8. A) basketball B) the basketball C) basketballs D) the basketballs 【详解】球类名词与零冠词连用。 (C)9. A) good B) fine C) well D) nice 【详解】well 好地. get on well with表示与相处融洽。 (D)10. A) room B) house C) bedroom D) family 【详解】结合短文内容,判断答案。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页


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