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2019年北京小升初择校试题英语试卷一、观察下列各组单词划线部分的读音,并按A,B,C,三种情况选择答案。A一种读音 B两种读音 C三种读音5( )1Ahamburger Bhand Cbanana( )2Aspace Borange Cwhat( )3Achild Bhi Cbike( )4Awho Bwhich Cwhose( )5Afly Bmy Cyes二、把下列单词补充完整。7( )1t konaut Aai Bau Cou( )2b thday Ari Bir Cor( )3newspap Aer Bor Cow( )4c ful Aare Bair Ceir( )5noi Asy Bor Cpe( )6pr d Aou Bor Cio( )7ba ball Ase Bss Cos三、找出下列各组单词中同其它两个词不属于同一范畴的选项。5( )1Acard Bdollar Ccent( )2Abee Bstairs Cfly( )3Apilot Bspaceship Cspacesuit( )4Anoisy Bhungry Cshine( )5Aquiet Blaugh Csmile四、按要求转换下列各词。81makes(原形) 2have(第三人称单数) 3close(第三人称单数)4go(过去式) 5wash(现在分词) 6studies(原形)7drink(过去式) 8fix(第三人称单数)五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。101He often (swim)in the river.2Mr Wang is a teacher. He (teach)English in a middle school near here.3The students (llisten)to the teacher now.4Look!Amy (look)after her little brother at home.5Lily (swim)bomorrow afternoon.6There (be)some tea in the bottle.7Tom (get)up early this morning.8It (be)seven cclock.9Tom (play)basketball with his friends yesterday afternoon.10We (be)to the Great Wall twice.六、句型转换。101Jim is playing basketball now.(改成否定句)Jim playing basketball now.2There are some books on the desk.(改成一般疑问句)there books on the desk?3Is Linda watching TV in her room?(作否定回答)No, .4The students are singing under the tree.(对划线部分提问)are the students under the tree?5The little girl is talking to her mother.(对划线部分提问)is the little girl to?6Mary is watching TV now.(用every evening 改成一般现在时)Mary TV every evening.七、连词成句。201having, Daming, a, is, party, birthday2down, are ,the, falling, apples, stairs.3this,bought, book, I, you4his, he, riding, is, bike5space, spent, he, about, hours, twenty-one, in八、选择正确的答案填空。10( )1 October., Shenzhou V flew into space with YangLiwei.Aat Bin Con( )2YangLi wei is Liaoning.Afrom Be Ces( )3Wheres mum? Is at the supermarket.Ayou, she Byour, she Cyour, her( )4Who can help me? I can help you it.Acarrying Bcarry Cto carry( )5Look at him. Hes trying to get the bus.Aup Bin Con( )6I want drive the bus.A/ Bto Cfor( )7Who gave it you?Ato Bfor Cof( )8I am playing trumpet, but my brother is playing football.A/,the Bthe, the Cthe, /( )9-You speak English very well.- .ANo, not good. BI dont think so. CThanks.( )10Here are your clothes. Please .Aput it on Bput on them Cput them on九、找出句子中的错误并改正(写在横线上)。51This book look interesting.2He have already bought a new bike.3Shes eating dinner,but the phone is ring.4It is getting very hot.5The apples is falling down the stairs.十、阅读理解。10This is an English boy. His name is Mike. Hes twelve. His sisters name is Rose. Shes thirteen. Mike and Rose are in the same school, but they are in different classes. Mike is in Class One. Rose is in Class Two. They go to school by bike.Mr Gao is their English teacher. He teaches them English. His home phone number is 6898665. He has a new puter. His e-mail is Gao Minyahoo. He puts the puter on the desk. He takes care of it well.判断正误,对的写T,错的写F:( )1Mike and Rose are in China now.( )2Mike and Rose are in different classes.( )3Mr Gao is our English teacher.( )4Mike and Rose teach Mr Gao Chinese.( )5Mr Gao loves his puter very much.十一、作文。10题目:Chinas first man in space-Yang Liwei要求:1、至少写五句以上的话。 2、语句通顺。 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页


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