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2019年六年级英语重点难点总结完整知识点一、卷面题型: 以日常目标卷中出现的题型为主I. Listen and choose II. Listen and choose III. Listen and number IV. Listen and tickV. Listen and judge or circle VI. Listen and fill in the blanks VII. Read and chooseVIII. Put the words in the right order IX. Look and write X. Read and judgeXI. Read and answer XII. position 二、作文命题作文,给出具体要求,不少于6句。文体:passage letter email主题范围:1、个人情况 2、朋友 3、计划 4、一次经历 5、日常学校生活 三、语法:1,名词的单复数(规则和不规则)2,主要人称代词的区别主格(作主语)宾格(作宾语,动词介词后)形容词性物主代词(作形容词)名词性物主代词(作名词)Imemymineyouyouyouryourshehimhishissheherherhersitititsitsweusourourstheythemtheirtheirs3,动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化主要时态: 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在进行时 祈使句 There be 结构 be going to Can / Could Should 语言点:be 动词的变化 助动词do的形式与用法 情态助动词的形式与用法特殊疑问词的用法:who/what/which/when/where/whose/how/how old/how many/how much/how often4,了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词 at in on under by of from with far from near to to next to over5,了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能 主语 + 谓语 / 主语 + 连系动词 + 表语 / 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 / 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语+ 宾语 / 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语+ 补语6,能理解和表达有关15个话题的有关简单的信息。数字、颜色、时间、天气、食品、服装、玩具、动植物、身体、个人情况、家庭、学校、朋友、文体活动、节日等。(1)数字: 基数词: one twelve ,13 19, 20 90, hundred ,thousand , million序数词:first (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) th 数字表达: 1880 etc(2)时间:Monday Sunday Monday Saturday SundayMonths : 112 October Septemberyesterday today tomorrow morning weekend half past hour oclock night afternoon evening (3)颜色: red blue green yellow black white pink brown purple(4)身体: eye ear nose mouth finger hand shoulder hair leg arm face toe knee head foot(5)天气: windy sunny rain snow hot warm cool cold like(6)食品: rice meat soup hot dog cola juice milk fish noodles egg fruit water tea cake sausage sweet apple orange breakfast lunch dinner meal eat / have banana peach pear mango pineapple chips sandwich hamburger peanut watermelon (7)服装: coat cap shoes glasses T-shirt dress shorts wear hat jacket shirt trousers socks skirt (8)玩具: toy car / plane / bike puter game balloon kite ball play with / have (has ) got jigsaw puzzle (9)动植物:cat dog panda monkey snake duck bird tree flower horse rabbit tiger lion elephant cow frog parrot mouse kangaroo koala grass coconut( long short fat thin cute tall big small)(10)节假日:Childrens Day National Day Teachers Day Spring Festival happy birthday ThanksgivingChristmas Halloween Easter(11)文体活动: party sing dance play the flute play the piano/drums/erhu / pipa / trumpet /guitar / violinsports football basketball baseball ping-pong go swimming run fast jump highvolleyball(12)家庭:father mother parent brother sister grandpa grandma cousin watch TV cookclean phone wash listen to music / CDs tidy teacher doctor worker writer driver policeman(13)学校:English Chinese China England Maths table pen pencil bag ruler pencil-boxread write draw do homework play Science History Geography chair classroom(14)朋友: clever helpful nice tall short kind loud shy naughty (15)个人情况:year(s) old name love like was born class student middle school primary school四、 专项训练1、语言知识:介词、时态、人称、文化、日常习惯用语、 名词单复数2、四会词句的巩固3、阅读理解A 看问题找信息B 词语或语句的转换C 结合上下文推断意思D 回答问题时应注意一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的区别,人称的转换以及相应动词或其他词语的变化。4、写作(1)结合主题范围给出范文练习或以书中内容为例。(2)关注语言连贯与衔接and but First Then So often always usually sometimes every day(3)易出现的问题:a / an 丢s /the 单词的拼写 语法错误 格式错误 给定的时间未出现(4)仔细审题,避免漏项,写得合情合理。 912册复习纲要第九册:1、There be 结构 (was were wasnt werent is are isnt arent)2、Describe something(形容词与名词的学习) (big, heavy , new , fat ,thin , small etc) (fruits , clothes , CDs, toys, sweets, food , bag etc)3、Halloween & Easter(简单介绍这两个节日)4、be going to 结构 (动词短语的复习/时间的表述)5、名词性物主代词的学习6、情态动词can / could的学习( 能力/评价) 7、school life(中英学校的比较)8、情感的表达(sad , bored, angry, happy / tired , hungry , thirsty)9、should 的学习(family rules / class rules)第十册:1. Talk about Jobs ( before / now)2. 一般过去时的复习与巩固(breakfast , lunch , dinner / food) 简单介绍自己的饮食情况 Did you ? 宾格形式 it them Describe an experience (M2 / M4/ M9)3. have got / has got 的巩固 4. can 的巩固(library / season)5. 形容词的进一步巩固( big, broken , heavy , light and some colours),简单描述自己的书包和背包方式6. will 的巩固(what / how / where / who / when的提问与回答) Will you ? Yes, I will. No, I wont. (M6 / M7/ M8 / M10 )第十一册:1. 简单介绍the Great Wall2. 一般过去时的巩固( 不规则动词的复习)3. Have you got 的进一步巩固4. 简单介绍Thanksgiving & Christmas5. Can 的巩固6. 一般现在时的巩固(动词的复习) Do / Does I like doing . 动词的变化7. 简单了解the UN building & the UN8. 祈使句的学习与巩固第十二册:1. Price & food (价格的询问与回答,数字表达的巩固)2. be going to 结构 (动词与天气) 谈论自己的计划与打算(middle school)3. 一般过去时的巩固( 不规则动词和be动词的变化) 学习人物介绍:Yangli Wei & Ningkang 4. 现在进行时的巩固 (be 动词和动词的ing形式) 并列句的学习 e.g. He is playing the trumpet, but then the telephone rings.5. could / couldnt 的巩固 (能够简单介绍Helen Keller )6. 进一步学习与运用why/because写出下列动词的相应时态: -ed -ing -s/es -ed -ing -s/esdo goplay drawread writewash cleanpaint cooktidy watchsee climblove like swim eat have finishbuy riderun jumpsing dancesell ringhear findcatch study learn help listen sleep drink drive work walk send talk tell borrow try return use think hope take click wear put cut ask answer laugh cry shout leave give speak want visit bring fall carry clap travel spendfly miss e小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页

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