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2019年六年级英语模块一学习目标导航 一、学习目标: 知识目标:1.学生通过听音,看英标,跟读等形式,能够听说读写一下单词:postcard, more, thousand, kilometre, million,Mexico, Canada2.学生通过对课文的学习,能够准确理解并运用目标语句:How long (big) is it ? Its about six thousand and seven hundred kilometres.Tell me more about.能力目标:学生通过对单词,短语,句型的学习和操练,能够比较熟练地描述出身边事物的情况,比如高度,颜色,形状,长度.。二、学习重难点: 学习重点:1.能听懂目标语句How long (big) is it ? Its about six thousand and seven hundred kilometres.Tell me more about.2.能口头运用How long is it ? How big is it ? 询问长短和大小。3.能识别和运用单词postcard, more, thousand, kilometre, million,Mexico, Canada学习难点:1.比较熟练地描述出身边事物的大致情况(如高度,颜色,长度,形状)2.区分介词of和about的用法;用英语表达数字三、小试牛刀:原文填空:Daming is America. He s in New York his ,Daming.These are great.Yes, they are. And look at this . it s a the Great Wall.Tell me the Great Wall. is it?Its about six seven .Now you tell me about New York. is it?Its very big. Its got eight people.That is big. is Beijing?Beijings got about people. ! Thats a lot.New York is in the of America.San francisco is in the of America.Canada is on the of America.Mexico is on the of America.自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块二学习目标导航一、学习目标:知识目标1、能掌握miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,square等单词。2、了解和认识美国的唐人街及相关的东方文化:Chinatown,chinese shops,chinese restaurants,chinese dancing。3、学会运用句型 There be 结构来描述事物。能力目标:1、通过放录音,分角色表演,分组朗读等活动多方面激发学习英语的求知欲,提高操练英语的能力。2、通过肢体语言,展示相关图片等方式,感受美国的唐人街及东方文化,学会用英语来描述相关的文化底蕴。二、学习重点和难点l 学习重点掌握There be 句型来描述事物。l 学习难点学会用句型结构加以描述事物及在交际活动中操练和运用。三、小试牛刀:原文填空:Simon: what are you ,Daming?Daming : Im an to my in China.Simon: Do you China?Daming : .Simon: Do you want to go to ?Daming : ? but this is , not .Simon:Theres a in .There are lots of Chinese and there.Daming : ?Simon: Yes, and theres Chinese .Daming :Lets go to now.Simon: We go now. Its nine .Daming : Then lets go .Simon: Ah! You China.There is a famous square in the of Beijing. Its the .There is a famous wall in China. Its the .There is a famous river in China. Its the .There is a famous lake in China. Its the .自我评价: A B C 六年级英语模块三学习目标导航一、学习目标:(一)知识目标 (Knowledge Objectives):1 能听得懂,会读,会说,会拼写单词:collect stamps, hobby, men, women2 能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型:a. Do you collect stamps? Yes, I do.b. Have you get any stamps from China? Yes, I have.c. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China.(二)技能目标 (Ability Objectives)1 通过学习,能够运用句型来询问兴趣爱好,以及描述各种各样邮票,提高语言运用能力2 通过对比this stamp 和these stamps等,让学生通过感知、感悟,初步了解名词复数变化规律。(三)情感目标 (Moral & Emotion)通过对本课的学习,使学生形成“健康的兴趣爱好,有利于陶冶情操”这观念,鼓励利用健康的兴趣爱好丰富课余生活。二、学习重点和难点学习重点:1 能听得懂,会读,会说,会拼写单词:collect stamps, hobby, men, women。2 能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型:a. Do you collect stamps? Yes, I do.b. Have you get any stamps from China? Yes, I have.c. These are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China.学习难点:1能理解并灵活使用句型:Ive got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from America. This stamp is from China.2学会谈论自己或他人的爱好;谈论不同国家的邮票。3.掌握名词的单数和复数的不同表达方式。 三、小试牛刀:原文填空:Daming : Do you stamps, Smion?Simon: Yes, Ive got stamps. stamps is my .Daming : What are ? Simon: are some stamps from . they are men and . Daming : you got stamps from china? Simon: Yes, I have. This stamp is from china. And of stamps are from China,too.Daming :Oh! These stamps are from my . Simon: Thats . Simonmum: Look, boys! ! Daming : Is there a for ? Simon: Yes, is. This is from your ! Daming : Great! Now you can have stamp, Simon.自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块四学习目标导航一、学习目标:(一)知识目标:1 能理解、认读生词:festival, special, meal, sound。2. 能理解和认读下面三个句子: (1)Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. (2)We always have a special meal. (3)We saythank-you for our food, family and friends. (二)技能目标 :1. 能阅读理解课文; 2. 能模仿朗读课文。 3. 能努力猜测festival, special, meal, sound等生词和句子We always have a special meal. We say thank-you for your food, family and friends.”的语义; 4. 能用口头运用句子介绍相关节日的活动。(三)情感态度目标: 1. 能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日,并产生对其他的西方节日的兴趣。 2能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习的乐趣和成就感。二、学习重难点:重点:1基本能听懂、会读festival, special, meal, sound。 2. 能理解和认读句子”We always have a special meal.” ”We say thank-you for your food, family and friends.”难点:1.各词汇的发音及理解。 2.运用本课的句子描述相关的节日的主要活动。 3.通过对节日的谈论,掌握人称代词(主格,宾格)和物主代词。三、小试牛刀:原文填空:Simon: Look, Daming. Tomorrow is .Daming : what you on ?Simon: We flags and we songs.Daming : Can you tell me about ,Simon?Simon: Well, is my favourite .Daming : what you on Day?Simon: We have a meal. Its a big .Daming : Thats good.Simon: On ,we say” thank -you” for our , and .Daming : That nice.Simon: And after , we a big football on TV.Daming : Thats . I I like ,too!自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块五学习目标导航教材分析 本单元是新标准英语(三年级起点)第七册Module5 的内容。主题是 Pleased to meet you(见到你很高兴)。主要内容是复习物主代词,新学单词pleased, meet, address, pen friend。教材通过Simon介绍Daming与Laura的认识,使他们相互认识并交流。教学目标 1预习单词:pleased,meet,address,pen friend.2 通过预习本课内容,熟练运用can开头的句型。3 通过本课的学习,学会介绍他人认识、增强大家的语言表达能力与沟通能力。 学习重点和难点 重点 新单词:pleased,meet,address,pen friend.难点介绍他人相互认识并与他人进行交流。 预习题目:原文填空:Laura: Hi, Simon.Simon:Hi, Laura. This is my ,Daming. Hes from .Laura: hello,Daming. to meet . Can you English?Daming: yes, I can English.Simon: You very good English, Daming. Laura is from .Daming: Ive got two from . are Sam and Amy.Laura: Can I to your friends?Daming: Yes, this is their .Laura: And can you my chinese friend?Daming: Yes, . this is my in China.Laura: thank you! But I cant .Daming: Oh! But I can !Mike :I can speak English and sing . I like football,reading and Yao Tingting: I can write emails and in English. I like and playing games.Jim: Im from in England. I can speak . I like music, my bicycle and stamps.Linda: I can speak and . I like , and I love my dog,Alex.自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块六目标学习导航一、学习目标:1、知识目标:1.掌握本课的单词someday,chopticks,soon,knife,fork、句型Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.Ive got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.以及全文;学习用英语写信的格式。2、复习“have got ”的用法。2、能力目标:提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。3、情感目标:了解外国人写信的方式。二、学习重难点:重点:掌握本课的重要单词、句子。难点:学生学会运用“but”和“and”表述自己的能力和喜好。达标检测:Dear Sam and Amy,Daming is my friend I want you my friends, too. I live in , but Im not .I am from in England. So we are English. Do you like China? I want to China .Daming got a kite and we it in the park. Ive got some , but they are . You a book about ? I can you one. Please to me and we can be .Daming he will write to you .From ,LauraIve got a toy.(用 a book 改写成选择疑问句)I have got a stamp.(改为否定句)I have got a violin. I cant play it.(用适当的连接词把两个句子合为一句)自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块七目标学习导航一、学习目标:a、知识目标:(1)能听说认读以下四会词:lucky, CD-ROM, copy, snake, music(2)能听懂、能实际运用句型Do you like? Yes, I do / No, I dont.b、能力目标:通过本模块的学习,能用英语向他人描述某些动物的生活习性,以及能向他人询问动物的生活习性。能将语言内容转化为实际交际。 c、情感目标:1、通过动物单词、句型的学习激发学生爱护动物,热爱大自然,热爱生活的美好情感。鼓励学生通过各种途径了解更多动物的生活习性。二、学习重点和难点:重点:1、掌握以下四会词:lucky, CD-ROM, copy, snake, music 2、掌握四会句:Do like?难点:通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人描述某些动物的生活习性,以及能向他人询问动物的生活习性。能将语言内容转化为实际交际。达标检测:Grandma Daming a . Its a .Daming: Wow! I dont it.Grandma: What is it,Daming ?Daming: Pandas for hours a day.Grandma: pandas! They love .Daming: And look at this . Why is the snake of the box.Grandma: I dont . Do snakes like ?Daming: Well, it snakes cant .The snake the flute is snake.Grandma: So it the snake.Grandma: an CD-ROM!Daming: Its a present, grandma. Thank you .Grandma: Youre ,Daming.自我评价: A B C六年级英语模块八目标学习导航一、学习目标:1、 知识目标:a)能听、说、读并正确使用单词 :often,clean;b)能理解并灵活掌握句型:Do you often ?Yes,I do./No,I dont./Not really./Not very often./Do you like reading books now?2、 技能目标:一方面,继续扩展学习讨论喜好及日常行为的话题。另一方面,我们要复习巩固一般现在时等以前学习的内容,比较某人日常行为与正在做的事情的差异。二、学习重难点:重点:能理解并掌握句型:Do you often play with dolls? Do you often clean your room?Do you like reading books now? 难点:理解并灵活使用短语“stopped a long time ago ,not really ,not very often” 。六年级英语模块九目标学习导航一、学习目标:1、 知识目标:1、会使用want to2,主要语言 Do you want to vistit the UN building in the New York? I want toshow Daming the present from China.2、 技能目标:询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿。二、学习重难点:重点:用Want to询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿。难点:Want to的用法六年级英语模块十目标学习导航一、学习目标:1、能听懂,会读、会写、能运用:library card,hurry,rule,line,in line,CD这几个单词。2、使学生能够理解并且使用祈使句句型。例如:Dont talk in the library! 3、学生通过对单词、句型的学习和操练,能够比较熟练地运用祈使句进行表述。 学习重点和难点 重点:1、单词library card,hurry,rule,line,in line,CD。2、祈使句句型的运用。难点:根据需要表述祈使句。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 11 页 共 11 页

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